Todays’s consideration: ‘Constructive criticism’ – really?

Consider that there is no such thing as constructive criticism, even of ourselves. Have you considered that when we are self criticizing we are judging and afraid that we are not good enough to fit in or be loved? And often we feel if we self criticize it is justified because others are going to criticize us so why not jump the gun?

We all do it; we all criticize, yet we are in a process of realizing that none of us are perfect and we all have our habits ….. we all have been programmed to adhere to established patterns of behaviors.

Yet, we can pause and consider the temptation to criticize, then listen to our Inner Voice, our Higher Self, to guide us. A sincere intent to improve ourselves benefits us, but to criticize another or ourselves in an attempt to show we are better is not. It’s destructive rather than constructive.

Criticism is directed by fear and can result in anxiety, guilt, and even self-hatred. Yet, the temptation is just a temporary distraction from Self Love and compassion for all of us. And we can realize this.

To realize that we all are tempted is the beginning of having compassion for ourselves. And ….. that compassion rises our level of consciousness to encompass Acceptance, Understanding and Love for ourselves, for others and all Beings. And certainly increases our happiness!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Only Truth will set us Free. Lies are bonds woven from all kinds of evil elements.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 127.

Today’s consideration: Light In then Light Out

We are attracted to the Light of Universal Consciousness from Higher Consciousness within us and from our Spiritual Heart. And we can Light up with conscious, Spiritual Love, then radiate It out.

To start simply, the first exercise in Science of Being is Relaxation and Silence to open ourselves to the inflow of Universal Life Energy, which is the Light of All Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love. And thus we let Light in, and that Universal Life Energy flowing to us, in us, through us and then automatically returns back throughout the universe.

We come Lightbearers and construct our reality by consciously letting Light in and letting Light out……contacting Universal Life Energy and by letting it out… expressing FourSquare. That is by: Expressing Universal Life Energy in our reality as Enthusiasm, Wisdom, Sincerity, and Love in a balanced manner. With consideration.

It can be a as simple as genuine smile, a gentle embrace, or a conscious breath. Or as shared in Giving Healing Energy to the World.

Light in and then Light out.

In the hope You find Love close at hand,


“Consideration is one of the first steps toward Love.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 160.

Today’s consideration: Are you Home yet?

Our spiritual journey is our journey Home.

In a high state of consciousness we come Home to our natural condition ….. our Spiritual Home, conscious of compassionate, unconditional, Joyous Love. We know we are deeply Loved and deeply Loving. We are one with All Power, Awareness, Sincerity and Universal Love. Human love has evolved to Spiritual Love and radiates from our Spiritual Heart.

What is essential on our journey Home? Awareness and Love. Light and Love.

Consider starting with a sincere intent to be aware of Self and self ….. aware of the Truth of Self and our Inner Compassion, Love and Joy which also opens us to be aware of self …. of the ego and its stress circuits.

When you do become aware of feeling down on yourself or someone else, consider just the opposite. The subconscious perverts our thinking.

And when we are willing to rise above the ego, a stressed out separate person, we begin to realize that we are part of something bigger and Harmonious. That Light within us is attracted to and part of the Light of All Harmony. And this is Home.

In the hope You find Love close at hand,


“Inspiration is absolutely essential in life. Without It, we could not exist on this Earth. Seek It wherever you can find It. The first step it It, is attention.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 189.

Delirium while seeking Inner Peace

Photo PSLB

We all suffer, and for those of us on a conscious spiritual journey we may suffer emotionally more than anything. As we travel along gaining more and more experiences, there is the process of learning from our mistakes. And this can cause the greatest emotional suffering, yet it is part of the human growth process. The good news is that we can rise above it.

There are egotistic challenges …

Like guilt, self-righteousness, pride and frustration. Impatience is one that I repeat and I suffer emotionally from with guilt, resentment and even self hatred. Sometimes it seems to be an endless dark, painful tunnel of different negative traits! Yet there is Light of hope and inspiration to continue to fight for Freedom.

One thing egotistic challenges teach us is to be more conscious, alert and aware of temptations that surface. And that they should be faced, rather than pushed down again only to resurface stronger than ever. Better to face and release now than let them fester and grow.

And if we ignore feelings and dealing with trauma and traits that may have initially happened in childhood, we cause ourselves more trauma unknowingly. In childhood if we didn’t have help with trauma, we probably suppressed our emotions, which grew unnoticed. We were naive.

