Your Reality is Shaped by Your Emotions: The Power of Emotion to Change Your Life, Part 1


If you think your life sucks at times, then it does. What most people don’t realize is that it sucks because we make it that way!

Our ego loves what is familiar and will keep coming back to the same emotions, even if they feel bad! Your emotions amply your thoughts, radiating out as your personality, body, and surrounding life conditions – in other words your reality. 

You can lose a sense of your True Self and soul because of identification with illusionary feelings. The ego tries to overcome the confusion and emotional pain, by doing a lot of thinking about it, always trying to solve a problem it never can. 

In this series we will discuss why your  emotions shape your life, how to identify and benefit even by negative emotions, and how to center your emotional power for positive change.

Emotions  manifest physically

It’s usually obvious when someone is angry. You may not actually see steam come out of their ears but: the rational part of the brain shuts down, the body tenses (tightening in the shoulders and chest), stress related hormones are released (such as adrenaline and cortisol), and the face gets red when the cardiovascular responses kick in.

Emotions release hormones related to the limbic system and chemicals in the brain and body …… and we can become addicted to these even if if they feel bad to us! We may not always be acutely aware of the emotions and physiological release of chemicals in our bodies, yet eventually we get a feeling. Our feelings, emotions, and attitudes are so tied together that we usually use these terms interchangeably.

Bodily Effects of Your Emotions

Your emotions can manifest in your life in precarious ways.  People with an irritable disposition are 3 times more likely to have a heart attack than people who are less prone to temper tantrums. Plus, over time such high stress situations like anger can hamper the immune system, resulting in any number of illnesses.

Positive emotions like delight and gratitude also manifest in the body, reversing the effects of negative emotions, harmonizing and healing it. When you experience joy and love: the body relaxes, happiness chemicals are released (such as dopamine, oxytocin or endorphins) and sent to your heart.


Of course, matters of the heart are involved! We attract what we feel through our heart, the seat of Love and Magnetic Center of Attraction.

In those people who feel deep, abiding love there is a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, greater functioning of the immune system, and calmer, clearer thinking.

You Attract What You Feel – The Law of Attraction

Circling in negative thoughts about your feelings amplify them! You attract the same energy that you think about and feel because of the Law of Attraction (Love). You get what you put out there in the Universe.

So if you have a grumpy disposition then you attract more negative, low-frequency conditions, even if that is not what you desire.

The Law of Karma 

The Law of Attraction and The Law of Karma, or Cause and Effect, work together. If you evaluate a situation negatively with dark thoughts and emotions you will be very tempted to act upon it, especially if you are unconscious of your motivation.

The Law of Karma is a compassionate universal law that works to help us get back to our natural state of harmony. You will have to face the same or similar life situation over and over again until you respond from a place of sincere love, consistently. 

Emotional Empowerment

Thoughts are empowered to manifest physically as emotions and shape our physical reality; first, in our body, then our surroundings, then others around us and indeed the world. 

Why do they have such power?

Because our emotions are empowered by our Soul! And, the dominating character of our Soul is Love. Love is our natural condition, but when Love is perverted in the subconscious ego by fearful thinking itt causes us, each of us, to suffer.

In the next study we will discuss simple ways to change your reality even when you are tempted by negative emotions! 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

To learn more about releasing low-frequency energy:  Releasing False Beliefs About Yourself

Until next time consider this quote to reflect upon:

“Will Power must be held responsible together with Fear for bringing into your life the very things you dread. ”

Eugene Fersen, Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 159.

Professor Ellen Langer of Harvard speaks on her research and upcoming movie about your emotions shaping your reality, as featured on CBS:

What’s Love Got to do with It?

Purple and White are Our Colors not our Heart

“Whenever we are inspired by beauty, we have taken a step towards Spiritual Vibrations.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume 1, page 82.

When we see beauty in anything we are relating consciously to Love, for beauty is a quality of Love. Love elevates our level of consciousness and reality. We need love to refine ourselves.   

