Decoding numerical potentials of 2024


The energies in this Gregorian calendar year 2024 will be very robust! This year’s energies are going to charge us up as we begin to transition into a new cycle for earth and humanity, distancing ourselves from the old ways.

It can feel uncomfortable, but there is potential for some of us to evolve into new earth awareness and expansive Hearts, valuing community and Unity. It’s up to You to resonate harmoniously with the energies!

Photo by Keith Lobo on

2024 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8

Sacred numerology indicates general tendencies of humanity rather than predictions of what may manifest. Yet 8 is a number of Power and we will all feel the boosted influx with more focus on actions, more realistic expectations, rather than valuing idealistic beliefs and opinionated attitudes of last year’s #7 energies.

With 8 energies we can release past fixations and go in the flow of new awareness of Truth and in-coming Life Energy. We have the potential to awaken to our individual inspirations and purposes in life.

And we’re entering opportunities to manifest new higher purposes for the human community …… for the greater good of all rather than just “me,” the ego and old beliefs.

But there still may be those that cling to old “me” tribe thinking presenting obstacles for understanding, cooperation and Unity. Thus, be cautious of authorities with callous materialistic demands.

This may not be an easy year, with the potential for challenges and conflicts because 8 is also a rhythmic energy with twists and turns. And there’s tendencies for financial shakeups.

If we are tempted to view life during these upturned energies as being stressful then consider it an opportunity to transcend fear. Practice Relaxation and Silence which will help us recenter in our Hearts and Love.

Photo by Steve Johnson on
Relate to your Spirit

The energies of 8 can be very advantageous for transformation by sincerely taking responsibility for ourselves. The 2 loops of 8 circle yet return to meet ….. representing Spirit and Matter are One. And you are That!

Eight reminds us to balance both our spiritual and material life …. attune to our Inner Spirit and manifest philanthropic actions in our life. That is to learn Self Love even though we experience personal challenges, and express compassion for others and all.

There is potential to Know that you are already enlightened! All of us can benefit and gain freedom from dark thoughts and troubling emotions by being sincere and living FourSquare; being enthusiastic, understanding, truthful and Loving. Each of us add to the unity of Love as we release guilt, resentment, self-righteousness, and fear.

Some of us will begin to feel the boosted influx of Universal Life Energy to help us connect to Infinite Love. The Mental Contact can help us harmonize our inner energies and focus on creative and magnetic projects. While the Star Exercise can help us open to receive benefits, like attune obstacles that we may not even be conscious of!!

There are also the energies of numbers 2, 0 and 4 included in this year’s frequencies:

In the polar mind that believes in opposites, 2 represents …. good and bad, light and dark and that one cannot exist without the other. Yet #2 can also instill an awakening to the advantages of cooperation. And through cooperation between the seemingly different camps there is potential to make beneficial impacts. Within 2 is 1, the Infinite, and things are not so different.

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

Zero brings the energies of hidden potential and power of Silence. And interestingly the zero is in-between two 2’s, or the human idea of polarity and two camps of thinking.

So again that points to the potential in practicing Relaxation and Silence to connect with your Inner Power and its Source, Universal Life Energy! And in meditation trust that Power to help You consciously unify with Infinity, the Absolute.

Da Vinci’s man with dissection

Fortunately, #4 is also included in 2024 which offers the means to rise above obstacles, like the belief in opposites having meaning. We remove inner obstacles, like guilt, fear and anger, by living the FourSquare. By Being enthusiastic, reasoning, truthful, Law abiding, and Loving in our material life. Thus, we manifest the same energies of Spirit. And all of humanity benefits.

As we synchronize with the FourSquare within, we synchronize with each other’s higher good and attract cooperation for the good of community and earth.

Photo by on

And even though we are one humanity, the energies of 8 leave everything up to the individual to take advantage of the coming energies or be carried way by mass attitudes of the energies as disastrous shakeups.

This year will move quickly, eventually ushering us into a new cycle in which we realize that we are all connected and benefit from unity and working for the good of all.

