Fear of Terrorists

The raging storm of terror that is generated by terrorists with hatred and self-righteousness is also unconsciously fed by those that fear or hate them. An impersonal analysis of the situation can help us calm the turbulent tempest in our thinking, free us to be in the moment, and with the help of the Eternal begin to enact Inner Peace.

FreeDigitalPhotos.net, Stuart Miles

Terrorists use religious and self-righteous claims as a means to unconsciously cover up their own fear and to abet hatred. Their attacks are a message to instill fear and to demonstrate their resolve to wreak havoc in their struggle  to empower themselves.

Their egos feel threatened and powerless, so in trying to empower their egos they fall further into hatred with a responsive belief that they are doing the right thing. With so much negative energy circling they become a slave to it.

Plus, wanting their cause to grow, they use that negative energy to attract others. And it works. More people join terrorist organizations out of fear and conditioning. Fear attracts more negative energy and fear.

It does not stop there because that fearful energy boomerangs back to the originators, burgeoning, attracting what they fear (retaliatory attacks and subjugation). It terrorizes them to the point of desperation and thus they attack again. 

We don’t know what terrorists as individuals have been through to get this way, yet terrorism is an attention getter that is really a cry for love. It is the ego that doesn’t know how to cope with the stress of change and is afraid.

Fear of terrorists cycles, boomerangs round and round, growing world-wide, attacking anyone that unconsciously feeds it with worry, prejudice, antagonism or other fear-based traits. All this because of doubt. We all experience fear because we doubt our connection to and the support of the Eternal. 

We all are affected in some way by terrorism because each of us carry a trait of fear in our ego and personality. When that trait is activated through worry, hatred, anguish or similitude it adds to the world collective of negative energy, pulling us further into it.

Let us be brave and be a Channel for healing with these practices:
  • Whenever you experience any type of fear, especially fear of terrorism, look on it as an opportunity to over-come it. That’s putting some positive energy in the equation already.
  • Practice exercises like the Radiant Heart and the Mental Contact to surround yourself in unconditional Love. Love is a protection. Fear does not exist in Love.
  • And remember, by being mindful and in the moment we live now. Our thoughts turn away from fear. We interrupt dwelling in negative energy. We let go of resentment and trying to get back at others, knowing that holding on weakens us.
  • And, we can turn towards the creative aspect in our thinking, in our speech, attitude and actions. Positive creativity builds our inner happiness and joy. Your individual positive creativity can take infinite forms from helping others, the arts, physical sports, exercise, dance, to just being silent. 
  • Radiating Healing Energy to Humanity

Remember that You have the support of the Eternal to rise above terrorism, and enact goodwill, altruism and unconditional Love instead of fear.

Love too can circle around the world, increasing the Light in mind and heart.

May You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

Consider this quote to reflect upon:

“We must live peace, be one with it. That is our problem, our final aim as Lightbearers. We must gird ourselves with the sword of courage. We must fight, not on the battlefield of killing, but on destroying all that is opposing real happiness within us.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume 2, page 124.

Step 2 to Spiritual Awareness

photo: PSLB New Zealand

“People value Freedom above all else; no more magnetic power of Attraction could exist than the sense of Freedom which your Individuality radiates from all your Being.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principle of Science of Being, page 312.

A sincere spiritual seeker is courageously truthful about ourselves, living in a state of conscious awareness. Earnestly practice being aware of where the mind lives, its thinking and emotions.

And when you feel that anything is out of peace, disturbing your consciousness, you can know that you need only be willing to take simple steps to reestablish Inner harmony.


The first step is to pause and go silent ….. being consciously aware. Gradually let any circling of monkey chatter go silent. Bring the attention within yourself, becoming calm and present in the moment. Thus, we are living Life as it is meant to be …… as a conscious Being engaged in the moment.