We can find beauty in the simplest things, like a pansy. The name pansy is derived from the French pensee meaning ‘thought.’ While the Middle English name, viola, comes from ‘remembrance.’ Which ever name you use they both  relate to the mind and consciousness.


Beauty brings Love to the forefront of our consciousness!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB


Photos: PSLB

Your Fate – Laws of Karma and Rhythm


Karma and the Law of Rhythm

Thought → Emotion → Temptation → Behavior →  

Karmic Effect becomes a cause for another cycle → Thought → …

These are the cycles, the rhythms of our lives.

We are emotional beings and our emotions power our thoughts and behaviors. One emotion can generate a thoushand thoughts. All those thoughts affect our behaviors and our reality. And with the Law of Rhythm we repeat history!

What we feel, think and how we behave, attracts like into our reality ….. in our bodies and health, our physical reality ….. family, work, society at large. and it’s cyclic because of the swing of the pendulum.

Like the waves of the ocean we ride the wave forward, then there’s an undertow drawing us backwards. When we are moving forward it is for our own benefit to take advantage of it and ride the wave forward with gusto! Enjoy it and put our full effort into whatever project we have in mind.

When we feel the undertow starting to come into play then it is an indication to slow, stand strong and refuse to be pulled backwards, mentally acknowledging that it has no power over us …… use negation. This period is beneficial because it gives you time to recharge, refocus and refine your objectives. 

It’s simple

As we educate ourselves to understand the Laws of the Universe we can make conscious choices with our best interest in mind. It’s simple really – we empower ourselves through uplifting emotions and thoughts, and responsible behaviors.

The key is to BE CONSCIOUS with LOVE motivating us. If we aim for no harm to ourselves or others it helps harmonize us all. We flow in harmony with both the Laws of Cause and Effect, Karma and Rhythm. 

We are the masters of our own fate.

For more consider: Mastering the Law of Rhythm

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB        

“Our incarnations and reincarnations are determined by our activities here and there. That is we stay in the Beyond longer if our activities here have been constructive. And the same in the Beyond, if our activities are constructive we stay longer on Earth.”

Eugene Fersen, Teachings of Science of Being.


Karmic Vision

karmic vision

There is a legend that when the European explorers first came to the Caribbean around 1491 the islanders could not see the sails of the ships as they were approaching. It wasn’t until the shamans pointed them out that they could conceive of them.

Karmic Vision

We tend to only to see what we believe we will see …. what we  have conditioned ourselves to experience …. what we allow! Have you traveled the same route routinely day after day and passed a billboard or building and never noticed it …. I have and not until I became quiet inside …. did I appreciate the outside … did I appreciate the trees, grasses, wildlife, and yes …. buildings and billboards!

We’re creatures of habit …. even our perceptions of the world around us can become habitual …. we may notice a  tree …. but miss the hawk sitting on a bare branch. We may may read words on the computer screen but overlook words that were repeated or mentally fill in words that missing. We can walk right past someone we know without noticing them. We can feel energies swirling around others, but not see thought-forms around them or their auras!

We can clear our Vision

We form karmic vision out of habit and the Law of Attraction. We tend to get stuck in illusionary thoughts and emotions attracting more of the same …. without being aware of the moment or even that we have a choice! Fortunately, someone else’s awareness can shake us awake and point to that thing we did not allow ourselves to see. But …. we must become quiet and peaceful within to have clear vision in the moment.  

We forget to be conscious, quiet, open to the vastness of a clear state of mind, free of the domination of subconscious ego thoughts and emotions that have become habits …. of what we expect and relate to …. of what we are comfortable with.

We don’t know what we are missing …. what’s right there within our reach of experiencing in the moment …. because we are too preoccupied. And I can say that most of us miss opportunities to experience wonders that are there on the edge of our awareness …. if  …. we are calm, conscious, alert and aware.

Even if someone else points to seeing something that we do not …. we still may not be able to see it! Is it logical that we must go within ourselves first to clear karmic, habitual vision?  And then … be consciously willing and open to seeing that which we had not been open to?

