Today’s consideration: Are you Home yet?

Our spiritual journey is our journey Home.

In a high state of consciousness we come Home to our natural condition ….. our Spiritual Home, conscious of compassionate, unconditional, Joyous Love. We know we are deeply Loved and deeply Loving. We are one with All Power, Awareness, Sincerity and Universal Love. Human love has evolved to Spiritual Love and radiates from our Spiritual Heart.

What is essential on our journey Home? Awareness and Love. Light and Love.

Consider starting with a sincere intent to be aware of Self and self ….. aware of the Truth of Self and our Inner Compassion, Love and Joy which also opens us to be aware of self …. of the ego and its stress circuits.

When you do become aware of feeling down on yourself or someone else, consider just the opposite. The subconscious perverts our thinking.

And when we are willing to rise above the ego, a stressed out separate person, we begin to realize that we are part of something bigger and Harmonious. That Light within us is attracted to and part of the Light of All Harmony. And this is Home.

In the hope You find Love close at hand,


“Inspiration is absolutely essential in life. Without It, we could not exist on this Earth. Seek It wherever you can find It. The first step it It, is attention.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 189.

Your Power of Spiritual Connection in 2021!

Greetings Light Seekers and Lightbearers!

This has an amazing year of spiritual awareness and journey. Thank You for joining me on this site, your encouragement and for Being the beautiful Soul that you are.

This work, this Wisdom …. is awakening within us our Inner Powers to lift us up, heal us and the world and attract the best for us in our reality here on earth. And I am grateful and to The Great Principle for the opportunity to share it with You and for all those that have come before us carrying the Message of Science of Being …… for Eugene Fersen and many more. Thank You.

We all have great opportunities for enlightenment next year, and I hope you join me here for our continuing journey. If you haven’t signed up to receive email automatically when a entry is posted, kindly do so. It helps WordPress present opportunities for me to better serve You. Your email will remain private.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

For You Lightbearer Heart and Mind 100 Years!

Photo by mahe haroutinian on

Universal Life Energy is used for healing treatments to harmonize physical, mental and emotional issues. It overpowers low energy frequencies, elevating and stimulating our consciousness to awaken to our Higher Self and Soul …. “to awaken within each that which still burns, the Light of Spirit which we all carry within us all the time.”

Your connection to what You want!

Photo by rizknas on


The Visualization Exercise empowers You to attract what you want. There are no secrets about it, and yes …… thoughts and imagination are prime ….. so are emotions …. yet there are other essential elements that super charge attraction!

Your Money Power

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on


  • When you do pay for anything, services or goods, feel good about it ….. grateful that someone is able to do the service or make the goods. Give willingly, lovingly and happily. Have an attitude that you flow in the abundance of money ….. you give and you receive. It’s all good in money exchange and the Law of Compensation.

Healing Treatments

All illnesses are rooted in the human mind, thus start with a Mental treatment.

“Silently state that there is nothing to fear, that Peace, Confidence, Strength and Harmony are supreme in the Body under your ministrations.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles in Science of Being, page 241.

Inner Art


Photo by Gratisography on

A person conscious of being a creative artist …… loves the process of creating ….. and aware of what motives them in the present moment. Now some may call this spiritual awareness or even religious devotion ….. and it is in a way, because …… we are becoming conscious of the Divine within ourselves.

Simple Effort can have Major Effects and Change Your Life

Photo PLSB New Zealand

It takes courage to go into the gaps ….. to become aware of the silence in-between the streams of thinking. It takes courage to go out of our comfort zone …. to pause, observe the quiet ….. go silent within…… and experience zero thoughts.

The Secret Love of a Crisis – It’s not what You Think!

Photo by Pixabay on

Gratitude may arise for the awareness of what is happening. Not for the crisis, problem or opposition, rather gratitude for the awareness of serenity and love always being close at hand. Gratitude for the infinite opportunities in this moment. Gratitude for some higher conscious understanding, that may not be logical, rather something deeper and far reaching ….. life changing.

