How should we fight evil in the world?

When things get really though in world affairs we can become entangled with the negativity and it can drag us down. We’ll look for advantages to sooth ourselves, but we can get trapped and stuck in our negative conditioning. 

So what should we do to help ourselves and the world?

We’re tempted to do this …

We should not be blind to the evil in the world, rather we should be conscious and mindful of it without feeding it more negative emotions. War on evil only feeds evil.

Everyone has negative aspects of the egotistic personality that can surface. We can be tempted to exhibit behaviors that are immature, unhelpful and even worst ….. like becoming afraid, worried, depressed, aggressive and even violent. 

To Help Ourselves and Others …

We are tied into the problems of the world, but we must begin harmonization by relying on ourselves. 

That is to be conscious and aware of our own selves first! By being aware of our strengths …… our Inner Four Square qualities of Strength, Intelligence, Truth and Love and Compassion.

You can truly help yourself and help all humanity by fighting to be more compassionate and non-judgmental, without involvement of the ego’s opinions. We can be loving and generous in our attitudes without attachment to humanity’s emotional dramas.

Our spiritual Being …. what we become with focus on lovingness helps all humanity.

You are part of the emerging Universal Consciousness! We are becoming more and more conscious of the vastness of the universe and the beauty and wonder of it. And that is evidence of the evolution of humanity’s consciousness.

Reliance on the Source

You are on the path of enlightenment! Let us have faith that things will work out according the Law of Harmony.

In earthy reality, things work out according to the laws of: Cause and effect, Polarity, Rhythm and Gender. All things work out for the greater good!

We open ourselves to the protection of the Great Principle when we have faith and trust in the Source, in the Laws of the Universe.  Say and feel something like: “With the help of the Great Principle I have the power to meet the situation.”

Once you make a choice Source will help you accelerate in that direction! And no matter if your decision is based in subconscious conditioning, conscious reasoning, or superconscious inspiration, the Law of Evolution will ultimately accelerate your awareness and spiritual unfoldment.

All paths ultimately further your evolution,

even those that create a temporary downfall, which results in more challenging conditions for yourself and those around you. Unfortunately sometimes we have to hit bottom before we look up.

You live Your spiritual journey

We live in times of great spiritual opportunities ….. to unfold because we are becoming more aware of the negative temptations of the ego and of evil in the world. 

If you agonize or worry over your choices it means you are being influenced by conditioning from past experiences.

Consider the process of making decisions an opportunity to open yourself to the Universe and ask for help. Make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy which opens you to tremendous help.

Be reasonable and logical, but also listen to your intuition. It is the voice of your soul.

And, remember you also have the help of unknown individuals around the world and of those in higher realms. 

This is when we as observers can observe in a detached manner with clarity yet without harsh judgment.

Remember that some of us choose more challenging paths of spiritual unfoldment. Yet, everyone is a spiritual being and on their spiritual journey.

Let us take the opportunity …

to work on lifting ourselves up by manifesting qualities of our heart, our Spiritual Heart. Let us be Enthusiastic, Intelligent, True and have Goodwill for ourselves and others. And, we change the world!

You are on the cusp of evolution ….. pulling us into the future! Your cooperation  with Harmony accelerates your awareness and spiritual unfoldment, and indeed the world’s.

I have best hope for peace in your creative endeavors now and always!

For more: Unexpected help in the creative fire! and Living a Conscious Heart.

With Light and Love, PortiaSLB

“Others cannot do things for us. It is all so complicated, that in order to find a clear path out it, we should rely more and more on the Principle of the FourSquare. Try to unfold It in our own life, and in our relations to other people, and to the World.” 

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume II,  page 78. 

Photo: PortiaSLB 2017

2 emotional seductions that caress you daily and how to overcome them

There are two emotional seductions that caresses our subconscious to the point of total infatuation most every day. They hold us back from enjoying ordinary moments and experiencing other possibilities for creating genuine and lasting happiness. Yet, there are ways to free ourselves.

#1.  Everybody’s into it!  

