Dance on water

lilly pads refined

Photo – PSLB, Thailand


Your reflection is rippled and distorted in the human mind,                                                     yet your Higher Self knows
You dance on water, You float on air!

You are a gentle soul that unfolds petal,                                                                                       by 1,000 petals
so that your tender heart is disclosed.

You are a friend, then foe, then Friend exposed.

You are a jewel in the silence,
a Light like the sun.

You are ‘I am’ and part of ‘I AM ONE.’

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The Past cannot be changed; we have to take it as it is. But our Future is completely in our hands, and, if we start the right causes, should never occasion us any worry, as it will take care of itself because of the Law of Cause and Effect.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 162.

What’s Love Got to do with It?

Purple and White are Our Colors not our Heart

“Whenever we are inspired by beauty, we have taken a step towards Spiritual Vibrations.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume 1, page 82.

When we see beauty in anything we are relating consciously to Love, for beauty is a quality of Love. Love elevates our level of consciousness and reality. We need love to refine ourselves.   

We can find beauty in the simplest things, like a pansy. The name pansy is derived from the French pensee meaning ‘thought.’ While the Middle English name, viola, comes from ‘remembrance.’ Which ever name you use they both  relate to the mind and consciousness.


Beauty brings Love to the forefront of our consciousness!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB


Photos: PSLB

Nature Lovers’ Awe!

Photo: Arabian Desert PSLB 2019

Greetings Nature lovers!

I’ve found that the beauty of the Arabian Desert can surprise you! Having never been in such a sea of living and moving dunes of sand rich with life before it can be very much be an unexpected surprise!

Nature often surprises us and inspires us into a state of awe. And that is a priceless gift.

Our hearts and mind become vibrationally coherent with Beauty as we recognize, appreciate and relate. Our Inner Beauty is drawn to the surface of our conscious recognition and we Love.

And conscious gratitude lifts us higher and closer to spiritual coherence with Source!

And this can happen anywhere in my experience. You can be in awe when you’re looking at the star filled night sky or in someone’s eyes. There may be surprises right around the corner! 

In the hope you experience awe in Nature and Life no matter where You are, PortiaSLB

“There is always a little gain on the side of the Positive, due to the continual operation of that eternal Helpmate of ours. We call it HOPE, as it always carries us beyond our own human selves, remains with us, sustains and uplifts us, when everything else seems to have deserted us. It is like the last string of that great Lyre called human Life, which, when the rest are broken, still strikes into our hearts new courage to continue the struggle to win our fight. Being a Law and an eternal one, it is not only Hope that the Law of Evolution brings to us, but also the assurance that no matter what may happen, SUCCESS and TRIUMP are ours eventually.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 169.

Start with this one thing! Going with the flow of harmony

Photo: dew on grass, PortiaSLB 2015

As busy and crazy our life can be there are moments of Harmony, completely. And we can find them, recognize them with a simple practice.

Start with one thing

Focus on one object in your presence and truly look at it. It may be a piece of furniture and the grain of wood. A soap bubble, a leaf, dew on grass. Focus your attention on it and observe its condition in the present moment.

Everything depends on your awareness; what you allow yourself to experience. So relax and observe.

Experience it; the depth of it. Surrender and completely accept what is.

Avoid labels and names which are concepts. Rather be open to the  connection with your state of being, with your awareness. Feel the solidity of it, yet also look deeper and perceive the space between. Perceive the spiritual significance of it. 

Everything within your circle of awareness has spiritual significance. Everything you perceive is a reflection of yourself. It is a reflection of your state of awareness and naturally has spiritual significance. 

Photo: PortiaSLB 2015

If you are observing a flower, there is meaning of the color of the flower, the shape, the texture, the fragrance. It doesn’t represent our egotistic concepts… rather the significance of it. 

 Use your physical senses, then close your eyes and get an inner sense of the  energy and your connection to it. 

In this moment it’s possible to be open to the softness, the gentleness of the rose in it’s texture and fragrance. And your  relationship to that tenderness because of your own tenderness. And the more you allow yourself to relax into your observation the more in harmony you flow, unnoticed. 

You begin to go with the flow of life and life energy. It becomes part of your awareness and part of you.  

The Beauty within that experience is compassion and harmony. You can feel it in your heart.

Now here is an important part of such an experience… and that is returning it; sending it out back into the universe and out to others. Living in the flow of Life with a conscious heart

Once we recognize and feel harmony and peace we can stay open to it. Consider placing your  hands over your heart and  holding it within, letting it spread throughout every cell in your body. Then open and send that peace out from you in an attitude of gratitude.

