Today’s consideration: Food, sex, worries; So many distractions

Thinking is an addictive distraction, especially when we have an intent to quiet the mind, to mediate and come into your Real Self. We tend to think about things we try to avoid or repress when we get quiet and listen to ourselves. Things like that chocolate we’re missing, the sexual pleasures we’re missing, and the many, many solutions to worries we’re missing.

It’s normal for us all. That’s important to remember when the guilt and the hurt of it all begins to further distract us. Yet, we can free yourselves with practice.

Just keep being conscious and aware of the temptation to be distracted. Just observe, be the watcher of the thinker without judgment. And amazingly, in that awareness of the temptation to be distracted, you have entered a meditation of observation. Whereas, if you we unaware of being distracted then one thought leads to another. And you can circle there.

Let compassionate Love lead you deeper into Relaxation and Silence. Pause and take some deep breathes, being conscious of breathing in Universal Life Energy. Let compassion for yourself, lead to compassion for others and for all Beings. And in this practice you can release, release and rise in consciousness above temptation into Love, Peace and Joy.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We should try to eliminate the undesirable traits of our subconsciousness by becoming conscious through living FourSquare. It is a stupendous task for the whole of Humanity.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 31.

Today’s consideration: Light In then Light Out

We are attracted to the Light of Universal Consciousness from Higher Consciousness within us and from our Spiritual Heart. And we can Light up with conscious, Spiritual Love, then radiate It out.

To start simply, the first exercise in Science of Being is Relaxation and Silence to open ourselves to the inflow of Universal Life Energy, which is the Light of All Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love. And thus we let Light in, and that Universal Life Energy flowing to us, in us, through us and then automatically returns back throughout the universe.

We come Lightbearers and construct our reality by consciously letting Light in and letting Light out……contacting Universal Life Energy and by letting it out… expressing FourSquare. That is by: Expressing Universal Life Energy in our reality as Enthusiasm, Wisdom, Sincerity, and Love in a balanced manner. With consideration.

It can be a as simple as genuine smile, a gentle embrace, or a conscious breath. Or as shared in Giving Healing Energy to the World.

Light in and then Light out.

In the hope You find Love close at hand,


“Consideration is one of the first steps toward Love.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 160.

Crazy thoughts when trying to find Silence? It’s easy to deceive, Part 3

Most of us can relate to feeling assaulted by crazy thoughts especially when we are on a conscious spiritual journey, trying to observe and know ourselves. It is so contrary to being in Presence, living in the present moment with silent alertness.

As an observer we can be very affected by what we bring with us, like expectations, interest, familiarity, and beliefs discussed in Part 1 and Part 2. And our perceptions as a witness can also become defective because of other factors. Yet we can rise above them.


Our emotions affect our perceptions. Being in lower levels of consciousness with fear related emotions makes observations unrealistic and untrustworthy.

If we are stressed out and fearful then our inner observations can be very swayed and even perverted. Guilt can lead to self-ridicule, anger to lying, arrogance to domination. Plus, these emotions can circle around unconsciously and surface as irresponsible choices.

The ego feeds on drama! And this is why in self-observation we quiet the thinking mind, the hurt, the sorrow, the resentment, and come into the present moment, entering the Silence.

We can feel the Presence of something greater than ourselves as we make the Mental Contact. In this state you become an unattached observer, and can courageously observe the good, the bad and the ugly without attachment to emotions like self-pity, regret or despair. You can observe that fearful temptations are just temporary, illusionary and irresponsible choices.

When you make the Mental Contact, you are in Authentic Power and guided to make responsible choices that are rooted in Love, helping you deliberately choose uplifting thoughts and emotions like Optimism, Transcendence and Gratitude. You can observe that these are your natural state which benefit yourself and everyone.

Physical Conditions

Most of us know that if we are tired, sick or short of breath it can affect our perceptions. Things become blurred, out of focus and even seem impossible to give attention to.

That’s when it’s critical to relax. Pause, take a deep breath and you will automatically begin to relax when you allow yourself to. It may take a few minutes, but the body will respond dispersing beneficial hormones.