When we allow the moment as it is …. quiet, ….alert, aware and observing what is …. thoughts of the past or future are silent. There are no worries, expectations or any habitual monkey chatter …. we do not assume from habit …. rather we observe independently. And this is when we can come to know ourselves and trust the moment …. all the while knowing we live in uncertain, ever changing moments. Our vision becomes clearer, taking in what is …. appreciating Now. 

We become independent observers …. without blindly assuming what we are told to see or experience. Life becomes an adventure in the very mist of uncertainty …. and ….we can be soooo surprised by what comes within our field of vision! Within our field of awareness, experience, understanding and have compassion for it! 

And clear vision is a great asset since we are not limited by blinding karmic vision. And from clear vision horizons open before us unlimited opportunities to be of service in the world!

In the hope you find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

“Independence or freedom is a great thing, but it must be properly understood. It can be based only on perfect Love. Then we will have the most ideal independence, and will recognize only our dependence on the Eternal.”

Eugen Fersen, Advanced Teachings In Science of Being, page 94.

And consider joining us for a companion guide to the 27 Lessons in Science of Being. It is an amazing spiritual journey asset!

We are currently on Lesson 7 discussing being a Lightbearer to the children, dealing with a temperamental child/person and uses of Universal Life Energy in education and sports.

A link for download of the original 27 lessons for your Kindle is included and free!



Facing fear Square on- The Power of Emotion to Change Your Life, Part 3

Facing fear Square on! 

The Universe compassionately works to help us come into our soul and wholeness. Fearful emotions that are circling the globe is very stressful for everyone, yet there are simple steps to center yourself squarely in your soul’s power to help you confront every fear that can negatively impact not only the present, but also your future.

Great Law compassionate

Background, hyena reality 

Emotions can be learned
We are conditioned to react emotionally to certain conditions like what we face in the world now. We’re taught to react with fear unconsciously through childhood experiences, in the media and in society. We even condition our self by transferring our emotional reactions from similar experiences of the past to the present.

If negative reactionary emotions are learned and conditioned, then it stands to reason that you can learn to respond to any situation positively.

STEPS to face fearful temptation Square on

 1 – When you are faced with temptation to act on any negative feelings, like striking out from anxiety or anger or fall into despair, the first step is to take a deep breath, exhale and relax. Deep breathing evokes a relaxation response and release, so it will immediately adjust your attitude.  

2 – Make the Mental  Contact with Universal Life Energy to help You harmonize not only your mental energies, but also your emotional and physical. 

3 – Look up within to raise your consciousness to observe ‘the thinker,’ synchronizing body, mind and emotions, bringing yourself into the present moment.

Observe your thinking in a detached state; without judgment or entanglement. But  stay here long because we can easily start circling in the same troubling thoughts and emotions that trapped us in the first place!

4 – Then ask yourself the question: Am I coming from a place of fear or love?  

 If it is fear, then just let it pass you by. Release it and with a thought like, It was only a temporary temptation and illusion of the subconscious ego, and I am grateful to realize that. I am Strong, Wise, Sincere and Loving. 

5 Deny that any temptation of fearful thoughts or emotions have any power over you. Negate fear. Remember and realize that You are a law unto yourself on the mental plane!

The key is to feel sincere. Sincerity opens the door to your Soul heart and Real Love, calming the mind and emotions. 

6 Use your free will to choose to attract more high-frequency energy and focus your thoughts with uplifting energies like gratitude and appreciationFurther open your heart to feel Love.

These are the energies you want to engulf yourself in, spend time in – appreciation, gratitude, goodwill, consideration, respect and love. Appreciate those wonderful people, and situations in your life. Appreciate the air you breathe, the sunshine, the grass and trees. Even appreciate the beneficial things in your immediate environment. You know what is good in your life. Feel appreciation and love in your heart. You will be amazed at the results! 

