4 square reasons the Star Exercise is a spiritual lifeline

“I am One with Universal Life Energy. I feel It flowing through me now.”

#1 – Life

When you perform the Star Exercise You are contacting spiritual energy; UNIVERSAL LIFE ENERGY from the Source.  

You become a living magnetic! As Magnetic Energy Universal Life Energy energizes and refreshes every cell in your body, clears and balances your thinking, and lifts you into higher realms of soul awareness.

The physical element of the contact makes it easy. It works because it is based on the physical Law of Attraction. Your soul, heart and Life Center is attracting the LIFE ENERGY  from the Universe.

We are made of this energy, but we are unconscious of it and therefore do not derive as much benefit from it as we could. Since we made our original mistake on the mental level with ingratitude, impatience and ignorance, then we must reconnect mentally and an I am declaration of Truth used in addition to the physical position helps us open ourselves.

#2 – Light

You are bringing your presence to the essence of the Source and also contacting Universal Life Energy as Mental Vibrations. 

It lights you with finer frequencies of mental energies. And your thoughts become charged with this energy making them even more magnetic and they become Mind Force! 

You become more conscious, better able to discriminate and aware of your intuition. At the same time It shrinks the subconscious ego. 

A big bonus is when you focus on feeling the energy in your hand you become aware, conscious, and present in the moment. Mindful. Mindfulness stops the ego from circling in thought; stops the continuous monkey chatter, worry, guilt or depression. 

And for me, mindfulness enhances meditation and silence. I relax and become calm. Better able to meditate. I’ve become more mindful during the day and more understanding in my relationships.

At work you may notice that your focus improves and you have more stamina.

#3 – Liberty

As you become more mindful and conscious, you will discover that with discrimination you are freer. You begin to live more from the higher aspects of your heart lead by Love.

You see more opportunities for harmony, especially in mistakes. That is because you are aligning with the Universe, with the Laws of the Universe and with the harmony of the Source. You gradually align with harmony, not only through the energy, but also through the lingering mindfulness. 

More and more, as you gradually build on your consciousness and spiritual awakening, you create your own freedom in your reality. You create your physical, mental and especially emotional freedom. Freedom from worry, hurry and fear. The ego gets weaker as your unique, spiritual character strengthens. 

#4 – Love

You are also contacting Spiritual Energy direct from the Source. 

The soul vibrations refine your consciousness into what we may call Superconsciousness, and you become more conscious of your Self as a soul. You begin to balance all of your authentic soul powers of Strength, Wisdom, Sincerity and Love.

You begin to consciously balance yourself in the Universal Laws and align with them. You begin to experience The Laws of Gender, Cause and Effect, Polarity and Rhythm as the Law of Unity, Harmony. 


You may notice small changes at first, yet as you persevere and continue making the contact everyday you will experience big changes. I’ve found my spiritual practice deepen, become more inspiring, inclusive and loving. 

I had a very difficult young life. After performing the Star Exercise for 40 years, my life continues to blossom as a great blessing. I am so grateful for the energy, wisdom, inspirations and most of all Love. 

When I look back it seems I’ve experienced so much spiritual unfoldment, yet I know I’ve barely begun the adventure! I’ve had wonderful spiritual teachers for which I am also grateful. Everyone is my spiritual teacher and companion, including You.

In the present moment I know that my Higher Self and soul is my great guide and who I am.  It may be the same for You.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“And the mysterious sign, the Pentagram, becomes indeed a KEY TO ALL POWERS, as it unlocks and brings forth in Man all his latent powers and forces. It is when the human body takes the position as show in the diagrams following that the actual contact of the life energy within is made with the Universal Life energy without. And a man’s physical, mental, and emotional development will be thus stimulated by an ever increasing Force.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pp. 64-5. 

Contacting Universal Life Energy
The Star Exercise