In the hope You find Love close at hand this year, all year and always, PortiaSLB

“The Law of Attraction, or Love, is therefore the governing and sustaining Power which holds the entire Universe together in one coherent whole. Whatever is, exists because of the Law of Love, manifesting through it.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, 27 Lessons, page 622.

Your potential in the Energies of 2023

Photo by Engin Akyurt on

Greetings Lightbearers and Light Seekers …..

Happy New Year 2023!

I hope for You and everyone Health, Abundance and Happiness this year and always.

The good news for this Gregorian calendar year, according to scared numerology, is that it should be calmer for us all and full of very spiritual potential for higher frequencies of refinements in heart and mind.

2023 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7

Seven, geometrically, is a triangle above a square. It represents the potential to work out things with the FourSquare (Energy, Intelligence, Truth, Love) on all 3 planes, physical, mental and emotional.

It’s the gateway to Spirit, heaven ….. to higher levels of consciousness and Harmony.

The frequency of 7 is like the seventh day of God’s creation, a day of rest. It’s time for reflection and willingness to be receptive to inspiration and higher levels of consciousness, including Christ Consciousness.

The Great Law can work through us when we are in alignment with the Powers of the Universe. That is when we are being energetic, wise, honest and loving in all that we do, think and feel. And when we do things work out harmoniously because we are purposely aligning with the qualities of The Great Principle, God.

With this potential to refine your intuitive skills, utilize Universal Life Energy by frequently making the physical and mental contacts which can further open you to higher frequencies of consciousness, so inspirations can flow.

Photo by Dids on

The energies of #2 in 2023 is a feminine energy and indicates cooperation, yet it can also make us highly sensitive, get easily hurt, and stay in the same old patterns instead of choosing different and more beneficial paths. On the human level it is duality and polarity, so there may be some anxiety.

This year is a great year to learn to spend some quiet, introspective time and get in touch with your Heart and Love. Your spiritual Heart is lead by Love, a feminine quality, and is very Wise, always aligning in harmony with Universal Law. You can gain more insight and observe yourself unattached in order to release the past and live in the moment.

Fortunately, the feminine energy points to more cooperation and teamwork in the world. There should be a push for diplomacy with most of the diplomacy happening secretly, behind the scenes.

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

The zero (0) in 2023 plays a role in both your physical and spiritual life. Zero represents Silence filled with tremendous Power. It is like the hidden potential for the unfolding of creation …. like the hidden potential for the unfolding of your Real Self, of your evolution to higher realms and consciousness.

To benefit from this additional boost make the Mental and physical contacts, Star Exercise, with Universal Life Energy. And each time you do, you grow.

It appears mathematically as:


One is Spirit, is Universal Life Energy, and 10 … the Eternal Universe, the Ultimate. Remember each time you become one with that Power, by making the contacts, you grow.

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

Seven is a calming, quiet, mystic power that represents being guided by higher Law. This again points to being still and letting The Great Law work through you.

We will still be looking for solutions and wanting to make things right, so there may be some rebels and renegades pushing for further change. But, there should be less mass collective divisions resulting from propaganda promoted beliefs, because people will begin to wakeup and analyze mentally with higher levels of consciousness.

Number 7 year will mean a much more reflective state for most of us.

The calm energies of 7 gives us an opportunity to learn to be quiet, look inward and seek inspiration.

Calm introspection is key. We can further develop the mind by being FourSquare in our thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

This year is your opportunity to get in touch with your Real Self, so long walks in nature, being in the moment and meditation will be of great benefit. And remember the power of 0, making the Mental Contact often.

The lessons of #7 points to developing your mind, and connecting to your heart, blending Mind and Love. We undo the the ego by being conscious in the Power of Truth and Love. Truth is key! And your willingness to be unconditionally Loving can undo long standing egotistic traits!

That is you outgrow the ego by letting go of egotistic traits like finger pointing and fault-blaming, negative self-judgments, and being right. Remember that demonizing the ego only feeds it more energy. So try to outgrow it by Being loving, truthful, reasonable and enthusiastic.