So when we become stressed in our daily life; feeling bothersome feelings like anxiety we may try to soothe or numb ourselves by looking for comfort in overindulgence in unhelpful matters, like over eating, porn, drugs.

Better to face negative emotions and past memories of trauma, rather than continuing to be naive, so we can come to the present moment fully. And feel the uncomfortable emotions and consciously choose to let them go ….. then embrace those emotions that are uplifting. It’s our choice, after all!

The fight for Freedom

Some may encourage us to be humble and forgiving to overcome negative traits, Yet, humility haves connotations and definitions of lowliness and unworthiness. Forgiveness has connotations and definitions of indulging in excuses for wrong doing, or ignoring negativity.

I’ve found that being accepting and compassionate are fitting and accurate. When we can accept our and others egotistic fallibilities as being human we can give up, that is release, the obsession with “being right!”

Self-honesty requires courage. And courage lifts us consciously; it helps us recognize negative patterns of resentment and condemnation without getting all involved and stuck, then feeling guilty about it.

We can be compassionate, see our human fallibility and be willing to do something about it, by releasing it, letting it pass us by. This is being lead by Unconditional Love.

We may initially feel the pain of an egotistic trait or traumatic memory. In fact the pain points to what needs awareness and healing. Sure, self defensiveness may creep up too!

Yet, those egotistic constricts are released when we let them pass us by. And we are able to rise above the pain into understanding, optimism and gratitude.

I become so grateful for becoming aware of different painful emotions …. temptations that where under the surface and have been around a long, long time stemming from childhood trauma.

We can face dark memories and emotions stemming from trauma and be protected. You have the help, and we all do, of The Great Law through Higher Consciousness, with Universal Life Energy as the constant inspiring Source of Power and Unconditional Love. Such Love is our True protection. We merely have to be compassionate and willing to make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy.

Rise above

It seems obvious that with more self-honesty and release of negative temptations we become less vulnerable to self condemnation and creating more trauma of fearful traits of feeling like a victim, self-hatred and escape-ism.

With acceptance, compassion and release we rise above the emotional pain. And with gracious and compassionate attitudes like alert awareness and optimistic gratitude, we can rise in consciousness.

We can align with our natural state of happiness, Joy, Love and Harmony. Yet, we must be brave!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Superconsciousness, as the connecting link between the humanly conscious You and the complete real YOU, will be definitely assigned its place in your comprehension.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 283.

Tricky self deception; It’s easy to deceive, Part 2

Photo: PSLB

Each of us are the creators of our life’s destiny. And it is critical to know ourselves and the workings of the human mind and it greater aspects in order to help us achieve success, happiness and spiritual awareness.

As shared in the previous entry, our perceptions are affected by our expectations and interests. To avoid these pitfalls….. remember we will always feel that something is off. For more link to the previous entry: Its easy to deceive, part 1.

Familiarity affects our perceptions

We have to live with ourselves everyday and we can get so familiar with our habitual thinking and emotions that we tend to ignore them. We may get out of the same side of the bed everyday and have the same attitudes, especially on work days. But, we tend to change our behaviors when we expect to be seen.

Plus …. and this is very interesting …. the ego may act differently when it (we) are conscious of being the watcher of ourselves! As we begin to watch ourselves engaging in such traits as resentment, anger, desire, the ego may retaliate and fall into hatred, despair, and guilt!

Or ….. the subconscious can become very lethargic and the ego can just ignore it. We may ignore our state of consciousness that we repeatedly engage in like procrastination. We may be ignorant of sarcastic attitudes around certain people. Or we may unknowing cling to memories that keep us in states of resignation, anxiety or stress.

It is the conscious self that is the window to self-observation and being the watcher or witness is a first step to recognizing subconscious traits. Yet, being the unattached observer leads to higher levels of consciousness and deeper understandings.

Levels of consciousness like courage, willingness to see the good, the bad and the ugly, and acceptance of our limitlessness and connection to Source can lead to release of the limited ego. And conscious embrace of Love, Joy and Peace.

When you are observing yourself in a detached, uninvolved state of consciousness then you can accept that you are tempted by the ego’s shame, guilt, or hopelessness. You can be conscious and alert in the moment and know that any temptation is fleeting. Put temptations in a mental trash can, knowing that it is an illusion of the subconscious ego.

