It’s a fight for healing

Photo: Milford Sound, New Zealand 2020 PSLB

Greetings Light seekers and Lightbearers!

These are  precarious times and precarious times call for a persistent fight to heal the world. I know more than one person that has died from the virus, but this virus circling the world now does not want to kill us. Rather it’s logical that it wants to survive and multiply. And it survives and multiplies when we lay down without a fight, or when we unwittingly pass it on. 

The fight for healing

There are many courageous people on the front lines fighting for our freedom, strength and happiness during this challenging time. Not all of us can be or should be on the front lines. Yet, we all have our duties.

Many people are doing what they can, including the Lightbearers I know…. making masks, donating food…. observing social distancing….and lifting the spirits of others. And it seems it is our duty to be in the moment and keep or get ourselves healthy so that we might help others be healthy….our families, our communities…and our world. 

Each of us can be a channel for healing in our own ways as we are inspired.  You are invited to join the Lightbearers in Giving the Healing Energy to all humanity and the world. Anyone can do it with a sincere intention and surrender to the Great Principle, God. The Great Principle, God does the healing, while You become the Channel. The more that join in, the more healing Universal Life Energy will circle the world, spreading from one being to another according to Universal Law.

It is an expression of compassion… and compassion means we do what is FourSquare at the appropriate time and place… then leave it to Universal Law. 

Should we be cautious?… yes, that’s wise. But to be afraid….no, that doesn’t help anyone, instead fear attracts even more fearful energies. And to doubt the existence of the problem is ignoring the facts….ignorance.

And have a sense of humor!

That reminds me …. should we have a sense of humor during these challenging times? Yes… a giggle, a chuckle, a laugh is a form of release and stress relief. And another good thing about it is that it can be contagious, passing from one to another offering uplifting energies.

And in the hope this gives you a giggle….a dear and thoughtful friend with a great sense of humor delivered this beauty to my house – while observing social distancing I might add!      

Photo: With Joy from a friend! PSLB 2020

This tickled my funny bone! And I still smile about it. Yes, there is still a big demand for toilet tissue here in the USA because of hoarding, but as I understand it there is also shortages in many other countries too! Hoarding is a fearful and greedy trait….but having a chuckle over it can ease fear’s hold over us.

Humor aside…

Have you noticed how people… and governments…. are communicating …and connecting? 

If……there is a bright spot that is coming from this experience it is that….all of us…. all of the people…..and all of the countries….have gotten some understanding how we are all connected. That what one does can seriously affect another, that a chain reaction can occur, passing from one to another. 

And if we all want to prosper, be healthy and happy then being conscious of our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors is of primary importance. And the core of them, the essence of them being FourSquare: All Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love, with Love being the leader in our intentions, will build to that happiness.  

Cooperation between us is a great asset, while protest and complaining retards our improvement. Ignorance and procrastation retards us, while science and Faith takes us steps closer to understanding.

 This can be a great opportunity for us to realize our connection not only to each other, but also to the Great All. That we are Strong, Wise, Free and Loving. And when we help our fellow man we are helping not only ourselves, but indeed the world. 

Let us fight for healing. Kindly consider Giving the Healing Energy to the world. And Be Strong, Intelligent, Accurate and Caring. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We must always bear in mind that our body is a statue moulded by our soul with the chisel of our thoughts, the Life Force of the Universe supplying both the material and the Energy which the soul needs to perform that work.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 163

Consider sharing your insights and experiences in the comment box below. You never know who it may help!

And consider joining us for a companion guide to the 27 Lessons in Science of Being. It is an amazing spiritual journey asset!

We are currently on Lesson 5 discussing a mental method for remaining in continual contact with Universal Life Energy and an introduction for being a Channel for healing. A link for download of the original 27 lessons for your Kindle is included and free!

Facing fear Square on- The Power of Emotion to Change Your Life, Part 3

Facing fear Square on! 

The Universe compassionately works to help us come into our soul and wholeness. Fearful emotions that are circling the globe is very stressful for everyone, yet there are simple steps to center yourself squarely in your soul’s power to help you confront every fear that can negatively impact not only the present, but also your future.