Remember that wellbeing is natural for you. Relax and allow communication between your body and Source, making the contact with Source Energy, Universal Life Energy. Willingly open yourself. Feel It and Trust It.

Contrary to the way the ego sees it, any discomfort points to where we should give attention to. Physical discomfort points to emotional discomfort. Allow yourself to observe discomforts and temptations in an unattached state of silence.

We don’t necessarily need to know the cause of disquieting thoughts and emotions. That desire to know is a push from the ego. We are creatures of habitual thoughts, attitudes, behaviors and we resist living in the present moment …… in Presence.

Empower yourself by making a decision to focus on the Light of Source Energy in the present moment. Purposefully reach for higher levels of consciousness and emotions like acceptance, tenderness and compassion. This opens us to more Life Energy for healing, growth, Inner Joy and Peace.

And remember it can take some time for the billions of cells in your body to align with your natural wellbeing.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The saying, The pure in heart shall see God is True. Only when we are pure or sincere can we behold Harmony, and when we behold it, the Light of Harmony flows into us.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings by Eugene Fersen, Volume I, page 257.
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It’s easy to deceive: even for those of us on a conscious spiritual journey, Part 1

Photo: PSLB

As recorded Aristotle once said: Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

But self observation can be very tricky. We can observe ourselves believing we are revealing facts about ourselves, all the while being narcissist and emotionally involved. And our perceptions become flawed, having been influenced by subjective perceptions.

Observation in an unattached state is critical for knowing ourselves, yet we should be aware that perception is very much affected by many different messages in our patterns of thinking. And we should be conscious of these possibilities in order to avoid them.

You see what you expect to see

We are generally creatures of habit. And we believe in the human perception of the Law of Cause and Effect ….. a particular cause results in particular effect.

Thus, if we expect to feel a certain way as a result of meeting a particular person, then we usually do feel as expected. When we believe we will stumble like we always do, then we do. If we expect to catch a cold when we are near someone with a cold and they sneeze spraying us, then we usually do.

The subconscious ego can be very convincing; it deceives us. What we believe tends to manifest. And what we except to experience we usually do.

To avoid holding on to beliefs about our observations, come to the moment within yourself fully and accept what is without prejudice to clear preconceptions. And if you are tempted to believe a habitual thought yet are conscious then put it in a mental trashcan, letting it go! Make the contact with Universal Life Energy and bask in the Light feeling grateful for such alertness and ability of action. This helps to become conscious and alert.

Interest & Intent can enhance or inhibit

When we have a sincere intent to be conscious and alert we are adding emotional energy to the intent. Sincerity opens doors for us to feel and recognize higher frequencies because of the Law of Attraction. Sincerity from our heart opens us to Love….. to feel and know Love within ourselves and the Unconditional Love of Source.

However, when we are just playing at being aware, we can be so focused on something that we are greatly interested in that we miss completely what is going on in the perimeter.

For example, one can become so enamored with someone’s beauty or challenges that we ignore thoughts and feelings within ourselves. Or we can get lost in our busyness …… doing what is expected of us and demands of our attention without realizing we’ve allowed ourselves to become stressed out, angry or resentful.

Busyness is one of the biggest egotistic challenges of our human life. We got expectations of family, work and social tribes. The ego likes the drama and we get lost in it!

When you become conscious of getting too busy with stuff …… remember you can pause, take some deep breathes to relax the body and reengerize it, then relax your thinking. Allow yourself to enter Silence and feel Universal Life Energy flow through you in the Now. This will help bring you to the moment as it is, clearing your thoughts and emotions.

Planning and organization are tools for our human life that are planned and organized in the present moment. Let the rest of it unfold naturally, staying in the present moment, alert and conscious without relying on the human will to bend things as we planned. You can enjoy the unexpected so to speak as it happens ….. it’s all new.

Generally we see what we expect to see, hear what we expect to hear, and feel what we expect to feel. And when we do observe something within that is unfamiliar then we relate it to something that we have experienced in the past, obscuring the observation of the present moment. More to come…..

