The most challenging teacher

Photo by Fernanda Latronico on

When I was coming into my young romance years, I dreamed of and searched for someone to Love me; someone more than my mother of course.

Now in my older and wiser years, I have gained some perspective, and realize that instead of being here to find someone to love me …… I’m here to find Love within and truly Love others. And I am so grateful.

In my youth I felt I should teach. Where as now, I realize that am here to learn. Life’s lessons are a constant companion and teachers abound.

The most challenging teacher is very close at hand! Indeed it is within. It is the egotistic subconscious that challenges with guilt, fear, anger, pride and more. All the while, I think that there must be a tiny spark of the Divine within such powerful challenges. Perhaps they are opportunities to claim my freedom, strength and happiness.

For there is something within that knows I am here to enjoy and appreciate this life with all the bumps and slumps, twists and turns. And that something within is greater than the ego.

It is Divine. The Soul. Spirit. And I am grateful for glimpses of That.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“One instant of time, and that instant NOW, is one of the most precious and least appreciated of all the gifts with which Mankind is endowed…. Yet it is a messenger laden with greater treasures, greater happiness and greater woe than can ever be estimated until the end of Time.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, pages 252-3.

It’s here for You ….

It’s here for You …. the Presence…. right there when we allow it. And it’s easy to make the initial contact when we release the ego even just a bit.

The ego fights, doubts and usually ignorant of its own self-righteous ….. yet even the subconscious ego eventually tries to improve itself and evolve, helping us rise in consciousness. And as we rise in consciousness we gradually release the ego. It’s an enlightening phenomena and oxymoron!

And that’s why you’re here reading this entry according to the Law of Analogy. There are many roads to take, yet they all eventually lead to Source. You’re listening to your Inner Teacher… your Higher, Real Self… the Presence Within. What Is. This particular road is a spiritual one and physical one simultaneously.

Presence is pulling You, us, towards higher and higher levels of consciousness of what we really are. Our Inner Love and Spiritual Heart is attracted to Presence, Source, Universal Life Energy …. what Is and what we are.

There’s an easy physical method ….. to make contact with Presence …..

The Star Exercise opens our bodies to the inflow of Source Energy, Universal Life Energy. Yet, even this method requires a willingness to allow it …. a mental, conscious choice to allow ourselves to feel Presence.

We cup up our hands to feel what we are …. Universal Life Energy. We pause mentally, emotionally and lookup within to something greater than ourselves…. to allow ourselves to feel Presence, to feel Source as Universal Life Energy.

And we can easily feel It ….. as a tingling or awareness of knowing our hand’s presence and the energy there. Mind pauses and becomes quiet. And in that silence we become aware of something more than thinking ….. that we are connected and one with Presence when we allow it.

this serves all of humanity amazingly because …

It rises our consciousness, harmonizes our mental energies, balances our bodily functions and radiates that harmonious energy to all.

Presence, Source is at your fingertips, in your hands …. so readily available. Consider making the Mental Contact merely by allowing yourself to feel Universal Life Energy flow through You Now. It flows and Is Unconditionally Source.

When we notice that we are conscious…. “I think, therefore, I am,” it is an indication of an opportunity …… of an adventure ….. to travel a spiritual road of awakening to the source of consciousness.

We can travel unlimited roads to being conscious of being a thinking, a watcher, a witness, and something greater…. to Source…. Self. And conscious contact with Universal Life Energy is road less traveled, yet evermore becoming more prevalent in the human mind because the level of humanity is on the rise.

Conscious contact with Universal Life Energy helps us dissolve the ego.

As we begin, we differentiate between illusion of the subconscious ego and Eternal Love. Then as we gradually, or more rarely suddenly, dissolve the ego and consciously rise above duality ….. the spiritual road becomes easier and we become stronger, wiser, truer, more loving and open to Unconditional Love.

We become conscious of what we are more and more …. all the while seeing the terrible turmoil the ego stirs in the world and the suffering of humanity …. yet we know that All is perfect and Harmonious in Spiritual Reality.

Presence is here and Now for all of us….

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Man creates his own heaven and his own hell. They are man-made, not created by God. They are states of consciousness, not localities, and they last as long as one remains willing host to them.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 160.

5 signs you are integrating your inner genders

Photo by cottonbro on

We will usually pursue development of our mind before we pursue development of our heart and love. We need both our inner male gender of mind and inner female gender of Love in balance and in a state of cooperation. Ying and Yang active and blending. Otherwise the human mind can create an ego that runs on self-service, separatism and manipulation. And a reality to match.

