


We are constantly fluttering,
Becoming dumbfound
We listen to voices with no sound
Dream resolution in delusion
Speak words of confusion
All the while, tasting bitter feelings of collusion.

We oscillate, palpitate and fluctuate
Totally ignore and subordinate the beauty of the butterfly
Misunderstanding the need to identify
With that character to comprehend
The butterfly is not pretend,
And does help us to ascend.

As dangerous flutters abound
We fear the butterfly cannot withstand the pain
Believing it is foreordain
That we are set apart
Opposites, an unsubstantial counterpart
Like a shadow with no heart.

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

What do you ascertain?

Photo courtesy: FreeDigitalPhotos.net, Danilo Rizzuli

Free will or determinism?

Many societies regard free will as a human right, where we are free to determine our destiny. But there are some that feel everything is predetermined by unknown causes, where our birth to death is already set and there is nothing to do about it other than enjoy the ride in between! Which is reality – free will or determinism?

Another dimension 

Evidence is that things are determined about us before we are even born into this incarnation. Our DNA, genes and cell memories are programmed determining our physical characteristics like sex, eye color, etc. Since we are born with programming of our DNA and genes, it’s possible that the time of  our birth and perhaps even the time of our physical death are also predetermined by some unknown causes.

Yet, the unknown causes of these programs could actually be our own choices as souls with the help of the Great Principle and Unconditional Love! If we can make choices in one dimension then according to the Law of Analogy, we can in other dimensions.

This dimension 

 After birth we are mentally and emotionally conditioned by the collective human subconscious by our families, environment and society at large. We are conditioned because of the naïveté of our individual consciousness. We are ignorant about how this works….. how we co-create our dualistic, human reality ….. about how we’ve made it with Unconditional Love with the help of our Father.

The Great Principle is the Creator and IT also backs us up as we use our will to shape conditions for outcomes in Universal Laws like Attraction, Cause and Effect, Polarity, Gender, Rhythm. But in that creation we can get lost in the collective human subconsciousness.

Yet we are very capable of knowing ourselves and living in the present moment unattached  ….. observe ourselves uninvolved in past emotional attachments and conditioning. We can learn to elevate our consciousness and recognize temptations like fear, anger, and envy ….. then release them before we cycle in them again. 

What it takes ….

This process of overcoming our mental naïveté  requires courage and a higher level of consciousness. I say courage because we usually observe things about ourselves that are not pretty!

I was surprised when I realized that I carried conditioning of anger unnoticed, because I am a relatively calm person. When any temptation of anger crops-up  now I release it and the fear behind it or redirect the anger for positive motivation. Then I surrender to Unconditional Love.

The ego would feel very justified to feed on negative emotional energies like anger, fear and envy. Yet our Real Self, which is the spark of the Eternal within, inspires us to reach for higher levels of consciousness like courage, compassion and goodwill. These emotions are ours in the present moment when we willingly choose them!

Release and surrender ….

When we train ourselves and strengthen our will to choose higher levels of consciousness we are on the cutting edge of mental mastery and physical reality. We attract more of the same uplifting energies and destroy negative impulses within ourselves ….. and hence we co-create a more harmonious reality. 

And when we add to our conscious practice contact with the Great Field of Universal Life Energy, we are contacting all Power and Harmony to help. That Harmony burns away fear, negative programing and conditioning bit by bit.

What’s it about …..

We can view our destiny from both perspectives  – free will choices and determinism.We are born with certain characteristics, DNA and genes. Our preprogramming and egotistic conditioning can block us from our True Self and harmonious reality. Yet ….. by developing our mental awareness and free will we can recognize and release egotistic conditioning as in determinism. And with that same free will we can choose to manifest higher levels of consciousness aligned with the FourSquare …. Strength, Intelligence, Truth and Love.  

To learn how to easily recognize and remove blocks to higher levels of consciousness consider:

Potent Pratice – Self Analysis! 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Analysis of Fear, its nature and causes, is one of the vital points in Mental Science, because in Fear is comprehended the entire problem of all the negative. When you overcome that, you kill at a blow the hydra-headed monster which leers out in the thousand and one ills and diseases of Body, Mind and Emotions.”

Eugene Fersen, Lesson 12 in 27 Lesson of Science of Being, page 257.