To go into the silence in any moment a daily exercise called Relaxation and Silence can help. This is a simple exercise in which we relax the body, gradually silence the monkey chatter, and becoming conscious of profound peace and presence of something greater than ourselves. One can become aware of actually feeling that Presence as Universal Life Energy.

This is the 2nd Step

When you go within yourself and become conscious of the present moment, practice being fully appreciative of what’s around you ….. what’s happening without habitual pattern judgments.

A sincere spiritual seeker’s second step to awakening is becoming aware of the witness within. To view the world with new eyes, with interest, awareness and appreciation. To view what we experience, think and feel as if for the first time.

And to courageously face the challenge of the ego with all its obstinate thoughts and emotions with a compassionate Heart and Deep Love. To be willing to accept ourselves and the moment as it is with Understanding and Inspirational Harmony.

As an example

I have experienced much emotional pain and mental anguish and have became aware that those labels caused more pain rather than lessening it. And not until I pause and became silent do I begin to calm the emotions. And in that moment, like a flash, I can become grateful for this awareness about the ego.

I become aware of the witness within. Initially, awareness of emotional pain feels bitter-sweet, but when we are truly grateful there is no bitterness. We cannot sincerely feel true gratitude and anguish at the same time.

We can choose gratitude ….. We can outgrow challenges like feeling anguish, fear, hatred, worry, anger, jealousy and unworthiness; that is evolve beyond them.

We may be tempted by the ego to dive into emotional payoffs with blame, guilt, self-righteousness, fault-finding and being right. Yet we can choose to be a doer rather than a critic. We can learn from our mistakes. And even become grateful for them!

We can learn to love ourselves unconditionally and thus we develop compassion for others and love them unconditionally too.

Polarity in human thinking

The human mind is naive and the ego feels emotional pain. Yet, that emotional pain is a flag to awaken us to become conscious! And as a witness in conscious awareness we can view experiences without circling in egotistic traits..

It is a courageous mental exercise to be aware of polarities like how we view emotional anguish and gratitude. Both seem to have elements of the other within them. It is only our mental attitude, our mental perception, our belief that an experience is anguish or gratitude.

It’s similar for seemly polar emotions like fear and love, resentment and freedom, condemnation and forgiveness. Our morals, our values, our mental beliefs, habits and beliefs color how we see and experience life ….. how we experience challenges.

What to do when you are challenged

To outgrow temptations and the payoffs of negative, egotistic traits we should be willing to look at them honestly. Pause, become silent and conscious of the witness within. And be compassionate.

Choose to step into a higher frequency. Negate any thought or emotion that does not serve the better good, throwing it in a mental trashcan. Then purposefully choose higher levels of consciousness like optimism, understanding, trust and love. And we can choose the help of Divine Harmony by contacting Universal Life Energy.

The sincere spiritual seeker will be willing to to fight for their freedom, for Inner Peace and Harmony. And when we do then we are becoming aware of our Higher Self, our Higher Consciousness, our Soul.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Practice Truth, and thereby cast off the fetters of weakness and fear with which untruth has bound you. Love Truth, and you will gain the treasures of this World, not merely of wealth, but of trust and honor and abounding love.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 175.

Shouldn’t we be aggressive?

Photo PSLB

We all are searching and desire happiness. At the heart of it is we are searching for Love. We search for that special someone to fall in romantic love with. And when we do, we seem to float on air and see the world through rose colored glasses. 

Eventually we come back down to earth. 

And this is when aggressiveness and courage becomes a great benefit to us. …. kindly use link…We should be aggressive in this

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

Anxiety the night before work? 5 Simple Healing Practices

Sometimes we dread going to work, feeling a bit anxious about what we have to face. Yet, try to remember that you are feeling your Inner Being altering you to something that should be addressed and healed for your happiness.