A Turning Point

Even instinctively we realize that we are all in a state of human fallibility and that pridefulness hampers our earthly progress. The energies of 7 indicates a turning point where we start to wake up mentally. We turn inward, as we end a physical cycle.

A revolution this year could mean that we can finally analyze what has happened during the past few years and establish a more just world.

For more: How Light Seekers can unlock the energies of 2023

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The real ‘you,’ sharing all the qualities and powers of its Original Cause, individual, perfect and eternal, is indeed the ‘Image and Likeness’ of that cause.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being (Individual Lessons), page 415.

Your Potential in the energies of 2022

Love, relationships and Responsibilities

2022 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 6

According to sacred numerology this year adds up to #6 and matters of the heart, love and relationships become forefront.

It’s an opportunity for You to be in Love this year and transform yourself! An opportunity to connect with your Spiritual Heart and Unconditional Love that resides there, the sacred chamber of Source within!

On the world stage, #6 energies will encourage social coherence with attitudes of cooperation and compassion, focusing on goodwill and freeing ourselves from past attitudes of fear.

But there are also indications of power struggles and conflict among nations and dictatorial self-righteousness which may cause tempers to flair and acting on impulses instead of thinking things through first. In turn, this could cause mass confusion and distrust of governments and those in power.

This #6 year gives us an opportunity to be conscious of problems, yet focus on Love.

We have the freedom of choice to be enthusiastic, aware, sincere and compassionate. Those FourSquare energies attract opportunities to contribute to humanity’s awakening that is now taking place.

We can also contribute to humanity’s awakening by radiating and Giving Healing Energies to the World.

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

On more a personal level, the energy of #6 is domestic and centers around home. This year we will be blessed with the opportunity to establish calm and harmony within ourselves, home and family.

You will greatly benefit nurturing your existing relationships, letting family and friends know that they are appreciated and Loved. And apply optimistic attitudes to improve relationships at work.

Your emotions are what empower You to create your internal and external reality. Therefore, establish Harmony within yourself! And accept others for who they are and release self-absorbed urgings for control. Love them unconditionally as does Source. However, we should not tolerate any abuse, discriminating as to the best FourSquare course.

Choose to Be enthusiastic, considerate, sincere and Loving. It instills harmony. Now is the time to decide. It’s your spiritual privilege to choose your path in life. When you choose to feel emotionally harmonious within yourself and manifest it in your Individuality and life with the FourSquare, it leads you to success and Joy in Life.

Even if you experience push-back, let your confidence rise and old inhibitions fall away. And that Joy will spread out from you to those closest to you, then out into the world.

This should be a very rare year indeed with three #2’s!

Photo by cottonbro on

Three 2’s may create lively periods that swing from one direction to the other …. from carefree to rebellious, from reason to delusion, from focus to confusion. There may be volatile periods with misuse of power and acting too quickly without reason or consideration. And major disagreements on how to get things done.

Number 2 on the surface portrays polarity through opposites. Be careful of those biding for power. Just notice urges to jump one way or the other without following them.

Urges do not represent the Real You …. rather they stem from the primitive brain and human, subconscious ego conditioning. They are more like a shadow with no real substance.

Your frontal brain cortex and Self consciousness can override conditioning that urges us to join bandwagons that only add fuel to the fire of competition. You have spiritual freedom of choice!

Number 2’s sacred energy is that of Attraction and Love! There is potential for you to contribute to a more compassionate world with the energies of #2.

You can choose to blend intellect with love ….. Establish Mind/Heart Coherence.

You can choose to do acts of kindness rather than getting involved in squabbles.

You can choose to blend your human life with your inner spiritual life, making them the same thing. You and all of humanity will benefit.

Setting Goals for 2022

Courageously dare to pursue your goals, creating opportunities, rather than identifying with problems this year.

Unburden yourself of needless emotional baggage from past emotional hurts. This will help you Self-actualize and liberate Love from within, cultivating positive, upbeat vibes and sense of joy and humor.

