What’s Love Got to do with It?

Purple and White are Our Colors not our Heart

“Whenever we are inspired by beauty, we have taken a step towards Spiritual Vibrations.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume 1, page 82.

When we see beauty in anything we are relating consciously to Love, for beauty is a quality of Love. Love elevates our level of consciousness and reality. We need love to refine ourselves.   

We can find beauty in the simplest things, like a pansy. The name pansy is derived from the French pensee meaning ‘thought.’ While the Middle English name, viola, comes from ‘remembrance.’ Which ever name you use they both  relate to the mind and consciousness.


Beauty brings Love to the forefront of our consciousness!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB


Photos: PSLB

Your Fate – Laws of Karma and Rhythm


Karma and the Law of Rhythm

Thought → Emotion → Temptation → Behavior →  

Karmic Effect becomes a cause for another cycle → Thought → …

These are the cycles, the rhythms of our lives.

We are emotional beings and our emotions power our thoughts and behaviors. One emotion can generate a thoushand thoughts. All those thoughts affect our behaviors and our reality. And with the Law of Rhythm we repeat history!

What we feel, think and how we behave, attracts like into our reality ….. in our bodies and health, our physical reality ….. family, work, society at large. and it’s cyclic because of the swing of the pendulum.

Like the waves of the ocean we ride the wave forward, then there’s an undertow drawing us backwards. When we are moving forward it is for our own benefit to take advantage of it and ride the wave forward with gusto! Enjoy it and put our full effort into whatever project we have in mind.

When we feel the undertow starting to come into play then it is an indication to slow, stand strong and refuse to be pulled backwards, mentally acknowledging that it has no power over us …… use negation. This period is beneficial because it gives you time to recharge, refocus and refine your objectives. 

It’s simple

As we educate ourselves to understand the Laws of the Universe we can make conscious choices with our best interest in mind. It’s simple really – we empower ourselves through uplifting emotions and thoughts, and responsible behaviors.

The key is to BE CONSCIOUS with LOVE motivating us. If we aim for no harm to ourselves or others it helps harmonize us all. We flow in harmony with both the Laws of Cause and Effect, Karma and Rhythm. 

We are the masters of our own fate.

For more consider: Mastering the Law of Rhythm

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB        

“Our incarnations and reincarnations are determined by our activities here and there. That is we stay in the Beyond longer if our activities here have been constructive. And the same in the Beyond, if our activities are constructive we stay longer on Earth.”

Eugene Fersen, Teachings of Science of Being.


Energies of 2020 and your potential with far reaching results

Happy New Year 2020!

In 2020 we are on a cosmic journey to establish a base for stability, improvement and reliability not only for the coming year, but also for the coming decade.

2020 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4

The energies of 2020 = 4 indicates additional strength for commitment to creating a foundation for something of real value. For putting things in order and for organizing. For work. And for figuring out our responsibilities and role in the world order.

This year there will be a boost in energy to help us cultivate new levels of Inner Self-realization and personal growth.

Four is a very spiritual number and lucky number. Four represents the foundation that we all stand on, Spirit. It is the dense form of #1, spiritual creativity manifested in physical reality as Energy, Intelligence, Law and Love.
Are You Square?  Click on image to find out how to Square yourself and build to success, Spirit and Harmony!

With full commitment to manifesting the FourSquare in your thoughts and intentions, doors will open to help you take concrete steps to bring ideas, plans and dreams into physical reality, because you are hooking up to the potentiality in Source.

Organize but cultivate flexibility and patience to support your plans, because it will require discipline and perseverance to overcome intolerance and volatility of the mass subconscious ego.


The year 2020 has two 0’s, which indicates there may be foundations laid for new cycles or trials with far-reaching consequences. There are indications of redistribution of energies and powers, and mass consciousness resistance to new ideas and world altering changes.


The year 2020 also has two 2’s which is double feminine energies, pointing to cooperation, peace and unity. There is Power in recognizing 2 sides of every situation and person, outer appearances and inner spirit. True insight reveals 2 sides of the same coin as being 1. And #1 represents Source. Within everything is Source and there is always something beneficial.