We like to be constantly busy, on our devices, working, moving, doing anything to fill our time, otherwise we can feel guilty, lonely, lazy, crazy, wasting time. Everybody is doing something and the subconscious ego does not want to be left out! Or get bored!

I’ve had to become very conscious of how many times I pick up my phone to check texts, emails, FitBit.

I am aware that tech can be helpful; a tool for information, communication and generally making life easier. I used it to write this entry. But, so many of us have become unconsciously addicted.

We tend to look down when we use tech, which gives us an indication of unconsciously relating to the sub-conscious ego and to the past. We are seduced emotionally, loosing our conscious awareness of the moment.

Your heart knows

To rise above the fear of being left out set tech aside and relate to your heart. Gently rest your hand over your heart and feel the warmth of your inner tenderness. Enter the Silence, listen and become conscious of your spiritual heart and the present moment.

The beautiful thing is that your heart knows without a doubt the deep connection to the Source of everything.

 In that moment you accept life as it is. There is no seductive emotional desire to connect or make yourself busy because you have connected with All Love, all beings, and Source through your Inner love.

Relax and let life unfold according to universal law, aware, observant, grateful for being part of That.

So next time you start to absently minded pick tech up, pause momentarily and live the moment to create a compassionate cause. 

#2.  Taking sides

We’re seduced not so much by the issues of politics, social , economic, religious and world affairs, rather by the emotions that are attached to the issues. Emotions predominately related to the past.

We are so attracted to and relate to like energy we join band wagons and form tribes. We mimic the rhetoric to defend our position. And defending a position eats away our life energy, while adding weeds to the ego.

Critical thinking, logic and reason are thrown out of the mental process because those emotions associated with the past color our discrimination. We see the world through the human perspective of duality. Good and bad. Right and left, blinding ourselves to other possibilities.

A blatant example

A current example is the U.S. population feeling divided. Emotions run so high violence erupts.

We say we deplore discrimination, but we’re lost to our ability to discriminate! And … we see problems …. rather than opportunities for building harmony.

It’s an obvious example of being motivated by fear rather than love, the human perspective of the law of duality. The same thing for religious jehads, many political, economic, social and personal agendas.

Take the opportunity

We get all fired up, wanting to defend our position. Yet, the Eternal creates opportunities for Harmony through us and issues.

Rather than fight against …… consider the law of duality as the Law of Unity – everything blends and has a deep meaning and spiritual purpose.

So when your emotions start to flair up, become conscious of them. And, ask yourself if you are emotionally relating to the past. Has it triggered feelings of protest, anger, resentment from deep rooted fear and possibly hatred?

Be mindful and discriminate. Be conscious of your authentic powers and balance energy, intelligence, accuracy and Love in the moment, seeing in everyone and in everything opportunities to learn something …., that will help you and us all evolve and enjoy life!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We must be guided by the only Power that can show us Right, by Love, a deep, wide, unassuming feeling which is the foundation of Harmony throughout the whole Universe.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume I, page 229.

Photo: Valencia, Spain 2017 PSLB

Aligning with the Law of Life, of Mind, of Truth, of Love to create your Happiness!

Photo PSLB

WE are all governed by Law and …. our alignment with Law, Universal Law …. is the key to our Happiness. So this entry is a simple reminder for myself and all of You that are here and Now to take the opportunity to become conscious, alert and engaged in creating our own happiness!

According to Universal Law …. there are only degrees of ‘good!’


This is called the Law of Spirit or Unity in Science of Being.

When we are in harmony with the Law of Life, Law of Mind, Law of Truth, Law of Love and Law Of Spirit … each one as important as the other and balanced with the others …. we establish harmony in the moment and are creating a cause for our future moments.  

Law of Life

The Law of Life is doing our duty at the right moment … being enthusiastic, energetic, strong …. realizing that we are One and inseparable with All Life.

Law of Mind

The Law of Mind is the call to be Self Conscious, aware of living in multiple dimensions …. conscious of living in the visible world of Matter and the invisible universe of Spirit.

