Today’s consideration: Are you Home yet?

Our spiritual journey is our journey Home.

In a high state of consciousness we come Home to our natural condition ….. our Spiritual Home, conscious of compassionate, unconditional, Joyous Love. We know we are deeply Loved and deeply Loving. We are one with All Power, Awareness, Sincerity and Universal Love. Human love has evolved to Spiritual Love and radiates from our Spiritual Heart.

What is essential on our journey Home? Awareness and Love. Light and Love.

Consider starting with a sincere intent to be aware of Self and self ….. aware of the Truth of Self and our Inner Compassion, Love and Joy which also opens us to be aware of self …. of the ego and its stress circuits.

When you do become aware of feeling down on yourself or someone else, consider just the opposite. The subconscious perverts our thinking.

And when we are willing to rise above the ego, a stressed out separate person, we begin to realize that we are part of something bigger and Harmonious. That Light within us is attracted to and part of the Light of All Harmony. And this is Home.

In the hope You find Love close at hand,


“Inspiration is absolutely essential in life. Without It, we could not exist on this Earth. Seek It wherever you can find It. The first step it It, is attention.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 189.

To love is natural

Photo Vietnam 2019 PSLB

To Love is natural for us and we can feel it arise when we are silent within. As an observer we can become aware of Love rising from our heart and become engulfed in It. It is the Love of our Soul and natural Self.

But the ego can hold our attention in fearful thoughts and emotions. And these emotions are based in the the past. Sometimes ancient past. Like when startled we have a fearful knee jerk reaction, going into a defensive position.

As we relax and slowly release the knee jerk we can observe the way our body reacted from preprogrammed conditioning! The ego will want to get involved in analyzing, labeling, judging and discussion, while the Inner Being quietly observes. And then for me from observation comes amazement or appreciation! And that amazement turns to uplifting Love.

When we observe in a detached state, with no judgments, superstitions or beliefs, Mind is a path to Love. It’s our Superconscious Mind, our Inner Being that’s naturally United with Love and Source.

Quiet observation is a self discipline practice where we opt to align with our Inner Being, with Source rather than ego. It’s a space of no thinking, no labeling or judgement, rather an awareness in silence.

We are powerful Beings and have free will to choose our path. And choosing to align with that space in between thoughts is aligning with our Inner Being. It is choosing happiness. And happiness awakens us to our power to flow in the energies of Life.

We attract more uplifting energies, more happy situations, people and realities! We enjoy life and it is such an adventure!

And we find love close at hand.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

The aberration and the Spiritual Warrior; bringing the spiritual warrior forward

Photo: Light and Strength of Thai orchard PSLB

There staring back at me was an aberration! It was barely there, with a weak body, skull-like head,  hollow, dark pits for eyes. Slowly I came to settle into observation and realized it was part of myself looking back at me. That the stare was to purposely startle and scare the observer within. 

A spiritual journey is not for the faint of heart I have learned. When you have come to some calm state of conscious awareness that’s when the subconscious ego fears losing control. It’s when we have seen the goodness within others and ourselves that the aberrations may become more apparent. 

And this is when a fragmented mind will most likely perceive an aberration as a very dire situation, tempting you to hate yourself and hit a mental low. 

It was the Spiritual Warrior that came forward

The Spiritual Warrior fights without hatred.

You become the spiritual warrior when you relate to the Spiritual Heart and unconditional Love in a simple state of awareness and observation.  There is peace and experience of the moment fully. 

There is  no resistance. No urge to defend or to protest. If you perceive threat then you will withdraw into your self-image, which will not be able to defend you. A self-image is a concept of the past.  

And there is no decision to make. Choice is spontaneous.

The warrior will see through the aberration as it is  – illusion. And there is no doubt that the only thing that holds the aberration together is a tiny spark of love, love that has been perverted. Yet, there there is no hatred.  

There is a compassionate warmth in your heart. And that compassion acts. When the light of True Love is directed back to an aberration, then the aberration dissolves. The tiny light that held it together returns to the Source as the darkness returns to the space between. The space of the Unknown.