Hope peace for everyone and the world. You are flowing in the energy of Life that is wise and compassionate.  It flows continuously through us, and our opportunity is to allow our awareness of it. 

Developing new depths of insight

As we become more observant of the things, beings, and energies around us we begin to experience their significance and meanings in our life. Mental concepts and conditioning begins to dissolve and we see things more clearly.

Meditation  helps greatly in the discovery of continuous harmony that we normally ignore because of the egotistic mind. As you begin to experience harmony in meditation, you also will find spaces of harmony in your everyday life that you may have previously overlooked.

You are cutting through the ego and letting it go, but letting go of the ego can be a painful process. More about this to come with the help of the Great Law on the sister website: Science of Being; the further reaches of the spiritual road. 

Sure life is busy, yet we must remember and not wait for tomorrow to be aware because this very moment has spiritual implications. 

In the hope You find spiritual implications close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Interest responds to action, and action resides beneath the surface, not upon it. Therefore the more you develop OBSERVATION the more interesting, vital and cheerful life will appear to you.””

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 176.



The key to rekindle love when when you place the blame on them!


Every spring I would enjoyed a rose bush I had planted. It would grow more beautiful every day and I was so proud of how beautiful it was.  But one spring the rosebush gradually begin to yellow and eventually died. I didn’t blame the rosebush. I tried to figure out what went wrong.

Relationships thrive on sincere affection. Like a rosebush relationships grow more beautiful and rewarding with the proper conditions. But if we place blame on someone for problems it causes problems to get worst.

The watcher within

When things go wrong at my house I pause and come to the moment and sincerely ask myself: Am I taking things personally? And am I feeling loving or resentful? I must admit so many times the ego overpowers my emotions and I get angry and I go for revenge and place blame. It causes more trouble.

Our heart center

We live in a conditioned egotistic mindset of duality, right or wrong, yes or no, so it appears to the ego that we have two choices: love or fear. Yet, when we truly come to the moment and you become calm you may realize that the roots of love are deep. 

The subconscious ego would rather point a finger at someone and be right than take responsibility for itself. It’s self-righteous that way because it takes everything very personally. And, the ego gets angry because of fear, causing pains and troubles of the heart. 

When things flair up in a relationship within it is a great spiritual opportunity to know your True Self. If you experience troubles consider being totally in the moment. Without blame and prejudices of the past. Just be in the moment and aware of your motivation. Know your purpose. Know the tenderness your own heart. It can give you strength.

Our heart is our Seat of Love. It is also our Center of Attraction since attraction is a quality of love. So when we place blame in self-righteousness  then that energy attracts similar energies and accumulates in the lower frequencies of the heart chakra. Our chest hurts or we can feel broken hearted. And the relationship is in more trouble.

 Take these steps

Consider the rosebush when you are experiencing troubles. Place no blame, rather try to figure out how to bring harmony and love to the forefront within yourself.

Pause.  Come to the moment by bringing your awareness within your body. Take several deep breathes. This helps you clear the emotional charges and take in the harmony of Universal Life Energy.

Relax and release. If you still feel negative charges in your heart chakra or solar plexus visualize releasing them.  

While considering how beautiful a rose is, open to the beauty of the moment, your life and the beauty of the relationship. And ask yourself what is your motivation. There in that moment you may find the healing strength of love.  

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Those who have reached a higher development of mind have the great advantage of feeling the freedom of lifting their Minds into higher regions.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume I, page 337.

Lacey Summer Beauty!

queen ann's lace and bug2016

queen ann's lace lake

Retained Love

Snowy white summer lace

 Speaks of the reflections of memories past;

Sweet embraces and a tender trace 

of exquisite boundless Love, unsurpassed.

This week I took a walk along the lake in the mountains and came across some beautiful wildflowers. Queen Anne’s Lace was growing along the edge with some hanging over the water. And, next to some catstail were some green ones, not having turned white as yet. Beautiful!

I hope you enjoy them as much I as do and feel the wonderful waves of summer for those of you in the northern hemisphere!

In Light and With Light, PortiaSLB

“Nature is another name for the Eternal. What humans call Nature, are visible aspects of the Eternal. Man is an older brother of everything else existing in Nature.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 89.

Photos taken by PSLB: Queen Anne’s Lace, 2016

Mindful Silence

Enter the Silence in order to

release mental tension.

You will get a glimpse into your own mind.

Listening is a quality of Love, an inner feminine gender.

The ego likes to talk rather than listen and gets caught up in ‘monkey chatter.”