You are very capable of discovering how to meet and fashion uncomfortable emotions in order to strengthen and harmonize yourself and your life. So, if you are tempted to feel anxious consider these simple practices:

  1. Go outside and look up at the sky, the clouds, the stars at night and universe, drinking it in. You are an eternal Being, One with Source. Be totally in the moment and enjoy it fully, appreciating the Freedom and expansion into the Infinite. Moving, dancing or just pausing and taking some deep breaths releases endorphins in your brain to help change your emotions and attitudes for the better. Give it at least 90 seconds to kick in ….. You will be amazed at how it helps!
  2. Be kind to yourself! Remember that you have experienced uncomfortable emotions like anxiety before and it eventually passes and things work out. Those uncomfortable feelings are reminding you to be conscious, aware and Loving! Give yourself moments of Silence and contact Universal Life Energy. I do the Star Exercise and mentally realize, saying, “I am One with Source manifesting all the same qualities of Energy, Intelligence, Sincerity and Love.”That Divine Energy, Universal Life Energy harmonizes body, mind and emotions, elevating you to higher frequencies.
  3. Give yourself a spiritual intent to do your best work with Joy knowing that it is an opportunity to appreciate Life, serve humanity and help yourself, family and all humanity evolve.
  4. Do not compromise (with anxiety) ….. feel any uncomfortable sensations without labeling them or thinking about them because you can end up circling in those thoughts and going downhill. Instead, just feel the bodily sensations fully, letting them run out. Say something like, “I am not subject to such temptations because I am an Infinite Being unified with All Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love. I am Spirit with a body and am Loved Unconditionally and I have this wonderful opportunity to Love Unconditionally as the Eternal does. Life is full of opportunities for my happiness and for others.”
  5. Just before sleep set a purpose of rising in the morning with a positive attitude. Visualize yourself working with enthusiasm, having genius insights, sincerity in your heart, cooperation and gratitude …. You are training the subconscious to work for your happiness!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Your Purpose in life is to realize in fact the perfect Individuality within. Personality is the door through which the real YOU can emerge. Self knowledge, an intelligent understanding both of yourself and of the World outside, is your key to open the door.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 301.

How to super charge your food with the Life Energy of the Universe!

Evening meal time was family time everyday when my kids where small. And my children always contributed in the preparation when they were young. We had cooking lessons which began with attitude checks ….. because our attitude is the most important ingredient in any recipe. And then there is another step just before eating!

Most of us know to avoid food preparation and cooking without Love in our hearts and minds. Thoughts are energy vibrations and so are emotions, so if we are engaged in negative self-talk, feeling resentment, guilt, worry or anger when preparing meals, then that energy is added to the food.

You can end up eating harmful energies without being conscious of it! Those energies enter you and can clog your body and contribute to blocking your mind from knowing that You are a Light in the world!

So how can we protect ourselves and Super Charge our food, especially when we don’t even know who is preparing our food or their attitude?

We can charge our food with Universal Life Energy before eating. And it is very simple.

Before eating, Relax and become Silent and sincerely make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy:

Photo PSLB

“Begin by gently relaxing the body while sitting upright with both hands cupped up resting on the thighs to receive Universal Life Energy, or the left palm up and the right palm down.  

Once a feeling of calm and Harmony begins to pervade the mind and emotions, say in a soft voice:

‘I am One with Universal Life Energy. It is flowing through me now. I feel it.’

With this practice You open the doors between You and the Life Energy of the Universe because you have stated Truth on the Spiritual, mental and physical planes in those three statements. You are one with Truth and Law and when you become conscious of it you are mentally giving life to it within and manifesting it as reality on the physical, earthly plane. You are using all of your Soul qualities and realizing the Law of Spirit: Life, Mind, Truth, Love and Spirit is All in All.”

Once you begin to feel the flow of Life Energy flow through you, pinch the fingers of your right hand together and allow the Energy to flow from your fingertips, while the left hand continues to receive the Energy. The nerves of the left hand receives the Energy, attracted by your Life Center and Heart, circles in the body, mind and emotions then exits, returning to the Universe from the finger tips of the right hand.