Two can awaken our minds to the tenderness and wisdom in our hearts, our Seat of Love. Therefore no matter what situation you may face intuitively look inward with the intent to rise your own vibrational state of mind to cooperation and unity with Source. Opposition to the situation feeds more opposition through the Law of Attraction. While unity with Source draws more goodwill and harmony to not only yourself, but also to the situation.

The uplifting energies of 2020 are giving us the opportunity to build a base of consideration, goodwill and cooperation within ourselves which is the base for peace in the world.

______This year has far reaching potential for us to make a quantum leap in consciousness, recognizing that our thoughts and emotions manifest and shape our reality. That it’s not only our actions that matter. Our intents, our minds and hearts are major factors. And when our thoughts, intents and behaviors are in the Flow of Source and Harmony then we attract a harmonious reality.______

In order to create something of real value we will have to come to a new level of understanding and activity of our inherent Powers One with Source. Meditation can help us do that. And so can living in the moment with gratitude. These 2 methods give us a chance, an opportunity, to go in the flow of Source because we quiet our minds, our thinking and are open to the potentiality of All.

And consciously focusing FourSquare intents in all the we do, especially our thoughts and emotions, is actually manifesting Source in our reality now.This method is practical manifestation!And it is life changing with far reaching effects!

In the hope You embrace the uplifting energies and opportunities before You this year to make real changes in your life! PortiaSLB

For Recognizing your hidden energies in 2020 and how to use them to shape your reality kindly click link.

“We love Divinity through human beings. We have that longing and yearning within us to go back to the Father, to the Absolute, and whenever we find a channel through which we can achieve that return to Him, a channel opened by Love, we are only too glad to use it, because it is the inmost desire of our heart, it is the love of our Soul.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 44.

Energies of 2020 and your potential with far reaching results

Happy New Year 2020 and all decade long!

2020 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4

In 2020 we are on a cosmic journey to establish a base for stability, improvement and reliability not only for the coming year, but also for the coming decade.

The energies of 2020 = 4 indicates additional strength for commitment to creating a foundation for something of real value. For putting things in order and for organizing. For work. And for figuring out our responsibilities and role in the world order.

This year there will be a boost in energy to help us cultivate new levels of Inner Self-realization and personal growth.

Four is a very spiritual number and lucky number. Four represents the foundation that we all stand on, Spirit. It is the dense form of #1, spiritual creativity manifested in physical reality as Energy, Intelligence, Law and Love.
Are You Square?  Click on image to find out how to Square yourself and build to success, Spirit and Harmony!

With full commitment to manifesting the FourSquare in your thoughts and intentions, doors will open to help you take concrete steps to bring ideas, plans and dreams into physical reality, because you are hooking up to the potentiality in Source.

Organize but cultivate flexibility and patience to support your plans, because it will require discipline and perseverance to overcome intolerance and volatility of the mass subconscious ego.

The year 2020 has two 0’s, which indicates there may be foundations laid for new cycles or trials with far-reaching consequences. There are indications of redistribution of energies and powers, and mass consciousness resistance to new ideas and world altering changes.

The year 2020 also has two 2’s which is double feminine energies, pointing to cooperation, peace and unity. There is Power in recognizing 2 sides of every situation and person, outer appearances and inner spirit. True insight reveals 2 sides of the same coin as being 1. And #1 represents Source. Within everything is Source and there is always something beneficial.

Two can awaken our minds to the tenderness and wisdom in our hearts, our Seat of Love. Therefore no matter what situation you may face intuitively look inward with the intent to rise your own vibrational state of mind to cooperation and unity with Source. Opposition to the situation feeds more opposition through the Law of Attraction. While unity with Source draws more goodwill and harmony to not only yourself, but also to the situation.

The uplifting energies of 2020 are giving us the opportunity to build a base of consideration, goodwill and cooperation within ourselves which is the base for peace in the world.

This year has far reaching potential for us to make a quantum leap in consciousness, recognizing that our thoughts and emotions manifest and shape our reality. That it’s not only our actions that matter. Our intents, our minds and hearts are major factors. And when our thoughts, intents and behaviors are in the Flow of Source and Harmony then we attract a harmonious reality.