Yet, when we are conscious we can live in the moment. Be silent and enjoy life now, releasing the urge to jump into the monkey chatter thinking about what we have to do next or what just happened!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“On Conscious Self is in a peculiar situation. On the one side we receive wisdom from our Higher Self. On the other side we receive foolishness from our subconsciousness.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings by Eugene Fersen, Volume 1, page 142.

Photo: fog on the lake, 2016


The Source of Beauty


Lilies are a source of enjoyment for me because of their stunning beauty. A big bonus is that they are perennials and don’t require much care, so I have several plants in my garden! Their beauty brings to the surface of my consciousness – Harmony. I hope they do for you too.

 Beautiful Lily

The source of beauty and all creation 

Harmony of Silent boundless fields

Lilies grow to lift their faces

Thankful for the sunlit spirit yields.

The source of beauty and all creation is Harmony. And, since we are part of creation we originated from Harmony.

We are like the twin that has forgotten our Beauty, Love and Harmony. Yet, we get a glimpse of ourselves in nature, through nature.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

Photo of lilies in my garden, 2016!


“Everything Material is rooted in Spirit, not the Spirit rooted in Material.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being.

Fierce Beauty

orchid life 2

orchid purple twins fierce beauty

Your  affection is like thunder and lightning,
Yet, with a gentle touch You become an Universal electrifier
to help raise the mortal conscious higher.

You taste the mountain dew, smell mystical roses, kiss yellow buttercups,
You feel the earth’s distant rumble
and stride over the high horizon,  humble.

You gather the power of your Inner Source
and express Wisdom with commanding force
To all within and far beyond the circle. 

Though you suffer deeply
With the sword of Truth at heart
The essence of you is  Justice, Love more than counterpart.

You are a paradox, not
You are the Spiritual warrior.

We are All this beautiful and unique!  

Photo: Orchids in Thailand.

With gratitude for a great Teacher and Friend., PortiaSLB

“Those who are conscious of their own power are always calm and dignified, and never aggressive, because aggressiveness is due to latent fear, and is therefore weakness, not strength.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 192


Mindful in Nature: Power of Listening, Part 3

The Trees Sing

The leaves stir, moved by a gentle breeze,

Listen! There’s a voice of silence in-between,

The trees sing, as the breeze weaves the stories.

We are inspired by beautiful sunsets and sunrises. We look up into the night sky at the moon, stars and Milk Way and are amazed at the beauty and wonder of it. We are getting a glimpse of the Infinite and it inspires us.

Communing with Nature

By being in nature, mindful and consciously aware we are communing with All that is, the Great All. We commune through vibration, Universal Life Energy, chi. Every cell, every fiber, every mental and emotional frequency of our being resonances with Universal Life Energy in nature and it harmonizes us. In nature we naturally synchronize with the earth energies, reestablishing balance between our auric field and earth energies. Our emotional and mental vibrations rises. We are feeding our soul. Healing ourselves. 

And as we  resonant, we can gain access to the wisdom in nature.  Nature has a silent voice. And, we can hear it when we are quiet inside, mindful, open and receptive. How much we can hear is a matter of our state of consciousness. 

Being quiet and mindful, we can get inspirations through our Higher Self. It may be a mental voice, colors, music, visions, or understanding. 

We are interconnected with all natural life in its many varied forms. We can feel the energy and the way it effects us. For example, different crystals have different vibrations and frequencies.

Hold different crystals in your hand or to your ‘third eye’ and feel the different frequencies, the way it makes you feel or how it opens a door to your awareness.

Meditate under a tree and you may gain access to the tree consciousness.

The stream babbles, has many experiences, and you can get an impression of them.

The spirit of the mountain speaks and has great wisdom that relates to us. Listen.

A natural life

We can learn much from nature. The mountains, seas, plants and animals are not burdened by beliefs, religions and superstitions that condition us and separate us. They live a more natural life and in harmony with earth. They benefit from the strength, wisdom and growth of each other. And, only until very near the end of their earthly cycle do they begin to decline in strength and beauty.

 Connecting with Nature

Nature is the very air we breathe. The warmth of sunshine on our face. The beating of our heart.

Everyday one of the first things I do in the morning, weather permitting, is to go outside and raise my hands, my head and mind to lookup within to the Universe and open myself to the Great Father and Mother Nature. I consciously contact Universal Life Energy and open myself to receive It, mindful and return it according to Universal Law.

We commune. I am grateful. Love is close at hand.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

Your insights and inspirations are appreciated and can add to the meeting of minds!


Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 97.

Photos: beach in Curacao, jungle in Panama, Kow Yai mountain sunset in Thailand, the beauty of Alaska, orchids in Bangkok