Joy in Pink

“The more we apply the Law of Love in our lives, the stronger we become on our positive side, and the greater is the harmony within us, until finally we reach a condition of such harmony that no negative of any kind can touch us because there is no longer within us a response to anything negative. Then only everything positive will come to us.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 227.




We are constantly fluttering,
Becoming dumbfound
We listen to voices with no sound
Dream resolution in delusion
Speak words of confusion
All the while, tasting bitter feelings of collusion.

We oscillate, palpitate and fluctuate
Totally ignore and subordinate the beauty of the butterfly
Misunderstanding the need to identify
With that character to comprehend
The butterfly is not pretend,
And does help us to ascend.

As dangerous flutters abound
We fear the butterfly cannot withstand the pain
Believing it is foreordain
That we are set apart
Opposites, an unsubstantial counterpart
Like a shadow with no heart.

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

What do you ascertain?

Photo courtesy:, Danilo Rizzuli

A Dream

A Dream

 A Dream

Stone on my heart, heavy

with black underneath

No notice of twilight, deep

Cold and deserved frozen complete


Hands of time, still

with experience incomplete

Sweetness unravel memories, tear

  Ice and immure darkness begin to retreat


Question forms on my lips, why 

within light still burns
Smell a whisper of roses, sweet
Faint movement and beat


Do I dream, now?

Do I begin to feel?

Am I awakening? Hope.

 Is that gentle love that I feel?

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

“In the darkest hours of your life, when the stress of circumstance is at its crisis you have a Light to guide you and a Strength to help you support the burden. Universal Life Energy, that wonderful Power vouchsafed to Mankind, is always ready at hand to answer your call, an Ever Present Help in time of trouble, an Ally never loath to come at your summons and lend Its invincible Strength to fight and win all life’s battles.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 406.

Dance on water

lilly pads refined

Photo – PSLB, Thailand


Your reflection is rippled and distorted in the human mind,                                                     yet your Higher Self knows
You dance on water, You float on air!

You are a gentle soul that unfolds petal,                                                                                       by 1,000 petals
so that your tender heart is disclosed.

You are a friend, then foe, then Friend exposed.

You are a jewel in the silence,
a Light like the sun.

You are ‘I am’ and part of ‘I AM ONE.’

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The Past cannot be changed; we have to take it as it is. But our Future is completely in our hands, and, if we start the right causes, should never occasion us any worry, as it will take care of itself because of the Law of Cause and Effect.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 162.

Surrendering pride before a fall

The stage is dank and dark
 The players desires rocket unforgiving flare
Forgetting the relevant line, 
'Pride goes before a fall.'
 They shout, 'I am holier-than-thou!'

While not even knowing 
 How things are truly going 
Concern for self-gain 
Sees the world as depriving
 Blind to hearts' courage endowing.

Willingness to let go        
 No longer the victim 
Intention envisioned
A sense of inner power becomes dictum
 Championing of causes when allowing.   


Many believe that pride is a ‘good’ quality and …

Though pride may seem supportive of us initially, pride blocks our expansion and is damaging. It lacks love and blocks us from freedom, happiness and our True Self. But, we have been programmed and conditioned to falsely identify with pride, feeling obligated to defend our positions, beliefs, and possessions. Yet there are ways to rise above it and regain our peace of mind.

To release pride …

It helps to realize how it works and how it gains a foothold of self-righteousness in us. Pride is a conditioned emotion based in the past ….. most likely when we were young and naive. And we tend to envisage this conditioning of pride into our decisions and choices without being conscious of it!

Pride displays defensiveness which implies fear and doubt that the object of pride is not strong enough to stand on its own merit and is open to question. A very prideful person, religious group or social movement is locked into a position or belief by fear, making it very difficult to advance or admit a mistake!

Focus may be on what is believed to be missing, with energies of disappointment, resentment, even anger and hatred, attracting more of the same energies. Anger, fear and hatred makes the prideful person feel that they are entitled to act-out, protest, become violent and even kill or maim those that don’t agree. And this also makes them vulnerable to counter-attack!

When we love and appreciate ourselves, a social movement or religion, the opinion of others has no power over us. We no longer need to be right. We recognize our self-worth and Inner joy arises because of love and enjoyment.

We acknowledge any intrinsic problems as works in progress. And this invokes attitudes that problems can be worked out satisfactorily with the world.

So how do we let go?

Pride is a label …. nothing real ….. an illusion and tool of the subconscious ego to continue its control. It helps to remember that nothing has any meaning other than what we give to it! And it makes it easy to let go since it was an illusion to begin with.