You are creating an uplifting mental/emotional state which will eventually manifest more benefits in your reality! All those energies attract more of the same energies through the Law of Attraction. 

7 – You’ve worked to change your energies mentally and emotionally, but you’re also a physical being. Manifest a positive emotion physically in the moment. It may be change in your body language, a smile, a kind word or helping others. 

Moving can disperse hormonal chemicals like adrenaline, which is why some people jog or exercise, to help release stress. 

You and Universal Power

I’ve used the above methods many, many times to release negative energy and center myself in authentic power of Love. I can definitely see patterns. Thank the Great Law the patterns are changing for the better.

Through sincerity and making the choice to come from a place of compassion and love emotionally, you can bring peace and happiness into your life and to those around you. You establish new neuron paths in the brain, and each time it will be easier to make the choices that are uplifting, wise, sincere and loving; that are FourSquare

You have authentic Power and are stronger than any negative temptation because you are a powerful Soul.

In the hope that You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

“Analysis of Fear, its nature and causes, is one of the vital points in Mental Science, because in Fear is comprehended the entire problem of all the negative.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 157.

Consider sharing your insights!

And consider joining us for the 27 Lessons in Science of Being:

We are currently on Lesson 4 online and a link for download of the lessons for your Kindle is included and free!


Gaining Control over fear, worry and sorrow – The Power of Emotion to Change Your Life, Part 2

Gaining Control over fear, worry and sorrow 

So many of us have unexpectedly become overwhelmed by negative emotions, even to the point of driving us to behave in ways that are not in our own best interest, like going down an emotional, dark rabbit hole. We can let fear , worry and sorrow dominate our thinking and behavior repeatedly, to the point of crippling us. Yet, negative emotions can be used for a great spiritual purpose and benefit. 

depression hurts

Emotions like fear, worry and sorrow can be a spring board to higher consciousness… from which you can create the reality you desire.

When we suffer we eventually look for a way out. We desire freedom, strength, and happiness. And there is a very simple path to emotional freedom.

That path starts with an awareness in the moment. And if you are experiencing fearful emotions, release. Then an embrace of that emotion that you want to become a condition in your reality. The more you embrace the emotion you desire in the present moment the more of those same energies you draw to yourself through the Law of Attraction.

If we want a happy existence then we must create it. And it starts with our awareness.

Be the Watcher of the Thinker
Learn to observe your negative emotions, using all your senses and listening to your Higher Self to gain some insight and control. This step is somewhere we move through quickly, then we get to the good stuff! Thinker

Consider this method I use to come to the moment:

Pause your thinking, take a deep breath, release and relax. Quiet the monkey chatter; be ‘the watcher of the thinker.’ Observe your thoughts and attitude from a higher consciousness. Draw them into you and feel them fully without any harsh judgment. Observe your body, i.e. facial expression and body posture because your body language can give you great insights!

 For more insight consider reading: Part 1:

Your Reality is Shaped by Your Emotions

 Learn from Your Emotions
I ask myself questions without getting attached to the answers and all judgmental, like:

  • Is any part tensed, tight or temporally frozen? Is my stomach in a knot?
  • Do I feel urged to lash out verbally, shout, cry, or fight?
  • Do I feel like I’ve been hit hard and want to shut down?

 You have to know what you feel in order to get to the heart. Once you answer some analytic questions impersonally and recognize you are tempted to behave negatively, then you can use it as a spring-board to go deeper in understanding of yourself.

Reasoning, conscious mind can go only so far in understanding, you must also feel your understanding with an open heart that is inspired by your Higher Self. Look up within to your Higher Self and ask yourself deeper questions like:

  • Why is it so important to me that I am attached to …fear… worry… sorrow?

And, to the heart of the matter, the questions:

  • Am I reacting this way because I feel unloved or unloving?
  • Am I coming from a place of fear or love in my heart?