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The caterpillar, like everything else, is the imperfect material shell of a perfect Soul. That Soul has in it all the distinctive qualities of both the worm and the butterfly but it unfolds them in logical sequence from the bottom up.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 276.
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How to super charge your food with the Life Energy of the Universe!

Evening meal time was family time everyday when my kids where small. And my children always contributed in the preparation when they were young. We had cooking lessons which began with attitude checks ….. because our attitude is the most important ingredient in any recipe. And then there is another step just before eating!

Most of us know to avoid food preparation and cooking without Love in our hearts and minds. Thoughts are energy vibrations and so are emotions, so if we are engaged in negative self-talk, feeling resentment, guilt, worry or anger when preparing meals, then that energy is added to the food.

You can end up eating harmful energies without being conscious of it! Those energies enter you and can clog your body and contribute to blocking your mind from knowing that You are a Light in the world!

So how can we protect ourselves and Super Charge our food, especially when we don’t even know who is preparing our food or their attitude?

We can charge our food with Universal Life Energy before eating. And it is very simple.

Before eating, Relax and become Silent and sincerely make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy:

Photo PSLB

“Begin by gently relaxing the body while sitting upright with both hands cupped up resting on the thighs to receive Universal Life Energy, or the left palm up and the right palm down.  

Once a feeling of calm and Harmony begins to pervade the mind and emotions, say in a soft voice:

‘I am One with Universal Life Energy. It is flowing through me now. I feel it.’

With this practice You open the doors between You and the Life Energy of the Universe because you have stated Truth on the Spiritual, mental and physical planes in those three statements. You are one with Truth and Law and when you become conscious of it you are mentally giving life to it within and manifesting it as reality on the physical, earthly plane. You are using all of your Soul qualities and realizing the Law of Spirit: Life, Mind, Truth, Love and Spirit is All in All.”

Once you begin to feel the flow of Life Energy flow through you, pinch the fingers of your right hand together and allow the Energy to flow from your fingertips, while the left hand continues to receive the Energy. The nerves of the left hand receives the Energy, attracted by your Life Center and Heart, circles in the body, mind and emotions then exits, returning to the Universe from the finger tips of the right hand.

Circle the Energy over your meal with your right hand finger tips, continuing to hold the Mental and Physical Contact. And, of course, always feel Love in your Heart ….. Unconditional Love and gratitude for Life, Intelligence, Law and Love.

Universal Life Energy naturally harmonizes and energies anything it flows through, super charging You and in turn your mind and emotions! You are allowing a blessing of the food …. allowing the Universe, The Eternal, to super charge it and bring the vibrations in synch with your own.

I hope You find this practice as beneficial as I have. Kindly let me know how it goes!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Only as you mold yourself, through the conscious and constant use of Universal Life Energy, in every department of you life, to the dominant Four Square of Life, Mind, Law (Truth) and Love can you achieve the Poise, Harmony and Power with that will attune you to the Perfect /source of All Power.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being (loose leaf lesson 19), page 456.

2 emotional seductions that caress you daily and how to overcome them

There are two emotional seductions that caresses our subconscious to the point of total infatuation most every day. They hold us back from enjoying ordinary moments and experiencing other possibilities for creating genuine and lasting happiness. Yet, there are ways to free ourselves.

#1.  Everybody’s into it!  

We like to be constantly busy, on our devices, working, moving, doing anything to fill our time, otherwise we can feel guilty, lonely, lazy, crazy, wasting time. Everybody is doing something and the subconscious ego does not want to be left out! Or get bored!

I’ve had to become very conscious of how many times I pick up my phone to check texts, emails, FitBit.

I am aware that tech can be helpful; a tool for information, communication and generally making life easier. I used it to write this entry. But, so many of us have become unconsciously addicted.

We tend to look down when we use tech, which gives us an indication of unconsciously relating to the sub-conscious ego and to the past. We are seduced emotionally, loosing our conscious awareness of the moment.