Realize we are One with Cosmic Consciousness … aware of levels of mind, emotions, behaviors …. of Superconsciousness, Consciousness and subconsciousness within us.

Organize our day, yet not get fixed or caught up in detail.

Law of Truth

The Law of Truth is to always be honest and say what we mean, keeping our promises. Being sincere.

We should look at the big picture, simplify our life without getting drowned in details. Always accurate without assuming.

Stand for Truth in our life. Create within and manifest Truth in our reality. And realize we are One with All Truth …. All Law.

Law of Love

Living the Law of Love is to meet everyone and every situation with Love leading us. That is …. love impersonally and as unconditionally as possible …. without living in past personal histories.

Live manifesting Love from our Hearts, our Seat of Love. For more link Conscious Heart Practice.

The Law of Love is The Law of Attraction. We attract those energies of what we put out with our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors …. hence conscious FourSquare, loving intents add to our betterment and others.

And when we realize we are One with All Love …. we are One with the Soul of the Universe.

Law of Spirit

The Law of Spirit is the Law of Unity …. realize the best we can that we are One with each other … One with All Beings …. and One with the Infinite Universe, One with Universal Life Energy. Cosmic Intelligence, The Great Law and Infinite Love, also known as the FourSquare

In the hope You express Universal Law in every moment, PortiaSLB

“Help comes from unexpected sources, when we do the right thing, thus starting right causes.”

Eugene Fersen


Kindly consider your experiences or questions ….. you never know who it may help!

Reading this is an indication that you are ready

Even though we all live complicated human lives, we all are on our Spiritual journey! If you are reading this entry then it’s an indication that you are in the process of awakening to who you are! 

Life on earth is a great spiritual opportunity to purify our bodies, mind and emotions. Release the past, the old, the dead and embrace the present. To learn deep lessons, lift our consciousness, open our Hearts, and rise our frequencies.

Time is speeding up and there are opportunities all around us in every second to help us awaken and remember ourselves as Enlightened Beings Now!

Thinking that is only in some far off future time is the ego dreaming a dream to hold us fixed in it’s grip. 

Here are some of tools to help remember your enlightened nature:

1- Study Spiritual Wisdom that expands your conscious awareness.

I have found over the many years of studying and sharing the teachings of Science of Being that deeper and deeper understanding comes and old conditioning released. Practice of studying spiritual wisdom can gradually lift our consciousness when we let it sink into our subconscious and absorb it. Eventually the light of wisdom returns to our consciousness as Light and Love.

2- Think less.

We have grown a huge ego and subconscious that strives on thinking, over thinking and all the side issues we get tied up in. Silencing the thinking is essential for lifting our consciousness. Consider practicing   Relaxation and Silence…. then become the observer of the thinker.

Pause throughout your day and become silent. Observe body, mind and emotions. You can get insights and apply the spiritual lessons you’ve learned in the present to release concepts of self-identity, desires, and old wounds.  Contemplation, reflection, and meditation can help give us insights and deeper understands.

3- Connect with your Heart.

Your heart is your connection to multi-dimensions and to your Higher Self, Superconsciousness. Within your heart is that sacred chamber of The Eternal Unmanifest. If you let it, your Spiritual Heart will lead you to  ever-expanding awakenings, inspirations and Higher realms.

You can easily connect with the wisdom and Light of your Spiritual Heart by placing your hands over your physical heart, becoming silent and going within. Feel the Power of the Universe pumping into you and through you. 

Your heart is your Seat of Love and it helps you observe your thinking in a detached state. This will elevate your mind so you can listen to the guidance of your Superconsciousness firmly rooted in the higher frequencies and Light of your Heart. 

4-  Manifest your Heart and enlightened Mind in your life. 

Most of us get lost in the human world and become busy, busy with our work and family responsibilities.  Yet all of our responsibilities and challenges are stepping-stones to Higher realms! And those stepping-stones can become leaps that light up our minds and connect us with our hearts when we find the light within all our responsibilities and challenges.

