Regaining Harmony

Anything that comes to us, we can understand. It is our mind that is to be rebuilt and constructed to rise to higher and higher levels, to deeper and deeper understandings.

The more we listen to our Higher Self, our soul, the more we listen to Harmony. The more we listen to Harmony the more we understand and manifest harmony in our reality.

As humans we have lived for so long in the subconscious ego that we have become in a stupor and we ignore our Higher Self, our intuition and spiritual inspirations. The ego is always busy, constantly circling in mental monkey chatter dripping with unconscious fears. Those fears appear in our nightmares, in our personality and behaviors, being a major factor in our reality.

Try to regain harmony:  be still, relax your body. Breathe deeply and release and relax some more. Breathe Light, Universal Life Energy,  into your body. Relax your thinking, releasing thoughts as they come and gradually move into Silence. Experience Beauty in the moment and in your Heart, gradually rising into the vibrations of Love. The Law of Harmony helps You.

This sounds simple because it is, yet the subconscious ego will deny achieving harmony is possible, especially by simple means. Listen to your Soul!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The higher our rate of vibration, the better the Soul can manifest through us. The rate of vibration depends entirely on Love.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being

Photo: PSLB