Anxiety the night before work? 5 Simple Healing Practices

Sometimes we dread going to work, feeling a bit anxious about what we have to face. Yet, try to remember that you are feeling your Inner Being altering you to something that should be addressed and healed for your happiness.

You are very capable of discovering how to meet and fashion uncomfortable emotions in order to strengthen and harmonize yourself and your life. So, if you are tempted to feel anxious consider these simple practices:

  1. Go outside and look up at the sky, the clouds, the stars at night and universe, drinking it in. You are an eternal Being, One with Source. Be totally in the moment and enjoy it fully, appreciating the Freedom and expansion into the Infinite. Moving, dancing or just pausing and taking some deep breaths releases endorphins in your brain to help change your emotions and attitudes for the better. Give it at least 90 seconds to kick in ….. You will be amazed at how it helps!
  2. Be kind to yourself! Remember that you have experienced uncomfortable emotions like anxiety before and it eventually passes and things work out. Those uncomfortable feelings are reminding you to be conscious, aware and Loving! Give yourself moments of Silence and contact Universal Life Energy. I do the Star Exercise and mentally realize, saying, “I am One with Source manifesting all the same qualities of Energy, Intelligence, Sincerity and Love.”That Divine Energy, Universal Life Energy harmonizes body, mind and emotions, elevating you to higher frequencies.
  3. Give yourself a spiritual intent to do your best work with Joy knowing that it is an opportunity to appreciate Life, serve humanity and help yourself, family and all humanity evolve.
  4. Do not compromise (with anxiety) ….. feel any uncomfortable sensations without labeling them or thinking about them because you can end up circling in those thoughts and going downhill. Instead, just feel the bodily sensations fully, letting them run out. Say something like, “I am not subject to such temptations because I am an Infinite Being unified with All Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love. I am Spirit with a body and am Loved Unconditionally and I have this wonderful opportunity to Love Unconditionally as the Eternal does. Life is full of opportunities for my happiness and for others.”
  5. Just before sleep set a purpose of rising in the morning with a positive attitude. Visualize yourself working with enthusiasm, having genius insights, sincerity in your heart, cooperation and gratitude …. You are training the subconscious to work for your happiness!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Your Purpose in life is to realize in fact the perfect Individuality within. Personality is the door through which the real YOU can emerge. Self knowledge, an intelligent understanding both of yourself and of the World outside, is your key to open the door.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 301.

Unlocking your True Self

Photo by Monstera on

Our entire being, body, mind and Soul is deeply connected to The Creator …. to Cosmic Consciousness …. to Universal Truth …. to Infinite Love …. to the Great Field of Universal Life Energy. It’s in our DNA and cell memories …. but temporarily locked away and imprisoned by the subconscious ego. Our job …. our opportunity …. our joy is to unlock our own True Self …. and co-create our happiness in this reality!  

Portion your day

Through Universal Life Energy we connect with the qualities of our True Self ….. with Strength, Wisdom, Truth and Love. I’ve found that there is an easy way to approach the daunting challenge of staying conscious of our connection with Source, in continual contact with Universal Life Energy, throughout our busy day.  We currently create our reality in time and space …. and that’s all good …. so let us align with them.

View your entire day as occurring in portions …. and ….have a sincere intent to consciously be in contact with Universal Life Energy in each portion. Have an intent to consciously observe and enjoy the space you are in.

Have a sincere intent to work to be Enthusiastic, Intelligence, Sincere and Loving See the beauty in things ….. appreciate them ….. and be feel grateful.

As you awake in the mornings… that’s a portion. Even as you continue to slumber but gain consciousness … mentally contact Universal Life Energy: I am One with Universal Life Energy. I feel It flowing through me Now.

Making and eating breakfast are portions. At the beginning work potion remember to be conscious of continuing in the flow. It can energize you physically and mentally… open you to appreciation of the moment.

Before sleep ….

Realize something like, “I am One with Universal Life Energy that is flowing through me now. It flows through every nerve, hair and organ. I am in perfect health and am Strong, Wise, Honest and Loving. I am Spirit and Matter, body, mind and Soul.”  

My intent is to feel emotionally as if it is already manifested….because it has on the mental level….and what is true on one level will attract the same for all levels.

Hope you consider this method of conscious awareness and connection Source and your Real Self. Kindly share any of your insights, inspirations or questions. It may help us all!

In the hope you find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The most trivial and ordinary of your daily occupations becomes just as great a factor in the work of self-reconstruction as the more responsible ones when put to the test of the principles contained in these lessons.”

Eugene Fersen, Lesson 5 in 27 Lessons in Science of Being, page 92. 

The aberration and the Spiritual Warrior; bringing the spiritual warrior forward

Photo: Light and Strength of Thai orchard PSLB

There staring back at me was an aberration! It was barely there, with a weak body, skull-like head,  hollow, dark pits for eyes. Slowly I came to settle into observation and realized it was part of myself looking back at me. That the stare was to purposely startle and scare the observer within. 