Be grateful and express that gratitude in your actions and you will be circulating that light. As you circulate light you blend with All Light, awakening to your Unity with the eternal moment. You begin to transcend polarity and find that constant change is constant Unity. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

And consider the latest related entry on The Further Reaches of your Spiritual Journey: Things to sacrifice and embracing Unity

“It is time now to awaken ourselves as much as we can. We must be awakened to the increased smoke coming from the battle between our Superconsciousness and our subconsciousness. The battle rages usually on the mental plane, but affects the physical plane.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings by Eugene Fersen, Volume I, page 159.

Photo: PSLB

Pouty lips and spiritual possibilities

Stepping into the moment of Truth
Photo: Stepping in the Moment, PSLB 

When I was a little girl about 5 years old my mom took a snap shot of me sitting on the front steps of our house with my elbows on my knees and fists under my chin. I had a horrific pout on my face, with my lower lip sticking out so far that it practically covered my chin! My mom tried to get me out of that mood, but couldn’t. So instead she took a picture of me that way. At the time I was too stubborn being a victim to know the real reason she did it.

You always reveal the Truth 

We don’t always want to see things about ourselves that others do. Nor do we always WANT to free ourselves. The ego wants to cling to desires and the past, yet that attitude freezes us, making us blind to  present Harmony. We loose site of harmonious opportunities.

Becoming conscious of the Truth about ourselves, the good, the bad, the ugly, is a vital step on our spiritual journey and cooperation with Harmony. We become conscious of disharmony in order to release it. And we recognize Harmony within ourselves and the Universe in order to consciously unify ourselves with IT.  

When our thinking and attitude aligns with Harmony then it follows that our behaviors and conditions will also, through the Law of Unity. 

Conscious detachment includes:

1. Even when you are in a room full of people, pause within. Observe in a detached state your body language, facial expression, attitude, letting any self-judgments or concepts pass you by.

2. Observe your thinking and expectations in a detached state. Observe how you may have considered playing a role or expect others to be a certain way, letting them drift by. Let temptations of feeling left out, lonely, special or self-righteous drift by. 

3. Take a deep breath, breathing in the freshness and uncertainty of the moment. Feel that Life Energy enter your mind and thinking. Then exhale any preconceived ideas, releasing any desire for things to be different. Change is inevitable. 

4. Have friendly attitude, accepting the moment as it is. 

 Having a friendly attitude with the moment is Trusting Life and aligning with the Universe. You are consciously bringing love forward  in your thinking, letting Love and Harmony lead you in your infinite choices. 

5. Step into the Present Moment. And as you accept the moment, the gift of Life and Love in the moment, also circulate the gift of Life and Love back into the moment. 

What you give is what you receive. Hope the best for others.

Find that spot within your heart that feels grateful for Life and let it spread into the moment, blending with the Truth of what already is. Circulate and give to others and the Universe caring, appreciation, love and compassion.

I smile and feel the love in my heart, knowing my mother took a picture of that little kid pouting on the front porch steps so many, many years ago so I could see what she saw. So that I might grow out of that toxic attitude! Her Love is a manifestation of Universal Love and Harmony. And so is Love from your Spiritual Heart. It helps us all. 

To Love is natural. Pouty attitudes, resentment, self-righteousness is the past.  You can freely embrace the moment, and make choices that create a better reality for yourself … and the world. 

In the hope You find stepping into the moment an adventure, PortiaSLB

“The Soul, by the successive putting on and leaving off of its different bodies, creates more and more perfect vehicles for its expression, until it finally reaches a stage where its body becomes as perfect and indestructible as is the Soul itself.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 96. 



Conscious Observation: 6 mind blowing expansions that impact your life

mindful observation cafe 4

Photo taken in Europe, PSLB

There on my tongue, even before I swallow is an orange grove with sunshine, a soft breeze and a faint hint of sweet fragrance in the air. The taste stirs me to dive deeper into the cool liquid. I become mindful of the tree roots in the rich soil that absorbs the rain from the clouds in the sky. There are people and machines working the orange grove, pickers, packers, truck drivers, retailers and buyers like me. One is connected to another until everything is within the juice.