Circle the Energy over your meal with your right hand finger tips, continuing to hold the Mental and Physical Contact. And, of course, always feel Love in your Heart ….. Unconditional Love and gratitude for Life, Intelligence, Law and Love.

Universal Life Energy naturally harmonizes and energies anything it flows through, super charging You and in turn your mind and emotions! You are allowing a blessing of the food …. allowing the Universe, The Eternal, to super charge it and bring the vibrations in synch with your own.

I hope You find this practice as beneficial as I have. Kindly let me know how it goes!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Only as you mold yourself, through the conscious and constant use of Universal Life Energy, in every department of you life, to the dominant Four Square of Life, Mind, Law (Truth) and Love can you achieve the Poise, Harmony and Power with that will attune you to the Perfect /source of All Power.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being (loose leaf lesson 19), page 456.

The most practical knowledge about hateful attitudes!

“When human beings realize that to entertain unfriendly thoughts of any kind towards others is to let loose in themselves an enemy to ravage and destroy, they will be less ready to admit Hatred, Avarice, Anger and all the other negative emotions. The individual who discharges evil thoughts at an enemy strikes a double blow at himself, because not only does that disharmony permeate first his own system, but the destructive mental vibrations he releases, controlled by certain Immutable Laws, must return greatly augmented to their point of origin. …

The only effective way for killing once and for all the menace of the boiler in your Mind is to kill the negative fires under it. The one Power which negative cannot withstand is obviously the Power of the Positive, or Universal Life Energy. If you make the contact with that Force whenever you feel the rising heat of rebellious emotions, drenching in Its cool stream those inner fires of evil, you will extinguish them utterly, leaving yourself calm and free to cope with the situation that confronts you. …

Two ingredients are essential in the prescription you fill from the Laboratory of Nature – Patience and Perseverance.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, pages 234-6.

We each face many challenges in our life! And on a daily basis. Yet, a more optimistic way to look at them is to consider them opportunities for establishing Harmony. They point to areas in our life to be healed.

And I have found that the most beneficial thing to do is to pause, breathe, and be grateful. Grateful for the awareness that here is an opportunity to do something practical to help myself and others in a very real way.

That’s when I also contact Universal Life Energy. It’s simple and easy to pause, come into my breath and mentally realize that I am One with Universal Life Energy that flows through me now.

Like when things don’t go the way we think they should and we become frustrated, impatient and hateful ….. those feelings points to an opportunity to first, become conscious and aware of them. Second, observe the feelings as from a distance. Then, healing yourself with Universal Life Energy. Just make the contact and leave the rest to that Power. And finally, to consciously choose an uplifting, loving attitude.

Frustration, impatience and blame are erroneous zones …… they are within us and can be healed with Universal Life Energy and Love. And we can choose to be motivated by different emotions, like understanding, patience, gratitude and unconditional Love.

A feeling of sympathy for someone as in, “Bless your heart,” is an empathy miss because we are comparing ourselves and being motivated of our own feelings of superiority and self-righteousness. Empathy would be feeling what the other is feeling and understanding with a compassionate heart.

Emotions can be felt in the heart, yet are triggered in the brain by our thoughts and experiences. And we become conscious of the emotions as feelings. Feelings feeds our behaviors and more thinking, attitudes and behaviors, circling. We become conditioned to react with egotistic, negative emotions by repetitive exposure, and they also become automatic habits for us.

Being conscious and aware of this process in the moment gives us an opportunity to free ourselves from conditioning and habits. We have the freedom to choose our next move! And every choice counts and manifests, rebounding back into our reality.

So the most practical thing to do is to be aware and throw ourselves completely into the Positive Power of Universal Life Energy. It’s our choice, our freedom to do so! And it’s simple and easy.

Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy

The Star Exercise

Photo by rizknas on Pexels.com

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

How to develop insight and foresight

Photo by Julia Sakelli on Pexels.com

Nothing is hidden in a person for very long because sooner or later our thoughts, emotions and behaviors appear in the physical realm. We can see ourselves in others if we look deep enough. We are so connected and similar, essentially one together, that when we know our own character then we can spot similar aspects in others and know their tendencies also.