The Light Seeker within can unite with the Light Worker that You are, and reap the rewards.

Aim to be Be FourSquare and let Love lead you; expressing All Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love.

For a deeper look at sacred numerology for 2022:

Synchronize with the Spiritual Waves of 2022

“Light is Truth. With faces set to The Light, we can understand the real meaning of life.

Let us send to sufferers thoughts of Love. Love is not human. It is a Spark of the Eternal of which we are the Bearer.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume II, page 214.

In the hope that You find Love close at hand this year and always, PortiaSLB

Your potential for 2021 and its energies

Happy New Year 2021!

2021 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5

Change, Freedom, Discipline

According to sacred numerology, the energies of a number 5 year will mean lots of energy, activities and change for us all. There are strong indications of prosperity for the masses economically, but it may take a while.

Five is the number of humanity …. related to our five fingers and senses. It is symbolized by the pentagram, which is also the shape the human form takes when stretched out, as in the Star Exercise.

This is significant because the Star Exercise is the easiest physical means of contacting Source …. connecting us with All Energy, Intelligence, Law and Love in a balanced condition …. and balance will be essential this year!

The Star Exercise opens us to Source Energy of the Universe, which help us be calm, conscious and confident to face changes and seize opportunities.

1234 5 6789

This is a pivotal year and it could mean a turning point for us all. Five means as an individual you will have to consider 2 different paths since humanity mentally perceives duality ….. the human or the spiritual road.

We can focus on the outer, social and political world, connecting ourselves to the mass subconscious desires and fears …. or …. focus on our inner life, developing our conscious awareness and connection to our Inner, True Self. And our choice will determine the direction of the following years in the 9-year cycle.

The 2 paths

The outer world, the masses, is looking for freedom and social justice this year …. and though it may seem forced upon us, we seek freedom unconsciously.

The true freedom we are all looking for is inner freedom …. freedom from discontent, restlessness, and anger within our individual subconscious and in the collective, mass subconscious.

Photo by Kaboompics .com on

Though 5 represents change …. it also represents fear of change ….

Change is wanted now by the masses …. fast tracked. There are restless and nervous energies in the air. The fast pace makes it difficult to obtain balance and perspective. And less opportunities to learn from the changes.

There may be struggles for dominance with plenty of demands, but indications of irresponsibility. Laws and rules may be ignored to get what is wanted.

It will require commitment to visions and discipline to follow through patiently step-by-step in order to achieve goals …. because without them things may be unstable or can go in many different directions.

Having attitudes of deliberate flexibility and adaptability will help each of us successfully flow through humanity’s cycles of frustration, rebellion and struggle, then sudden rapid and even unexpected changes.

It’ll require courage and discipline

This new state of being will require courage and discipline …. and it will not be comfortable. Excitement and emotions will be operating during the play of growing pains.

If you’re not with the masses then you may feel like you might as well give up and join them. Everyone will be undergoing conditioning and programming for the new social framework, and individuality is little appreciated.

Balance will be required to be in this world, yet not of it.

For those of us that have spiritual aspirations …. be conscious and aware of your power of free will to choose! Consciousness is pivotal!

You can consciously choose to establish freedom within! Consider continually releasing low level emotions like frustrations, impatience, fear and hate.

Let Love lead you …. and when you do …. when you contact and allow the flow of Universal Life Energy you are allowing love, peace, and well-being …. then you are in the flow of the creative energies of the Universe.

Be willing and allow optimism with loving and hopeful intentions for yourself and others. It will be rewarding!

Look to your Higher Self for guidance. Your Superconsciousness is connected to your spiritual Heart and Love. And this will help you elevate your consciousness from scorn to courage and empowerment.

December 14, 2021 will be the 100 year anniversary of the founding of the Lightbearers. 12/14/2021 = 13. Thirteen has a sacred spiritual significance …. indicating tremendous powers of change and potential regeneration for something of spiritual value in the world!