Conscious observation can lead to mind blowing expansions. I’m referring to your consciousness expanding to make major constructive impacts in your reality! Consider these 6:


Though you are in this world and deeply connected to everyone and everything you are also part of something greater and expansive as the universe. The present moment becomes an opportunity to create a depth of happiness and harmony that expands and grows into future possibilities.


When you mindfully observe and go “inside a person’s skin” and “walk in their shoes” then you get insights to the reasons they are the way they are. Some reasons are easier to spot than others, such as physical illnesses and weaknesses. Yet, you may get insight into their conditioning and type of experiences that hold them in subconscious habits. And, even causes for more subtle personality traits, such as being very sensitive, easy to snap or being generally irritable. And, in that understanding you may find you are able to release any resentment and blame you may have felt towards them.


In mindful observation of another you see their suffering and their beauty. And compassion naturally arises. You may begin to see yourself within them! I experience this often because we are all so much alike and connected. Recognition stirs a longing and hope for them to suffer less. To enjoy life instead. For them and ourselves. And you begin to see ways to brighten their day. It may mean a genuine smile or some other compassionate act. In mindful observation you can feel compassionate energy spring from your heart, touch them and eventually return to you increased even though you expected nothing in return. It’s the Laws of Attraction and Compensation being factors in your reality. 


You come to understand that your process of easing suffering in others also eases suffering within ourselves. And the other way around, with the help of the Great Principle. You recognize your interconnection with everyone and everything expanding your consciousness and the radiance of your heart. This naturally leads  to gratitude and ways to express it.

Consider Transmitting Universal Life Energy and Love to the World meditation to help. It is also a bridge to your soul. 


You come to realize you are the master of your life. That there is no comprise with Truth. And no matter how tempting negative urges may be, like revenge and impatience, you are able to detach from urges.  You observe then release because you develop foresight of the consequences working through the Law of Cause and Effect. 

Sometimes I still choose a revengeful verbal attack. I know it immediately because of what it feels like. I recognize the mistake and return to observe the ego in a detached state, grateful for the help of my Higher Self. Our Higher Self, the detached observer, helps us return to sanity and Love because it recognizes Truth and tells us through intuition, gut feelings, instinct and even reason. 


Conscious observation can open you to awareness of your True Self and soul. To the strength it provides, expanding your creative power to act constructively making positive impacts in your own life, in others lives and indeed the world.

In the hope you find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Know the Truth and It shall make you free, because real Truth means strength, power and enlightenment to choose your own path in this World.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 175.


4 Essentials to step outside the ego’s paradox



Even though our egos may convenience us that we want to awaken, that we want to be lifted from our human drudgery and suffering, the ego clings to our established self-identities in fear of losing ourselves. It’s a paradox.

So what can we do to step outside of ourselves? Outside of our ego and make a quantum leap into conscious awakening?

1. Physically contact God, the Great Principle

On on a deep level we want to have physical contact with God, the Creator, but the ego closes us off unconsciously. When you contact Universal Life Energy you are contacting The Great Principle and you can feel IT physically.

Contact with ULE goes far beyond any religious, ego-made sacraments wishing wine is the blood of Christ.

When we reestablish that contact with exercises like the Mental Contact or the Star Exercise not only our bodies absorb It and we can feel IT physically, but It also enlightens our mind.

And even those emotions associated with memories hidden in the unconscious are gradually harmonized. It helps lift the subconscious ego bit by bit. 

2. Be brave and let the past die

I highly recommend pausing throughout your day and entering the Silence. Relaxation and Silence is an essential step to overcoming the ego’s paradox.

Relax and enter the Silence, releasing all thought. In a very real way human language is the past. Just Be in Silence. You will begin to feel Universal Life Energy.

When you do return to thought, stay in the present moment. Observe and question every discouraging speck of yourself. Question anxiety, worry, complaints, self-pity, impatience, glamour and stubborn, habitual prejudices. Release them. They are the past.