Great Law compassionate

Background, hyena reality 

Emotions can be learned
We are conditioned to react emotionally to certain conditions like what we face in the world now. We’re taught to react with fear unconsciously through childhood experiences, in the media and in society. We even condition our self by transferring our emotional reactions from similar experiences of the past to the present.

If negative reactionary emotions are learned and conditioned, then it stands to reason that you can learn to respond to any situation positively.

STEPS to face fearful temptation Square on

 1 – When you are faced with temptation to act on any negative feelings, like striking out from anxiety or anger or fall into despair, the first step is to take a deep breath, exhale and relax. Deep breathing evokes a relaxation response and release, so it will immediately adjust your attitude.  

2 – Make the Mental  Contact with Universal Life Energy to help You harmonize not only your mental energies, but also your emotional and physical. 

3 – Look up within to raise your consciousness to observe ‘the thinker,’ synchronizing body, mind and emotions, bringing yourself into the present moment.

Observe your thinking in a detached state; without judgment or entanglement. But  stay here long because we can easily start circling in the same troubling thoughts and emotions that trapped us in the first place!

4 – Then ask yourself the question: Am I coming from a place of fear or love?  

 If it is fear, then just let it pass you by. Release it and with a thought like, It was only a temporary temptation and illusion of the subconscious ego, and I am grateful to realize that. I am Strong, Wise, Sincere and Loving. 

5 Deny that any temptation of fearful thoughts or emotions have any power over you. Negate fear. Remember and realize that You are a law unto yourself on the mental plane!

The key is to feel sincere. Sincerity opens the door to your Soul heart and Real Love, calming the mind and emotions. 

6 Use your free will to choose to attract more high-frequency energy and focus your thoughts with uplifting energies like gratitude and appreciationFurther open your heart to feel Love.

These are the energies you want to engulf yourself in, spend time in – appreciation, gratitude, goodwill, consideration, respect and love. Appreciate those wonderful people, and situations in your life. Appreciate the air you breathe, the sunshine, the grass and trees. Even appreciate the beneficial things in your immediate environment. You know what is good in your life. Feel appreciation and love in your heart. You will be amazed at the results! 

You are creating an uplifting mental/emotional state which will eventually manifest more benefits in your reality! All those energies attract more of the same energies through the Law of Attraction. 

7 – You’ve worked to change your energies mentally and emotionally, but you’re also a physical being. Manifest a positive emotion physically in the moment. It may be change in your body language, a smile, a kind word or helping others. 

Moving can disperse hormonal chemicals like adrenaline, which is why some people jog or exercise, to help release stress. 

You and Universal Power

I’ve used the above methods many, many times to release negative energy and center myself in authentic power of Love. I can definitely see patterns. Thank the Great Law the patterns are changing for the better.

Through sincerity and making the choice to come from a place of compassion and love emotionally, you can bring peace and happiness into your life and to those around you. You establish new neuron paths in the brain, and each time it will be easier to make the choices that are uplifting, wise, sincere and loving; that are FourSquare

You have authentic Power and are stronger than any negative temptation because you are a powerful Soul.

In the hope that You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

“Analysis of Fear, its nature and causes, is one of the vital points in Mental Science, because in Fear is comprehended the entire problem of all the negative.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 157.

Consider sharing your insights!

And consider joining us for the 27 Lessons in Science of Being:

We are currently on Lesson 4 online and a link for download of the lessons for your Kindle is included and free!


Tempted to do something bad? Don’t trust your feelings!

Photo: Mount Victoria, New Zealand PSLB 2020

When we are tempted to do something “bad” but it feels like a “good” idea at the time….don’t trust your feelings. However there are great potential energies for us!

Emotionally we may feel righteous with a undertow of doubt. It’s all good because it’s a sure sign that we have some conscious awareness of our Inner Being! A sign that we have some inkling of the subconscious ego’s pull on our feelings. It’s a sign of conscious awareness and if we pause and quiet our thoughts then we can observe it all as a detached observer.

The detached observer is conscious and alert without judgment, while the subconscious ego wants attention, tempts us to do “bad” things, is self-righteous and judges harshly. We may also experience it as doubt, sadness, loneliness, or some other emotion based in the past.