Karmic Vision

karmic vision

There is a legend that when the European explorers first came to the Caribbean around 1491 the islanders could not see the sails of the ships as they were approaching. It wasn’t until the shamans pointed them out that they could conceive of them.

Karmic Vision

We tend to only to see what we believe we will see …. what we  have conditioned ourselves to experience …. what we allow! Have you traveled the same route routinely day after day and passed a billboard or building and never noticed it …. I have and not until I became quiet inside …. did I appreciate the outside … did I appreciate the trees, grasses, wildlife, and yes …. buildings and billboards!

We’re creatures of habit …. even our perceptions of the world around us can become habitual …. we may notice a  tree …. but miss the hawk sitting on a bare branch. We may may read words on the computer screen but overlook words that were repeated or mentally fill in words that missing. We can walk right past someone we know without noticing them. We can feel energies swirling around others, but not see thought-forms around them or their auras!

We can clear our Vision

We form karmic vision out of habit and the Law of Attraction. We tend to get stuck in illusionary thoughts and emotions attracting more of the same …. without being aware of the moment or even that we have a choice! Fortunately, someone else’s awareness can shake us awake and point to that thing we did not allow ourselves to see. But …. we must become quiet and peaceful within to have clear vision in the moment.  

We forget to be conscious, quiet, open to the vastness of a clear state of mind, free of the domination of subconscious ego thoughts and emotions that have become habits …. of what we expect and relate to …. of what we are comfortable with.

We don’t know what we are missing …. what’s right there within our reach of experiencing in the moment …. because we are too preoccupied. And I can say that most of us miss opportunities to experience wonders that are there on the edge of our awareness …. if  …. we are calm, conscious, alert and aware.

Even if someone else points to seeing something that we do not …. we still may not be able to see it! Is it logical that we must go within ourselves first to clear karmic, habitual vision?  And then … be consciously willing and open to seeing that which we had not been open to?

When we allow the moment as it is …. quiet, ….alert, aware and observing what is …. thoughts of the past or future are silent. There are no worries, expectations or any habitual monkey chatter …. we do not assume from habit …. rather we observe independently. And this is when we can come to know ourselves and trust the moment …. all the while knowing we live in uncertain, ever changing moments. Our vision becomes clearer, taking in what is …. appreciating Now. 

We become independent observers …. without blindly assuming what we are told to see or experience. Life becomes an adventure in the very mist of uncertainty …. and ….we can be soooo surprised by what comes within our field of vision! Within our field of awareness, experience, understanding and have compassion for it! 

And clear vision is a great asset since we are not limited by blinding karmic vision. And from clear vision horizons open before us unlimited opportunities to be of service in the world!

In the hope you find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

“Independence or freedom is a great thing, but it must be properly understood. It can be based only on perfect Love. Then we will have the most ideal independence, and will recognize only our dependence on the Eternal.”

Eugen Fersen, Advanced Teachings In Science of Being, page 94.

And consider joining us for a companion guide to the 27 Lessons in Science of Being. It is an amazing spiritual journey asset!

We are currently on Lesson 7 discussing being a Lightbearer to the children, dealing with a temperamental child/person and uses of Universal Life Energy in education and sports.

A link for download of the original 27 lessons for your Kindle is included and free!



Karmic Emotions – Power of Emotion to Change Your Life, Part 4

smashed daisies

Your emotions, attitudes and moods are seeds, physical energies, in your psycho-physical system that grow into your reality, determining the flavor, form and style. However, you can create in undesirable, karmic patterns over and over unconsciously! 

Our Inner Being is naturally enthusiastic, adventurous, happy and loving …. however the subconscious ego has dominated us for so long we have come to believe that such emotions as self-doubt, anxiety, insecurity and guilt are normal moods for us!

Overcoming karmic emotional patterns concern managing negative moods! 

Emotional karmic cycles

Believing our so called bad habits exist because of negative karma is like slamming the prison door closed with you on the inside! Fortunately, the Laws of Cause and Effect, Karma and Law of Rhythm are compassionate laws to help us come into our Soul. 