Pausing in the moment brings me back to consciousness, sanity, because I realize that the ego gets totally lost in believing this human life is all there is. It lifts me and refreshes my conscious awareness and connection to my Spiritual Heart.

A quantum leap happens when you let the past die. Birth happens. Be Now. Experience the new moment.

3. Synchronize your intent with Love, the creative energy of the Universe

Live sincerely and True in the moment forgetting the ego’s personality. Remember that you are everything with the Great Principle.

A sincerely loving intent to remember can manifest immediately because sincerity is the emotional seed of potential in Matter. It happens because sincerity opens the door to your spiritual heart and to Unconditional Love of the Unmanifest, a very creative power. But we normally live and co-create in subconscious human collective time and space, so preserve.

4. Let Love flow from your heart

Commit to unconditional Love. Love life, everything and everyone unconditionally. See beauty in others.

Not until your mind is pervaded with unconditional Love will you raise above the paradox of the ego. The ego can make you believe this step is impossible and that’s its darkness and fear working to hold its power over you, imprisoning Love. 

By becoming conscious of Unconditional Love little by little it will help you release doubt or fear that ties you to the past. And any attachments to a possible future or expectations.

Things fall into place

Be childlike, joyful. Wake up each day with an enthusiastic attitude.

Find beauty in the moment and something good in every circumstance, seeing beyond the mundane, pain and suffering. Learn and evolve from it. This lifts the consciousness from the ego’s perception of the Law of Polarity as opposites of good or bad, light or dark, rather than everything blends with seeds in each.

 Be grateful for the insight and inspiration, knowing you are part of something greater than yourself.

During your practice of Relaxation and Silence, the Mental Contact and meditations you may experience being Light and make the Spiritual Contact.

Gradually you rise above the ego’s paradox.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“SPIRITUAL Power is obtained only by those who honestly and unselfishly live a life of Activity, Intelligence, Truth, and Love.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 213.

Photo: Walters Peak sheep-station’s dock on Lake Wakatipu near Queenstown, New Zealand 2018

Clearing the energy of 2017

In this moment is peace, happiness and goodwill. The peace of our eternal Life is the unity of All, while the drama of our human life is the dream of good versus evil. Let this moment be a moment to clear the shadows of the past. And as you release them there will appear new bits of self-understanding and appreciation.

It’s our opportunity to stop believing in the past. To stop believing in past judgments, prejudices, anger and anxieties. Be fully in the moment. 

You and I are responsible for our condition of today.  May we express those qualities of our soul: All Energy, Wisdom, Truth and Love.

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

2017 has been an amazing journey and I would like to express my gratitude. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share with all of You and thank You for your support, for your input and questions. With the help of the Great Principle we will continue to live this life full of hope for our spiritual unfoldment that gradually becomes fulfilled as reality.

Most of all I am grateful for the Great Principle that expresses compassion at every turn!

In the hope You find Love close at hand this coming new year and always, PortiaSLB

Inspirations of 2017

For the entire entry kindly click on the images.


“We choose to come to this earthly plane to fuse our consciousness with Love. To fight to harmonize our life without fear. It allows us to be a Light in this world. Inspired, empowered souls.”


So when you feel any anxiety or worry, pause. Bring yourself to the moment, feel yourself in your body, and breathe. Remind yourself that this moment is created to serve you, your evolution and happiness.   

sit be quiet

“When we see beauty, kindness, caring and love in others, we begin to see it in ourselves. And, we eventually see the beauty of ourselves in others!”


“Each time you choose love over fear you will experience some mastery over yourself! And, you become conscious of being less and less dominated by fears, which is undeniably liberating! You will feel lifted, lighter and brighter.”

The Law of Attraction not only attracts ‘like’ positive and loving energy in our life, but also ‘negative,’ fearful energy that creates problems in our reality! No one can make us mad, sad, feel insulted or emotionally hurt. We may want to blame others for our situation, but getting insulted, angry and self-righteous, says something about ourselves rather than about them. 


