Todays’s consideration: ‘Constructive criticism’ – really?

Consider that there is no such thing as constructive criticism, even of ourselves. Have you considered that when we are self criticizing we are judging and afraid that we are not good enough to fit in or be loved? And often we feel if we self criticize it is justified because others are going to criticize us so why not jump the gun?

We all do it; we all criticize, yet we are in a process of realizing that none of us are perfect and we all have our habits ….. we all have been programmed to adhere to established patterns of behaviors.

Yet, we can pause and consider the temptation to criticize, then listen to our Inner Voice, our Higher Self, to guide us. A sincere intent to improve ourselves benefits us, but to criticize another or ourselves in an attempt to show we are better is not. It’s destructive rather than constructive.

Criticism is directed by fear and can result in anxiety, guilt, and even self-hatred. Yet, the temptation is just a temporary distraction from Self Love and compassion for all of us. And we can realize this.

To realize that we all are tempted is the beginning of having compassion for ourselves. And ….. that compassion rises our level of consciousness to encompass Acceptance, Understanding and Love for ourselves, for others and all Beings. And certainly increases our happiness!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Only Truth will set us Free. Lies are bonds woven from all kinds of evil elements.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 127.

Today’s consideration: Food, sex, worries; So many distractions

Thinking is an addictive distraction, especially when we have an intent to quiet the mind, to mediate and come into your Real Self. We tend to think about things we try to avoid or repress when we get quiet and listen to ourselves. Things like that chocolate we’re missing, the sexual pleasures we’re missing, and the many, many solutions to worries we’re missing.

It’s normal for us all. That’s important to remember when the guilt and the hurt of it all begins to further distract us. Yet, we can free yourselves with practice.

Just keep being conscious and aware of the temptation to be distracted. Just observe, be the watcher of the thinker without judgment. And amazingly, in that awareness of the temptation to be distracted, you have entered a meditation of observation. Whereas, if you we unaware of being distracted then one thought leads to another. And you can circle there.

Let compassionate Love lead you deeper into Relaxation and Silence. Pause and take some deep breathes, being conscious of breathing in Universal Life Energy. Let compassion for yourself, lead to compassion for others and for all Beings. And in this practice you can release, release and rise in consciousness above temptation into Love, Peace and Joy.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We should try to eliminate the undesirable traits of our subconsciousness by becoming conscious through living FourSquare. It is a stupendous task for the whole of Humanity.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 31.

Kinda of ordinary to extraordinary…Brilliant help!

Photo by Gratisography on

Each one of can become extraordinary, change our health, gene activation, and even DNA!

 Change starts in the mind ….

It’s as simple as changing our habitual thoughts and emotions. Memories, along with thoughts and emotions accumulate and grow in the subconscious and body unnoticed. But these energies eventually return to our awareness.

If we unconsciously carry any trauma like abuse experienced during childhood into adulthood … we may wake up in the mornings feeling some anxiety, not knowing why. Or it may manifest in our bodies causing dis-ease.

For years I’ve experienced feelings of not belonging in this world, not knowing why until I began exploring my emotions and feelings. As children we are naive and weren’t consciously mature or educated to release negative emotions, like guilt, fear or anger.

With these emotions buried they may resurface, warped into feelings of anxiety, resentment, sadness, insecurity, and jealousy. As we repeat thoughts and feelings our brain becomes wired with pathways …. we’ve become conditioned and familiar with the habit.

We stick with the familiar even when it is not best for us. There may be some change …. because life is constant change …. but usually very familiar change. 

A shift can happen when we release the past and move our thinking and emotions into the present moment.

Our emotions are key to change

The good news is that changing our mind is easier than we are led to believe. It may feel uncomfortable, but that is only because we will be moving out of the familiar.

It’s simple

First thing is to become aware of your state of mind in the moment. Become conscious of your thoughts and feelings. Especially your feelings. Why? Because feelings point to emotions, which are key!

Here comes the unfamiliar part ….. once you recognize a bothersome feeing like jealousy ….. just notice it …… without getting involved it it. Let it pass you by.