In order to create something of real value we will have to come to a new level of understanding and activity of our inherent Powers One with Source. Meditation can help us do that. And so can living in the moment with gratitude. These 2 methods give us a chance, an opportunity, to go in the flow of Source because we quiet our minds, our thinking and are open to the potentiality of All.

And consciously focusing FourSquare intents in all the we do, especially our thoughts and emotions, is actually manifesting Source in our reality now.This method is practical manifestation!And it is life changing with far reaching effects!

In the hope You embrace the uplifting energies and opportunities before You this year to make real changes in your life! PortiaSLB

For Recognizing your hidden energies in 2020 and how to use them to shape your reality kindly click link.

“We love Divinity through human beings. We have that longing and yearning within us to go back to the Father, to the Absolute, and whenever we find a channel through which we can achieve that return to Him, a channel opened by Love, we are only too glad to use it, because it is the inmost desire of our heart, it is the love of our Soul.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 44.

The price of repeating mistakes and the hidden treasures

Sometimes we are like emotional toddlers.  It’s like whining after we’ve binged on chocolate chip cookies or going into an angry rage. We have some sense that we’ve make a mistake and what the price will be because we instinctively know the Law of Cause and Effect. But some of us repeat the mistake, making a habit of it. Yet even the mistakes of a toddler mentality has the potential to help you make a quantum leap in consciousness!

The immature toddler ego believes itself to be the be all and end all. It will drag you down further into the subconscious cesspool, causing you to believe you can never get out of the hole. I know because I’ve been there!

 Yet, in everything is Love. Even the destructive, whiny or mad trait of the ego has within it Love. Because the ego is a mental perversion of the powers of Love and of It’s twin, Universal Mind. And that  is why mistakes have the potential to help you make a quantum leap in consciousness! 

The resulting pain of  mistakes can get our attention, our mental awareness! And from that awareness we can emotionally detach from a mistake and see it for what it truly is… an opportunity! An opportunity to learn from it and rise above it, making a different choice.

It’s the emotional whining and regret that empowers habits of the ego to repeat the same mistake through the Law of Attraction! 

Therefore when you make a mistake dust yourself off and be grateful that you are on the other side of it. This connects your consciousness with the higher emotions of the heart and Love. Be conscious, aware, and find your sincerity.

That is the beginning of insights for the mind! Insights and inspirations that are lead by your heart and unconditional Love. So gravitate towards gratitude, enthusiasm and optimism.

Unless we change our attitude towards mistakes and learn from mistakes, especially when they are very painful, we can be dragged further down the road of the immature toddler mentalityThe Great Law always gives us opportunities to better ourselves. 

Dig deep and find the Love and Wisdom within yourself, releasing superficial emotions. This gives you the opportunity to make a different choice and make a conscious quantum leap! There are opportunities to know the treasures of your Soul and make creative choices for your evolution. Not only for yourself, but for all of humanity and indeed  for the world. These are the hidden treasures of mistake. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Above all, do not be afraid to express, for fear of making mistakes. The greatest mistake human beings can make is to fear to make mistakes. Without them where is the learning, the evolving?” 

Eugene Fersen, “The Teacher” The Public Years of the Baron Eugene Fersen, page 66.


Too much drama in your life? The human mind will not help, but this will.

Photo: Virginia butterfly  PSLB

When I was a little child I experienced a lot of chaos and a lot of heart ache that I carried with me for many, many years into adulthood. I came to feel that drama and heartache was a living standard. It wasn’t until later in my life that I became aware of the importance I placed on stories I told myself and that I identified with. 

The stories we tell ourselves that are the hardest to let go are those with the most drama. Which we use to create more stories about ourselves and that we identify with.

The more importance you place on drama and the story of it, the more the subconscious ego imprisons you in a fixed self-identity. The less you’re able to freely experience unbound possibilities in the universe and your own innate Light.

So how can we step outside of the human ego’s drama story telling? 