To bring forth the Spiritual warrior in your reality:

1. Commit to expanding your awareness.

A fragmented mind will be trapped in self-image, time and space, and the human ego. Acknowledging that there are vaster, refined levels of consciousness is a beginning to breaking free of limits the ego places in your thinking. 

2. Mentally practice unity with the flow of the universe, in the moment without resistance.

3. Be willing to face every aspect and trait of yourself.

Acknowledge and embrace your tenderness and gentle heart. Every energetic, wise, sincere and loving thought, emotion and behavior is adding to your own evolution and happiness. And it adds to others’ happiness.

And face the negative traits of the ego.  Renounce and let them go. They are a self-image which is the past. 

4. See love in the world.

When you observe reality as energies then those energies can combine in new ways.  By seeing love in all beings, then there is the very real potential for Nature to  build more of that creation. Like attracts like because of the attraction of Love. 

5. Learn to give love. 

 Look people in the eyes when you speak with them, giving your full attention and consideration with a full heart, observing how you feel. Deeper and deeper understandings offer greater growth.

The more love you give, the more you experience love in your reality. Commit to loving unconditionally. And Love the world unconditionally.

Consider being a channel of compassion and healing with this meditation and practice: Giving Healing Energy to the World.

6. Ask yourself everyday, “Who am I?”

And go to that still point within. Remember, declare and Be: “I am. I am in the harmonious flow of the Universe. I am Spiritual Warrior.”


Be willing to nourish the Spiritual Warrior within. Be strong with passion from your Spiritual Heart. Doubt will put things on hold. However, once you make a choice the Universe supports any action once you begin, which explains why it is difficult to change direction midstream.

You are designed to succeed no matter what life situations you face! 

In the hope You commit to bringing forward the Spiritual Warrior, PortiaSLB

“Any lesson learned by an individual benefits the whole of Humanity through chain reaction.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 74.

Are you bad? Fat? Special? 4 ways to construct a positive self-image without self-importance

Photo: PSLB at Key West

If you repeatedly think of yourself as having little self-worth, as a special person, as “the exception” or anything in-between, then the ego has become self-decimating. Fortunately mind is a very creative power and we can construct a positive self-image that will help us consciously grow into our True Being and soul.

Consider these 4 methods:


If you fight against the ego and a self-image you only feed it more energy. 

 When you find yourself thinking of being a terrible person, weak, jealous or superior, pause your thinking. Relax and become conscious of Being in your physical body in the present moment. Become silent, stopping all thinking. 

You are detaching from the subconscious ego and all its programming and beliefs, especially those of self-image. You are rising out of the subconscious into consciousness. Becoming conscious of your True Being and soul.

When you return to activity it will be easier to remain aware of your inner Being which has no self-judgment, rather calm awareness of Being. This will help you function more effectively in your human reality.


Being conscious of what you are feeling may be far easier that what you think. You may feel a tightness in the solar plexus or pain in the heart. Both are seats of the subconscious. Look to your feelings for insights, then go silent. Pause. Relax. Observe. Release and Be.

The subconscious functions and thrives on the thoughts, feelings, pain, trauma, memories and conditioning of the past, affecting our thinking and feelings in the present situation. But remember that we can instinctively feel the truth in our heart center because the heart is not only conscious and center of attraction, it is also our seat of Love. 


When you find you’re self-judging, immediately reject it. Persistently throw it in the mental garbage can. 

The ego also likes to compare itself to others to make you feel better about yourself. So next time you find that you’re comparing yourself, or if someone else judges you, immediately throw it away. It’s an act of Self-Love and for everyone else too!


 Emotionally lift yourself up with positive thoughts and words of Declarations of Truth like, “I am one with All Energy, Intelligence, Truth, Love, Spirit. I am indissolubly connected with the Great Principle.” Physically speaking words of power and love manifests it in the world now. This also feeds your subconscious with positive thoughts and energy shrinking the ego and building your future.

Also turn up the palm of your hands and consciously contact Universal Life Energy. 