Your heart knows

To rise above the fear of being left out set tech aside and relate to your heart. Gently rest your hand over your heart and feel the warmth of your inner tenderness. Enter the Silence, listen and become conscious of your spiritual heart and the present moment.

The beautiful thing is that your heart knows without a doubt the deep connection to the Source of everything.

 In that moment you accept life as it is. There is no seductive emotional desire to connect or make yourself busy because you have connected with All Love, all beings, and Source through your Inner love.

Relax and let life unfold according to universal law, aware, observant, grateful for being part of That.

So next time you start to absently minded pick tech up, pause momentarily and live the moment to create a compassionate cause. 

#2.  Taking sides

We’re seduced not so much by the issues of politics, social , economic, religious and world affairs, rather by the emotions that are attached to the issues. Emotions predominately related to the past.

We are so attracted to and relate to like energy we join band wagons and form tribes. We mimic the rhetoric to defend our position. And defending a position eats away our life energy, while adding weeds to the ego.

Critical thinking, logic and reason are thrown out of the mental process because those emotions associated with the past color our discrimination. We see the world through the human perspective of duality. Good and bad. Right and left, blinding ourselves to other possibilities.

A blatant example

A current example is the U.S. population feeling divided. Emotions run so high violence erupts.

We say we deplore discrimination, but we’re lost to our ability to discriminate! And … we see problems …. rather than opportunities for building harmony.

It’s an obvious example of being motivated by fear rather than love, the human perspective of the law of duality. The same thing for religious jehads, many political, economic, social and personal agendas.

Take the opportunity

We get all fired up, wanting to defend our position. Yet, the Eternal creates opportunities for Harmony through us and issues.

Rather than fight against …… consider the law of duality as the Law of Unity – everything blends and has a deep meaning and spiritual purpose.

So when your emotions start to flair up, become conscious of them. And, ask yourself if you are emotionally relating to the past. Has it triggered feelings of protest, anger, resentment from deep rooted fear and possibly hatred?

Be mindful and discriminate. Be conscious of your authentic powers and balance energy, intelligence, accuracy and Love in the moment, seeing in everyone and in everything opportunities to learn something …., that will help you and us all evolve and enjoy life!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We must be guided by the only Power that can show us Right, by Love, a deep, wide, unassuming feeling which is the foundation of Harmony throughout the whole Universe.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume I, page 229.

Photo: Valencia, Spain 2017 PSLB

Simple effort can have major effects and change your life!

Photo:PSLB New Zealand

We can sit in a quiet place to meditate and all that happens is thinking. We are so addicted to thinking that we feel empty, lost without it.

It takes courage to go into the gaps ….. to become aware of the silence in-between the streams of thinking. It takes courage to go out of our comfort zone …. to pause, observe the quiet ….. go silent within…… and experience zero thoughts.

And we may not even be aware that such a thing is even possible until we try it ….. until we experience it. And interestingly, when we do experience it …… it is such a calm peace that we can get excited about it and we have to quiet that excitement too.

We may experience cycles of silence …… thinking …… silence …… excitement …… silence. And realize we are stretching out the gaps of silence between the streams of thinking, with the thinking streams becoming shorter and the gaps of silence longer in the sense of the human mind.

The point is that in the Silence we are mentally relaxed, physically relaxed, emotionally relaxed.

We are in the physical world, yet free of the heavy senses of it. We are in the mental world, yet free of the demanding and addictive thinking of it. Free of the collective, human subconscious and free of the inner ego, with the memories, beliefs and assumptions of the past.

We are in the human emotional, behavioral world….. yet free of it. Free of guilt, fear, anger, impatience and all the drama, highs and lows.

We are allowing ourselves to return to our true nature …… and this is a healing process for us. We remember and allow ourselves to embrace the beauty of our loving nature ….. to the courageous heart that allows, permits acceptance of what is. Acceptance of what is the condition of life in the moment ….. for ourselves and for others.