We should allow ourselves to grow into the moment. Observe in a detached, yet involved state without all the thinking the ego circles in. That still, small voice you find in Silence will help you observe the way your personal mind works without harsh judgments.

 You can attain a clarity of mind in silence that can guide you in your choice of actions. While at the same time you are able to observe the subconscious ego’s desire to circle in what it is familiar with. With conditioned habits and behaviors.

The more you pause and become silent the freer you will be able to move into the moment. The more you become aware of things you hadn’t been conscious of before. 

Amazing things can happen that some would overlook or miss completely. Butterflies can fly by even when you’re at sea! Dolphins jump and the waves reflect your heart’s deepest longings.

The more you become silent and observe, the more drama leaves you. Not the memory of an event, rather the emotional drama the ego tells stories about. You can gain some perspective and understanding the lesson that life presented.  

In a state of detached state you are free to observe life constantly changing, yet remains steadfast. And backed up by a realm Unchangeable. Unknown. 

Contacting Universal Life Energy is a backup Force which can help you attain emotional and mental clarity. This is especially helpful just before sleep when the ego tends to review the day and create stories about it.

Instead of creating stories, mentally realize, “I feel Universal Life Energy flowing through me now.” You are aligning with the Light that you are and the Great Unknown.

 Your Heart slowly awakens from it’s imprisoned walls and becomes free to openly experience unbound love and compassion, gratitude, caring and sincerity.

The bravest thing you can do is to focus on your own Inner Love. When your focus mind in that sacred chamber of your Heart you become a spiritual warrior and express unconditional Love in your life. 

And this creates more opportunities for your happiness and unfoldment. 

If you’ve already experienced this, have you also experienced synchronicities to enjoy and expand your gratitude? 

In the hope that when chaos does come into your life that you will remember to come to a state of silent observation and free yourself of the ego’s crippling drama and stories. And that you step out of the ego into the realm of Being and unlimited possibilities, PortiaSLB 

“Great signs are given to Humanity today as in the days of old, yet with eyes open they do not see, and with ears open they do not hear, because their hearts are closed through the pride of their minds.” 

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 304.

Your great asset and great burden; the pendulum swings

It is so interesting how we as humans perceive things, and how we as infinite souls do too.

From my experience I am co-creator, as each of us are, of our own reality. Our mind, this thing we want to possess, is a great asset and a great burden, especially since it is the major factor in creating our reality.

Mental Perceptions

Our perception of good or evil, yes or no, up or down,  life or death, still or moving, are human mental perceptions. And, mentally we go back and forth. As soon as we say yes, we think maybe we should have said no.

Love we little understand; fear much, much more so because we live there so much of the time (another human perception). When we declare someone an enemy, they can become a friend over time. It’s a mental perception of the Law of Polarity and Law of Rhythm working on us, helping us establish balance and harmony within ourselves.

Why is there evil?

Disharmony, or evil, the devil within we may call it, exists because of the Law of Harmony. Spirit, Love, Harmony is essential in all things and when we hit against harmony we create disharmony. We co-created that little devil that sits on our shoulder and we sometimes follow. Yet, it is not eternal. It will evolve into something different as we learn. It’s human created with the power of Universal Energy which we perverted. Only the energy is eternal. The frequency evolves.

The finer aspects of mind

The pendulum can be a symbol of the way the consciousness and human mind works. Back and forth, back and forth; a human mental perception. Yet, everything is vibration and what seems opposites, dual, are merely different frequencies of energy. There is a blending of sorts.

If the pendulum swings all the way around there is a circle: Symbol of zero, the sphere, completeness, perfection, of the unknown, of All. It is rotates at different frequencies. For example, the faster it rotates it disappears to the human eye, like the frequency of ultra violet light. And faster still, like electrons and quarks.

So if the pendulum swinging back and forth can represent the human mind, the consciousness swinging back and forth in duality, thinking one is needed to get to the other, they balance each other, then what would a complete circle of the pendulum represent?

It is no longer a pendulum swinging, rather circling, rotating energy. Representing rotary energy or vibration. It symbolically can represent the finer aspects of mind. There is no swinging from right to wrong, good to evil mentally because there is continuous mentally activity without self-righteous judgment.