When we are hurting, physical or emotional pain is revealing that we are in the mist of disharmony. Yet, there is beauty in pain. Pain reminds us …

great law compassionate

Three surprising self-defeating patterns you may not recognize; and one of them is wanting enlightenment

savage dog

A real world Self-protection method that’s a mystical experience

the road

Mindful in lovemaking and Self-centeredness –  2 unconventional methods for positive change

buttefly monochrome

Unexpected help in the Creative Fire

always thinking

4 essentials for creating harmony in your life


4 reasons the Star Exercise is a spiritual lifeline


Your great asset and your great burden; the pendulum swings

Orchids and Boats

Vacation: Are you avoiding your spiritual journey? 5 ways for it to be a catalyst

water drop 2

10 signs you are oblivious to the biggest problem that plague you. And how in a strange way that problem is a blessing.

sunset key west 2017 world reflection

“So what should we do to help ourselves and the world?”

Walking your destiny

Your Destiny – 7 indications you are on the right path

To Love 2

Meditation to consider: Regaining Harmony


4 uninhibited ways to open yourself to unlimited potential


Meditation: Om; an esoteric projection reaching into the 4th dimension


2 emotional seductions that caress you daily and how to overcome them

Uncertainty and insecurity

4 easy mindful step to turn painful, ugly feelings into an evolutionary benefit

Detached involvement

Why the ego is not the enemy and a mysterious method of transformation


“Know Yourself and You will know All.”

4 uninhibited ways to open yourself to unlimited potential

We have infinite potential BUT, and here’s the brakes –  ‘but’ we limit ourselves in an obscure way. Fortunately there are methods to un-limit your potential and become a force in nature! 

You are the pivotal point

 You are like a two-sided coin. On one side you are the observer of the universe and on the other side you shape the universe. The Source synchronizes you as observer and co-creator.

In a mysterious way the universe forms to the way you understand the meaning of life. Or, more accurately, you see the world through what you are mentally aware of and what you emotionally allow yourself to experience. We live primarily in the subconscious ego, limiting ourselves. 

If you think the world is a cruel place and full of suffering, then you shape your own life with that emotional attitude and expectation, creating challenges at every turn. That’s the view I seemed to have born with!

Fortunately the universe is compassionate. Things are always changing and we have opportunities to build a happier reality. For example, if you suddenly find love in your own life you are emotionally lifted and happy! You see the world through the eyes of love and life is beautiful!

If you define the meaning of life with religious beliefs, superstitions or atheistic attitude, then you can limit yourself in that particular tribe’s mindset and expectations, narrowing your vision of possibilities.

You are an unlimited, universal Being.  Consider these 4 uninhibited ways to open yourself to unlimited potential: 

#1 – The universe is in You

Consider the meaning of life includes everything and You have infinite potential! 

When you open your mind and emotions to see the potential for harmony in everything You are synchronizing your mind and emotions to higher realms of unconditional love, peace and harmony and literally refining yourself, physically, mentally and emotionally. As you release negative energy like worry or feeling left out you open yourself to experience the pure energy of creativity in the universe and experience your part in that creativity, taking a more conscious role in shaping your reality. 

#2 – Experience yourself as a multi-dimensional Being

You may be an earthly being, yet you are a Ray of the Eternal simultaneously living in other realms you are as of yet aware.  There are physical, astral, mental, Buddhic and other planes.

I’ve experienced us as beings of Light where we cast no shadows, but on some levels we have dark spots in our bodies which have as yet been refined. And, the presence of other dimensional beings joining us in meditations like Transmitting Universal Life Energy and Love to the World.

Think of yourself as 50% Matter and 50% Spirit which will open you to mental expansion and awareness. You are a spiritual Being living in the Spiritual Plane in this moment.

#3 – The cause is the source of the effect

When you look to the cause rather than the effect it gives you freedom to shape your own reality consciously!

You’ll gain insight into yourself when you look to the cause of any effect, or to any possible effect when you are faced with a decision. A simple method I use is to ask myself if am I coming from tenderness or from fear.