And consciously choose uplifting thoughts of optimism, generosity, understanding and compassion.

This may initially feel uncomfortable, yet with practice it begins to feel natural ….. because states of optimism, trust, serenity and lovingness is your innate nature. And these energies eventually manifest in the body’s cells and in your health.

There’s brilliant help!

You always have the help of the Eternal and can easily contact that harmonizing Source by making the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy. It is ubiquitous and functions that way, harmonizing body and mind.

I make the Mental Contact when I notice uncomfortable feelings to help me observe without getting involved, and then reach for higher levels of consciousness like Courage, Trust and Love.

During meditation you may further explore feelings to get to base emotions, or memories, so they might be released to The Great Principle. And you can focus on consciously choosing to be accepting and loving.

In the hope you find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

scientific research links

Here are 2 links from the Mayo Clinic and John Hopkins connecting stress, thinking and emotions and health:

And the HeartMath Institute has research concerning changing our emotional intent which can influence change in our DNA:

“It is a very important thing that we should not keep love unmanifested, but should at every opportunity disclose it, show it forth, manifest it, be it in a word, in a smile, in a look or in a handshake.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 27.

Delirium while seeking Inner Peace

Photo PSLB

We all suffer, and for those of us on a conscious spiritual journey we may suffer emotionally more than anything. As we travel along gaining more and more experiences, there is the process of learning from our mistakes. And this can cause the greatest emotional suffering, yet it is part of the human growth process. The good news is that we can rise above it.

There are egotistic challenges …

Like guilt, self-righteousness, pride and frustration. Impatience is one that I repeat and I suffer emotionally from with guilt, resentment and even self hatred. Sometimes it seems to be an endless dark, painful tunnel of different negative traits! Yet there is Light of hope and inspiration to continue to fight for Freedom.

One thing egotistic challenges teach us is to be more conscious, alert and aware of temptations that surface. And that they should be faced, rather than pushed down again only to resurface stronger than ever. Better to face and release now than let them fester and grow.

And if we ignore feelings and dealing with trauma and traits that may have initially happened in childhood, we cause ourselves more trauma unknowingly. In childhood if we didn’t have help with trauma, we probably suppressed our emotions, which grew unnoticed. We were naive.

So when we become stressed in our daily life; feeling bothersome feelings like anxiety we may try to soothe or numb ourselves by looking for comfort in overindulgence in unhelpful matters, like over eating, porn, drugs.

Better to face negative emotions and past memories of trauma, rather than continuing to be naive, so we can come to the present moment fully. And feel the uncomfortable emotions and consciously choose to let them go ….. then embrace those emotions that are uplifting. It’s our choice, after all!

The fight for Freedom

Some may encourage us to be humble and forgiving to overcome negative traits, Yet, humility haves connotations and definitions of lowliness and unworthiness. Forgiveness has connotations and definitions of indulging in excuses for wrong doing, or ignoring negativity.

I’ve found that being accepting and compassionate are fitting and accurate. When we can accept our and others egotistic fallibilities as being human we can give up, that is release, the obsession with “being right!”

Self-honesty requires courage. And courage lifts us consciously; it helps us recognize negative patterns of resentment and condemnation without getting all involved and stuck, then feeling guilty about it.

We can be compassionate, see our human fallibility and be willing to do something about it, by releasing it, letting it pass us by. This is being lead by Unconditional Love.

We may initially feel the pain of an egotistic trait or traumatic memory. In fact the pain points to what needs awareness and healing. Sure, self defensiveness may creep up too!

Yet, those egotistic constricts are released when we let them pass us by. And we are able to rise above the pain into understanding, optimism and gratitude.

I become so grateful for becoming aware of different painful emotions …. temptations that where under the surface and have been around a long, long time stemming from childhood trauma.

We can face dark memories and emotions stemming from trauma and be protected. You have the help, and we all do, of The Great Law through Higher Consciousness, with Universal Life Energy as the constant inspiring Source of Power and Unconditional Love. Such Love is our True protection. We merely have to be compassionate and willing to make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy.