Negative emotional karma is when we cycle over and over in disadvantageous emotional patternsFor example, if you think of a past mistake you made with someone, you may relive the mistake in your memory over and over. Emotionally you may feel guilty and behave from guilt, and it can become a habitual emotional behavior …. even part of your personality

It’s an example of how our emotions in the present may be an effect of the past! …. And a magnetic to attract more of the same energies leading into the future! And even more interesting …. we can attempt to analyze our emotions and behaviors of the past by reliving them in our memory and end up circling in those energies, feeling worse!

Law of Attraction

Law of Cause and Effect (Karma) and Law of Rhythm cycles

Negative Karmic Cycle
Harsh Judgment → Fearful Emotion acts like a magnetic (such as guilt or anger) → Unconscious Temptation of Fearful Behavior → Subconscious Behavior (like lying or violence) → Illusion or Pain Effect becomes a cause for another cycle (like regret or physical injury) → Harsh  Judgment →  ….

Becoming a slave to karmic cycles of subconscious emotions like guilt, shame or self-doubt can lead us to regularly procrastinate, fly off the handle, impulsive eat, or watch daily doses of porn… and attract more of the same energies …. leading to more disruptive behaviors! 

Clearing Our Emotions

When we are tempted to fall into undesirable emotional habits it’s a sign post …. an opportunity to release them. It’s not what I would call our conscience at work because it is not a inhibiting sense. It is our conscious awareness cohering with our Spiritual Heart and …. all the encouraging energies of Enthusiasm, Intelligence, Accuracy and Love of our Soul.

I’ve learned to become very attentive to temptations because …. they trigger such strong emotions. That’s when I pause …. and go silent within. I consciously contact Universal Life Energy and let it flow into my body, mind and emotions, which uplifts me further …. and I am able to listen to my Inner Being and intuition.

That’s when …. discrimination kicks into my thinking and I’m moved …. to release the temptation. It’s so liberating and I feel so grateful and appreciative. I am also usually given some insight and inspiration …. on how to proceed. And it frees me to move into a behavior without …. the burden of anger, guilt, worry or other fearful emotions. 

Therefore, whenever you become conscious of an undesirable emotion consider it an opportunity …. to reinvent yourself bit by bit! 

Attracting uplifting energies!

Law of Attraction

Law of Cause and Effect (Karma) and Law of Rhythm cycles

Conscious Discrimination → Inner Emotional Awareness → Temptation of  Fearful Behavior→ Conscious of FourSquare Soul Powers → Gratitude → Release of Temptation → Appreciation of the Present Moment →
Discriminating Behavior …. Emotional Awareness ….

We can allow uplifting emotions for ourselves by aligning with those of our Inner Being! … And attract more of the same uplifting energies to carry into the future!

Daily visualization/meditation can bring us into the present moment and allow mind to cohere with heart.…. mind cohere to Love …. Joy, Trust, Appreciation and Gratitude. All uplifting emotional energies. Consider: Regaining Harmony & Living a Conscious Heart.

It is that Power of Love that leads us into transforming ourselves.    

In the hope you find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

“We are endowed with the memory of things that are wrong so as to protect us in the future.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 76.

And consider joining us for a companion guide to the 27 Lessons in Science of Being. It is an amazing spiritual journey asset!


We are currently on Lesson 6 discussing a mental method for dealing with someone who is treating us harshly or unjust and uses of Universal Life Energy in business.


A link for download of the original 27 lessons for your Kindle is included and free!



Gaining Control over fear, worry and sorrow – The Power of Emotion to Change Your Life, Part 2

Gaining Control over fear, worry and sorrow 

So many of us have unexpectedly become overwhelmed by negative emotions, even to the point of driving us to behave in ways that are not in our own best interest, like going down an emotional, dark rabbit hole. We can let fear , worry and sorrow dominate our thinking and behavior repeatedly, to the point of crippling us. Yet, negative emotions can be used for a great spiritual purpose and benefit. 

depression hurts

Emotions like fear, worry and sorrow can be a spring board to higher consciousness… from which you can create the reality you desire.

When we suffer we eventually look for a way out. We desire freedom, strength, and happiness. And there is a very simple path to emotional freedom.

That path starts with an awareness in the moment. And if you are experiencing fearful emotions, release. Then an embrace of that emotion that you want to become a condition in your reality. The more you embrace the emotion you desire in the present moment the more of those same energies you draw to yourself through the Law of Attraction.

