2 emotional seductions that caress you daily and how to overcome them

There are two emotional seductions that caresses our subconscious to the point of total infatuation most every day. They hold us back from enjoying ordinary moments and experiencing other possibilities for creating genuine and lasting happiness. Yet, there are ways to free ourselves.

#1.  Everybody’s into it!  

We like to be constantly busy, on our devices, working, moving, doing anything to fill our time, otherwise we can feel guilty, lonely, lazy, crazy, wasting time. Everybody is doing something and the subconscious ego does not want to be left out! Or get bored!

I’ve had to become very conscious of how many times I pick up my phone to check texts, emails, FitBit.

I am aware that tech can be helpful; a tool for information, communication and generally making life easier. I used it to write this entry. But, so many of us have become unconsciously addicted.

We tend to look down when we use tech, which gives us an indication of unconsciously relating to the sub-conscious ego and to the past. We are seduced emotionally, loosing our conscious awareness of the moment.

Your heart knows

To rise above the fear of being left out set tech aside and relate to your heart. Gently rest your hand over your heart and feel the warmth of your inner tenderness. Enter the Silence, listen and become conscious of your spiritual heart and the present moment.

The beautiful thing is that your heart knows without a doubt the deep connection to the Source of everything.

 In that moment you accept life as it is. There is no seductive emotional desire to connect or make yourself busy because you have connected with All Love, all beings, and Source through your Inner love.

Relax and let life unfold according to universal law, aware, observant, grateful for being part of That.

So next time you start to absently minded pick tech up, pause momentarily and live the moment to create a compassionate cause. 

#2.  Taking sides

We’re seduced not so much by the issues of politics, social , economic, religious and world affairs, rather by the emotions that are attached to the issues. Emotions predominately related to the past.

We are so attracted to and relate to like energy we join band wagons and form tribes. We mimic the rhetoric to defend our position. And defending a position eats away our life energy, while adding weeds to the ego.

Critical thinking, logic and reason are thrown out of the mental process because those emotions associated with the past color our discrimination. We see the world through the human perspective of duality. Good and bad. Right and left, blinding ourselves to other possibilities.

A blatant example

A current example is the U.S. population feeling divided. Emotions run so high violence erupts.

We say we deplore discrimination, but we’re lost to our ability to discriminate! And … we see problems …. rather than opportunities for building harmony.

It’s an obvious example of being motivated by fear rather than love, the human perspective of the law of duality. The same thing for religious jehads, many political, economic, social and personal agendas.

Take the opportunity

We get all fired up, wanting to defend our position. Yet, the Eternal creates opportunities for Harmony through us and issues.

Rather than fight against …… consider the law of duality as the Law of Unity – everything blends and has a deep meaning and spiritual purpose.

So when your emotions start to flair up, become conscious of them. And, ask yourself if you are emotionally relating to the past. Has it triggered feelings of protest, anger, resentment from deep rooted fear and possibly hatred?

Be mindful and discriminate. Be conscious of your authentic powers and balance energy, intelligence, accuracy and Love in the moment, seeing in everyone and in everything opportunities to learn something …., that will help you and us all evolve and enjoy life!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We must be guided by the only Power that can show us Right, by Love, a deep, wide, unassuming feeling which is the foundation of Harmony throughout the whole Universe.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume I, page 229.

Photo: Valencia, Spain 2017 PSLB

Pouty lips and spiritual possibilities

Stepping into the moment of Truth
Photo: Stepping in the Moment, PSLB 

When I was a little girl about 5 years old my mom took a snap shot of me sitting on the front steps of our house with my elbows on my knees and fists under my chin. I had a horrific pout on my face, with my lower lip sticking out so far that it practically covered my chin! My mom tried to get me out of that mood, but couldn’t. So instead she took a picture of me that way. At the time I was too stubborn being a victim to know the real reason she did it.

You always reveal the Truth 

We don’t always want to see things about ourselves that others do. Nor do we always WANT to free ourselves. The ego wants to cling to desires and the past, yet that attitude freezes us, making us blind to  present Harmony. We loose site of harmonious opportunities.

Becoming conscious of the Truth about ourselves, the good, the bad, the ugly, is a vital step on our spiritual journey and cooperation with Harmony. We become conscious of disharmony in order to release it. And we recognize Harmony within ourselves and the Universe in order to consciously unify ourselves with IT.  

When our thinking and attitude aligns with Harmony then it follows that our behaviors and conditions will also, through the Law of Unity. 

Conscious detachment includes:

1. Even when you are in a room full of people, pause within. Observe in a detached state your body language, facial expression, attitude, letting any self-judgments or concepts pass you by.

2. Observe your thinking and expectations in a detached state. Observe how you may have considered playing a role or expect others to be a certain way, letting them drift by. Let temptations of feeling left out, lonely, special or self-righteous drift by. 

3. Take a deep breath, breathing in the freshness and uncertainty of the moment. Feel that Life Energy enter your mind and thinking. Then exhale any preconceived ideas, releasing any desire for things to be different. Change is inevitable. 

4. Have friendly attitude, accepting the moment as it is. 

 Having a friendly attitude with the moment is Trusting Life and aligning with the Universe. You are consciously bringing love forward  in your thinking, letting Love and Harmony lead you in your infinite choices. 

5. Step into the Present Moment. And as you accept the moment, the gift of Life and Love in the moment, also circulate the gift of Life and Love back into the moment. 

What you give is what you receive. Hope the best for others.

Find that spot within your heart that feels grateful for Life and let it spread into the moment, blending with the Truth of what already is. Circulate and give to others and the Universe caring, appreciation, love and compassion.

I smile and feel the love in my heart, knowing my mother took a picture of that little kid pouting on the front porch steps so many, many years ago so I could see what she saw. So that I might grow out of that toxic attitude! Her Love is a manifestation of Universal Love and Harmony. And so is Love from your Spiritual Heart. It helps us all. 

To Love is natural. Pouty attitudes, resentment, self-righteousness is the past.  You can freely embrace the moment, and make choices that create a better reality for yourself … and the world. 

In the hope You find stepping into the moment an adventure, PortiaSLB

“The Soul, by the successive putting on and leaving off of its different bodies, creates more and more perfect vehicles for its expression, until it finally reaches a stage where its body becomes as perfect and indestructible as is the Soul itself.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 96.