Rise above

It seems obvious that with more self-honesty and release of negative temptations we become less vulnerable to self condemnation and creating more trauma of fearful traits of feeling like a victim, self-hatred and escape-ism.

With acceptance, compassion and release we rise above the emotional pain. And with gracious and compassionate attitudes like alert awareness and optimistic gratitude, we can rise in consciousness.

We can align with our natural state of happiness, Joy, Love and Harmony. Yet, we must be brave!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Superconsciousness, as the connecting link between the humanly conscious You and the complete real YOU, will be definitely assigned its place in your comprehension.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 283.

Crazy thoughts when trying to find Silence? It’s easy to deceive, Part 3

Most of us can relate to feeling assaulted by crazy thoughts especially when we are on a conscious spiritual journey, trying to observe and know ourselves. It is so contrary to being in Presence, living in the present moment with silent alertness.

As an observer we can be very affected by what we bring with us, like expectations, interest, familiarity, and beliefs discussed in Part 1 and Part 2. And our perceptions as a witness can also become defective because of other factors. Yet we can rise above them.


Our emotions affect our perceptions. Being in lower levels of consciousness with fear related emotions makes observations unrealistic and untrustworthy.

If we are stressed out and fearful then our inner observations can be very swayed and even perverted. Guilt can lead to self-ridicule, anger to lying, arrogance to domination. Plus, these emotions can circle around unconsciously and surface as irresponsible choices.

The ego feeds on drama! And this is why in self-observation we quiet the thinking mind, the hurt, the sorrow, the resentment, and come into the present moment, entering the Silence.

We can feel the Presence of something greater than ourselves as we make the Mental Contact. In this state you become an unattached observer, and can courageously observe the good, the bad and the ugly without attachment to emotions like self-pity, regret or despair. You can observe that fearful temptations are just temporary, illusionary and irresponsible choices.

When you make the Mental Contact, you are in Authentic Power and guided to make responsible choices that are rooted in Love, helping you deliberately choose uplifting thoughts and emotions like Optimism, Transcendence and Gratitude. You can observe that these are your natural state which benefit yourself and everyone.

Physical Conditions

Most of us know that if we are tired, sick or short of breath it can affect our perceptions. Things become blurred, out of focus and even seem impossible to give attention to.

That’s when it’s critical to relax. Pause, take a deep breath and you will automatically begin to relax when you allow yourself to. It may take a few minutes, but the body will respond dispersing beneficial hormones.

Remember that wellbeing is natural for you. Relax and allow communication between your body and Source, making the contact with Source Energy, Universal Life Energy. Willingly open yourself. Feel It and Trust It.

Contrary to the way the ego sees it, any discomfort points to where we should give attention to. Physical discomfort points to emotional discomfort. Allow yourself to observe discomforts and temptations in an unattached state of silence.

We don’t necessarily need to know the cause of disquieting thoughts and emotions. That desire to know is a push from the ego. We are creatures of habitual thoughts, attitudes, behaviors and we resist living in the present moment …… in Presence.

Empower yourself by making a decision to focus on the Light of Source Energy in the present moment. Purposefully reach for higher levels of consciousness and emotions like acceptance, tenderness and compassion. This opens us to more Life Energy for healing, growth, Inner Joy and Peace.

And remember it can take some time for the billions of cells in your body to align with your natural wellbeing.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The saying, The pure in heart shall see God is True. Only when we are pure or sincere can we behold Harmony, and when we behold it, the Light of Harmony flows into us.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings by Eugene Fersen, Volume I, page 257.
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Tricky self deception; It’s easy to deceive, Part 2

Photo: PSLB

Each of us are the creators of our life’s destiny. And it is critical to know ourselves and the workings of the human mind and it greater aspects in order to help us achieve success, happiness and spiritual awareness.

As shared in the previous entry, our perceptions are affected by our expectations and interests. To avoid these pitfalls….. remember we will always feel that something is off. For more link to the previous entry: Its easy to deceive, part 1.