If we want a happy existence then we must create it. And it starts with our awareness.

Be the Watcher of the Thinker
Learn to observe your negative emotions, using all your senses and listening to your Higher Self to gain some insight and control. This step is somewhere we move through quickly, then we get to the good stuff! Thinker

Consider this method I use to come to the moment:

Pause your thinking, take a deep breath, release and relax. Quiet the monkey chatter; be ‘the watcher of the thinker.’ Observe your thoughts and attitude from a higher consciousness. Draw them into you and feel them fully without any harsh judgment. Observe your body, i.e. facial expression and body posture because your body language can give you great insights!

 For more insight consider reading: Part 1:

Your Reality is Shaped by Your Emotions

 Learn from Your Emotions
I ask myself questions without getting attached to the answers and all judgmental, like:

  • Is any part tensed, tight or temporally frozen? Is my stomach in a knot?
  • Do I feel urged to lash out verbally, shout, cry, or fight?
  • Do I feel like I’ve been hit hard and want to shut down?

 You have to know what you feel in order to get to the heart. Once you answer some analytic questions impersonally and recognize you are tempted to behave negatively, then you can use it as a spring-board to go deeper in understanding of yourself.

Reasoning, conscious mind can go only so far in understanding, you must also feel your understanding with an open heart that is inspired by your Higher Self. Look up within to your Higher Self and ask yourself deeper questions like:

  • Why is it so important to me that I am attached to …fear… worry… sorrow?

And, to the heart of the matter, the questions:

  • Am I reacting this way because I feel unloved or unloving?
  • Am I coming from a place of fear or love in my heart?

Disabling Negative Emotions
It doesn’t help to stay in the questioning mode very long. It’s just a leaping pad to better things! When you ask such a question of yourself with deep sincerity you will begin to feel a change in your attitude. The emotion of sincerity and desire for Truth opens the door to Love within you, and the illusion of the negative emotion will begin to disperse.

Sincerity liberates love within your heart and  you gain a glimpse of yourself as a powerful spirit and soul. And those realizations and reality is what we want to attract more of! 

Your Heart is your Magnetic Center of Attraction. So it attracts what you feel! Therefore, consciously embrace uplifting emotions. Visualize yourself with a happy heart and expressing goodwill to others. Keep coming back to feeling uplifted, calm and relaxed. Make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy which is a powerful ally because It is Strength, Wisdom and Love that empowers those same energies within yourself, within your Soul. 

Then smile. Putting a smile on your face triggers neurons to connect with emotions that cause you to smile. The body causes the mind to engage in a like manner.

You may be tempted to be drawn back in right then and there, but you have already put Light and Love on it, so it is weakening. Mentally we know there are dire conditions in the world, yet emotionally we are working to lift ourselves so that we may be able to help us all.

Continually focus on thinking uplifting thoughts…. visualizing happy conditions… appreciating the moment fully…contacting Universal Life Energy. And, the more you do this the more of the same energies are attracted. Things will begin to synchronize, including our behaviors and actions so that we are also physically creating the reality we desire. 

It’s a spiritual journey

Our freedom from fear, worry, sorrow is started from a corner of alert awareness and consciousness, then built from a place of Enthusiasm, Wisdom, Truth and Love… the FourSquare. This is a spiritual journey. A journey in which we must travel in today’s world and today’s conditions, with fear circling the earth. And we can rise above fear now, helping ourselves and helping others.

We build and create our happiness by starting with conscious consideration, goodwill and compassion in our thoughts, emotions. And allowing those energies positively influence our attitudes and behaviors.  And this is something that each and everyone of us can do!

With Light and Love, PortiaSLB

Until next time consider this quote to reflect upon:

“The elimination of Fear, then, is largely conditioned on the elimination of this shadow, from which it is spawned, Ignorance.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, pages 158-9.

Consider sharing your experiences and insights, as it can help us all!

Photos courtesy of Gratisograhpy

This simple mind trick can make you do the opposite of what was intended!