There is only change in spirit. Only life, rather than life and death, evil and good. All is Spirit! Everything is vibration. Always moving, changing.

And since evolution is also a Universal Law, mind gradually changes, refining to finer frequencies. For which I am grateful! We learn and evolve, don’t you think so?

The finer frequency of the Law of Polarity

So through Mind we return to the Source – ever finer and finer frequencies. The Law of Polarity or duality when viewed from a higher mental realm is no longer a law of opposition rather continual change in evolution and refinement. It becomes the Law of Unity. Harmony. And the same is true of the Law of Rhythm. 

With Light and Love, PortiaSLB

“UNITY IS THE LAW OF THE ABSOLUTE. Yet religious, philosophical and sometimes scientific teachings are based on the law of Duality. As long as the law of Duality, or Polarity, will be accepted as an immutable law, it will keep this World enslaved. Peace and Harmony will remain but a beautiful dream, because that law means a continual warfare between the two principles, the positive and the negative –and there is the question, which one of them will win?”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being.

Photo 2017 PSLB


A real world Self-protection method that’s a mystical experience

We live in a rapidly changing, interactive world, but we are afraid of being hurt. We’re afraid of being left out, disrespected, ridiculed, abused or betrayed so we try to  protect ourselves by being emotionally guarded, defensive, reclusive, aggressive, angry, complaining, dishonest, or by running away.

But this creates conflict and distance between ourselves. Instead of helping us, these methods of self-protection actually end up hurting us. We want to be loved and respected, but we box our heart in with fear! For a method to release these barriers: Negative emotional contagion.

We suffer from fear

I experienced this very painfully during my youth because felt I didn’t belong in this world and tried to protect myself emotionally by appearing nice, but stuck up. However, inside I screamed for love and affection. I didn’t know I was adding to my detriment.

We can be bombed, stabbed, and killed in many ways, but we usually physically die because of our own fearful thoughts, beliefs and attitudes. Fear and ignorance kills us primarily through karma and attraction.

Your True protection

I’ve learned through spiritual studies and practice that you are naturally protected not by emotional barriers, nor by fear and going on the offense, but by love. Love is your true protection. It does not have an attitude of self-protection, yet when you  love unconditionally you radiate an aura of love that naturally protects you. 

We can be emotionally hurt when hateful arrows of slander, hatred or disgust is thrown at us. It can hit you in the solar plexus or lower heart. Yet, when you are centered in unconditional Love emotional arrows will not hurt you. Even though you recognize the accusations and negative energy, you will feel a calming peace.

Love protects your aura, your mental and emotional being. And, you will feel it physically. I’ve experienced this many times and so can you. 

As you grow closer to unconditional Love, you may become cautious. Yet that caution is perceptive, discriminatory and fearless. You become more confident and trust in Love, even when you experience doubt and an occasional emotional ruffle. 

Enjoy the ride! 

Listen to your intuition and follow the guidance of unconditional Love in your spiritual heart. Your spiritual heart is wise, unifying and fearless.

When you follow the tenderness of your heart your self-perception changes. And, as your self-perception changes, your perception of reality changes. Your inner mystical experiences become as real as your outer physical experiences. 

Another way to put it: 

Arrows Fly→→→

Listening to self-deception, sharpened by fear, jealousy, accusation,
Self-righteous arrows fly→→→  searching for their target to inflect  pain by humiliation.

The targeted heart♥←←← being both judicious and tender, ardently follows Spirit  consideration,
Whispers silent words forgiving, gently pressing in arrows of desperation.

Self-righteous slings more arrows→→→ whetted with suspicion of retaliation.
Again targeted heart♥←←← presses in arrows realizing psyche seeks release from the  pain  of holding on to fearful accumulation.

Anxious psyche shakes off self-doubt while searching for an explanation,
Unknowingly cries out for freedom from self-righteous justification.

Ardent heart♥ in stillness offers tender and gentle Love as motivation.
Looks up within for further guidance and inspiration.