Disabling Negative Emotions
It doesn’t help to stay in the questioning mode very long. It’s just a leaping pad to better things! When you ask such a question of yourself with deep sincerity you will begin to feel a change in your attitude. The emotion of sincerity and desire for Truth opens the door to Love within you, and the illusion of the negative emotion will begin to disperse.

Sincerity liberates love within your heart and  you gain a glimpse of yourself as a powerful spirit and soul. And those realizations and reality is what we want to attract more of! 

Your Heart is your Magnetic Center of Attraction. So it attracts what you feel! Therefore, consciously embrace uplifting emotions. Visualize yourself with a happy heart and expressing goodwill to others. Keep coming back to feeling uplifted, calm and relaxed. Make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy which is a powerful ally because It is Strength, Wisdom and Love that empowers those same energies within yourself, within your Soul. 

Then smile. Putting a smile on your face triggers neurons to connect with emotions that cause you to smile. The body causes the mind to engage in a like manner.

You may be tempted to be drawn back in right then and there, but you have already put Light and Love on it, so it is weakening. Mentally we know there are dire conditions in the world, yet emotionally we are working to lift ourselves so that we may be able to help us all.

Continually focus on thinking uplifting thoughts…. visualizing happy conditions… appreciating the moment fully…contacting Universal Life Energy. And, the more you do this the more of the same energies are attracted. Things will begin to synchronize, including our behaviors and actions so that we are also physically creating the reality we desire. 

It’s a spiritual journey

Our freedom from fear, worry, sorrow is started from a corner of alert awareness and consciousness, then built from a place of Enthusiasm, Wisdom, Truth and Love… the FourSquare. This is a spiritual journey. A journey in which we must travel in today’s world and today’s conditions, with fear circling the earth. And we can rise above fear now, helping ourselves and helping others.

We build and create our happiness by starting with conscious consideration, goodwill and compassion in our thoughts, emotions. And allowing those energies positively influence our attitudes and behaviors.  And this is something that each and everyone of us can do!

With Light and Love, PortiaSLB

Until next time consider this quote to reflect upon:

“The elimination of Fear, then, is largely conditioned on the elimination of this shadow, from which it is spawned, Ignorance.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, pages 158-9.

Consider sharing your experiences and insights, as it can help us all!

Photos courtesy of Gratisograhpy

Negative Emotional Contagion of fear and Protecting Yourself, Power of Emotions to Change Your Life, Part 7

Negative Emotional Contagion

and Protecting Yourself 

Because of the mass fear circling the global I am republishing this very relative entry in the hopes that we Lightbearers can remember and be the brightness in the dark. Fear is very contagious, however it is an illusion of the subconscious. Caution is wise while Love protects us.

Let us bear the Light and Love and Give the Healing Vibrations to humanity today and everyday. And thus this entry in the hopes it will give you insight, courage and inspiration to be Strong, Wise, True and Loving…. 

I will continue editing this entry to make it more relevant, so if you notice any changes from the email you received because you signed up to “follow” the site and what is on the website now … you know why… I aim to make it shorter and more useful relative to what’s happening around the world! But, You can always go to view the original posting from 2015.

Emotional energy is contagious, especially negative emotions like fear that is circling the globe, but there are ways to protect yourself and uplift those around you, and indeed the world.

ID-100160808, artur84

What’s Happening
Low-frequency energy projected as fear can be thrown to you personally or to humanity as a whole and can hit you hard. It may be generated by mass media but jump from one person to next, resulting in global scale hysteria if you are not conscious, mindful in the moment, and radiate an aura of calm and love. 

Taking precautions is wise. Being logical is reasonable and smart. Wisdom is better. Love is best. With the help of the Great Principle and your Inner Being the hope is you find herein this entry ways and means of protection and projection of Love. 

Emotional energy can jump from one person to another to enslave an entire group, create a mob, or even enslave the global community! A really dramatic emotional attack like fear can feel like a blow to the solar plexus, even send you bending doubled over, arms clucking over your belly trying to heal the hurt of dread and worry. Or it can feel like an arrow to the heart, especially if the emotion of fear or hatred is involved since the heart is the seat of love. Hatred is based in fear, a polar of love. Most of us have definitely felt it one time or another because we are not consciously centered in love ourselves. We may put our hand to our heart in an unconscious effort to boost our energy and love there.