“Human life is fashioned on the mental plane, and then put into the physical plane.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings by Eugene Fersen, page 270. 

Why the ego is not the enemy and a mysterious method of transformation

Yes, our ego is out of control and it can be self-destructive, yet it is not the enemy. The subconscious ego has the very real potential to align with your Spiritual character and Individuality because the essence of your human ego is Spirit. 

Your human ego and your Spiritual Individuality

When your ego starts to get too big and you’re heading towards a downfall, remember that within your personal ego is the seed of your soul and Individual spiritual character, the id.

Within both is the spiritual power of Universal Life Energy, however in the human ego the subconscious pervertedly uses that power to solidify your conditioning into your reality, your self-identity. Thus, you tend to automatically react to certain circumstances according to your conditioning, like getting mad when someone criticizes you or feeling superior when someone praises you.

How ULE transforms your human ego 

In order to bring your ego into balance with a constructive self-concept and positive self-esteem without self-decimation consider setting aside time everyday for meditation and silence, which helps open your mind and heart to the influx of Universal Life Energy.

The way Universal Life Energy works to harmonize your subconscious ego is the most amazing and mysterious quality of Universal Life Energy that I know of! I have witnessed how Universal Life Energy has been a major influence in the way I think and behave. I am more a peace with myself and the world, happier. With daily meditation and frequent pauses throughout the day I enter the Silence and make the Mental Contact. 

Universal Life Energy bit by bit harmonizes mental programming and conditioning you may never be conscious of from deep within the collective human subconscious and past, forgotten lifetime experiences. 

It gradually feeds the subconscious with so much positive, creative energy that when previously “negative” programmed thoughts, superstitions, beliefs or habits return to your consciousness you become aware of  questioning as to why you should think or act that way!

You learn to discriminate. And as you gradually release conditioning you become independent of conditioning, you become more and more conscious, awake and aware. If you make a mistake you are more likely to be conscious of it and learn from it. And that bit of wisdom is added to the subconscious and ego.

Though the transformation doesn’t happen overnight, it does happen.

You’ll find yourself becoming a watcher of the thinker, mindful. And you become more conscious of unconditional Love and the tenderness of your heart. You are able to consciously discriminate an response to any situation if any is appropriate according to Universal Love. You will feel enthusiastic without fear. You will be able to respond with intelligence and wisdom. And, it will be a harmonizing response because it will bring justice for all.

Daily practices to harmonize the ego

#1.  When you have any hints that your ego is growing too big or becoming self-destructive consciously say to yourself, “I am an Individualized ray of the Eternal.” And, mentally swallow it to penetrate into the subconscious ego to help align it with your Spiritual Individuality. 

#2.  Practice mindfulness and remember that the essence of your human ego is your Spiritual Individuality.

#3. Consider making a commitment to the constructive practice of daily meditation, silence and the Mental Contact to help you align your human ego with your Spiritual Individuality.

#4.  And, let unconditional Love flow from the tenderness of your heart, revealing the highest aspect of your soul and Spiritual Individuality. 

If we declare war on the ego, that is giving the subconscious more power over our self-identity and our thinking. Though we think we are fighting the subconscious we are gripping it harder and holding on to it tighter. 

Remember that there are always more things to learn, more adventures to experience, and more opportunities to constructively create reasons for happiness in your reality. Peace, harmony and continual adventure and unfoldment of your soul is your spiritual destiny!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Though the wall of mental protection is a good bulwark against the ordinary mental intruder, it is not sufficient when dealing with so-called mental malpractices –that is, the use of mental forces by some individual for evil ends. There the only complete self protection is vibrations of Love. These being all powerful, perfect in every way, pervading the three planes, the physical, the mental, and the Spiritual, they form around one a sphere of Love which, like a diamond armor, repels and destroys every negative vibration launched against it. That important point must always be remembered, THAT LOVE IS THE ONLY SAFE PROTECTION WE HAVE.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pp. 195-6.  

Photo PSLB: Valencia, Spain 2017