Mind in its higher state of consciousness is also Love. And Love is also Wise. So, ideally we are transitioning from our mental interpretation of gender duality, mind and heart believed to be separate, to integrating both within as one. And thus, with patience our reality gradually becomes one of happiness and harmony. 

Here are some signs that you are integrating your inner genders of Mind and Love, harmonizing your reality through the Law of Gender:

1. You are mindful and live in the moment. 

You are Self-conscious, present in your body and in your heart. You are aware and choose to love the moment, seeing it as an opportunity in life to learn more about yourself and the reality you create through your consciousness with Love and the powers of the Great Principle. Enthusiastic.

2. You begin to see yourself in others.  

You see both the Divinity in them and in yourself! When I am conscious of this experience, I am also conscious of the compassion I feel for others and myself. We are all One and connected.

You, like me, may come to realize that we all are looking for unconditional Love in others. And, I am so grateful to be in the presence of such beautiful Souls, in the great sea of the Universe and on Mother Earth.

On the emotional level your Heart Center is your Seat of Love. And, Love is inclusive, unifying. 

Higher emotional energies from your Heart are personal love, impersonal Love, sincerity, and gratitude. You have an attitude of goodwill and compassion for others and for yourself. When I live a conscious heart I listen to others from my Heart with consideration and respect.

Our emotions have a major impact on our consciousness, our  thoughts and behaviors, which in turn have a major impact in our reality. Every emotion is manifested reality.

Emotionally we are part of one Heart, connected with Universal Love. Mentally we are part of one Self-consciousness, one Superconsciousness and one subconsciousness. Unity is the Law of the Universe.

Separative thinking causes us to forget not only who we truly are, but also our authentic power as Souls. We can feel left out, lonely and afraid because we have forgotten the support of the Eternal and our connection with all humanity. Separatists are self-righteous and can become fanatical.

When you mentally become conscious of the tenderness of your Heart, you become inclusive and sensitive to the condition of others you are close to, to the condition of humanity, to the condition of Mother Earth. In that awareness you develop compassion for yourself and others. 

3. You listen to the Wisdom of your Heart. 

Wisdom is the living energy of Cosmic Mind. This gives you the authentic power of discrimination through your Heart, uniting Mind and Love. You are honest, sincere and your word is law.

On the intuition level the higher energies of your Heart may manifest as inspiration, intuition and even instinct. You are constantly being guided by the Wisdom of your Heart and Love through your Superconsciousness.

As I become more grateful for what I understand in the Wisdom and from my Higher Self, I am quieter and listen more to my intuition. And, the more I am grateful for the guidance, the more I receive.

There are times that I make a mistake, but when I review as to how it came about I usuallly remember that I had received guidance from my Higher Self but didn’t follow it!

Since the heart is also an emotional center we can feel what is harmonious, wise, true and loving. When you integrate both Heart and Mind, both your feminine and masculine genders, you become conscious of what you’re feeling and make empowered decisions. You discriminate, choosing to be motivated by Love instead of fear. And, this is also has a radiance of protection for you! Love is your protection.

As a bonus …… when you make a conscious decision lead by Love ….. then that energy also enters your subconscious, your feminine mental gender. In the subconscious it takes root to grow, to once again resurface at the appropriate time to your consciousness, your masculine mental gender, as a beautiful effect in your consciousness and life.

For more about your mental genders consider: The Law of Gender you’ve probably never been conscious of Part 1.

4. You appreciate Beauty.

When you become more conscious of Love you begin to truly recognize and appreciate Beauty. You see beauty all around you: in others, in their character, expressions and sincerity. You appreciate the beauty in the art, music, dance and rhythms, in colors, in sounds and throughout nature. A bird’s song, a flower’s shape, color and fragrance has qualities that are beautiful.

Tastes and touches can be very beautiful. You experience beauty in the day sky and starry night sky. In simplicity, a curve, line and geometry, In numbers, words and feelings. In Silence.

5. You generously Love.

You are considerate, express goodwill, are respectful, and hope the best for others. Grateful. 

For more on releasing the ego and embracing higher levels of consciousness:

Ways to go beyond ordinary thinking.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The male and the female qualities are both powers, and very beautiful powers. These fine characteristic of a complete being are within us. Let us bring them out. Perseverance, cooperation and collaboration are required.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Lessons in Science of Being, Volume I, page 58.

