Doing this helps us face challenges head on!

Photo PSLB Bali 2023

When we consciously think well of others it helps heal ourselves and the world. Manifesting unconditional Love while we are at work, doing errands, at home or anywhere, we are living a conscious heart. Our Spiritual Heart is where our innate Wise Love is seated.

And manifesting those qualities of our Soul with Love leading us refines our character and lifts us on the mental and physical planes, helping us face any challenge before us. We free ourselves from the ego’s demands and can choose a path that benefits ourselves and everyone around us.

There will be a state of calm and harmony within us, which helps us clear our thinking to consciously choose to Be FourSquare expressing Enthusiasm, Intelligence, Sincerity and most of all Love. And these choices are in harmony with the qualities of Source and our very Soul. The effect, being in harmony with Source, will be of the most benefit.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Similarly, you must radiate from yourself the Magnetic Power of Love which will draw like response from those with whom you come in contact.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being (looseleaf in 27 Lessons), page 633.

Start with this one thing! Going with the flow of harmony

Photo: dew on grass, PortiaSLB 2015

As busy and crazy our life can be there are moments of Harmony, completely. And we can find them, recognize them with a simple practice.

Start with one thing

Focus on one object in your presence and truly look at it. It may be a piece of furniture and the grain of wood. A soap bubble, a leaf, dew on grass. Focus your attention on it and observe its condition in the present moment.

Everything depends on your awareness; what you allow yourself to experience. So relax and observe.

Experience it; the depth of it. Surrender and completely accept what is.

Avoid labels and names which are concepts. Rather be open to the  connection with your state of being, with your awareness. Feel the solidity of it, yet also look deeper and perceive the space between. Perceive the spiritual significance of it. 

Everything within your circle of awareness has spiritual significance. Everything you perceive is a reflection of yourself. It is a reflection of your state of awareness and naturally has spiritual significance. 

Photo: PortiaSLB 2015

If you are observing a flower, there is meaning of the color of the flower, the shape, the texture, the fragrance. It doesn’t represent our egotistic concepts… rather the significance of it. 

 Use your physical senses, then close your eyes and get an inner sense of the  energy and your connection to it. 

In this moment it’s possible to be open to the softness, the gentleness of the rose in it’s texture and fragrance. And your  relationship to that tenderness because of your own tenderness. And the more you allow yourself to relax into your observation the more in harmony you flow, unnoticed. 

You begin to go with the flow of life and life energy. It becomes part of your awareness and part of you.  

The Beauty within that experience is compassion and harmony. You can feel it in your heart.

Now here is an important part of such an experience… and that is returning it; sending it out back into the universe and out to others. Living in the flow of Life with a conscious heart. 

Once we recognize and feel harmony and peace we can stay open to it. Consider placing your  hands over your heart and  holding it within, letting it spread throughout every cell in your body. Then open and send that peace out from you in an attitude of gratitude.

Hope peace for everyone and the world. You are flowing in the energy of Life that is wise and compassionate.  It flows continuously through us, and our opportunity is to allow our awareness of it. 

Developing new depths of insight

As we become more observant of the things, beings, and energies around us we begin to experience their significance and meanings in our life. Mental concepts and conditioning begins to dissolve and we see things more clearly.

Meditation  helps greatly in the discovery of continuous harmony that we normally ignore because of the egotistic mind. As you begin to experience harmony in meditation, you also will find spaces of harmony in your everyday life that you may have previously overlooked.

You are cutting through the ego and letting it go, but letting go of the ego can be a painful process. More about this to come with the help of the Great Law on the sister website: Science of Being; the further reaches of the spiritual road. 

Sure life is busy, yet we must remember and not wait for tomorrow to be aware because this very moment has spiritual implications. 

In the hope You find spiritual implications close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Interest responds to action, and action resides beneath the surface, not upon it. Therefore the more you develop OBSERVATION the more interesting, vital and cheerful life will appear to you.””

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 176.



Heaven or hell- it’s what we create? Integrating the third and fourth dimensions




“One of the greatest privileges and powers man has is FREE WILL. That Free Will he can use constructively or destructively. Man creates his own heaven and his own hell. They are man-made, not created by God. They are states of consciousness, not localities, and they last as long as one remains a willing host to them.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 160.

We live as humans in a three dimensional world. Yet, we are also multi-dimensional beings. Having body, mind and soul we are connected to the fourth dimension and more. And, we are capable of integrating both the third and fourth dimensions in our life now by entering our scared Heart center! 

Our heart chakra and our health

Of course, we experience physical pain in our heart and emotional pain of a broken heart because of the karma we create and through our connection with everyone and everything. Being ignorant of the law of Retribution, we can make all kinds of harmful choices, causing all kinds of trouble for ourselves and hell to pay in this dimension! Our thoughts, emotions and actions ultimately return right back to us – the energy of them.

So the negative energy of emotions like impatience, dislike, disgust, self-righteousness, hatred, envy and jealousy return, creating a hellish emotional condition for ourselves. And, negative thoughts and emotions damage our heart chakra and eventually our health. 

Our multi-dimensional heart

But even though our physical and etheric heart is in this human three dimensional world, our heart is also of the fourth dimension, of Divine Love and the chamber of the Eternal.

The fourth dimension is the energy and quality of Harmony, Peace, Purpose, Light and Divine Love. It is the energies and powers of the third dimension in which we mentally separate becomes unified and One:  All Energy, Intelligence, Law and Love. And, it is in the scared chamber of our Heart that we can become conscious of the fourth dimension. 

Back to the Future

Heart and brain communicate. Guidance and wisdom from our spiritual Heart is reflected in our pineal, the 7th chakra, the chakra of the superconsciousness. We can become conscious of the Wisdom and Love of our Heart center through pineal that becomes an inspiration to the pituitary, 6th chakra, the chakra of Self-consciousness.

And, when we become conscious of the Light of our spiritual Heart center, when we consciously enter our Heart center, we are integrating the third and fourth dimensions. 

Entering the scared chamber of your Heart

It is very simple to enter your spiritual Heart center.

  • Relax your body and breathe in the Life (Universal Life Energy), Light and Love of the Universe. Let those energies fill your mind and body.
  •  Surrender your mind  to the Silence.
  • Let Love lead You, to inspire You to know Love. Know that you are everything with the Eternal Creator. Feel personal Love, unconditional Love and Gratitude in your Heart. Gratitude for the Great Mother Earth, the Great Father Sun and Universe, the Great Principle.
  • Focus yourself, move and have your being in your physical heart and the Loving energy of your spiritual Heart center. Without expectation explore and experience your Heart center. As you become more aware you may experience the Light and Love of the Eternal that you are part of. And you may also become aware of the Power, Abundance, Wisdom, Law, Harmony and Protection. And, of any guidance you may ask for. Your experience may manifest in a different way that is inspired by your soul. 
  • Gently let yourself gradually return to your three dimensional world.

I do this meditation for about 10 – 20 minutes, but I must admit that once I am in my Heart center I love being in that Light and Harmony and I may stay longer. Yet, I am very aware that our life is meant to live in this three dimensional world for now. To create harmony in our life and our world.

Stay connected

The most important point for me and for You, I hope, is to remember and stay connected to your spiritual Heart center. To express unconditional Love in all that you do in your human life. In this way you create a healthy, wise, successful and happy life. And, you raise your frequency and the Light and Love in your body, mind and emotions. Which, in turn, integrates You with the Light and Love of the fourth dimension!


In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

Also consider: Living a conscious heart