But …..  the subconscious ego doubts! Most of us are dominated by the ego …. unaware …. more willing to follow the crowd and do what everyone else does. Thus, the purpose of these lessons is to bring Light aflamed with Love to the human mind so we can begin to free our True selves from the ego and false beliefs, propaganda and mass subconsciousness.

With inherent Truth we can perceive Truth. Truth leads us to becoming conscious of the order of things according to Universal Law, according to the Universal Law of Spirit (The FourSquare), Law of Vibration, Law of Unity, and the Laws of Polarity, Rhythm, Gender and Cause and Effect.

For more on How to Develop Insight and Foresight kindly link to:

Insight and Foresight – Companion to Lesson 13

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

5 signs you are integrating your inner genders

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

We will usually pursue development of our mind before we pursue development of our heart and love. We need both our inner male gender of mind and inner female gender of Love in balance and in a state of cooperation. Ying and Yang active and blending. Otherwise the human mind can create an ego that runs on self-service, separatism and manipulation. And a reality to match.

Mind in its higher state of consciousness is also Love. And Love is also Wise. So, ideally we are transitioning from our mental interpretation of gender duality, mind and heart believed to be separate, to integrating both within as one. And thus, with patience our reality gradually becomes one of happiness and harmony. 

Here are some signs that you are integrating your inner genders of Mind and Love, harmonizing your reality through the Law of Gender:

1. You are mindful and live in the moment. 

You are Self-conscious, present in your body and in your heart. You are aware and choose to love the moment, seeing it as an opportunity in life to learn more about yourself and the reality you create through your consciousness with Love and the powers of the Great Principle. Enthusiastic.

2. You begin to see yourself in others.  

You see both the Divinity in them and in yourself! When I am conscious of this experience, I am also conscious of the compassion I feel for others and myself. We are all One and connected.

You, like me, may come to realize that we all are looking for unconditional Love in others. And, I am so grateful to be in the presence of such beautiful Souls, in the great sea of the Universe and on Mother Earth.

On the emotional level your Heart Center is your Seat of Love. And, Love is inclusive, unifying. 

Higher emotional energies from your Heart are personal love, impersonal Love, sincerity, and gratitude. You have an attitude of goodwill and compassion for others and for yourself. When I live a conscious heart I listen to others from my Heart with consideration and respect.

Our emotions have a major impact on our consciousness, our  thoughts and behaviors, which in turn have a major impact in our reality. Every emotion is manifested reality.

Emotionally we are part of one Heart, connected with Universal Love. Mentally we are part of one Self-consciousness, one Superconsciousness and one subconsciousness. Unity is the Law of the Universe.

Separative thinking causes us to forget not only who we truly are, but also our authentic power as Souls. We can feel left out, lonely and afraid because we have forgotten the support of the Eternal and our connection with all humanity. Separatists are self-righteous and can become fanatical.

When you mentally become conscious of the tenderness of your Heart, you become inclusive and sensitive to the condition of others you are close to, to the condition of humanity, to the condition of Mother Earth. In that awareness you develop compassion for yourself and others. 

3. You listen to the Wisdom of your Heart. 

Wisdom is the living energy of Cosmic Mind. This gives you the authentic power of discrimination through your Heart, uniting Mind and Love. You are honest, sincere and your word is law.

On the intuition level the higher energies of your Heart may manifest as inspiration, intuition and even instinct. You are constantly being guided by the Wisdom of your Heart and Love through your Superconsciousness.

As I become more grateful for what I understand in the Wisdom and from my Higher Self, I am quieter and listen more to my intuition. And, the more I am grateful for the guidance, the more I receive.

There are times that I make a mistake, but when I review as to how it came about I usuallly remember that I had received guidance from my Higher Self but didn’t follow it!