Yet, when we feel a darkness, like self-righteousness or doubt about doing something bad, it is a sure sign … a wonderful sign … to reach up mentally and emotionally to Be and relax … accept the moment as an opportunity to Know Light and Love and our connection with Source. To feel Life in our hands … Universal Life Energy, That is God.

It’s something like this…

If I become aware of really disliking someone … I become quiet and just observe myself… I observe myself without disliking myself though I’m very tempted to put myself down because of past conditioning….instead I observe all of this as if above it … without judgement for myself and therefore without condemnation for the other person too because if I judge them harshly I’m judging myself harshly.

Then I mentally surround myself with Universal Life Energy, Light and Love and send it to them too. This is creating an attitude of non judgment and atmosphere of acceptance. It is trusting Source because Source creates Strength, and opportunity for our Freedom, and happiness. Then I drop it and leave the rest to Source.


There’s a big difference between trusting our feelings and trusting our intuition. Our Inner Being always feels good and harmonious, and when we are conscious we can get guidance from our superconscious Inner Being or soul. This guidance may appear as intuition and it will always feel calm, harmonious and uplifting but not righteous. There may be feelings of caution, but not fear. Consideration, but not doubt.

Our Inner Being knows because of Love, but the subconscious doubts because of fear. The subconscious ego pushes in doubt because it fears making a mistake. Or fears being unlovable, or being rejected, or being left out. And all these fears are rooted in the past and conditioning.

We can observe fear from a place in our Inner Being that is without judgment. And that is a place of consideration, which is love.

In a deeper sense there is only love because within fear is the potential for love because love has become a prisoner of subconscious fear.



Only the present moment exist for us, but what we generate now we attract more of. Therefore it’s simple. We can ask ourselves what we want more of. By generating thoughts, intentions, and behaviors of light and love… or having an active, uplifting imagination of them we attract more of the same.

Choosing Light and Love is taking the High road, the Spiritual road… yet on this road there are challenges too… because the subconscious fights against Harmony, Light, Love.

Yet this road gets easier as we travel it. We realize, experience and know the Help behind us and with us … Source and our Inner Being.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

”The more one listens to Intuition, the more is Intuition developed, and the surer and wiser become all our actions. Thus human beings, in developing within themselves that Divine Ray of Intuition, will manifest Wisdom, will become six-pointed stars, stars of wisdom, and will bring about the Dawn of the New Day, the Day of Peace, of Harmony and Power.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 200.




Continue reading “Tempted to do something bad? Don’t trust your feelings!”

4 square reasons the Star Exercise is a spiritual lifeline

“I am One with Universal Life Energy. I feel It flowing through me now.”

#1 – Life

When you perform the Star Exercise You are contacting spiritual energy; UNIVERSAL LIFE ENERGY from the Source.  

You become a living magnetic! As Magnetic Energy Universal Life Energy energizes and refreshes every cell in your body, clears and balances your thinking, and lifts you into higher realms of soul awareness.

The physical element of the contact makes it easy. It works because it is based on the physical Law of Attraction. Your soul, heart and Life Center is attracting the LIFE ENERGY  from the Universe.

We are made of this energy, but we are unconscious of it and therefore do not derive as much benefit from it as we could. Since we made our original mistake on the mental level with ingratitude, impatience and ignorance, then we must reconnect mentally and an I am declaration of Truth used in addition to the physical position helps us open ourselves.

#2 – Light

You are bringing your presence to the essence of the Source and also contacting Universal Life Energy as Mental Vibrations. 

It lights you with finer frequencies of mental energies. And your thoughts become charged with this energy making them even more magnetic and they become Mind Force! 

You become more conscious, better able to discriminate and aware of your intuition. At the same time It shrinks the subconscious ego. 

A big bonus is when you focus on feeling the energy in your hand you become aware, conscious, and present in the moment. Mindful. Mindfulness stops the ego from circling in thought; stops the continuous monkey chatter, worry, guilt or depression. 

And for me, mindfulness enhances meditation and silence. I relax and become calm. Better able to meditate. I’ve become more mindful during the day and more understanding in my relationships.

At work you may notice that your focus improves and you have more stamina.

#3 – Liberty

As you become more mindful and conscious, you will discover that with discrimination you are freer. You begin to live more from the higher aspects of your heart lead by Love.