And from this experience of Silence …… the experience of freedom from the human ego along with the past attachments and ties to the future ….. we begin to experience the freedom in our daily life moment to moment, seeing the opportunity to build on that freedom for our happiness.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“In practicing Relaxation and Silence you will gradually gain such control over yourself that unfavorable surroundings will no longer be able so to influence you as to prevent you from deriving all the benefits from the two Exercises whenever you choose.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 17.

For more about Relaxation and Silence also consider: Relaxation and Silence companion lesson link.

Tempted to go down a dark, dark hole – Empowering yourself amidst turmoil

Hoping happiness for others plays a vital role in our own happiness. But we can find it difficult to stay positive amidst turmoil in our life and in the world. Fretting and wanting things to be different can keep us in perpetual worry, fret and fear. Yet we can empower ourselves with some simple practices.

Taking a different path

Constant thinking about what we don’t want takes us down a dark hole. 

When I’m in that hole I can’t see or think anything positive. So the best course of action I’ve found is to be silent. Relax and be quiet. Quiet the thinking or focus on breathing.  This breaks the connection to the habitual patterns of subconscious conditioning. But if you realize you are thinking, just observe it without following familiar trails, returning to your breathing and  the present moment. Be the detached observer. 

That’s when you can see a choice that was not there before.

No one or any condition can make us worried, sad or mad unless we agree to it. This realization has stopped me in my tracks! We can choose another path.

We may not have control over people or situations, but we may be able to remove ourselves from those energies that do not lift us. And we can control our own minds. Once you realize this then you can set yourself on a positive trajectory.

Something else happens

To the constant thinker being silent sounds counterproductive, yet being silent frees us to lift our consciousness.

This is when something else happens. Without the influence of the past or desires of the future, in other words without the influence of subconscious worry trails and programming that have been established through habit and unconscious programming, you can ignite the courage to liberate love and tenderness from your heart. This is so freeing in my experience.

When circumstances are not necessarily in sync

Tenderness may express and surface to your consciousness as calm gratitude. Mentally focusing on those things that you are grateful for activates the Law of Attraction, attracting more reasons for your happiness. The more gratitude that surfaces, the more likely you will experience harmony within. Love instead of fear within which has always been there.

Even when physical circumstances are not necessarily in sync with the calm and tenderness you experience within, you are empowering yourself and co-creating reality through the Law of Attraction. With love, consideration and caring as vital parts of your motivation, you are better able to co-create a happier reality. 

Any act of constructive creativity makes us a bit happier! And we can remove ourselves from stressful conditions if circumstances permit it. Turn off media. Be in nature. Do acts of kindness. And Live a Conscious Heart. 

The Light of Truth

Sure there may be times, in moments of doubt, that we feel like succumbing to feeling like crap again. Yet that contrast points to an opportunity! It’s an opportunity to recognize your Inner Strength and that the temptation to fall in a dark hole is a temporary illusion and let it go.

Grab hold of uplifting visions and contact Universal Life Energy. Be in the present moment, trusting that you are part of something greater than yourself. You are One with Source; have Faith and Trust in that.

Lightbearers even though we are consciously on our spiritual journey we may stumble amidst challenges. Consider: Creating strength & happiness when things go wrong

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“To go down fighting, with fire in the blood and victory in the heart, only to rise anew, is never a failure, even though your immediate object may have escaped your grasp. You step to supremacy over disaster and success alike, but as the disasters pry open your inner channels for tapping your Soul powers, failures will become less and less frequent.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 287. 

Simple practices to bring your Soul to the surface of your life

Photo: PSLB 2019 Estonia

Greetings Lightbearers!

As promised from the sister website, included here are some simple ways to become conscious of your soul and bring that awareness to the surface of your life. I use these practices daily and have found them to ground me in conscious awareness throughout the day and into night.

1.First thing upon awakening in the mornings become conscious of Being. Conscious of body, mind and attitude.

Your attitude and emotions are great powers of the soul, with the greatest of these being love and compassion because they encompass the very essence of all of yourself.

Your emotions are the catalysts that spark the Law of Attraction into action. If your thoughts and emotions are of low frequencies or high frequencies, that is what you attract. 