FreeDigitalPhotos.net, hyena reality

When you hear, “Don’t look!”  It’s like when Perseus was warned about Medusa’s snakes for hair that could turn a man to stone. It’s almost impossible not to look! Or when you hear someone say, “Don’t be afraid.” It’s like your heart drops and you’ve heard, “Be afraid, be very afraid!” It’s a subconscious mind trick.

The subconscious ego will take us emotionally and mentally on rides to places to support its own programming. It’s self-righteous and dislikes being bossed around because of fear. And it’s programmed to keep us mentally busy, chatty and inattentive in our thinking so we are constantly being entertained. We follow its trails of thoughts.

The subconscious is entertained by the primary word of the thought rather than the word not or n’t. The word not or n’t seems to disappear from our attention and we follow a familiar trail of thoughts from the primary word.

And we are all good with that until we start to consciously wake up.

When we start to wake up we realize it’s  a challenge to become conscious and in the present moment. All of our past history, stories, beliefs and habits are like alluring trails that lead us to the familiar.

Yet there is a simple awakening practice. And this works when talking to yourself or when speaking with others.

Consciously choose the appropriate words as directives to the subconscious.

If the goal is to remember, rather than saying, “don’t forget,” say, “remember.”

When speaking to yourself, mentally swallow remember in order to program the subconscious to remember. This is using the Law of Gender, because you plant an idea in the subconscious to grow and return to the consciousness. 

I’ve used this method so many times when I feel it is critical to remember something, like where I parked the car in a parking garage.

Be conscious of the words you choose. And remember the way the subconscious works. Consider saying, “Look away,” rather than, “Don’t look!” And, “Be brave,” or “Be courageous,” rather than, “Don’t be afraid.” 

Your Superconscious speaks to you through intuition and leads your power of discrimination when you allow it. So listen to your intuition. You know what to do and what not to do and are conscious and in the moment. 

Inevitably there are times it seems appropriate to use not. Like, “This does not mean…” Just follow that thought with what it does mean.

In the hope you find enlightenment close at hand, PortiaSLB

Until next time consider this quote to reflect upon:

“The subconsciousness always imposes on consciousness. It always wants us to do something. The Superconsciousness always wants to be asked. When we ask we should always believe that we will receive. The Eternal must answer when asked.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume I, p. 313.

Too busy to meditate…it’s a paradox!

Tallinn, Estonia 2019

We may feel so busy in our home and work life there doesn’t seem enough time to meditate even though it feels like a virtuous thing to do. But if we experience relentless stress, worries or depression then we may consider finding a way out of the uncomfortable.

Yet part of us can still stubbornly resist what can help us discover our inner calm and strength. It’s a paradox that we may unconsciously let dominate us!

Consider this: even though we may believe we don’t have time for meditation, we do what is important to us don’t we? 

Within the eye of the storm of our life is calm, and we can rest, recharge and rejuvenate our minds and hearts. We can reconnect with the tenderness in our hearts, even when our hearts have been broken. 

Within each of us is the Universe. It’s very expansive Universal Life Energy … God…Om! With a few minutes a day meditation can help you face life’s challenges and appreciate the joys with strength, confidence, and uplifting energies.  

And you will discover that you can Trust your Inner guru, your Higher Self. It will guide you to those insights you (your consciousness) are open to. And to those that are helpful and enlightening. You are protected in the Light of your Higher Self.

And there are many information resources available concerning meditation, including this website. The comment box below is available for questions.

How to get started? A simple 5 minute exercise called Relaxation and SilenceThe Universe supports You unconditionally. 

With Light and Love, PortiaSLB

Photo: Tallinn, Estonia 2019 PSLB

“Through MEDITATION you will wipe away the discordant films which obscure expression of the Soul’s higher qualities through you human channels and will promote an extraordinary development and accord in every direction.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 280.

Your Destiny – 7 indications you are on the right path

Walking your destiny

#1 Things fall into place

Being conscious of being part of something greater than yourself, things fall into place. You listen to your intuitions and inspirations, knowing your Higher Self guides you.  

You feel expansion into more freedom, rather than clinging to a presumed safe, old self-image and habits. 

#2 You do whatever you do with passion

You find success in what you love to do. Not necessarily in society’s sense, but in the sense that you feel at peace and in harmony with body, mind and spirit. 

You are confident and fearless, feeling like you belong where you are. Rather than being a seeker, You already are the silent watcher within, integrating your inner world with your outer world. You have become conscious of the Divine Road you walk. 