You see more opportunities for harmony, especially in mistakes. That is because you are aligning with the Universe, with the Laws of the Universe and with the harmony of the Source. You gradually align with harmony, not only through the energy, but also through the lingering mindfulness. 

More and more, as you gradually build on your consciousness and spiritual awakening, you create your own freedom in your reality. You create your physical, mental and especially emotional freedom. Freedom from worry, hurry and fear. The ego gets weaker as your unique, spiritual character strengthens. 

#4 – Love

You are also contacting Spiritual Energy direct from the Source. 

The soul vibrations refine your consciousness into what we may call Superconsciousness, and you become more conscious of your Self as a soul. You begin to balance all of your authentic soul powers of Strength, Wisdom, Sincerity and Love.

You begin to consciously balance yourself in the Universal Laws and align with them. You begin to experience The Laws of Gender, Cause and Effect, Polarity and Rhythm as the Law of Unity, Harmony. 


You may notice small changes at first, yet as you persevere and continue making the contact everyday you will experience big changes. I’ve found my spiritual practice deepen, become more inspiring, inclusive and loving. 

I had a very difficult young life. After performing the Star Exercise for 40 years, my life continues to blossom as a great blessing. I am so grateful for the energy, wisdom, inspirations and most of all Love. 

When I look back it seems I’ve experienced so much spiritual unfoldment, yet I know I’ve barely begun the adventure! I’ve had wonderful spiritual teachers for which I am also grateful. Everyone is my spiritual teacher and companion, including You.

In the present moment I know that my Higher Self and soul is my great guide and who I am.  It may be the same for You.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“And the mysterious sign, the Pentagram, becomes indeed a KEY TO ALL POWERS, as it unlocks and brings forth in Man all his latent powers and forces. It is when the human body takes the position as show in the diagrams following that the actual contact of the life energy within is made with the Universal Life energy without. And a man’s physical, mental, and emotional development will be thus stimulated by an ever increasing Force.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pp. 64-5. 

Contacting Universal Life Energy
The Star Exercise

4 square reasons the Star Exercise is a spiritual lifeline

“I am One with Universal Life Energy. I feel It flowing through me now.”

#1 – Life

When you perform the Star Exercise You are contacting spiritual energy; UNIVERSAL LIFE ENERGY from the Source.  

You become a living magnetic! As Magnetic Energy Universal Life Energy energizes and refreshes every cell in your body, clears and balances your thinking, and lifts you into higher realms of soul awareness.

The physical element of the contact makes it easy. It works because it is based on the physical Law of Attraction. Your soul, heart and Life Center is attracting the LIFE ENERGY  from the Universe.

We are made of this energy, but we are unconscious of it and therefore do not derive as much benefit from it as we could. Since we made our original mistake on the mental level with ingratitude, impatience and ignorance, then we must reconnect mentally and an I am declaration of Truth used in addition to the physical position helps us open ourselves.

#2 – Light

You are bringing your presence to the essence of the Source and also contacting Universal Life Energy as Mental Vibrations. 

It lights you with finer frequencies of mental energies. And your thoughts become charged with this energy making them even more magnetic and they become Mind Force! 

You become more conscious, better able to discriminate and aware of your intuition. At the same time It shrinks the subconscious ego. 

A big bonus is when you focus on feeling the energy in your hand you become aware, conscious, and present in the moment. Mindful. Mindfulness stops the ego from circling in thought; stops the continuous monkey chatter, worry, guilt or depression. 

And for me, mindfulness enhances meditation and silence. I relax and become calm. Better able to meditate. I’ve become more mindful during the day and more understanding in my relationships.

At work you may notice that your focus improves and you have more stamina.

#3 – Liberty

As you become more mindful and conscious, you will discover that with discrimination you are freer. You begin to live more from the higher aspects of your heart lead by Love.

You see more opportunities for harmony, especially in mistakes. That is because you are aligning with the Universe, with the Laws of the Universe and with the harmony of the Source. You gradually align with harmony, not only through the energy, but also through the lingering mindfulness. 

