Soul Power to get the ego to work for You

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We get busy, worried, and circle in anxious thinking . For those of us conscious of being on our spiritual journey goals include raising our consciousness and harmonizing our thinking. The subconscious ego is naïve and allows ourselves to be mentally programmed. And it limits our awareness of life’s expansive opportunities and potentials ….. as being the creators of our own destiny!

Yet there are ways get the subconscious ego to work for us and control negative thoughts and impulses.

First of all ….. What is it?

Long ago we turned away from the Eternal ….. not recognizing our innate, Unconditional Love. We separated Divine Mind within us into three rays – Superconsciousness, Consciousness and Subconsciousness, a level below Consciousness.

The Consciousness is in the middle so to speak, being able to reach up to inspirations and Enlightenment of the Superconscious or down to programming, memories and imagination of the Subconsciousness.

And we want to raise up.

But, the ego can keep us circling in the subconscious programming with negative thinking and emotions. This happens when we do not stand guard to the consciousness and let negative thoughts, opinions, suggestions, sensations, feelings, emotions, and experiences fall into the subconscious to grow and mutate.

Eventually those mutated energies return to our consciousness and we consider them our personality and use them as rational thought!

Why to hard to control?

We may feel like we should fight against the ego. But intention based in disgust or scorn only draws more negative energies.

The subconscious is naive and lacks discrimination. It’s been programmed and that’s why it’s so hard to control!

Instead, we must fight with Truth and Love, We must fight with Divine Mind and Unconditional Love, developing conscious discrimination, consideration, honesty and caring.

How to harmonize

ENLIGHTEN the conscious self

We get busy during our day and unaware consciously, thus the practice of Relaxation and Silence is of prime importance to help us return to the moment. With a few deep breaths and mental silence we gain control over ourselves and negativity can no longer influence us. We’re more conscious and can return to reason and discrimination ….. choosing our thoughts and emotions.

The more we know about the subconscious as a condition the more we are able to become conscious and control the ego. Remember subconsciousness is a mere conditioned program …. a mental illusion and belief that was created by the human consciousness ages ago and is below our awareness.

In that conditioning there’s always a payoff for negative thoughts and emotions like stress, despair, anxiety, pride and anger! We can blame others or circumstances, get attention and get high on adrenaline and hormones of stress. And these hormones and drama are very addictive, keeping us in moods and beliefs about ourselves!

Engage Mind and Heart Coherence

Your emotions are tools of your Soul. And Soul recognizes negative passions when we experience them and lets us know by how they make us feel. We feel bad, down, worried, angry, humiliated, stressed, etc.

We can consciously choose to reject these negative passions. Negation is an easy means of mentally rejecting any inharmonious thoughts, emotions or positionalities. In negation we stand guard of the Conscious Self, reject and mentally throw negativity into a mental trashcan! Or incinerate it with the purifying power of Universal Life Energy. 

But, in order to do so we must be conscious, aware in the moment and care!

The next step is to think “as many positive thoughts as you can.” And we purposefully allow each positive thought to enter the subconscious so it can grow!

Each positive thought like gratitude eliminates a negative one!

As for myself, when I am conscious of a negative thought or emotion like resentfulness, because of the positionally believing I have been wronged ….. I reject it mentally. And I become grateful for this amazing awareness and ability to reject it.

Purify the subconscious

No amount of positive thinking can eliminate the entire human collective subconscious energies and karma that we are all connected to and part of. Yet, there is a powerful tool in Universal Life Energy to purify the subconscious.

And there are many methods of contact: the Star Exercise, the Mental Contact and a specific one for subconscious purification, called Fertilization as shared in The Fundamental Principles Lesson 11.

Every time you purposefully contact Universal Life Energy you are engaging a Power of the Great Principle that creates worlds, constitutes, governs, sustains, pervades and contains everything! It harmonizes, corrects and eliminates imperfections on all planes, including the subconscious ego.

Creating your own destiny

When we imagine and love our ambition and can experience the emotion of being in it Now we are attracted to harmonious, constructive opportunities! We sow the seeds of our ambitions.

We are engaging Mind and Heart coherence. And we are energizing the Law of Attraction and the Law of Demand and Supply.

Then we must act in concordance with our ambitions in the present moment with all the energies of Enthusiasm, Intelligence, Principle and Love.

The more we do, the more we are pulled to our ambitions!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“After you have relaxed, entered into Silence and made the Contact with Universal Life Energy, think of that Force in its greater Aspect as the Life Breath of the Universe.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 350.

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Your Soul encourages You ….

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