Since the heart is also an emotional center we can feel what is harmonious, wise, true and loving. When you integrate both Heart and Mind, both your feminine and masculine genders, you become conscious of what you’re feeling and make empowered decisions. You discriminate, choosing to be motivated by Love instead of fear. And, this is also has a radiance of protection for you! Love is your protection.

As a bonus …… when you make a conscious decision lead by Love ….. then that energy also enters your subconscious, your feminine mental gender. In the subconscious it takes root to grow, to once again resurface at the appropriate time to your consciousness, your masculine mental gender, as a beautiful effect in your consciousness and life.

For more about your mental genders consider: The Law of Gender you’ve probably never been conscious of Part 1.

4. You appreciate Beauty.

When you become more conscious of Love you begin to truly recognize and appreciate Beauty. You see beauty all around you: in others, in their character, expressions and sincerity. You appreciate the beauty in the art, music, dance and rhythms, in colors, in sounds and throughout nature. A bird’s song, a flower’s shape, color and fragrance has qualities that are beautiful.

Tastes and touches can be very beautiful. You experience beauty in the day sky and starry night sky. In simplicity, a curve, line and geometry, In numbers, words and feelings. In Silence.

5. You generously Love.

You are considerate, express goodwill, are respectful, and hope the best for others. Grateful. 

For more on releasing the ego and embracing higher levels of consciousness:

Ways to go beyond ordinary thinking.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The male and the female qualities are both powers, and very beautiful powers. These fine characteristic of a complete being are within us. Let us bring them out. Perseverance, cooperation and collaboration are required.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Lessons in Science of Being, Volume I, page 58.

Attitudes that support spiritual awareness!

Photo by Gratisography on Pexels.com

There are simple choices that supports our spiritual process, and not just about making our life more pleasant and enjoyable, but also …… of moving out of the compulsive ego that imprisons us in limiting and unhappy fallout.

A choice of one uplifting attitude invites an entire field of uplifting attitudes and raises our consciousness.

It’s helpful to realize that the ego is extremely needy and gets energy from negative personality attitudes of predatory self-indulgence ….. like indignation over rights and entitlements, expecting no consequences.

The ego refuses to accept responsibility and usually sees a request for self-responsibility as oppressive! The subconscious ego can distort reality in order to be seen as a victim ….. and our individual level of power diminishes, as does our level of consciousness. It retards our spiritual progress and makes life challenging.

Yet, we can begin to transform our experience of Life, and indeed the world, by making simple decisions.

Kindly consider consciously choosing to Be even one of these attitudes and observe the effect:

  • Calm
  • Genuine
  • Warm with a sense of Humor
  • Friendly
  • Honest
  • Pleasant
  • Considerate
  • Helpful
  • Kind
  • Respectful
    • Respectable
  • Supportive
  • Dependable
  • Ethical
  • Loyal
    • Responsible

Our choices determine consequences and shapes our reality. Being conscious of our freedom of individual choices can be very uplifting and freeing.

With FourSquare choices and uplifting attitudes we form a positive armor and eliminate the pain of mistakes.

Add to that realization …..

That we need not do it alone …… that the Eternal is always helping us ….. then we equip ourselves to face any challenge and open our spiritual awareness.

Universal Life Energy is the Eternal at our fingertips, to easily contact consciously. And the more we utilize IT, our progress becomes more evident.

“The more you repose your full confidence in Universal Life Energy and throw your whole weight into the scale of the Positive, the more rapidly you equip yourself to conquer all adversity.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles in Science of Being, page 348.

Your choices determine your destiny …… your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors, shape your reality.

Life is a choice and our emotions and attitudes are reinforced by energies held in mind. And what is held in mind tends to manifest. Your earthly destiny is solely your own doing ….. it’s a spiritual reality.

In the hope You choose uplifting attitudes, PortiaSLB

“Good itself is indestructible and eternal. Only Evil is perishable, and the sooner it perishes the better. Govern your life by true, intrinsic values rather than by apparent worth.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 349.