Familiarity affects our perceptions

We have to live with ourselves everyday and we can get so familiar with our habitual thinking and emotions that we tend to ignore them. We may get out of the same side of the bed everyday and have the same attitudes, especially on work days. But, we tend to change our behaviors when we expect to be seen.

Plus …. and this is very interesting …. the ego may act differently when it (we) are conscious of being the watcher of ourselves! As we begin to watch ourselves engaging in such traits as resentment, anger, desire, the ego may retaliate and fall into hatred, despair, and guilt!

Or ….. the subconscious can become very lethargic and the ego can just ignore it. We may ignore our state of consciousness that we repeatedly engage in like procrastination. We may be ignorant of sarcastic attitudes around certain people. Or we may unknowing cling to memories that keep us in states of resignation, anxiety or stress.

It is the conscious self that is the window to self-observation and being the watcher or witness is a first step to recognizing subconscious traits. Yet, being the unattached observer leads to higher levels of consciousness and deeper understandings.

Levels of consciousness like courage, willingness to see the good, the bad and the ugly, and acceptance of our limitlessness and connection to Source can lead to release of the limited ego. And conscious embrace of Love, Joy and Peace.

When you are observing yourself in a detached, uninvolved state of consciousness then you can accept that you are tempted by the ego’s shame, guilt, or hopelessness. You can be conscious and alert in the moment and know that any temptation is fleeting. Put temptations in a mental trash can, knowing that it is an illusion of the subconscious ego.

Remember to make the Mental Contact and be grateful for being conscious and in the process of exposing the ego, and unfolding your Inner Beauty. Softy make Statements of Truth so that they can soak within, into the subconscious ego, to grow, like:

“I am a Ray of the Great Principle with all the same qualities of Power, Intelligence, Law and Love.

Programmed bias affects our observation

The human mind is naive and impressionable, especially when we are children. Since we were little we’ve seen how those closest to us react to circumstances, and we mirror them, becoming gradually programmed to reflect the same qualities.

Our perceptions are affected by the environment we live in. By our beliefs. By our memories. By our struggles for survival, gains, and failures. By our carelessness, lust, envy and self-righteousness.

The Law of Gender is a factor in the human mind, with thoughts, beliefs and programming growing unnoticed in the subconscious, to return to conscious reality. So you can help yourself by being conscious of memes and propaganda.

Inner vanity is an egotistic environment for the spiritual traveler. And the immaturity of the ego has lead to criminality, dissidence, and militancy. Society has been in states that glorifies status seeking, the criminal culture, and deliberate programming of children and adults with memes and political attitudes.

When you refuse to accept responsibility for how you think, feel and behave you are accepting propaganda and programming, becoming its victim. You, we all, become trapped until we are willing to fight for our freedom.

It’s a matter of choice.

As mature beings we can take responsibility for our own level of consciousness and release any payoffs of egotistic traits.

Remember you do not have to do it all alone. We are all on our spiritual journey together and awakening with Source, the Great Principle. As we unfold, so does the Absolute.

And the Absolute is always available to help each of us physically, mentally and spiritually. The Star Exercise and Mental Contact helps on all levels and in all circumstances. Doing these practices daily helps to clear and harmonize the subconscious ego, even those parts and traits that are long forgotten.

And being conscious, alert and aware in the present moment brings us the opportunity of choice.

In the hope you find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Many people fail because they are prone to mistake their initial success for license to do as they please. Freedom is not license.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 183.

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Step 4 to Spiritual Awareness

Da Vinci’s man with disection

The sincere spiritual seeker will be willing to to fight for their freedom from limitations of the subconscious ego narcissism in order to become Spiritual Aware. And anyone that has genuinely experienced Spiritual Peace and Harmony within will work to experience it again.

And there are some opportunities to create for yourself:

As reviewed in Step 1: Start on the mental level with a willingness to establish relaxation and quiet, physically and mentally as experienced in the Relaxation and Silence practice. At any moment we can pause, take a deep breathe, relax and come aware of the present moment, quieting the mental chatter.