A spiritual journey is not for the faint of heart I have learned. When you have come to some calm state of conscious awareness that’s when the subconscious ego fears losing control. It’s when we have seen the goodness within others and ourselves that the aberrations may become more apparent. 

And this is when a fragmented mind will most likely perceive an aberration as a very dire situation, tempting you to hate yourself and hit a mental low. 

It was the Spiritual Warrior that came forward

The Spiritual Warrior fights without hatred.

You become the spiritual warrior when you relate to the Spiritual Heart and unconditional Love in a simple state of awareness and observation.  There is peace and experience of the moment fully. 

There is  no resistance. No urge to defend or to protest. If you perceive threat then you will withdraw into your self-image, which will not be able to defend you. A self-image is a concept of the past.  

And there is no decision to make. Choice is spontaneous.

The warrior will see through the aberration as it is  – illusion. And there is no doubt that the only thing that holds the aberration together is a tiny spark of love, love that has been perverted. Yet, there there is no hatred.  

There is a compassionate warmth in your heart. And that compassion acts. When the light of True Love is directed back to an aberration, then the aberration dissolves. The tiny light that held it together returns to the Source as the darkness returns to the space between. The space of the Unknown.

To bring forth the Spiritual warrior in your reality:

1. Commit to expanding your awareness.

A fragmented mind will be trapped in self-image, time and space, and the human ego. Acknowledging that there are vaster, refined levels of consciousness is a beginning to breaking free of limits the ego places in your thinking. 

2. Mentally practice unity with the flow of the universe, in the moment without resistance.

3. Be willing to face every aspect and trait of yourself.

Acknowledge and embrace your tenderness and gentle heart. Every energetic, wise, sincere and loving thought, emotion and behavior is adding to your own evolution and happiness. And it adds to others’ happiness.

And face the negative traits of the ego.  Renounce and let them go. They are a self-image which is the past. 

4. See love in the world.

When you observe reality as energies then those energies can combine in new ways.  By seeing love in all beings, then there is the very real potential for Nature to  build more of that creation. Like attracts like because of the attraction of Love. 

5. Learn to give love. 

 Look people in the eyes when you speak with them, giving your full attention and consideration with a full heart, observing how you feel. Deeper and deeper understandings offer greater growth.

The more love you give, the more you experience love in your reality. Commit to loving unconditionally. And Love the world unconditionally.

Consider being a channel of compassion and healing with this meditation and practice: Giving Healing Energy to the World.

6. Ask yourself everyday, “Who am I?”

And go to that still point within. Remember, declare and Be: “I am. I am in the harmonious flow of the Universe. I am Spiritual Warrior.”

Be willing to nourish the Spiritual Warrior within. Be strong with passion from your Spiritual Heart. Doubt will put things on hold. However, once you make a choice the Universe supports any action once you begin, which explains why it is difficult to change direction midstream.

You are designed to succeed no matter what life situations you face! 

In the hope You commit to bringing forward the Spiritual Warrior, PortiaSLB

“Any lesson learned by an individual benefits the whole of Humanity through chain reaction.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 74.

Uncomfortable has benefits!

gentle voice of intuition

Comfort is not always beneficial. When something feels uncomfortable then pay attention – there’s something to learn and benefit from!

Be conscious of your thoughts and emotions from the place of silent observation! You may feel nervous, defensive, or disgusted. Just observe the discomfort in a detached state.   

And if you want to know why you feel uncomfortable ask yourself that question. In a detached observation state you are mentally open to receive answers from your Higher Self. Your Superconsciousness receives wisdom from your spiritual heart. And your spiritual heart is that sacred chamber of the Absolute; your seat of unconditional Love.

Nevertheless in a detached observation state we may still feel a bit uncomfortable. That’s because detachment is not our usual mental state. Or our usual bodily state.

The subconscious ego is very familiar with constant monkey chatter and emotions rather than detachment. It creates attitudes like impatience, worry and guilt which we identify with.  And can create insecurity and self-condemnation generating all sorts of complaints. blames and excuses. Yet remain detached and observe, non-judgmental. 

And consider reaching beyond detachment to alignment with Harmony. Declare the Truth in the present to create beautiful life experiences.

Consideration: “I am. I am enough.” Remember and Know – “I am a projection of The Great All.”

You are connecting your consciousness to Harmony. And feeding your subconscious uplifting energy and thoughts, which will return to your reality. If not in the present moment then eventually since we live in human time.

That’s my hope for you; for all of us, PortiaSLB

“The Soul is perfect, but is seen through mind as a lens. And the reflection in the plane of Matter (the body) is distorted because the mind, the lens is distorted.”

Eugene Fersen, author of Science of Being