More and more, as you gradually build on your consciousness and spiritual awakening, you create your own freedom in your reality. You create your physical, mental and especially emotional freedom. Freedom from worry, hurry and fear. The ego gets weaker as your unique, spiritual character strengthens. 

#4 – Love

You are also contacting Spiritual Energy direct from the Source. 

The soul vibrations refine your consciousness into what we may call Superconsciousness, and you become more conscious of your Self as a soul. You begin to balance all of your authentic soul powers of Strength, Wisdom, Sincerity and Love.

You begin to consciously balance yourself in the Universal Laws and align with them. You begin to experience The Laws of Gender, Cause and Effect, Polarity and Rhythm as the Law of Unity, Harmony. 


You may notice small changes at first, yet as you persevere and continue making the contact everyday you will experience big changes. I’ve found my spiritual practice deepen, become more inspiring, inclusive and loving. 

I had a very difficult young life. After performing the Star Exercise for 40 years, my life continues to blossom as a great blessing. I am so grateful for the energy, wisdom, inspirations and most of all Love. 

When I look back it seems I’ve experienced so much spiritual unfoldment, yet I know I’ve barely begun the adventure! I’ve had wonderful spiritual teachers for which I am also grateful. Everyone is my spiritual teacher and companion, including You.

In the present moment I know that my Higher Self and soul is my great guide and who I am.  It may be the same for You.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“And the mysterious sign, the Pentagram, becomes indeed a KEY TO ALL POWERS, as it unlocks and brings forth in Man all his latent powers and forces. It is when the human body takes the position as show in the diagrams following that the actual contact of the life energy within is made with the Universal Life energy without. And a man’s physical, mental, and emotional development will be thus stimulated by an ever increasing Force.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pp. 64-5. 

Contacting Universal Life Energy
The Star Exercise

A real world Self-protection method that’s a mystical experience

We live in a rapidly changing, interactive world, but we are afraid of being hurt. We’re afraid of being left out, disrespected, ridiculed, abused or betrayed so we try to  protect ourselves by being emotionally guarded, defensive, reclusive, aggressive, angry, complaining, dishonest, or by running away.

But this creates conflict and distance between ourselves. Instead of helping us, these methods of self-protection actually end up hurting us. We want to be loved and respected, but we box our heart in with fear! For a method to release these barriers: Negative emotional contagion.

We suffer from fear

I experienced this very painfully during my youth because felt I didn’t belong in this world and tried to protect myself emotionally by appearing nice, but stuck up. However, inside I screamed for love and affection. I didn’t know I was adding to my detriment.

We can be bombed, stabbed, and killed in many ways, but we usually physically die because of our own fearful thoughts, beliefs and attitudes. Fear and ignorance kills us primarily through karma and attraction.

Your True protection

I’ve learned through spiritual studies and practice that you are naturally protected not by emotional barriers, nor by fear and going on the offense, but by love. Love is your true protection. It does not have an attitude of self-protection, yet when you  love unconditionally you radiate an aura of love that naturally protects you. 

We can be emotionally hurt when hateful arrows of slander, hatred or disgust is thrown at us. It can hit you in the solar plexus or lower heart. Yet, when you are centered in unconditional Love emotional arrows will not hurt you. Even though you recognize the accusations and negative energy, you will feel a calming peace.

Love protects your aura, your mental and emotional being. And, you will feel it physically. I’ve experienced this many times and so can you. 

As you grow closer to unconditional Love, you may become cautious. Yet that caution is perceptive, discriminatory and fearless. You become more confident and trust in Love, even when you experience doubt and an occasional emotional ruffle. 

Enjoy the ride! 

Listen to your intuition and follow the guidance of unconditional Love in your spiritual heart. Your spiritual heart is wise, unifying and fearless.

When you follow the tenderness of your heart your self-perception changes. And, as your self-perception changes, your perception of reality changes. Your inner mystical experiences become as real as your outer physical experiences. 

Another way to put it: 

Arrows Fly→→→

Listening to self-deception, sharpened by fear, jealousy, accusation,
Self-righteous arrows fly→→→  searching for their target to inflect  pain by humiliation.

The targeted heart♥←←← being both judicious and tender, ardently follows Spirit  consideration,
Whispers silent words forgiving, gently pressing in arrows of desperation.