Step 2 is to be courageous enough to be conscious and aware observing ourselves without scorn or pride. In this step we become aware of egotistic traits without harsh judgments, gradually allowing Understanding and Unconditional Love to rise within ourselves.

In Step 3 we become conscious of something greater than ourselves. And can readily experience unity with Universal Source through the Star Exercise and Mental Contact, reaping the benefits also.

Step 4

The Fourth Step is to develop within ourselves Soul Emotions for they must be equally present with Mind and Body to fully express our Soul or Spiritual Self. And spiritual awareness takes place only when Love is present.

Humanly we experience personal love as an emotion. We may experience it in many different frequencies, yet the one of the most uplifting and enduring is True Friendship. And Spiritual Friends of humanity has lived it and lead the way for our own spiritual awareness, showing Trust, Optimism, Forgiveness, Understanding, Appreciation, Gratitude, Tranquility and Joy.

In this step we may still feel and observe egotistic emotions like anger, disappointment, resentment and anxiety. Yet they will be fleeting because we observe them in a state of awareness that lets them fade away because we just notice them without clinging to them. Gradually such emotions become less and less frequent.

Living in the moment one becomes aware of emotions of the Heart. And we can begin by experiencing sincerity. Deep Sincerity opens the door to Love and all soul expressing emotions until those frequencies become a state of Being – states of Peace, Tranquility, Love and Joy.

To reach the feeling of sincerity we release fear and other egotistic traits, and in turn, our level of conscious awareness rises from feeling satisfactory into acceptance of truth and integrity. And this opens the door to understanding, peaceful joy and Love.

In this step within the eyes of your fellow Being ….. see yourself. And see the extraordinary …… for you are seeing God.

Live a Conscious Heart. Express Love ….. for it is meant to be lived. Meet everyone and every situation with Unconditional Love and compassion, remaining centered in the spiritual empowerment of the very powers of God: Life, Light, Liberty and Love.

Love is a Universal Power. It is the Power of Attraction that embraces the Universe. And the more each of us consciously expresses Love the more we increase our spiritual awareness, harmony, success and happiness for we are uniting with Spirit.

That sense of Freedom is a Soul Emotion

Any extraordinary feelings of Uplifting Enthusiasm, Optimism or connection with Life Energy, Understanding, Sincerity and Compassion are Soul Emotions because they are of the FourSquare qualities of Source: Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love. And these are what we are to develop within ourselves.

Everything on earth ….. all beings, circumstances and experiences are here for us to learn to Love. Through simple steps we allow ourselves to rise into higher levels of consciousness and evolution.

And as we experience a firm sense of Unity with Universal Source and IT’s unlimited Immensity. There is nothing in earthly circumstances that can disturb the Inner Harmony. We become Free within.

In the Science of Being we call it fighting up ….. fighting to align with the Great Principle. That is to BE MAN –

“Express in every act of yours ALL ENERGY, INTELLIGENCE, TRUTH and LOVE; thus Living only will you live; thus acting only can you build to Freedom, Strength and Happiness in Life.”

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PSLB

“As long as you believe yourself to be a separate intelligence, that delusion will set the limits of your knowledge. …..

Your human intelligence is that within you which must learn the lesson of love. You are saturated with Love, made up and sustained by It. Love is the Foundation on which you are based. But you must realize this, perceive it to be so, and by thought and action build up a superstructure of Love and Harmony on that very Foundation of Love which Nature gave you at birth.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 394.

The most challenging teacher

Photo by Fernanda Latronico on

When I was coming into my young romance years, I dreamed of and searched for someone to Love me; someone more than my mother of course.

Now in my older and wiser years, I have gained some perspective, and realize that instead of being here to find someone to love me …… I’m here to find Love within and truly Love others. And I am so grateful.

In my youth I felt I should teach. Where as now, I realize that am here to learn. Life’s lessons are a constant companion and teachers abound.