We will have to choose – the spiritual or human path. It’s an all or nothing type of thing. This year is your opportunity to: Find your inner Courage to fight for Freedom, Strength and Happiness! And the wisdom of Science of Being can help you find your Inner Powers …. your Real Self. Yet, You will have to be willing.

With Love leading you, enthusiasm, intelligence and Law naturally balance you in the FourSquare. And Contact with Universal Life Energy overpowers low energy frequencies and elevates your level of consciousness.

For more insights about 2021 through use of sacred numerology:

The energies of 2021 and your spiritual journey

In the hope You have a happy, healthy and successful 2021 year, PortiaSLB

“The more we improve our conscious self, under the direction of our Higher Self, the more we will invade and conquer our subconsciousness. Some day both subconsciousness and Superconsciousness will disappear and only perfect consciousness will be left. This will be the divine or cosmic consciousness. We should just try to develop our consciousness. Become conscious of Truth. To develop consciousness is only to become aware.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being

Energies of 2020 and your potential with far reaching results

Happy New Year 2020!

In 2020 we are on a cosmic journey to establish a base for stability, improvement and reliability not only for the coming year, but also for the coming decade.

2020 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4

The energies of 2020 = 4 indicates additional strength for commitment to creating a foundation for something of real value. For putting things in order and for organizing. For work. And for figuring out our responsibilities and role in the world order.

This year there will be a boost in energy to help us cultivate new levels of Inner Self-realization and personal growth.

Four is a very spiritual number and lucky number. Four represents the foundation that we all stand on, Spirit. It is the dense form of #1, spiritual creativity manifested in physical reality as Energy, Intelligence, Law and Love.
Are You Square?  Click on image to find out how to Square yourself and build to success, Spirit and Harmony!

With full commitment to manifesting the FourSquare in your thoughts and intentions, doors will open to help you take concrete steps to bring ideas, plans and dreams into physical reality, because you are hooking up to the potentiality in Source.

Organize but cultivate flexibility and patience to support your plans, because it will require discipline and perseverance to overcome intolerance and volatility of the mass subconscious ego.


The year 2020 has two 0’s, which indicates there may be foundations laid for new cycles or trials with far-reaching consequences. There are indications of redistribution of energies and powers, and mass consciousness resistance to new ideas and world altering changes.


The year 2020 also has two 2’s which is double feminine energies, pointing to cooperation, peace and unity. There is Power in recognizing 2 sides of every situation and person, outer appearances and inner spirit. True insight reveals 2 sides of the same coin as being 1. And #1 represents Source. Within everything is Source and there is always something beneficial.

Two can awaken our minds to the tenderness and wisdom in our hearts, our Seat of Love. Therefore no matter what situation you may face intuitively look inward with the intent to rise your own vibrational state of mind to cooperation and unity with Source. Opposition to the situation feeds more opposition through the Law of Attraction. While unity with Source draws more goodwill and harmony to not only yourself, but also to the situation.

The uplifting energies of 2020 are giving us the opportunity to build a base of consideration, goodwill and cooperation within ourselves which is the base for peace in the world.

______This year has far reaching potential for us to make a quantum leap in consciousness, recognizing that our thoughts and emotions manifest and shape our reality. That it’s not only our actions that matter. Our intents, our minds and hearts are major factors. And when our thoughts, intents and behaviors are in the Flow of Source and Harmony then we attract a harmonious reality.______

In order to create something of real value we will have to come to a new level of understanding and activity of our inherent Powers One with Source. Meditation can help us do that. And so can living in the moment with gratitude. These 2 methods give us a chance, an opportunity, to go in the flow of Source because we quiet our minds, our thinking and are open to the potentiality of All.

And consciously focusing FourSquare intents in all the we do, especially our thoughts and emotions, is actually manifesting Source in our reality now.This method is practical manifestation!And it is life changing with far reaching effects!

In the hope You embrace the uplifting energies and opportunities before You this year to make real changes in your life! PortiaSLB

For Recognizing your hidden energies in 2020 and how to use them to shape your reality kindly click link.