Being a Positive Power in the World Through Emotional Contagion


There is real value in the emotion of smiling because, not only it is an experience of your own reality, but also it sets the tone for positive inception to influence other people’s reality! People relate to us, even in passing, through our body language, facial expressions, words, and tone of voice.

Through the Law of Attraction, we can synchronize with other people’s emotions in their energy fields and auras, unconsciously. Emotions are contagious!

The world says ‘don’t discriminate,’ Your Inner Courage says ‘always discriminate!’

Photo by Donald Teel on

To elevate the human mind to be conscious of our Unity ….. with Spirit ….. with Harmony. To be conscious of – All Life, Intelligence, Law and Love ….. And to Manifest ….. to Be …… in the ever present moment these qualities …… with every thought, every attitude, and every act of ours.

Attitudes that support Spiritual Awareness

Photo PLSB

A choice of one uplifting attitude invites an entire field of uplifting attitudes and raises our consciousness. 

It’s helpful to realize that the ego is extremely needy and gets energy from negative personality attitudes of predatory self-indulgence ….. like indignation over rights and entitlements, expecting no consequences.

Ways of a Light Seeker: Setting the Tone for Your Day

Photo by nappy on

Here are some morning practices that can help us start our day identifying with Spirit and our inner Joy and Happiness …. setting the tone for the day.

#3. While still in the Star Position make these Declarations of Truth from the spark of Unconditional Love in your Heart ….

#5. Read some inspiring works or write in your spiritual journal. Set sincere purposes for being considerate, honest, fearless, friendly, kind and loving.

For more in-depth entries on our sister site, consider this condensed summary.

Best of 2021 taking us into 2022

It’s is a simple fight ….

2020 Photo copyright: PSLB

It’s is a simple fight ….between the subconscious and our Higher Self.

Always fight for what you Love. That is the simplest thing.

Fight for what is FourSquare rather than against what we think is evil or negative.

Fight using the FourSquare …. being FourSquare.  Love leads us when we are FourSquare. Fight with All Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love.  It will always raise us up.

The subconscious holds on to the pass and grows both negative and positive thoughts and energies …. growing them into beliefs and stubborn, fixed self-righteousness.

The subconscious will doubt we can do a thing …. try to discourage us and make us feel pressured and rushed. Deny that any negative has any power over you because ….

Without a doubt you can handle what is before you.

Have Faith that there is a way to rise above any challenge  because there is nothing Universal Law puts before us that we cannot do. And …. You have all the Power of the Universal backing You. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“…look at the precious Pearls amidst the destructive things.  This can be done and should be done. We should also do this in our relations with other people.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teaching by Eugene Fersen, Volume 1 page 193.

And consider joining us for a companion guide to the 27 Lessons in Science of Being. It is an amazing spiritual journey asset!

We are currently on Lesson 11 discussing the hidden power of the subconscious.

A link for download of the original 27 lessons for your Kindle is included and free!


Transforming yourself for Justice

you are designed for success

Photo: PSLB 2018

This is the 200th posting! Thank You for going on this Spiritual Journey with me. I hope you have come to know yourself a bit better. I know I have. Kindly continue making comments and sharing – it helps more than you may know.

With the help of the Great Principle we will become more conscious of our True selves everyday as we continue our Soul journey.

In the past I fought against injustice and allowed myself to be fully indignant and angry. I’ve gotten my heart stomped on and my ass handed back to me. It just plain hurt. Though I am unapologetic about the animosity and protest, I have come to some discernment concerning injustice and how to fight.

Transforming your fight is transforming yourself

My first instinct when facing injustice is to fight. Fight or flight. When we choose to fight, we should learn to fight without hatred.

I have learned that the most courageous thing to do in the face of injustice is to fight for Harmony within yourself first …. in this human reality.

Be courageous. The Great Principle is here to support You. And all the harmonious powers in the Universe.

When you establish harmony and peace within yourself it becomes a chain reaction. Naturally more harmonious people are drawn to you and the Universe helps create more harmonious conditions.