Fear depletes the life force stored in our solar plexus. Or more accurately fear is stored in the solar plexus because of our unconscious disconnect with Universal Life Energy. Fear instead of the Life Force is radiated throughout our body. Over time a deficient Solar plexus can make us feel low in energy, confused and insecure, even sick.

Fear can also settle and grow in the heart chakra for the same reason because we unconsciously disconnect from Universal Life Energy, Universal Love Itself. Eventually a deficient heart chakra can make us feel unloved, sorry for ourselves and like a victim. And even worst, when negative energy accumulates because we do not know how to protect ourselves or release it, our physical heart can be damaged, manifesting as heart dis-ease.

How to Protect Yourself
We react stronger and quicker to negative emotions of others because we carry around the same low-frequency energy in our subconscious ego. Through the Law of Attraction the negative emotion draws out negative emotions from us if we let the ego dominate and make a slave of us.

It’s almost like we can’t help our self getting caught up in the emotional energy of fear!  It’s so contagious….unless… we are alert and aware… conscious of ‘the thinker,’ observant without attachment, mindful so we don’t get caught up in the monkey chatter of the subconscious ego and get involved in any fearful energy that jumps around.

Here are some ways to protect ourselves:

  • Be conscious of the temptation to jump into a negative emotion like fear. Being conscious of the temptation is being conscious of our authentic powers as a soul – our mental freedom of choice and self-determination. We manifest in the Universal Laws, including Karma (Cause and Effect), but we still have a choice as a soul how we proceed in Life; how we evolve – how we learn the principles of Life. 
  • From that conscious awareness of our soul power of choice, the calm of our Higher Self can help us free ourselves of the burden of the subconscious temptation. We can release it, step back from it and let it go. That freedom to choose is a great gift!

 If we succumb to temptation and release negative energy in the form of anger or other negative traits like fear on others it will only boomerang to return to us sooner or later. And, that negative energy will gain strength due to accumulating similar energies as it circles in our personal and human mental atmosphere over time. This is what’s happening in the world now.

  • If we choose to step back from it, we may still get bombarded by more negative energy from those that are angry and really intent of passing on fear and panic. The drama is so seductive. Mentally deny the possibility of transfer of negativity, that is deny the possibility of it adversity affecting you. This is called mental negation. And it is a powerful tool!
  • If you contact Universal Energy, which is Universal Love, and visualize it radiating from your Heart you will create a bubble of protection in your aura. You will feel a difference in your attitude, or at least I do! 
  • Yet, our greatest and only True protection from negative emotional contagion is Love, unconditional and impersonal. Love harmonizes everything sooner or later.
  • Love and Mind combined, detached awareness centered in Love, helps us in stressful situations and allows us to be conscious of negative energy and the possibility of emotional contagion without responding to it. 

A Treasure
You are empowered to release any temptation to jump into negative energy. But, if you do get caught up in the drama of the situation and recognize that you have, then remember that it is your Higher Self and the Great Principle disclosing that the personality (human ego) is out of alignment with your soul. That insight is humbling and something to treasure. 

An important point to remember is that we learn from our stumbles; that we can get up and continue working to free ourselves of the subconscious ego. We have gotten on the other side of a mistake.

We are reaching for love and our own authentic Power and the Great Principle is always compassionately helping us. 

Also consider using those steps in Part 2 and Part 3 of this series.

For being a positive force using emotional contagion use this link:

Kindly leave your comments, questions and share your any input about the matter in hand in the Comment box below.  All are welcomed and you never know who it may help or inspire!

In the hope you find Love close at hand, Portia SLB


Until next time consider this quote to reflect upon:

“We should realize that we are not slaves of our subconsciousness. This can only be done by self discipline. There is no other way.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 32.