The most challenging teacher is very close at hand! Indeed it is within. It is the egotistic subconscious that challenges with guilt, fear, anger, pride and more. All the while, I think that there must be a tiny spark of the Divine within such powerful challenges. Perhaps they are opportunities to claim my freedom, strength and happiness.

For there is something within that knows I am here to enjoy and appreciate this life with all the bumps and slumps, twists and turns. And that something within is greater than the ego.

It is Divine. The Soul. Spirit. And I am grateful for glimpses of That.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“One instant of time, and that instant NOW, is one of the most precious and least appreciated of all the gifts with which Mankind is endowed…. Yet it is a messenger laden with greater treasures, greater happiness and greater woe than can ever be estimated until the end of Time.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, pages 252-3.

Step 3 to Spiritual Awareness

Photo by rizknas on

All of us value self-reliance and freedom. Even children exercise their ability to make their own decisions and establish independence. And as adults we continue daily efforts for our freedom, strength and happiness.

Ultimately our efforts are to awaken to the reality of Eternal Existence as Spiritual Beings. Spiritual awareness can come to those of us that focus our energies in a clearcut, concentrated spiritual direction.

And there are some fundamental steps that builds the pyramid of our life to the peak of Spirit. All of these steps may start on the mental level, but they permeate all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

First step

The first step is to pause and go silent. A daily exercise called Relaxation and Silence can help you pause and go silent in any moment of your daily life experiences.

Bring your mental focus within yourself, taking some deep, slow breathes and becoming calm and present in the moment. Relax the body, gradually let any circling of monkey chatter thinking go quiet. That’s when we can allow ourselves to become conscious of profound peace within.

Second Step

The second step is to become aware of the witness within without judgments and labels. In this step we deliberately choose to step into a higher conscious frequency. It’s simple.

Pause, become silent and conscious of the witness within. And be compassionate. Courageously face the challenge of the ego with all its obstinate thoughts and emotions with a compassionate Heart and Deep Love. Be willing to accept yourself and the moment with Understanding and Inspirational Harmony.

Negate any thought or emotion that does not serve the better good, throwing it in a mental trashcan. Then purposefully choose higher levels of consciousness like optimism, understanding, trust and love.

the 3rd step

The third step is to become aware of something greater than ourselves, of an unknown mysterious presence. And we can do this very easily when we allow it.

We all experience the Great Causeless Cause Itself within us as life. That Power outside of ourselves is known as Universal Life Energy. And it is the very foundation and essence of All ….. Matter, Mind, Emotion and Spirit.

Because of pride, impatience and conceit we willfully broke our conscious connection with the Source of All Power in our efforts to becomes self-sufficient. Yet, now is our opportunity to restore our lost connection with simple methods of contact.

The most simple is the physical Star Exercise in which you open your body, turning your left palm upward to attract the Universal Power outside of yourself with your own Life Center acting as a magnet.

That contact may feel like a tinglingly of a warm or cool energy, but if you are not conscious of feeling It, then just relax. You are automatically attuning yourself with the Cosmic Currents because of the Law of Attraction. And eventually the Truth of the contact will help harmonize doubt or fear.

When you are conscious of contact with the Absolute through Universal Life Energy physically, then you are becoming conscious of being One with the Absolute on higher planes, mental and Spiritual.

Another simple practice is the Mental Contact

In this Mental Contact you physically relax your body and once you feel harmony within, you open the mental door to assert your union with Universal Life with audible Declarations of Truth:

“I am One with Universal Life Energy, that is flowing through me Now. I feel It.”

And feeling that Power physically is evidence that You are One with the Absolute on the Spiritual, Soul level too because what is True on one level is True on another.

It’s just a matter of what we allow ourselves to become conscious of!

In these practices you are beginning to become conscious of your unity with the Great Principle, God because you are feeling the Truth of the Absolute physically ….. that You are One with the Eternal spiritually.

We may physically feel It as Universal Life Energy and/or as a mysterious unknown presence.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“You must remember that on the Mental Plane you are a law unto yourself. If you believe in a thing, that thing will become a reality to you. But if you doubt or fear, that doubt or fear also becomes a reality to you and prevents you from realizing the thing you want.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 26.