“We love Divinity through human beings. We have that longing and yearning within us to go back to the Father, to the Absolute, and whenever we find a channel through which we can achieve that return to Him, a channel opened by Love, we are only too glad to use it, because it is the inmost desire of our heart, it is the love of our Soul.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 44.

Energies of 2020 and your potential with far reaching results

Happy New Year 2020 and all decade long!

2020 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4

In 2020 we are on a cosmic journey to establish a base for stability, improvement and reliability not only for the coming year, but also for the coming decade.

The energies of 2020 = 4 indicates additional strength for commitment to creating a foundation for something of real value. For putting things in order and for organizing. For work. And for figuring out our responsibilities and role in the world order.

This year there will be a boost in energy to help us cultivate new levels of Inner Self-realization and personal growth.

Four is a very spiritual number and lucky number. Four represents the foundation that we all stand on, Spirit. It is the dense form of #1, spiritual creativity manifested in physical reality as Energy, Intelligence, Law and Love.
Are You Square?  Click on image to find out how to Square yourself and build to success, Spirit and Harmony!

With full commitment to manifesting the FourSquare in your thoughts and intentions, doors will open to help you take concrete steps to bring ideas, plans and dreams into physical reality, because you are hooking up to the potentiality in Source.

Organize but cultivate flexibility and patience to support your plans, because it will require discipline and perseverance to overcome intolerance and volatility of the mass subconscious ego.

The year 2020 has two 0’s, which indicates there may be foundations laid for new cycles or trials with far-reaching consequences. There are indications of redistribution of energies and powers, and mass consciousness resistance to new ideas and world altering changes.

The year 2020 also has two 2’s which is double feminine energies, pointing to cooperation, peace and unity. There is Power in recognizing 2 sides of every situation and person, outer appearances and inner spirit. True insight reveals 2 sides of the same coin as being 1. And #1 represents Source. Within everything is Source and there is always something beneficial.

Two can awaken our minds to the tenderness and wisdom in our hearts, our Seat of Love. Therefore no matter what situation you may face intuitively look inward with the intent to rise your own vibrational state of mind to cooperation and unity with Source. Opposition to the situation feeds more opposition through the Law of Attraction. While unity with Source draws more goodwill and harmony to not only yourself, but also to the situation.

The uplifting energies of 2020 are giving us the opportunity to build a base of consideration, goodwill and cooperation within ourselves which is the base for peace in the world.

This year has far reaching potential for us to make a quantum leap in consciousness, recognizing that our thoughts and emotions manifest and shape our reality. That it’s not only our actions that matter. Our intents, our minds and hearts are major factors. And when our thoughts, intents and behaviors are in the Flow of Source and Harmony then we attract a harmonious reality.

In order to create something of real value we will have to come to a new level of understanding and activity of our inherent Powers One with Source. Meditation can help us do that. And so can living in the moment with gratitude. These 2 methods give us a chance, an opportunity, to go in the flow of Source because we quiet our minds, our thinking and are open to the potentiality of All.

And consciously focusing FourSquare intents in all the we do, especially our thoughts and emotions, is actually manifesting Source in our reality now.This method is practical manifestation!And it is life changing with far reaching effects!

In the hope You embrace the uplifting energies and opportunities before You this year to make real changes in your life! PortiaSLB

For Recognizing your hidden energies in 2020 and how to use them to shape your reality kindly click link.

“We love Divinity through human beings. We have that longing and yearning within us to go back to the Father, to the Absolute, and whenever we find a channel through which we can achieve that return to Him, a channel opened by Love, we are only too glad to use it, because it is the inmost desire of our heart, it is the love of our Soul.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 44.

Decoding numerical messages of 2019

Happy New Year 2019 and always!

Hope You and your Family have a happy and constructive year

2019 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12/3

The energy of #12 indicates a pause or reversal.