This simple mind trick can make you do the opposite of what was intended!

discriminate, hyena reality

When you hear, “Don’t look!”  It’s like when Perseus was warned about Medusa’s snakes for hair that could turn a man to stone. It’s almost impossible not to look! Or when you hear someone say, “Don’t be afraid.” It’s like your heart drops and you’ve heard, “Be afraid, be very afraid!” It’s a subconscious mind trick.

The subconscious ego will take us emotionally and mentally on rides to places to support its own programming. It’s self-righteous and dislikes being bossed around because of fear. And it’s programmed to keep us mentally busy, chatty and inattentive in our thinking so we are constantly being entertained. We follow its trails of thoughts.

The subconscious is entertained by the primary word of the thought rather than the word not or n’t. The word not or n’t seems to disappear from our attention and we follow a familiar trail of thoughts from the primary word.

And we are all good with that until we start to consciously wake up.

When we start to wake up we realize it’s  a challenge to become conscious and in the present moment. All of our past history, stories, beliefs and habits are like alluring trails that lead us to the familiar.

Yet there is a simple awakening practice. And this works when talking to yourself or when speaking with others.

Consciously choose the appropriate words as directives to the subconscious.

If the goal is to remember, rather than saying, “don’t forget,” say, “remember.”

When speaking to yourself, mentally swallow remember in order to program the subconscious to remember. This is using the Law of Gender, because you plant an idea in the subconscious to grow and return to the consciousness. 

I’ve used this method so many times when I feel it is critical to remember something, like where I parked the car in a parking garage.

Be conscious of the words you choose. And remember the way the subconscious works. Consider saying, “Look away,” rather than, “Don’t look!” And, “Be brave,” or “Be courageous,” rather than, “Don’t be afraid.” 

Your Superconscious speaks to you through intuition and leads your power of discrimination when you allow it. So listen to your intuition. You know what to do and what not to do and are conscious and in the moment. 

Inevitably there are times it seems appropriate to use not. Like, “This does not mean…” Just follow that thought with what it does mean.

In the hope you find enlightenment close at hand, PortiaSLB

Until next time consider this quote to reflect upon:

“The subconsciousness always imposes on consciousness. It always wants us to do something. The Superconsciousness always wants to be asked. When we ask we should always believe that we will receive. The Eternal must answer when asked.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume I, p. 313.

Fear of Terrorists, Part 3

We all are affected in some way by terrorism because each of us carry a trait of fear in our ego and personality. When that trait is activated through worry, hatred, anguish or similitude it adds to the world collective of negative energy, pulling us further into it.

Terrorism and fear are problems to rise above as we make other choices that lead to happiness for us all. 

ID-100273363, Stuart Miles

Any fear that we harbor in the subconsciousness can be unconsciously activated and added to the fear circling the globe when we relate to terrorism through the media or any other way.

It can also draw more negative energy and fear to us. Thus, some of the fear we experience concerning the situation may be what we unconsciously drew to us from the fear circling in the world mental atmosphere. It’s like the mass seduction of a mob with fear spreading from person to person until nearly everyone is affected.

Whenever you experience any type of fear, especially fear of terrorism, look on it as an opportunity to over-come it. That’s putting some positive energy in the equation already.

Consider viewing the ‘thinker’ within, bringing your thinking to the present moment where your body is physically. It frees you to practice silencing the mind, thereby releasing fearful thoughts, and you can consciously choose to align with inner and universal peace.

You can find out more about how to enter the Silence here: Relaxation and Silence.

Through science we now have a bigger view of the universe; we are part of a great sea of infinite galaxies, infinite abundance, infinite creativity and infinite power. This enables us to have a deeper understanding and a base of faith that we are part of something greater than our self.  

What some would call God, Lightbearers call the Great Principle, Our Father, that IS Unlimited Power, Cosmic Mind, Ubiquitous Law, All-inclusive Love and All-Encompassing Spirit. 