Fight for Harmony

It’s a fight for rather than a fight against. Fear, self-righteousness and hate motivates fighting against. Hate and fear accumulates and this doesn’t lead to justice. Lots of drama though!

You can see the evidence of hatred in the faces of those beings that angrily fight and protest. They aim to destroy, when they say they want better.

Most of humanity is miserable

Humans must grow and evolve into Being, without fear of facing ourselves. The fight and protests against injustice will eventually die or transmute into something different. Into a form of cooperation to build justice, authenticity and freedom in every situation we face.

It’s logical that we have to begin by sincerely looking within ourselves without all the drama.

What does the fight for justice look like?

Building justice requires harmony in the present moment. Currently the human fight for Justice looks like the little girl that says, “Daddy we should pray for the lady.”

It looks like the wisdom of Friends of Humanity. Friends like Tolle, Pema Chodron, Mother Teresa, Wayne Dryer, Dali Lama. And all those that are lead by unconditional Love …like You.

It looks like the teachings of Science of Being.

It looks like this moment.

Harmony is Now

You are a tool of the Universe for co-creating harmony in our human reality. The subconscious ego believes it is difficult to achieve harmony  when it is easy – you already are harmonious within.

Yet, you must look within and find it. Then bring it to the surface of your life. Put harmony out in your actions, letting it touch others.

How can you manifest harmony now?

  • By being in the flow of the moment without resistance. This moment is Harmony, the Absolute and You are one with It.
  • By being strong – standing up looking in the eyes of injustice, fear and hatred with calm compassion.
  • By being intelligent – assuming is unreasonable, blind believing is ignorance and hatred is insanity – use reason, common sense and listen to your intuition and Heart.
  • By being a dare and doer in Truth – being honest and caring without throwing pearls before swine.
  • By being Loving – being considerate, kind, gentle, and open to the wisdom of your Heart, letting Love lead you.
  • By acting, being motivated by Love – Do as you are guided by your Soul and unconditional Love to manifest harmony in reality.

When I am tempted to feel resentful in the face of injustice I ask:

  • Why do I feel justified about complaining?
  • Why do I feel resentful and impatient?
  • Do I experience Harmony within me even in the mist of injustice, when I am falsely accused, when I am disrespected, abused, rejected, hated or unloved by others?

I also remember that injustices and ‘me too’ is the human reality, yet the Universal reality is ‘I.’

“I am an Individualized Ray of the Source. I am Strong, Wise, Free and Loving. I am Spirit and Matter, One in the protection of the Great All.”

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The fire of hatred is like an ordinary fire. If known in time it can be extinguished. No emotion ever starts in full force. With human hatred, if we do not stop it, it makes us lose our self. It will never stop by itself.”

Eugene Fersen, “The Teacher” The Public Years of the Baron Eugene Fersen – Volume 1, page 96. (Author and founder of Science of Being)

The Best!

Photo: Cannes 2018 PSLB

This moment is the best …. the only moment of our Life!

Love it and You open your heart and mind to the Universe – to the Unmanifest and inspiration, guidance, abundance, harmony, protection. This moment is God manifest! 

This form of the moment limits us….. when we resist it. When we resist what is. The ego wants things different than what they are because of its perceived self-superiority and knowing what’s better! So the subconscious ego complains, protests and fights against what is. 

The egotist mind perceives things as bad, good, right, wrong, dark, light. We work in perceptions because we must work in mind now…to learn… to remember …. to Be aware of The Unlimited in our human limits. 

Limits are perceptions of the human mind. The ego is conditioned to fight what it perceives as limits. Be friendly with the moment and Space opens to You. And that Space is Unlimited perception.

That is allow Life, rather than fight against life. Allow the Silent existence of Being Now. Pause and be still. Enter into Silence and be in the moment to align with the moment. This moment is unique and beautiful. And it is expansive as the Universe.

Your mental separation becomes the dream of human form. Be it form of thoughts, emotions or the physical. There is a merging, aligning with All that is and All that is Unmanifest also. And it is a freedom.