If we are willing to pause, reflect and look deep to the heart of things then we will see that things are not what they appear to be on the surface. The #12 indicates that egotistic attitudes turn things upside down, yet things can work out if we flow in the force of quiet reflection and discernment this year.

Many of us have walled ourselves in with so much negative feelings in a #2 energy (2018) that it blocks positive feelings of love and affection, but the energy of #3 this year indicates it’s time to  release the past and move into constructive attitudes.

Our dreams may become reality in this #3 feminine, abundant energy, if we are willing to have positive, enthusiastic attitudes!

It can be a hard-won lesson, and things can get messy, but once we do let go of past attitudes that do not serve us then we can pursue joyful activities this year. Constructive realizations can shatter crystallized ideas and bring about fresh ideas and regeneration.

#3 epitomizes creative expression and wisdom

Three is a feminine, creative energy with interaction between yin and yang. It is in response to years #1 and #2 energies combining and multiplying into manifestation.

If we have an optimistic outlook, 2019 can be very productive in diversified areas, of money, law, religion and communications.

It could mean financial growth. But remember, you can energize reversal by fighting, overindulging, extravagance, gossip, or deceit which could lead to losses. Procrastination and destructive actions can mean disaster. Take care to be more conservative and systematic.

 #12 is saying that expression should come from your heart – your Seat of Love

This can be a year of emotional healing and forming new friendships if you have an enthusiastic attitude, leaving the dead past behind.

Esoterically #3 symbolizes The Trinity and Man made manifest into Matter, One with the Absolute.  For more esoteric decoding of 2019 including why Law will be a prime factor this year kindly use the link:

Esoteric numerology decoding for 2019

Happy New Year once again and Thank You! You’ve encouraged me and brought the realization that we all travel on this spiritual journey together. Each one of us contribute unique and beautiful qualities that move us in constructive awareness and attitudes.

Kindly remember to sign up to receive postings automatically throughout the year via email. Connections can continue encouraging us.

It is my sincerest hope that you find Love close at hand this year and always, PortiaSLB


Numerology for 2018 and your potential for empowering it

To You and Your Love Ones!

Many of us are looking forward to putting 2017 behind us and starting a new year, but 2018 will be highly charged and feelings will run high. Expectations can swing from low to high, and you may feel like you have to constantly adjust. Being able to find and maintain emotional balance is one of the challenges. 

The numerology picture reveals that we’ll focus on how to bridge the gap between the old and the new. And, there should be more potential for bringing light to subjects that have been covered up and not dealt with.

2018 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11/2

The progression of evolutionary unfoldment vibrates to #11 and #2. While last year was a #10/1 masculine, aggressive energy with an ‘in your face attitude,’ this year #11/2 is a feminine energy which means we should be more receptive to change. 

Number 11 is considered a Master Number and is not reduced any further, yet the energy of 2 is still taken into consideration. The energy of #11 will make us feel rather nervous and sensitive, yet it will help us be more open minded to the uncharted nature of our intuition.

The energy will be uplifting with more of us questioning our role in the universe. There’ll be a push to bring spiritual principles into physical manifestation. Yet, we’ll also have to adjust to the vacillating energy of #2 which indicates there may be passive lessons concerning relationships and cooperation. 

The key word for this #11 year is ‘illumination’

Justice and freedom will be on most everyone’s mind and part of our agenda, not just activists. There may be nit-picking, criticisms and finger-pointing, yet a global quest in the hearts and voice of humanity will be for empathy and to work for the good of all. This quest will be heard even by those that don’t want to hear it.

That does not necessarily mean violence, rather a tendency for things to change very quickly. It’ll feel like we are being tested on what’s good for mankind. Schemes for private profits and benefits may be exposed and rejected by the majority. And, there may be sudden shifts in economic sectors. The way we think about money will continue to change and security on the internet will continue to be an important issue. 

It will be up to each of us to hold high the Sword of Truth to illuminate mistakes of the past, then use them as lessons to achieve balance in the present. This is a year of tests and trials of how we live up to the potential of illuminating the ‘good, the bad and the ugly. The energy should also stir us to act and to transform. 