#3 You learn from mistakes

If you make a mistake you get up and continue with an optimistic attitude. You are grateful for the wisdom to recognize a mistake and consider it an opportunity to reach up to that part of yourself that has chosen to learn from it.

You trust your connection to the Source, and if you face more challenges then you have insight to know that there is more to learn and experience. Or that you harbor doubt. You are Grateful for the compassion of the Source and unconditional Love.

 #4 You release traits that derail you

Passion brings to the surface all that you are: the good, the bad, the ugly and beautiful. You are conscious of how you create your reality with your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. 

Seeing the opportunity to release negative energy and potential causes, you do not deny feelings like anger or impatience. It would be something hanging over you from the past. The silent witness within goes beyond those identities and you are no longer fixed into them.

#5 You are in the moment 

Being in the moment, you silently listen and are aware.  You surrender in the moment; are free and true to yourSelf, sincere.  

You are not racing against the clock, nor wasting time procrastinating because there is always enough time according to your wants and needs.

#6 You co-create opportunities 

While paying attention to clues, you know that you must work, rely on yourself, body, mind and soul, to co-create with the Eternal a reality that is fulfilling and harmonious

You are conscious of the human mind being ruled by fate – the Law of Cause and Effect, Karma and you step forward with your best enthusiasm, intelligence, sincerity and love in what you do.  

At the same time, you know that in essence your destiny, through the workings of both the Law of Karma and the Law of Harmony, is the same – to evolve, to refine into finer and finer qualities into spiritual Harmony.

#7 You are committed to Love

You express love in your creative endeavors, which not only benefits you but also others.  And you are conscious of the unconditional Love and support of the Great Principle.

Being grateful for Love in your own life, you express your gratitude with goodwill and compassion for the world. You hope the best for others without expecting them to be the way you think they should be. In other words, you are nonjudgmental and love unconditionally.    

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Destiny never acts destructively. It is the Will of the Eternal. Fate does not violate this Law. It only interferes with men on Earth. No matter what wrong comes into our life, it is fate and not Destiny.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teaching in Science of Being, Voulume II, pp. 48-9.

Photos: PSLB  (Top photo – Key West, Florida August 2017)



Delicate, silky wings of unfathomable strength; transcendental pool of power, true depth of vibrance in the heart of all hearts, entwine

Causes brilliant thunder of justice to trace all returning deeds not to be undone, but to be played over again until the heart triumphs

And human love can be transformed forever by an exquisite release of shadows, and all malaise and tribulation burns in the presence of the divine.

A single candle to focus, a meeting of unity in the temple of the living, immaterial forces of the soul; nothing more wonderful and beautiful to behold

Silent soul of the Unknown black, mysterious Light only to those that do not know the spiritual warrior extolled.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“It does not help us to realize the beauty of the Soul, and neglect the dirt of the mind.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 97.

Enhanced photo, 2015




From poopy to awesome! Equipping yourself to conquer adversity

Bad Mood, Good Mood

The Power of Emotion to Change Your Life, Part 10

This has happened to me and may to you – when I got up in the morning I suddenly started to feel a bit uncomfortable and anxious, mostly because of stress, obligations and problems to face. But by the time I got dressed and ready to face the day I was feeling better and on the upside. 


We can experience mood shifts with no apparent reason. Something as subtle as a faint fowl odor can trigger an emotional reaction. As we grow out of adolescence we begin to regulate our emotions and form habits to express pain or pleasure, to conform to society, to facilitate our persona or a situation, or even to manipulate others. Our emotions have such a big impact in our life and our ability to solve problems because they are powered by our soul. But, if we are unconscious of what motivates our emotion, especially if it is connected to a problem we’ve have been ignoring, it can hamper our ability to overcome adversity. 

To equip ourselves to overcome adversities it is necessary to be conscious of what strengthens us or weakens us.

Our emotion motivate us – strength or weakness

Our emotions can increase or decrease the intensity of the moment, having a big influence on our coping process. But we also experience emotions and the thoughts that feed them unconsciously. Our subconscious ego can hold on to lower frequency energies based in fear, ignorance and impatience in our lower heart center. And thus, our mind and senses can trigger emotions unconsciously and impair us. Most notably if we’ve been exposed to violence or other traumas. 