Self-righteous slings more arrows→→→ whetted with suspicion of retaliation.
Again targeted heart♥←←← presses in arrows realizing psyche seeks release from the  pain  of holding on to fearful accumulation.

Anxious psyche shakes off self-doubt while searching for an explanation,
Unknowingly cries out for freedom from self-righteous justification.

Ardent heart♥ in stillness offers tender and gentle Love as motivation.
Looks up within for further guidance and inspiration.

The intent being to elicit Truth when there is possibility of arrows’ mobility,
The wish to convey the highest form of compatibility,
The hope being to maintain inner tranquility,
The reality being to deny fear of any other possibility.

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

“Whenever we do anything with the Spirit of Love, that thing endures, because Love is cement which is very strong.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 109.

photo taken in Thailand

3 surprising self-defeating patterns you may not recognize, and one is wanting enlightenment!

1. Being a nice person!

You may disagree with this. I did in my earlier years!

My spiritual teacher helped me spot my ego creating a persona of a nice person, but below the surface I was in a conditioned state of fear of being unacceptable and disliked, rather than truly being conscious of myself, others or circumstances. On some level the nice person self-concept I had created was a means of self protection, but I was also afraid that I was unlovable!

We can create a nice person persona to hide behind, but we can end up discrediting ourselves because we think we are not good enough. In fear we can get fixed and stay in that condition state, closing our hearts and trapping our minds!

The easiest way that I know to open our hearts and minds is to be sincere. Truly sincere. And when we feel truly sincere within then we will project sincerity in our attitudes and behaviors. It may not always appear nice, because we may not give a dollar to those looking for a handout or stop traffic to let another car cross over the lanes at a heavy intersection. But we will be loving, kind, and have an attitude of goodwill because sincerity opens us to our heart and the Love within.

2. Pursuing happiness.

It can be inspiring to have something to look forward to, but when it comes to desiring happiness, if we are always pursuing happiness that is all we will do – pursue. For most of us, even when we do achieve happiness, it is fleeting. We set new goals and are in desire mode again, looking for happiness. Happiness is always in the future. We don’t enjoy the moment.

This can also true of pursuing enlightenment. Until we release the mental concept of enlightenment being something in the future, something separate from our physical and mystical life now, then we will always be pursing enlightenment.

Realizing the condition of the human mind helps free us, enlightens us. The heart does. We become the observer of the thinker, bringing us out of the subconscious ego into a higher consciousness.  We  can relax in silence and release desire, desire for happiness, and even enlightenment. 

When we live in the higher aspects of our heart rather than our mind we can just Be. Be in peace. Be in Love. Be in a higher consciousness. 

3. Pushing a little too hard. 

It’s a no pain, no gain attitude! When we become ‘true’ believers in the rightness of our way, then the opposition is energized. We push, complain and protest being motivated by fear and a feeling of powerlessness. We become the cause behind the opposition!

And, in our self-righteousness we can become stuck in that energy. We end up experiencing loathing from within ourselves and from others. And, we can judge ourselves, our ideals and our spiritual journey harshly.

The Law of Polarity or duality, as the human mind perceives it, pushes back hard in the opposite direction of our desire. We humanly perceive the Law of Polarity as opposition  rather than a blending of energies and the compassion of the universe awakening us to our conditioning and concepts.

When I face opposition, I think of it as the ego’s perception of duality and that all energies blend. It is an indication that it is an opportunity to realize “I am” strong, intelligent, sincere, loving and most of all One with the Source, the Great All.

Consider taking the middle road without getting attached to any ‘one’ way. Listening to my intuition has lead me to depths and heights I never expected! In silence you can feel that your intuition it is a reflection from your heart! And, the higher energies of your heart are lead by Love.

When you want to do something harmoniously from your heart say and feel, “With the help of the Great Principle I will.”

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Like protects like. But if we want to get rid of disharmony, then Harmony will help us.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings by Eugene Fersen, Volume I, pages 234-5. 


Like in a reality show we create conflict in our life! But why?


Television dramas and reality shows soar in popularity, especially when there is obvious conflict. We want the characters to bravely face problems and overcome them. We want happy endings and great achievements. But, why are we so attracted to conflict in stories and competitions? And, do we purposefully create conflict in our life?