Peace of mind naturally rises within us, because there is nothing to defend or be angry about. Each time we recognize pride and get ahead of it, it’s easier to release

Release is a process of surrender …

 We can give pride new meaning ….. and that is by viewing it as an opportunity to learn and grow ….. to surrender to Unconditional Love ….. and regain our peace of mind. We can reclaim our freedom from the burden of defensiveness, blame, arrogance, anger, vulnerability, fear and smug self-righteousness.

Attract what we want!

 Our emotions are creative energies and with practice we can achieve our goals harmoniously by picturing them lovingly and allowing them, according to Universal Law rather than by our personal will.

We can deliberately create by deliberately choosing uplifting thoughts and emotions like appreciation, gratitude, optimism, compassion and Love. And with these energies we attract through the Law of Attraction and Love the necessary conditions and opportunities for success. 

The greatest gift we can give ourselves is recognition and release of harmful attitudes like pridefulness, fear and self-righteousness ….. and surrender to Unconditional Love. This is surrender to Source, Universal Life Energy and allowing our True Self to Be.  

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Every positive quality is the potential victim of this creeping poison [fear], which sows hatred, jealousy, distrust, anger, disease – every wrong and destructive element there is, physical, mental and emotional – in order to bar you from those things that you want and to bring into your life those things that you do no want.”

Eugene Fersen, Lesson 12 in 27 Lessons in Science of Being, page 260.

For more consider:

Recognize, Release and Surrender 

One of the easiest ways to recognize pride within our own selves is to observe our thoughts when interacting with others.

As discussed in the pervious entry, we want to get to the bottom of the emotion that causes all the prideful thinking and struggle of defensiveness ….. by recognition, release and surrender. 

To begin recognition: Take a deep breathe, relax, go silent and make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy first. …..

Buying into Pride – Lesson 12 of 27 Lessons in Science of Being

Dance of the Soul

Dance of the Soul

There upon his finger sat a butterfly. Then a sudden Silence came upon him and

He could see the pillows of iridescent colors of its wings that danced in the sunshine.

It was a dance of Light intertwined with rich colors of Harmony. 

There were visions of its transmutation from a hungry, short sighted, crawling creature then

Death as a caterpillar, to the freedom and flight of the exquisite being it is now.

In that silence his heart swelled up with appreciation of such a wondrous creature that

He could feel his self-striving to fulfill the universal destiny of all souls to

Dance in the rich colors of Harmony.

Our soul guides us in ways to construct happiness in our life, yet we are not normally conscious of our inner powers that shape the world. While we may feel “fine,” it keeps us stuck in a recycling hellish condition, circling over and over with the same thoughts and habits.

When we awaken to the greater qualities of our soul and unique character we rise to greater heights. And we naturally attract what is needed for our freedom, success and happiness in the earthly plane. 

Looking to be conscious of and manifest your soul, lifting yourself out of feeling just “fine?” Consider:

  Soul Meditation leading to sure-fired success and happiness in the material plane 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

Photo: PSLB 2015

“Mind alone, with its human tool of Will Power is not  sufficient to push your Soul’s Individuality into expression…A greater Power, One which pervades all Planes equally and unites them through Its own Force of Attraction, is required.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, pages 313-4.

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What You’re telling me

Photo by Pixabay on

You can read a person like a book when you pay attention. And even if you aren’t paying attention you read them on some level. Every now and again you can find momentous Love in their hearts. That Love which is perfectly aligned with their Spiritual Being.

And you can learn from them what you need to learn. That Love that comes into view can move your own heart and you can see a reflection of yourself in their eyes. It can stir you to go on an inner journey, awakening your deep desire to know your own Self.

Love is the catalyst. Love starts your journey pulling and energetically awakening spiritual awareness. With both Love and awareness you move from here to there, making progress on your path when the time is right.

The twists and turns, the challenges, the people in your life are your responsibilities, your opportunities for a glimpse of the sacred within. They are accelerants for knowing your Real Self.


When I look at you, you tell many things:

Happy things, disgusting things

Funny things, sad things

Baby things, grownup things,

New things, private things,

And the Best thing!

With Light and Love, PortiaSLB

“The more we reflect Love, the more we are in tune with It.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings In Science of Being, Volume I, page 13.

The Waterfall Effect


Photo: Milford Sound, New Zealand 2018 PSLB

When mental vibrations rise very high, they become not only very powerful but also very soothing and harmonious because of their approach to the Spiritual Plane.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 214.