Ways to go beyond ordinary thinking

We are very capable of recognizing and exercising our mental powers to raise our ordinary rate of vibration, becoming freer and happier. And we don’t have to spend the day in meditation! 

Being conscious and aware of what is happening in our thinking is the easiest way to create a freer mind and attract what you want in life. If we recognize we are tempted by anxiety or greed, be brave. We should acknowledge temptations without labeling them ….. energizing them. Egotistic, immature thoughts can hold us in discouraging circles of regret, craving, worry and hate. 

Relax physically and mentally, observing the feelings, the sensations, rather than the thoughts as a detached, impersonal observer. 

If we get involved in fearful thoughts, analyzing, labeling them, reminiscing and following them we can get caught in those energies and circle there. As a detached observer of the feelings, the feelings will dissipate gradually. You are releasing the mental/emotional energies. And this is what we want when those energies are coarse and dampening. 

It happens to us all the time. I will start to feel something that’s just off. And I become aware of it, emotionally. Resentment is a very subtle one! I am very much tempted to go into it, and dwell there, analyzing, questioning, connecting the dots so to speak, then labeling it. Pretty soon I realize I’m circling in those energies, powering more of the same! 

That’s when I pause and have some self-respect, taking a deep breath, relaxing and contact Universal Life Energy. The energies start to disperse. I focus on gratitude, sincerely feeling it in my heart and return to sanity. Then I can see and experience all the beauty and love in Life. 

There are other simple, yet effective ways: Ways to go beyond ordinary thinking – Companion lesson to Mental Vibrations in Advanced Teachings in Science of Being.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“What we think, we are. True harmony, true civilization lies in our mind. Every organ in our body would remain harmonious, if it were not for the interference of our mind.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Lessons in Science of Being, Volume I, page 47.

Dance on water

lilly pads refined

Photo – PSLB, Thailand


Your reflection is rippled and distorted in the human mind,                                                     yet your Higher Self knows
You dance on water, You float on air!

You are a gentle soul that unfolds petal,                                                                                       by 1,000 petals
so that your tender heart is disclosed.

You are a friend, then foe, then Friend exposed.

You are a jewel in the silence,
a Light like the sun.

You are ‘I am’ and part of ‘I AM ONE.’

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The Past cannot be changed; we have to take it as it is. But our Future is completely in our hands, and, if we start the right causes, should never occasion us any worry, as it will take care of itself because of the Law of Cause and Effect.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 162.

What’s Love Got to do with It?

Purple and White are Our Colors not our Heart

“Whenever we are inspired by beauty, we have taken a step towards Spiritual Vibrations.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume 1, page 82.

When we see beauty in anything we are relating consciously to Love, for beauty is a quality of Love. Love elevates our level of consciousness and reality. We need love to refine ourselves.   

We can find beauty in the simplest things, like a pansy. The name pansy is derived from the French pensee meaning ‘thought.’ While the Middle English name, viola, comes from ‘remembrance.’ Which ever name you use they both  relate to the mind and consciousness.


Beauty brings Love to the forefront of our consciousness!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB


Photos: PSLB

A State of Mind

 A State of Mind

We should try to develop the love of Beauty, which is at the foundation of our being.”  Eugene Fersen

It’s amazing how the beauty and power of Alaska can be captured on an iPad! Yet, it is also amazing that there is so much beauty in this world to enjoy. It out weights the dross. And, everything, everything – says something about our earthly condition. It speaks to us in deep and profound ways and all we have to do is be conscious and aware of it.

The Law of Analogy is such a powerful law to help us understand ourselves and of great benefit for those on a conscious spiritual journey. The law Itself is beautiful.

Glacier MeltThe different states of water can be used to symbolize the different states of mind. The liquid state is like the lively, discriminating consciousness, while the frozen state is like the fixed ideas, beliefs and habitual behavioral patterns of subconsciousness.

The subconscious freezes and imprisons the beauty and Love of Mind, dominating our emotions and behaviors with traits like irritability, worry, guilt or greed if we let it. 

Being frozen is hell for us, because the Great Law says Life is constant vibration, change and gradual evolution.

Just like the way the sun can melt a 10,000 year old glacier in Glacier National Park so can unconditional Love of Universal Life Energy melt and change the frozen misconceptions of the subconscious. 

We may think we don’t like change, but everything else about us says that we do. That’s an analogy that can help us be courageous in challenging situations!