With hatred comes ….. spiritual opportunity

For those of us that are conscious of being on our spiritual journey, we realize that these are dangerous times. Not necessarily because of unrest and violence ….. or even of sickness and physical death from a virus ….. though they are real physical dangers  …. the danger lies in being seduced by frustration, fear and hatred ….. of getting mentally and emotionally lost in the collective subconscious ego.

Deliberate, impersonal attitude ….. caring motivation

You’ve heard that song that goes, “I can’t get no satisfaction!”…. That frustration has become very public. Frustration is like the match that has ignited a wildfire of hatred! The narcissistic ego has gotten frustrated with conditions ….. conditions of restrictions with the virus ….. and conditions of restrictions in society ….. blaming others has ignited a wildfire of hatred.

And that wildfire is greedy …. spreading ….. jumping …. fanning more problems. Motivated by hatred, the infantile ego makes demands and feels entitled to express its frustration with rebellion and violence ….. without consideration of others ….. or consequences!

In the subconscious’ perversion of love ….. the criminal becomes the victim ….. the police become the criminal aggressors instead of the protectors in the eyes of self-righteousness. Having been born of ignorance, pride and impatience, the subconscious ego feeds its own imperfections, causing havoc.

Fighting against hatred or being sympathetic feeds hatred

Shortcomings within the ego can be seduced by the false empowerment of hatred ….  and can be tempted to join the bandwagon! Yes, we should fight ….. we should fight for what we love ….. with a sense of calm, sincere Love. 

Hatred is challenge ….  and it can become a catalyst to align with our Inner freedom, strength and Unconditional Love. Love is the Great Harmonizer ….. strong, wise and compassionate. 

Fight for what we Love

Do the opposite of hatred ….. be Lighthearted ….. give the gift of a smile for the stranger we pass. Do acts of kindness. Be sincere and motivated by love rather than fear. This is living a conscious heart. Mind and Love are aligned.

Being in the present moment and conscious of Presence ….. of being One with the Great Field of Universal Life Energy ….. and manifesting FourSquare qualities in all that we do  …… we attract more of the same energies  contributing to not only our own health and happiness, but everyone’s.

Healing and growth …

Can spring from knowing ourselves …. the good, the bad, the ugly. Self-analysis as taught in Lesson 12 of the 27 Lesson in Science of Being is a wonderful practice ….. especially for emotional, social challenging conditions like those we face today.

Recognizing our individual shortcomings can give us an inner sense of integrity and diminished defensiveness, and therefore, we are emotionally less vulnerable and more likely to actively construct a progress reality.

Consciously expand and rise up ….

A society’s fall can come from moral decay within. The infantile ego drives on the cynical drama of hatred. The subconscious ego ….. perverts  love ….. abuses ….. social freedom and progressive intents with moral decay, lacking the ability to reason or use common sense.

Face the challenge

We are challenged to live a conscious and compassionate life! A few Beings manifesting compassionate and loving attitudes and actions out weighs, so to speak, multitudes of infantile egos and hatred. 

It’s an opportunity to set our spiritual will ….. choose to be focused in our sincerity and intent to establish Harmony within ….. to FourSquare things ….. set things right

The more we are Sincere and use our spiritual will to align with Truth ….. put Truth into our thinking, attitudes and behaviors ….. the more Spiritual we are.

In the hope You have Faith and Trust that we always have the help of our Father, PortiaSLB

Consider being a channel of that Healing Power for all humanity and the worldGiving the Healing Vibrations to the World.

” The Everpresent Help of the Eternal is at our side. More than ever will we have to realize this. People forget that the Eternal is All there is. We can do anything within the Realm of Harmony, and with the help of the Eternal. When the presence of the Eternal is manifested, It outbalances destructive influences.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume II, page 89.


From a joke website:

What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with fireworks? Dinomite!

What do you call a riot with social distancing: a repellion.