The Entertainment

Sure, we like to be entertained with games and stories on tv and conflict makes good drama. We are kept in suspense and emotionally invested with anticipation in the hope of them overcoming the challenges they face.  We like the adventure and are attracted to it because we relate it to our own drama.

Our Power of Creation

In reality shows some of the conflict is staged for entertainment. But, in our own reality we create conflict and drama in our life unconsciously because we fall prey to subconscious negative temptations.

Cause and effect modality

When we do fall prey to negative temptations we have chosen to engage in the dynamic of karma. Negative karma can be very painful, yet we may learn some very valuable life lessons.  

Myself as an example

I remember driving and coming to a stop light, when the driver of the car in the parallel lane next to me got very angry that I hadn’t pulled up further. He shouted at me and I quickly replied with a nasty response. Fortunately the light turned green and we moved on. 

I still remember that particular road rage incident, my self-centerness and retaliation, and the pain it caused me from guilt.

Yet, I learned from it –  to care about what I am doing in the moment. And, that even when I make a mistake and it is painful, I can pick myself up and know that I am on the other side of it.

That moment lead me to understand that when we sincerely quest for answers to know ourselves, help and answers will come.

Life lessons

When someone attackes us it is a sure sign they are hurting. And jumping in their pain only adds to it, feeds it, and hurts us too. They have a right to their own mistakes and learning process.

That doesn’t mean we should accept abuse. Love is strong and we can either remove ourselves, get help or report it to proper authorities.

Being conscious, calm and finding our own inner peace will help us release a retaliation response and even if the other person is not conscious of it, it will help the other person too.

We will keep experiencing the same lesson over and over until we recognize our authentic power of a conscious loving mind and manifest qualities of love. 

Pain is a teacher

Pain in problems and conflict is something that we agreed to and created through our thoughts, emotions, and most of all, our behaviors. Yet, what hurts us also hurts others.


Next time you face a challenge and are tempted by low-frequency emotions which creates conflict or adds to conflict, to get in a fight, be brave and remember that the greater the temptation, the more importance you have placed on the lesson you have agreed to learn!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

Until next time consider this quote to reflection upon:

“Another way to neutralize that law of Polarity is continually to refuse to see the negative, always place the weight in the positive scale, to try to see, even in things most unpleasant, something good. Thus we cast the weight in the right scale, in the positive, and the result is, that by and by the law of Polarity will be neutralized, and finally will cease to operate in our lives at all. Then, ONLY the positive will come to us.”  

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being 

I appreciate You!

Light from the heart?

clemitis 2016Hatred is a perversion of Love. And, it is an absence of light in consciousness. Someone that is attracted to hatred is limited consciously. And, once they are immersed in hatred it begins to feel normal to them. Yet, hatred causes us all to suffer. 

Hatred is coming to our world consciousness through the media and personal experiences because of terrorism and tragic acts of violence. And, being conscious of hatred can be the beginning of understanding of what hatred is, what is the result and what we can do to help bring light.

From the heart

Hatred is the absence of Light, the Light of consciousness. And, the Light of consciousness is wisdom dominated by Love. Not a limited love or limited consciousness. Rather a creative, intelligent, principled and energetic love. Love is not a passive energy, rather an active, creative energy.

To me, the personal me, I find it difficult to forgive myself when I realize I am impatient, resentful, or anxious. I realize I’m resentful because of deeper feelings of fearful energy from within myself and from others. And, this can be true of many of us because of our upbringing and conditioning. 

However, I aim to release hatred not only because because I reach for the authentic power of my soul, but because it is logical. Hatred causes us all to suffer. When one person experiences hatred, it affects another person, and another, until each of us is affected.

How can we forgive when we hate and hurt so much?

In order to release hatred, we find the tenderness in our heart and forgive ourselves. We begin by being mindful and love ourselves. 

Forgiveness, or rather I call it release, is an expression of Love. Forgiveness is a releasing of our inner negativity, negative energy. We can choose to learn from the experience of hatred, yet not cling to the emotional baggage. When we release there is no regret, guilt or resentment because we release our attachment to all the associated emotions too.