You and life becomes a Blessing rather than the little “me” that experiences life burdens.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB 


Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 143.

Clearing the energy of 2017

In this moment is peace, happiness and goodwill. The peace of our eternal Life is the unity of All, while the drama of our human life is the dream of good versus evil. Let this moment be a moment to clear the shadows of the past. And as you release them there will appear new bits of self-understanding and appreciation.

It’s our opportunity to stop believing in the past. To stop believing in past judgments, prejudices, anger and anxieties. Be fully in the moment. 

You and I are responsible for our condition of today.  May we express those qualities of our soul: All Energy, Wisdom, Truth and Love.

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

2017 has been an amazing journey and I would like to express my gratitude. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share with all of You and thank You for your support, for your input and questions. With the help of the Great Principle we will continue to live this life full of hope for our spiritual unfoldment that gradually becomes fulfilled as reality.

Most of all I am grateful for the Great Principle that expresses compassion at every turn!

In the hope You find Love close at hand this coming new year and always, PortiaSLB

Inspirations of 2017

For the entire entry kindly click on the images.


“We choose to come to this earthly plane to fuse our consciousness with Love. To fight to harmonize our life without fear. It allows us to be a Light in this world. Inspired, empowered souls.”


So when you feel any anxiety or worry, pause. Bring yourself to the moment, feel yourself in your body, and breathe. Remind yourself that this moment is created to serve you, your evolution and happiness.   

sit be quiet

“When we see beauty, kindness, caring and love in others, we begin to see it in ourselves. And, we eventually see the beauty of ourselves in others!”


“Each time you choose love over fear you will experience some mastery over yourself! And, you become conscious of being less and less dominated by fears, which is undeniably liberating! You will feel lifted, lighter and brighter.”

The Law of Attraction not only attracts ‘like’ positive and loving energy in our life, but also ‘negative,’ fearful energy that creates problems in our reality! No one can make us mad, sad, feel insulted or emotionally hurt. We may want to blame others for our situation, but getting insulted, angry and self-righteous, says something about ourselves rather than about them. 


When we are hurting, physical or emotional pain is revealing that we are in the mist of disharmony. Yet, there is beauty in pain. Pain reminds us …

great law compassionate

Three surprising self-defeating patterns you may not recognize; and one of them is wanting enlightenment

savage dog

A real world Self-protection method that’s a mystical experience

the road

Mindful in lovemaking and Self-centeredness –  2 unconventional methods for positive change

buttefly monochrome

Unexpected help in the Creative Fire

always thinking

4 essentials for creating harmony in your life


4 reasons the Star Exercise is a spiritual lifeline


Your great asset and your great burden; the pendulum swings

Orchids and Boats

Vacation: Are you avoiding your spiritual journey? 5 ways for it to be a catalyst

water drop 2

10 signs you are oblivious to the biggest problem that plague you. And how in a strange way that problem is a blessing.

sunset key west 2017 world reflection

“So what should we do to help ourselves and the world?”

Walking your destiny

Your Destiny – 7 indications you are on the right path

To Love 2

Meditation to consider: Regaining Harmony


4 uninhibited ways to open yourself to unlimited potential


Meditation: Om; an esoteric projection reaching into the 4th dimension


2 emotional seductions that caress you daily and how to overcome them

Uncertainty and insecurity

4 easy mindful step to turn painful, ugly feelings into an evolutionary benefit

Detached involvement

Why the ego is not the enemy and a mysterious method of transformation


“Know Yourself and You will know All.”

Wisdom nuggets for 2016 and a Thank You message

Thank You 

The purpose of this site and Science of Being is to help awaken ourselves to the divine and Loving Being that we are through Wisdom lead by Love.

The apex for this year and for the entire 9 year cycle has come to our spiritual heart center. The core of the heart is unconditional Love and compassion, including compassion for ourselves. And, in the aura of Love and tenderness of our heart we open ourselves to understand ourselves and the world we live in.