The intent being to elicit Truth when there is possibility of arrows’ mobility,
The wish to convey the highest form of compatibility,
The hope being to maintain inner tranquility,
The reality being to deny fear of any other possibility.

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

“Whenever we do anything with the Spirit of Love, that thing endures, because Love is cement which is very strong.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 109.

photo taken in Thailand

Luciferian Consciousness; transcending duality



cloud shine3

As long as we see the world through the eyes of duality we give power to good and bad, and continue to think that the ‘bad’ is necessary to know the ‘good.’  Yet, we are going through a transition that goes beyond duality, beyond the human ego and subconscious belief in duality. We are refining our consciousness; we are the projection of Lucifer being redeemed.

Lucifer, Christ and humanity

I grew up thinking that Lucifer is Satan, the epitome of evil. But, now I know that is not true; it is merely an illusion constructed by human belief systems that feed on fear. Lucifer is  the Lightbearer, the bringer of Wisdom aflame with Love, helping us to return to Harmony.  We followed him from the realm of Harmony to create a life reality deep in Matter.

We separated in our mind – Spirit and Matter, Divine Mind and Divine Love, polarizing to Matter, leaving Divine Love of Harmony (Christ) behind. We consider Spirit and Matter, Mind and Love as opposites rather than twins of the same Power. Thus, we choose to see things in pairs of opposites, as being polar.

But we are transcending duality and realizing that Unity is the Law of the Absolute and everything blends. We are beginning to feel and live in the higher emotions of Love and Wisdom in our hearts. 

Consider these 4 tips to transcend duality:

1. Think of Spirit as 50% outside of Matter and 50% as inside Matter.

Think of Spirit as outside and inside of you.

2. Consider your thinking as blending with Love.

Be motivated by Love in all that you think and do. 50% of your thinking is intelligence and reasoning and 50% is Love. 

3. Deny opposites, refuse duality, use negation. See blending.

This does not mean you do not discriminate. Use your power of free will to discriminate in every thought and action, aligning with Love, not judging harshly. View it from the tenderness and wisdom of your heart.

4. Make and realize Declarations of Truth

In order to align your thinking with Unity, consider declarations like: “I am Spirit and Matter; One with the Absolute.”

Luciferian Consciousness

Luciferian Consciousness is motivated by Love, releasing the temptation of traits like fear, hate, jealousy, self-righteousness, pride, loneliness, or depression. We can not return to complete Harmony, our True Home, until we completely learn unconditional Love; mentally unify ourselves with It and physically purify our bodies. 

Become aware of personal Love and consider an intent of impersonal Love to manifest in your attitudes and behaviors. When we use our purest Power of Love with the full Light of our Mind, realizing, ‘I am One with the Absolute,’ we come closer to Luciferian Consciousness.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

And for those that are interested in more Science of Being practices and further reaches of the spiritual road consider the new website that I am requesting not be cataloged by search engines so you may not be able to find it through a web search

Science of Being:  The Further reaches of your Spiritual Road

3 new series just starting, including 7 Luciferian Consciousness practices.
 Kindly enter your email in the linked site to receive entries. Your email will remain private.


“In other words, there is a Unit, a One, existing eternally, expressing Itself through Its Creation, the Universe, consciously governing it, sustaining it in a condition of Eternal Harmony, and loving it – for Harmony and Love are one. Harmony means Attraction. Love IS Attraction.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pages 4 and 5. 

Photo: 2016

Mindful Silence

Enter the Silence in order to

release mental tension.

You will get a glimpse into your own mind.

Listening is a quality of Love, an inner feminine gender.

The ego likes to talk rather than listen and gets caught up in ‘monkey chatter.”

Yet, when we are conscious we can live in the moment. Be silent and enjoy life now, releasing the urge to jump into the monkey chatter thinking about what we have to do next or what just happened!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“On Conscious Self is in a peculiar situation. On the one side we receive wisdom from our Higher Self. On the other side we receive foolishness from our subconsciousness.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings by Eugene Fersen, Volume 1, page 142.

Photo: fog on the lake, 2016