As we all struggle to live up to the heightened energy of #11, there will be a demand for self-mastery and overcoming our lesser traits. You may be more inclined to realize and honor your intuitive feelings and be open to decoding the messages of your soul so they can take significance in your human life. This channel between your personal consciousness and higher consciousness can lead to enormous personal and spiritual growth. 

There is a tremendous power and energy working for the greater good of all humanity this year. And, in order to empower that energy in our personal lives we should ask:

“How can I truly serve humanity?”

In the hope You find Love close at hand this Year 2018 and always, PortiaSLB

“Be strong as STRENGTH, be wise as WISDOM, be true as TRUTH, be loving as LOVE, IS MY MESSAGE TO YOU FOR THE NEW YEAR.”

From the New Year message for 1941, Eugene Fersen






Happy New Year 2017 to You!

Hoping for You and your Loved Ones

a Healthy, Enlightening, Successful and

Happy New Year 

And for All of humanity!


We are beginning a new 9 year cycle according to numerology, so it’s a time to begin again!

2017= 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 = 1

A #1 year has the energy of the masculine I am. It’s the first in a series, and therefore, there’s creative energy in the process of discovering how to use that energy.

The world has become very noisy

There is an indication that the pervading mood and environment in the world for past years will most likely continue. Yet, it will an ‘in your face’ attitude and about relationships, rather focused on law and order with a conservative attitude.

A year of opportunity

It’s time to be courageous and motivated to put our positive aspirations into physical action without fear of opposition.

You are laying the foundation for the upcoming 9 year cycle. If you resist opportunities and delay this year it may difficult to expand and succeed in the coming 9 year cycle.

1-moon-reflection             Clearing blocks

#1 reiterates that this is the year to face the past and utilize the lessons we have learned over the last past 9 years so we might start anew. 

We have an opening to face negative, subconscious aspects of ourselves in order to clear emotional and mental blocks that may have caused us to delay our endeavors and be on the defense. We can trace memories back to their origin to clear things up and use what we’ve learned to harmonize ourselves.

Otherwise negative traces may resurface all over again. Or manifest as passive traits like procrastination, stubbornness or indifference. 


Your continuing spiritual journey

That being said, for those of us conscious of continuing on our spiritual journey we have been working on being conscious of our feminine energies, the tenderness of our heart, our innate, unconditional Love.

A #1 year magnifies our masculine energies, Yang energies, so there is an opportunity to develop strength, self-control, self-reliance and courage. And, in that development we might also become Self-conscious in order to help us harmonize ourselves, to find a sense of peace and purpose. 

The secret to Self-consciousness is the Silence. In relaxation and Silence we can detach from all the noise in the world and our human mental chatter. We can then open consciously to our Superconsciousness and explore the meaning of our life.

Channel your thoughts to concentrate, which can help you take control over your subconscious and utilize that fertile ground. As you fix your attention, your consciousness can be an open channel between your subconscious and Superconsciousness, growing your mental and emotional strength to stand strong and awakened to your own Individuality.

 Esoteric made exoteric        1-gif

Esoterically #1 represents the origin from where we started. Our Father. One is unity – the Self-conscious realization of I amLet us all remember that at the core of our heart is great Love and compassion.

Self-conscious of declarations of Truth can help us elevate our our motivations to a higher level. Consider making heart-felt, conscious statements like, “I am indissolubility connected to the Eternal. I am Strong, Wise, Honest and Loving.” You will receive help from higher realms to make it a reality in your life.

Our good fortune

This #1 year represents your good fortune, and humanity as a whole, to consciously form an idea and draw upon the forces from above and Universal Life Energy to make it a reality in this earthly world. And, there should be plenty of masculine energy to get things moving.

Dare to be yourself!

Set out to develop yourself – your talent and skills. And remember self-compassion.

“Remember always that Light conquers Darkness, therefore, seek more Light than ever before.

 In Light and with light
Eugene Fersen