A Zen question

We should do our best to protect ourselves and others from hatred. I feel in my bones and soul that we will all reach the Light of our soul and become the enlightened beings that we already are, yet have forgotten. Yet, we have to work for it, to consciously know ourselves and consciously express the best of ourselves, the tenderness of our heart. And help each other.

There is always help for us.  There are other beings of Light on earth, in other dimensions and the Eternal is helping us return to Harmony, Home. 

We can contact a higher help in Universal Life Energy, which can help harmonize what we are unconscious of! Oh! There’s an answer to a Zen question – How can we harmonize something within that we are unconscious of?

  In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

Photo from my garden 2016.

Your insights and comments are welcomed! Remember they could also help someone else, even if it is a question you already know the answer to! 

“The more you hate the more hateful you are yourself; the more contemptuous you feel, the more contemptible you are. If you are indignant about something, that something is in you.”

Eugene Fersen, “The Teacher,” Volume 1, page 58.

Calming the turbulent tempest; Fear of Terrorists, Part 2

The raging storm of terror that is generated by hatred, fear and self-righteousness is also unconsciously fed by associated fear-based traits like worry, prejudice, impatience, pride and ignorance. An impersonal analysis of the situation can help us calm the turbulent tempest in our thinking, free us to be in the moment, and with the help of the Eternal begin to enact inner peace.

image, Stuart Miles

Unconscious of fear

Terrorists use religious and self-righteous claims as a means to unconsciously cover up their own fear and to abet hatred. We don’t know what terrorists as individuals have been through to get this way, yet terrorism is an attention-getter that is really a cry for love. It is the ego that doesn’t know how to cope with the stress of change and is afraid.

Being conditioned, they have cut off reasoning and consciousness. Their egos feel threatened and powerless, so in trying to empower their egos they fall further into hatred with a responsive belief that they are doing the right thing. With so much negative energy circling they become a slave to it.

 It is the fall of mind. In self-righteous, fear and guilt they lose their empathy for others.

The fear boomerang

People join terrorist out of fear. Wanting their cause to grow, terrorists use negative energy to attract others. And it works. An individual’s fear and guilt for not meeting the desires of self-righteousness, can be attracted to the terrorists’ group fear energy. Fear attracts more negative energy.

It does not stop there because that fearful energy boomerangs back to the originators, burgeoning, attracting what they fear – retaliatory attacks and subjugation. It terrorizes them to the point of desperation and thus they attack again. 

The energy builds as it circles the human mental atmosphere. Fear cycles, boomerangs round and round, growing world-wide, attacking anyone that unconsciously feeds it with worry, prejudice, antagonism or other fear-based traits. 

All this because of doubt. As discussed in Part 1, we experience fear because we doubt our connection to and the support of the Great Principle. We feel separate from each other and the Great All, forgetting our unity.  

Raise above doubt

Let us be brave and remember that we have the support of the Eternal, and enact unconditional Love instead of fear within ourselves, our heart. That we are conscious and aware of those individuals that fear and hate, yet they know not that they hurt themselves.

Just like a child that hits its mother. What does a mother do? She holds them, tight to her heart so the child doesn’t hit, until they return to their natural condition and consciousness. It is an attitude of unconditional Love. This can help us all to face the situation with courage, while not tolerating hatred, prejudice and egotistic self-righteousness.  

Also consider these methods to return to calm and concordant thinking:

  • Exercises like the Radiant Heart and the Mental Contact to surround yourself in unconditional Love. It is a protection. Fear does not exist in Love.
  • And remember, by being mindful and in the moment we live now. Our thoughts turn away from fear. We interrupt dwelling in negative energy. We let go of resentment and trying to get back at others, knowing that holding on weakens us.
  • And, we can turn towards the creative aspect in our thinking, in our speech, attitude and actions. Positive creativity builds our inner happiness and joy. Your individual positive creativity can take infinite forms from helping others, the arts, physical sports, exercise, dance, to just being silent. 

In the hope You find Love and Peace close at hand, Portia SLB

Consider this quote to reflect upon:

“We should not say we are alone. We are not. We should rise above it and say, ‘I have within me the Sword of Truth, my helmet is the Inspiration from above.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume 2, page 124.

Consider sharing your insights, questions and comments!