Step 2 to Spiritual Awareness

photo: PSLB New Zealand

“People value Freedom above all else; no more magnetic power of Attraction could exist than the sense of Freedom which your Individuality radiates from all your Being.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principle of Science of Being, page 312.

A sincere spiritual seeker is courageously truthful about ourselves, living in a state of conscious awareness. Earnestly practice being aware of where the mind lives, its thinking and emotions.

And when you feel that anything is out of peace, disturbing your consciousness, you can know that you need only be willing to take simple steps to reestablish Inner harmony.


The first step is to pause and go silent ….. being consciously aware. Gradually let any circling of monkey chatter go silent. Bring the attention within yourself, becoming calm and present in the moment. Thus, we are living Life as it is meant to be …… as a conscious Being engaged in the moment.

To go into the silence in any moment a daily exercise called Relaxation and Silence can help. This is a simple exercise in which we relax the body, gradually silence the monkey chatter, and becoming conscious of profound peace and presence of something greater than ourselves. One can become aware of actually feeling that Presence as Universal Life Energy.

This is the 2nd Step

When you go within yourself and become conscious of the present moment, practice being fully appreciative of what’s around you ….. what’s happening without habitual pattern judgments.

A sincere spiritual seeker’s second step to awakening is becoming aware of the witness within. To view the world with new eyes, with interest, awareness and appreciation. To view what we experience, think and feel as if for the first time.

And to courageously face the challenge of the ego with all its obstinate thoughts and emotions with a compassionate Heart and Deep Love. To be willing to accept ourselves and the moment as it is with Understanding and Inspirational Harmony.

As an example

I have experienced much emotional pain and mental anguish and have became aware that those labels caused more pain rather than lessening it. And not until I pause and became silent do I begin to calm the emotions. And in that moment, like a flash, I can become grateful for this awareness about the ego.

I become aware of the witness within. Initially, awareness of emotional pain feels bitter-sweet, but when we are truly grateful there is no bitterness. We cannot sincerely feel true gratitude and anguish at the same time.

We can choose gratitude ….. We can outgrow challenges like feeling anguish, fear, hatred, worry, anger, jealousy and unworthiness; that is evolve beyond them.

We may be tempted by the ego to dive into emotional payoffs with blame, guilt, self-righteousness, fault-finding and being right. Yet we can choose to be a doer rather than a critic. We can learn from our mistakes. And even become grateful for them!

We can learn to love ourselves unconditionally and thus we develop compassion for others and love them unconditionally too.

Polarity in human thinking

The human mind is naive and the ego feels emotional pain. Yet, that emotional pain is a flag to awaken us to become conscious! And as a witness in conscious awareness we can view experiences without circling in egotistic traits..

It is a courageous mental exercise to be aware of polarities like how we view emotional anguish and gratitude. Both seem to have elements of the other within them. It is only our mental attitude, our mental perception, our belief that an experience is anguish or gratitude.

It’s similar for seemly polar emotions like fear and love, resentment and freedom, condemnation and forgiveness. Our morals, our values, our mental beliefs, habits and beliefs color how we see and experience life ….. how we experience challenges.

What to do when you are challenged

To outgrow temptations and the payoffs of negative, egotistic traits we should be willing to look at them honestly. Pause, become silent and conscious of the witness within. And be compassionate.

Choose to step into a higher frequency. Negate any thought or emotion that does not serve the better good, throwing it in a mental trashcan. Then purposefully choose higher levels of consciousness like optimism, understanding, trust and love. And we can choose the help of Divine Harmony by contacting Universal Life Energy.

The sincere spiritual seeker will be willing to to fight for their freedom, for Inner Peace and Harmony. And when we do then we are becoming aware of our Higher Self, our Higher Consciousness, our Soul.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Practice Truth, and thereby cast off the fetters of weakness and fear with which untruth has bound you. Love Truth, and you will gain the treasures of this World, not merely of wealth, but of trust and honor and abounding love.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 175.