You as a soul have an earthly body and living in the human concept of time, yet you are an eternal Being with the privilege of evolutionary unfoldment. Time is a very three dimensional, human concept, so always consider the big picture and long view.

#4 – Balance your male and female genders

Assert your Selfconsciousness.  

Being conscious and in the moment is your greatest opportunity for unlimited potential.  “I think therefore I am,” is the Self-consciousness beginning to assert itself in your life. Yet to take a leap in potential – be Self-conscious of working enthusiastically, using your intelligence, sincerity and loving consideration. You are balancing both your inner male and female genders, your mind and emotions, bringing your FourSquare soul qualities to the surface of your reality.

Especially be conscious of your spiritual Power. It is incredibility strong, yet tender. When you face trouble, never submit to wrong or weakness. Face it knowing the Eternal is helping you. Say something like, “I am one with the Eternal and with the help of the Eternal it is already overcomed.”

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“To remove a wrong do not try to rub away the shadow. Rather rub away the cause and the shadow disappears.”

“Spirit is the Soul of the Universe. Our Soul is the Spirit within us.”

Eugene Fersen

Photo PSLB Key West, FL 2017

Your Destiny – 7 indications you are on the right path

Walking your destiny

#1 Things fall into place

Being conscious of being part of something greater than yourself, things fall into place. You listen to your intuitions and inspirations, knowing your Higher Self guides you.  

You feel expansion into more freedom, rather than clinging to a presumed safe, old self-image and habits. 

#2 You do whatever you do with passion

You find success in what you love to do. Not necessarily in society’s sense, but in the sense that you feel at peace and in harmony with body, mind and spirit. 

You are confident and fearless, feeling like you belong where you are. Rather than being a seeker, You already are the silent watcher within, integrating your inner world with your outer world. You have become conscious of the Divine Road you walk. 

#3 You learn from mistakes

If you make a mistake you get up and continue with an optimistic attitude. You are grateful for the wisdom to recognize a mistake and consider it an opportunity to reach up to that part of yourself that has chosen to learn from it.

You trust your connection to the Source, and if you face more challenges then you have insight to know that there is more to learn and experience. Or that you harbor doubt. You are Grateful for the compassion of the Source and unconditional Love.

 #4 You release traits that derail you

Passion brings to the surface all that you are: the good, the bad, the ugly and beautiful. You are conscious of how you create your reality with your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. 

Seeing the opportunity to release negative energy and potential causes, you do not deny feelings like anger or impatience. It would be something hanging over you from the past. The silent witness within goes beyond those identities and you are no longer fixed into them.

#5 You are in the moment 

Being in the moment, you silently listen and are aware.  You surrender in the moment; are free and true to yourSelf, sincere.  

You are not racing against the clock, nor wasting time procrastinating because there is always enough time according to your wants and needs.

#6 You co-create opportunities 

While paying attention to clues, you know that you must work, rely on yourself, body, mind and soul, to co-create with the Eternal a reality that is fulfilling and harmonious

You are conscious of the human mind being ruled by fate – the Law of Cause and Effect, Karma and you step forward with your best enthusiasm, intelligence, sincerity and love in what you do.  

At the same time, you know that in essence your destiny, through the workings of both the Law of Karma and the Law of Harmony, is the same – to evolve, to refine into finer and finer qualities into spiritual Harmony.

#7 You are committed to Love

You express love in your creative endeavors, which not only benefits you but also others.  And you are conscious of the unconditional Love and support of the Great Principle.

Being grateful for Love in your own life, you express your gratitude with goodwill and compassion for the world. You hope the best for others without expecting them to be the way you think they should be. In other words, you are nonjudgmental and love unconditionally.    

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Destiny never acts destructively. It is the Will of the Eternal. Fate does not violate this Law. It only interferes with men on Earth. No matter what wrong comes into our life, it is fate and not Destiny.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teaching in Science of Being, Voulume II, pp. 48-9.

Photos: PSLB  (Top photo – Key West, Florida August 2017)