A mindful practice – a strength

Part of healing ourselves is to be conscious of the many different emotions we experience especially when we face adversity or opposition ranging from anger to happiness, self-pity to superiority, hopelessness to hope, and fear to love. Being mindful, we can observe them without attachment. We can relax in the waves of our moods, emotions and thoughts like the waves of the ocean. Raising and falling without clinging. Natural. The highs and lows are constantly moving and changing, blending, containing elements of each other.

The Higher order of the Law of Polarity – a strength

 Adversity has such a powerful influence in our life because we utterly believe in ‘negative.’ We fear it and believe that ‘negative’ is the opposite of ‘positive,’ and that negative is necessary to know positive. But this is a perverted subconscious ego’s belief about duality. 

The Law of Polarity is a very beneficial law that means balance and synchronization. It brings things together in order for you to establish harmony in your life. To help you align your personality with your soul.

Adversity and any opposition can serve a greater purpose and that is to give you the opportunity to not cycle repeatedly in ‘negative’ karma, but to find and synchronize with the true nature of your heart and soul in order to harmonize the trend of your life. Consider that you as a soul create opportunities to learn life lessons. 

Subconscious emotional attachments – a weakness

For example, if someone gets mad, starts shouting at you and escalating the tone of the situation you can fall unconsciously into the same frequency and react with anger. Or, if you feel you have been ‘left out’ and lonely, worried or depressed, you can unconsciously get stuck there while you yearn for love.fearful-karmic-cycle

Mindful in the action of the Law of Cause and Effect – a strength

When you are tempted to get angry or feeling down the more you as a soul has emphasized that this is an opportunity to consciously know the harmony, the love, the wisdom, the ‘positive’ energy of yourself. And, you are able to consciously choose the response to create a karma that makes you freer, stronger and happier. karma-positive2

Empowering yourself  in the face of adversity – strengths

  1. Be calm, conscious and mindful in the moment. Caution is a means of self protection, yet we should not be afraid. Fear feeds worry and anxiety and we can get frozen and unable to act with an effective mind. Silence and relaxation opens us to see possibilities and opportunities in the moment. 
  2. In mindfulness you can be conscious that Joy and happiness is available to you now which aligns you with high-frequency energy. Let the Light of your Mind and the higher frequency of Love in your higher heart center be your motivation! Consciously choose an uplifting motivation. Choose Love over fear.
  3. Do your best to reach up to that higher part of yourself, your Higher Self and let it penetrate into your consciousness. Make ‘I am’ statements as truths, like ‘I am strong, wise, inspired and harmonious now.’ Feel it!
  4. Empower yourself further by contacting Universal Life Energy which backs you up with the harmonious power of the Great Principle Itself to overcome the challenge you face. It is the Life Force that connects you with Universal Consciousness. 
  5. See any temptation to be angry, worried or resentful as an opportunity to reach up to that part of yourself that has chosen to learn a lesson. If you are tempted to see only hardship and negative, then remember the true meaning of the Law of Polarity and that the subconscious likes to keep you in that belief and instead of seeing the bigger picture as an opportunity to harmonize yourself.

When you truly understand that every adversity or opposition you experience is interconnected and synchronized in the action of universal laws it empowers you. The Law of Polarity, Law of Cause and Effect, Law of Gender, Law of Rhythm, the Law of Evolution and the Law of Unity. It empowers you to make conscious choices and uplifting emotional motivations that directly impact your human life and your spiritual development.

And step by step you harmonize yourself, overcoming adversity and stress. And in so doing you help harmonize the whole of humanity. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Preserve an indomitably joyful and optimistic attitude, no matter how hard circumstances may press you. The more you repose your full confidence in Universal Life Energy and throw your whole weight into the scale of the Positive, the more rapidly you equip yourself to conquer all adversity.  You are conscious that through Universal Life Energy you enlist the Great Law itself in your favor.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 348.

 For more on the universal laws consider:

Luciferian Consciousness; transcending duality

It’s not only about sex; the Law of Gender you’ve probably never been conscious of 

Enlightenment Studies, Universal Laws and How We Can Live in them Harmoniously