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

Photo: PSLB

Start with this one thing! Going with the flow of harmony

Photo: dew on grass, PortiaSLB 2015

As busy and crazy our life can be there are moments of Harmony, completely. And we can find them, recognize them with a simple practice.

Start with one thing

Focus on one object in your presence and truly look at it. It may be a piece of furniture and the grain of wood. A soap bubble, a leaf, dew on grass. Focus your attention on it and observe its condition in the present moment.

Everything depends on your awareness; what you allow yourself to experience. So relax and observe.

Experience it; the depth of it. Surrender and completely accept what is.

Avoid labels and names which are concepts. Rather be open to the  connection with your state of being, with your awareness. Feel the solidity of it, yet also look deeper and perceive the space between. Perceive the spiritual significance of it. 

Everything within your circle of awareness has spiritual significance. Everything you perceive is a reflection of yourself. It is a reflection of your state of awareness and naturally has spiritual significance. 

Photo: PortiaSLB 2015

If you are observing a flower, there is meaning of the color of the flower, the shape, the texture, the fragrance. It doesn’t represent our egotistic concepts… rather the significance of it. 

 Use your physical senses, then close your eyes and get an inner sense of the  energy and your connection to it. 

In this moment it’s possible to be open to the softness, the gentleness of the rose in it’s texture and fragrance. And your  relationship to that tenderness because of your own tenderness. And the more you allow yourself to relax into your observation the more in harmony you flow, unnoticed. 

You begin to go with the flow of life and life energy. It becomes part of your awareness and part of you.  

The Beauty within that experience is compassion and harmony. You can feel it in your heart.

Now here is an important part of such an experience… and that is returning it; sending it out back into the universe and out to others. Living in the flow of Life with a conscious heart. 

Once we recognize and feel harmony and peace we can stay open to it. Consider placing your  hands over your heart and  holding it within, letting it spread throughout every cell in your body. Then open and send that peace out from you in an attitude of gratitude.

Hope peace for everyone and the world. You are flowing in the energy of Life that is wise and compassionate.  It flows continuously through us, and our opportunity is to allow our awareness of it. 

Developing new depths of insight

As we become more observant of the things, beings, and energies around us we begin to experience their significance and meanings in our life. Mental concepts and conditioning begins to dissolve and we see things more clearly.

Meditation  helps greatly in the discovery of continuous harmony that we normally ignore because of the egotistic mind. As you begin to experience harmony in meditation, you also will find spaces of harmony in your everyday life that you may have previously overlooked.

You are cutting through the ego and letting it go, but letting go of the ego can be a painful process. More about this to come with the help of the Great Law on the sister website: Science of Being; the further reaches of the spiritual road. 

Sure life is busy, yet we must remember and not wait for tomorrow to be aware because this very moment has spiritual implications. 

In the hope You find spiritual implications close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Interest responds to action, and action resides beneath the surface, not upon it. Therefore the more you develop OBSERVATION the more interesting, vital and cheerful life will appear to you.””

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 176.





Delicate, silky wings of unfathomable strength; transcendental pool of power, true depth of vibrance in the heart of all hearts, entwine

Causes brilliant thunder of justice to trace all returning deeds not to be undone, but to be played over again until the heart triumphs

And human love can be transformed forever by an exquisite release of shadows, and all malaise and tribulation burns in the presence of the divine.

A single candle to focus, a meeting of unity in the temple of the living, immaterial forces of the soul; nothing more wonderful and beautiful to behold

Silent soul of the Unknown black, mysterious Light only to those that do not know the spiritual warrior extolled.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“It does not help us to realize the beauty of the Soul, and neglect the dirt of the mind.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 97.

Enhanced photo, 2015




Light upon the path – Morning Glory

morning glory blue a 2016

Blue Beauty, star in the morning rising

Trumpeting Life’s fascinating formation song,

Imitating a despairing premature death by evening

Agreeably Light upon the path again after dawn.


As I was walking along the lake this little Lightbearer caught my eye. It shines so True and beautiful and I’m so happy that I was able to catch a shot of its nature and character. And, you may even spot an ant peeping out, having spread some pollen already! There are shadows of ants climbing along the back of the blossom too.

What’s amazing to me is the light from its center of attraction.  I’m attracted and hope you are too!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The more we listen to our Higher Self, the more we are creators. Composers of music listen to their Higher Selves. Everything beautiful coming from humans comes from their Higher Selves. We should be guided by our Higher Self and produce more and more beautiful things.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume I, page 26.

Photos taken by PSLB 2016.