Simply IS

Background:, hyena reality

Humanity created religions for our own emotional comfort because of the pain from our mental fall from Grace; our belief that we have lost the support of the Eternal. Fear, hatred and all the other negative subconscious traits were created because of that belief, and terrorists and fear of terrorists stem from that.

Yet, there is hope because there is still a flicker of faith within us that Harmony exists. That faith can become a flame to help us rise above fear.

Though we may experience fear it will eventually end because we created it and give it power.

Let us fight for freedom! When you are peaceful, happy and loving within yourself and express goodwill, caring, kindness and compassion for others, it helps raise everyone out of fear and break the cycle of terror.

Love too can circle around the world, increasing the Light in mind and heart.

May You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

You can find more about the Great Principle here: Our Father.

Consider this quote to reflect upon:

“We must live peace, be one with it. That is our problem, our final aim as Lightbearers. We must gird ourselves with the sword of courage. We must fight, not on the battlefield of killing, but on destroying all that is opposing real happiness within us.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume 2, page 124.

Consider sharing your insights, questions or comments!

They Test our Patience!

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We’ve all been there. Some people just have a knack for pissing us off! There will be occasions at work, at home, or while we are standing somewhere, when someone triggers an uneasy feeling in us. It can get our dander up!

Until we consciously address fearful emotions they will continue to plague us making us anxious or hard. They become habitual, part of our personality and disposition.

And, we can lose a sense of our True Self.

So What Can We Do?
It’s a matter of mental regulation – recognizing that every unpleasant emotion is a spiritual opportunity and synchronicity, where nothing happens by chance. It’s an opportunity we have set up for ourselves to release the burdens of the subconscious ego and align with our True Self and Love.

Most of us are unaware that the real source of our uneasiness is from fear that is rooted in the subconscious. It can grow there unnoticed only to resurface sooner or later as contentious emotions like anger, apprehension, worry, and hatred causing us bigger problems, even physical illness.

How to Start
When you start to feel some uneasiness, be fully conscious in the moment. Pause your thinking, take a deep breath, relax and quiet the mental chatter; be still. Consider making the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy (Cosmic Energy, chi, prana, Life Force) to help you relax and refocus.

Be the ‘watcher of the thinker’ from a higher consciousness. Impersonally observe your body language, facial expressions, thoughts and attitude, drawing them into you and feeling them fully without harsh judgment.

Be courageous and very sincere in your examination. Sincerity opens our heart and mind to the inspiration of our Higher Self.

Keep in mind that people who challenge us emotionally are also on a spiritual journey, seeking ways to release the burden of the subconscious. Think of them as facilitators of spiritual synchronicity.

A Deeper Understanding
The reasoning, conscious mind can go only so far in understanding. That’s when we reach for inspiration from our Higher Self by asking questions of ourselves. Questions like:

  • Why am I feeling impatient?
  • Why is it so important to me that I am attached to it?
  • Am I coming from a place of fear or love in my heart?

If we recognize we are tempted by fear, we can let it pass us by, release it and choose another path – Love.

We will still move in our thinking and emotions, therefore, we can further abet release of the temptation by: 

  1. Opening ourselves to a positive emotion like gratitude. A positive emotion negates a negative one.
  2. Manifesting a positive emotion physically in our behavior with a smile, a kind word or stillness.
  3. Changing our body language which can help us move into a positive emotion. Moving can disperse hormonal chemicals like adrenaline. It can take up to 90 seconds ——— to disperse negative energy.
  4. Make a sincere effort to see the Divine. When we see the Divine in another we are also invoking the power to see the Divine within ourselves!

A thought of Love and connection to Harmony destroys negative thoughts within us and we will feel a relief. This frees us from fixed ideas about attack, retaliation, correction and other fearful defenses. 

When we choose Love we are transforming our thought process in our everyday life from fear to Love, thereby, breaking addictive, fearful patterns. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

Consider this quote for reflection:

“The guidance of our Higher Self is the best way we can define our Destiny.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, page 47.