It is through our thinking, our mind, that we begin to create our reality, our worldly and emotional condition. And, when we are aware of the way we think and feel, the way we create our reality, we can create a world of cooperation and compassion.

We start with ourselves, our inner life and then with the help of the Great Principle that harmony and energy spreads out to touch the world.

I am grateful for all of the support and inspirations I have received from the One Source, You, and others.

With the help of the Great Principle we will continue on our spiritual journey in pursuit of revealing a bit more Light of our Soul everyday with the spirit of a heart full of Love and compassion.

Remember our spiritual work together and individually helps not only us, but the whole of humanity and our world.

Thank You again.

In the hope You find Love close at hand this very moment and every moment,
Portia SLB    and    The Lightbearer Center

Click on the images to link to the original article!

Reflective Canvases for 2016

No one can

The more you become conscious of your intent to be sincere, tender and loving, and practice that intent, the more you reveal your True Strength and Power. And, in that beauty comes your happiness and freedom.


Don’t take it personally! Emotional energy is contagious and it can get our attention and hook our energy, our aura. We have been manipulated, perhaps not consciously, but nevertheless, manipulated.


Humans not realized Man, the Laws of Life we cannot comprise

star exercise as Intution

Secrets are a human, mental concept which gives us a big clue to the secret for achieving our fulfillment and happiness.

Maybry Mills, VA refined

Green art and what it does for You

orchid sheer

They’re like little fairies with wings that sparkle from natural luminescence. 

plams and temple view refined

Everyone has a path, a spiritual journey – some are harder and more painful than others.


Is there evil in the world? … Yes. Why?…

Becoming fearless in a scary world.

mountain speaks 3 refined

You are revealed
Through your strength and humble beauty,
Through your mindful pull.

funny gif police

The hidden value of humor in your spiritual practice and life.

fern unfolds croped

Sometimes others can have a different perspective and see things about us that are true, while we are too close to it.

lilly pads refined

Dance on water!

sunset krabi orange 3

It’s always an opportunity to reflect and ask ourselves do we experience the GREATEST, MOST BEAUTIFUL MANIFESTATION OF LOVE?


5 ways to be a better communicator

mysterious sunset

“The world is not divided between good and evil. The Great Principle is the ONLY ONE, and IT IS ALL.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 143.

gentle voice of intuition

How do we know the difference?

mountain speaks 4 refined

Does the mountain speak to you?

Jungle Trail2

The mountains, seas, plants and animals are not burdened by beliefs, religions and superstitions that condition us and separate us.

Jungle Fern on Leaf refined

In some other realms beyond our three dimensional one time does not exist as we humanly perceive it.


On being a spiritual warrior.

orchid purple twins fierce beauty

You taste the mountain dew, smell mystical roses, kiss yellow buttercups,

tropical beauty refined

Listening as an instrument for egolessness

Tree Tunnel relaxation

There are two simple exercises that are essential before meditation.

water lilly blue You have created

Here are some simple ways to create a happier life for yourself, which will touch others also

names on back of living leaf

It’s a clumsy means of identity, yet it is important for us in our human life.

Firey Sunset 2

Though we are far apart
I see the Light in You

Red sunset

Hoping for happiness is happiness which is not yet achieved

Controlled disperation

“Why do some individuals come to the Earth to suffer and others to enjoy?”

nightmare visions

That’s the nightmare, or any bad dream, that can help you realize your happiness!

The lover blue

The Law of Love 

white orchid life refined 4

Being conscious of Love gives us a perspective of the way our mind works and we can get a view of others too.


It’s not only about sex; the Law of Gender you’ve probably never been conscious of

water lilly blue reasoning

In this creation of our earthly time we quest to Know who we are because some part of us knows where we come from

there is silence

in acceptance comes surrender

gender flow

The Law of Gender is a very creative power. And it has a major impact in our life because …

Antonio Mora_Dreaming Bridges_signature

Consider these practices below that I have found very beneficial in my own journey to blend and harmonize the mental feminine and masculine genders.

pink dogwood mindful

A simple mindful practice

animated gender attraction

But why sexual attraction?