The Waterfall Effect

We repudiate any baits

that relates to falling fates

to narrates, necessitates and aggravates!

We resonate with the 

Beauty, the rhythm and music 

that reverberates in our spiritual heart. 

We oscillate and equate

To the nature that mates

Elevated mind, emotions, bodily states! 

Waterfalls facilitate, delegate

Release of hates, imitates and other ego baits. 

They Inspire and impart 

A beauty of nature 

That permeates our very soul.

Mind, body, emotions relax;


In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB



A real world Self-protection method that’s a mystical experience

We live in a rapidly changing, interactive world, but we are afraid of being hurt. We’re afraid of being left out, disrespected, ridiculed, abused or betrayed so we try to  protect ourselves by being emotionally guarded, defensive, reclusive, aggressive, angry, complaining, dishonest, or by running away.

But this creates conflict and distance between ourselves. Instead of helping us, these methods of self-protection actually end up hurting us. We want to be loved and respected, but we box our heart in with fear! For a method to release these barriers: Negative emotional contagion.

We suffer from fear

I experienced this very painfully during my youth because felt I didn’t belong in this world and tried to protect myself emotionally by appearing nice, but stuck up. However, inside I screamed for love and affection. I didn’t know I was adding to my detriment.

We can be bombed, stabbed, and killed in many ways, but we usually physically die because of our own fearful thoughts, beliefs and attitudes. Fear and ignorance kills us primarily through karma and attraction.

Your True protection

I’ve learned through spiritual studies and practice that you are naturally protected not by emotional barriers, nor by fear and going on the offense, but by love. Love is your true protection. It does not have an attitude of self-protection, yet when you  love unconditionally you radiate an aura of love that naturally protects you. 

We can be emotionally hurt when hateful arrows of slander, hatred or disgust is thrown at us. It can hit you in the solar plexus or lower heart. Yet, when you are centered in unconditional Love emotional arrows will not hurt you. Even though you recognize the accusations and negative energy, you will feel a calming peace.

Love protects your aura, your mental and emotional being. And, you will feel it physically. I’ve experienced this many times and so can you. 

As you grow closer to unconditional Love, you may become cautious. Yet that caution is perceptive, discriminatory and fearless. You become more confident and trust in Love, even when you experience doubt and an occasional emotional ruffle. 

Enjoy the ride! 

Listen to your intuition and follow the guidance of unconditional Love in your spiritual heart. Your spiritual heart is wise, unifying and fearless.

When you follow the tenderness of your heart your self-perception changes. And, as your self-perception changes, your perception of reality changes. Your inner mystical experiences become as real as your outer physical experiences. 

Another way to put it: 

Arrows Fly→→→

Listening to self-deception, sharpened by fear, jealousy, accusation,
Self-righteous arrows fly→→→  searching for their target to inflect  pain by humiliation.

The targeted heart♥←←← being both judicious and tender, ardently follows Spirit  consideration,
Whispers silent words forgiving, gently pressing in arrows of desperation.

Self-righteous slings more arrows→→→ whetted with suspicion of retaliation.
Again targeted heart♥←←← presses in arrows realizing psyche seeks release from the  pain  of holding on to fearful accumulation.

Anxious psyche shakes off self-doubt while searching for an explanation,
Unknowingly cries out for freedom from self-righteous justification.

Ardent heart♥ in stillness offers tender and gentle Love as motivation.
Looks up within for further guidance and inspiration.

The intent being to elicit Truth when there is possibility of arrows’ mobility,
The wish to convey the highest form of compatibility,
The hope being to maintain inner tranquility,
The reality being to deny fear of any other possibility.

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

“Whenever we do anything with the Spirit of Love, that thing endures, because Love is cement which is very strong.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 109.

photo taken in Thailand



Delicate, silky wings of unfathomable strength; transcendental pool of power, true depth of vibrance in the heart of all hearts, entwine

Causes brilliant thunder of justice to trace all returning deeds not to be undone, but to be played over again until the heart triumphs

And human love can be transformed forever by an exquisite release of shadows, and all malaise and tribulation burns in the presence of the divine.

A single candle to focus, a meeting of unity in the temple of the living, immaterial forces of the soul; nothing more wonderful and beautiful to behold

Silent soul of the Unknown black, mysterious Light only to those that do not know the spiritual warrior extolled.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“It does not help us to realize the beauty of the Soul, and neglect the dirt of the mind.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 97.

Enhanced photo, 2015