Most important is to be conscious of Being part of something greater than yourself; being part and one with the Source!

2. If you are agreeable with the weather, consider performing the Star Exercise outside. Being in nature with the sunshine, air and earth all contribute to our well-being. Standing and walking barefoot on Mother Earth grounds us; charges our body with electrons which helps heal and renew our cells, while reducing stress. Morning sunshine also charges our bodies with vital vitamin D and awakens our bodies to activity. About 10 minutes in the morning sun is so beneficial.

3.  I usually combine deep breathing and stretching within the quiet of the morning to release any subconscious hidden or lagging stress, including muscle stress and emotional stress. Deep breathing oxygenates your brain and body cells to help you function in a clearer state. It also brings in and charges the body and mind with Universal Life Energy  which helps you better preceive the highest part of yourself and connection with the Source.

4. A few minutes doing several floor stretches for the back in particular is helpful. I’ve found yoga stretches opens the lower chakras so the flow of energy from the kundalini (Life Center) can rise up freely. The root chakra is the Seat of the Soul and dormant soul energies can be freed to flow up to connect with the consciousness and superconsciousness. For more consider this link: It’s not only about sex, the Law of Gender, Part 7.

5. Relaxation and Silence is the base for meditation and all practices because if you are tense, physically or mentally, then the mind and body shut down. Which essentially means you are functioning from low frequencies, and most likely from the egotistic subconscious. The subconscious ego does not relinquish control easily because we have conditioned it to be that way, however, with persistent practice you can release and enter relaxation and Silence anywhere, anytime.

6. Enter into Meditation for 5 minutes to one hour. A simple meditation is to focus on the breath. Yet also consider this meditation to bring your Soul to the forefront of your consciousness:  Soul Meditation.

7. Slowly come out of meditation with an attitude of Gratitude.

8. Continue your day with an awareness of being in the moment fully. Everything is new, without assumption, habitual thoughts, or worries about the future.

You matter in this Universe; your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. Everything counts, meaning your choices matter in life and in your day. 

So choose to have compassion for yourself and help yourself relax and enjoy life! And when you do opportunities for your success and happiness open before You! 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Will power strikes a far harsher note than the harmonious one with which you are trying to get into communion. To use it is to contract yourself physically and mentally, closing the very door you desire to open. Universal Life Energy sounds the only note that corresponds with Universal Life Energy, represented in your own Soul, and It cannot be bullied or driven.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 274.

Too busy to meditate…it’s a paradox!

Tallinn, Estonia 2019

We may feel so busy in our home and work life there doesn’t seem enough time to meditate even though it feels like a virtuous thing to do. But if we experience relentless stress, worries or depression then we may consider finding a way out of the uncomfortable.

Yet part of us can still stubbornly resist what can help us discover our inner calm and strength. It’s a paradox that we may unconsciously let dominate us!

Consider this: even though we may believe we don’t have time for meditation, we do what is important to us don’t we? 

Within the eye of the storm of our life is calm, and we can rest, recharge and rejuvenate our minds and hearts. We can reconnect with the tenderness in our hearts, even when our hearts have been broken. 

Within each of us is the Universe. It’s very expansive Universal Life Energy … God…Om! With a few minutes a day meditation can help you face life’s challenges and appreciate the joys with strength, confidence, and uplifting energies.  

And you will discover that you can Trust your Inner guru, your Higher Self. It will guide you to those insights you (your consciousness) are open to. And to those that are helpful and enlightening. You are protected in the Light of your Higher Self.

And there are many information resources available concerning meditation, including this website. The comment box below is available for questions.

How to get started? A simple 5 minute exercise called Relaxation and SilenceThe Universe supports You unconditionally. 

With Light and Love, PortiaSLB

Photo: Tallinn, Estonia 2019 PSLB

“Through MEDITATION you will wipe away the discordant films which obscure expression of the Soul’s higher qualities through you human channels and will promote an extraordinary development and accord in every direction.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 280.