Unconscious of fear

positive emotions and karma

Be silent, ask yourself questions as to why.

lily refined

The source of beauty

arid forest path 1

the city lights are kept low


sit be quiet

That is a big mistake

clemitis 2016

A Zen question

Pink rose make love

“Happiness is the result of having found a little love.”

yin and yan animated gif

Scared Geometry

If you are right brain dominated I hope you still hang in there for this part too because the purpose is to see the unity in everything, the synchronicity.  You will receive what you are meant to, what you agree to receive.


Entering the feminine curve


Which chakra do you live in?


On the other side we receive foolishness

cloud shine3

Luciferian consciousness; transcending duality

queen ann's lace at the lake2016

Queen Anne’s Lace was growing along the edge

Whisky clouds

there seems to be a Being


What stands between you and enlightenment?


We create conflict in our life, but why?

morning glory blue a 2016

Light upon the path

white orchid life refined 4

Sometimes the bullsh*t gets to us – 7 steps to recover and the bravest thing you can do on your spiritual journey


i lay myself down

grasp the significance 3

Okay these 10 things are true!


The heart of mindfulness – sometimes it is hidden


Synchronizing with Love


Poopy to awesome; equipping yourself to conquer adversity


Turn your life around


Integrating the 3rd and 4th deminsions


When I first heard those words from my spiritual teacher, I was shocked



Until the New Year’s entry consider this quote to reflect upon:

“We must do our best and let our Higher Self penetrate into our consciousness more than our subconsciousness penetrates into our conscious self.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, page 112.

Be neither cynical or gullible, but this much is true: Okay these 10 things!

grasp the significance 3

  1. That embarrassing reflection in the mirror of yourself is your Friend and Spiritual teacher if you are insightful, kind and have a sense of humor.

  2. Your Higher Self does not impose itself on You. You must be silent and listen for your Inner Voice of intuition with an conscious awareness of Unity. The more you listen to your intuition, do the right thing and are grateful, the more intuition you will receive.

  3. A ‘setback’ in your life can actually pull you forward on your spiritual journey. 

  4. Sometimes the wisest thing you can do is learn what not to do! Pain is a teacher!

  5. The ‘opposite’ sex is not opposite. The male-female principle, the Law of Gender, is part of you and you create your reality with it.

  6. The world may say, ‘don’t discriminate,’ but your soul says, ‘always discriminate.’ That is always use your better judgment with love leading you.

  7.  The more you live a conscious heart, are motivated by tenderness, goodwill, kindness and consideration, the more you reveal your True Strength and Power. You are a positive force, a Light, not only for yourself and others around you, but indeed for the world! And, in that Light is your beauty, happiness and freedom.

  8.  Gratitude is an emotion that opens you to abundance and helps you create more reasons to be grateful!

  9. You have created this moment for yourself. The peculiarity of the subconscious is that it both divides and multiplies. An experience or idea is divided into simple, shorter thoughts thus losing its strength and focus. Then all those short thoughts are left to grow and multiply unnoticed, but in a divided state the entire purpose of it can be forgotten or perverted. Thus, the subconscious shapes the ego.

    I hope you got a smile out of this entry and some things to reflect upon!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“When we awaken in the Realm of Harmony, we will probably remember our entire Earthly experience for an instant of time, then the dream will be completely blotted out. However, the experience will be a re-enforcement to our character. We will not be able to Fall again, because we will be strengthened by this experience. It is like burning our finger with fire. We do not touch fire again. There are degrees of qualities and only those of a certain degree originally fell.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 160.

Between Souls

Between souls

We believe in the illusions of the ego and it’s irresponsibilities, and therefore we experience anger, resentment and impatience, blaming others for our negative traits. Others can help us be aware of those negative traits that burden us.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

“Love is constant, is known by loyalty, symbolized by Law.”

Eugene Fersen, The Teacher, page 83.