Remember to make the Mental Contact and be grateful for being conscious and in the process of exposing the ego, and unfolding your Inner Beauty. Softy make Statements of Truth so that they can soak within, into the subconscious ego, to grow, like:

“I am a Ray of the Great Principle with all the same qualities of Power, Intelligence, Law and Love.

Programmed bias affects our observation

The human mind is naive and impressionable, especially when we are children. Since we were little we’ve seen how those closest to us react to circumstances, and we mirror them, becoming gradually programmed to reflect the same qualities.

Our perceptions are affected by the environment we live in. By our beliefs. By our memories. By our struggles for survival, gains, and failures. By our carelessness, lust, envy and self-righteousness.

The Law of Gender is a factor in the human mind, with thoughts, beliefs and programming growing unnoticed in the subconscious, to return to conscious reality. So you can help yourself by being conscious of memes and propaganda.

Inner vanity is an egotistic environment for the spiritual traveler. And the immaturity of the ego has lead to criminality, dissidence, and militancy. Society has been in states that glorifies status seeking, the criminal culture, and deliberate programming of children and adults with memes and political attitudes.

When you refuse to accept responsibility for how you think, feel and behave you are accepting propaganda and programming, becoming its victim. You, we all, become trapped until we are willing to fight for our freedom.

It’s a matter of choice.

As mature beings we can take responsibility for our own level of consciousness and release any payoffs of egotistic traits.

Remember you do not have to do it all alone. We are all on our spiritual journey together and awakening with Source, the Great Principle. As we unfold, so does the Absolute.

And the Absolute is always available to help each of us physically, mentally and spiritually. The Star Exercise and Mental Contact helps on all levels and in all circumstances. Doing these practices daily helps to clear and harmonize the subconscious ego, even those parts and traits that are long forgotten.

And being conscious, alert and aware in the present moment brings us the opportunity of choice.

In the hope you find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Many people fail because they are prone to mistake their initial success for license to do as they please. Freedom is not license.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 183.

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Step 1 of Spiritual Awareness

Photo PSLB
Your reflection is rippled and distorted in the human mind,                                                     yet your Higher Self knows
You dance on water, You float on air!

You are a gentle soul that unfolds petal,                                                                                by 1,000 petals
so that your tender heart is disclosed.

You are a friend, then foe, then Friend exposed.

You are a jewel in the silence,
a Light like the sun.
You are ‘I am’ and part of ‘I AM ONE.’ PSLB
Allow change, especially within yourself

It is very obvious that things are always changing. It’s a Law of Nature…. Everything is vibration ….. always vibrating, moving, changing ….. even solid stone.

People who reminisce, adore nostalgia, and go over and over memories in their head live in the past. They create a habit of a clinging mind, trying to figure out things or keep things the way they were. Their circling in such monkey chatter can become a sort of misery.

A way out is going silent, relaxing the body and most of all letting the monkey chatter go quiet. In the Silence we gradually become more and more aware of being in the presence of something greater than ourself …… feeling that connection to a mysterious Power that is constantly vibrating ….. feeling calm and at peace.

This physical Power is the physical energy of Presence, the Life and Love of the Universe, called prana, chi, or Universal Life Energy. We can physically and mentally feel It. And It helps us emotionally free ourselves from self-imposed constrictions of memories inducing quilt, shame and resentment.

In the moment

Even when we are busy during our day we can at any moment pause, go silent, and become aware of the profound presence of Universal Life and Love. We can mentally focus and connect with It. And we will experience in our Hearts and Minds all the qualities of the Supreme …… Power, Wisdom, Sincerity, Love and Peace. We feel Joy and being fulfilled.

We become balanced in the center ….. aware of Life, Intelligence, being One with the Universal Principle and Love. We witness Beauty and appreciate it. We witness the wonder of Life and the inspiration of Wisdom.

And on the deeper level we are becoming aware of our connection to ALL and our Soul.

The spiritual seeker becomes a seeker of Truth.

The human mind is rippled with fears, guilts, doubts and denials. The witness within observes without labels and judgements, remaining centered in silence.

Be open to change, and avoid thoughts and behaviors that try to prevent it. Water and its different states is a symbol of mind. And just as water freezes, living in memories can keep us frozen too. But when we are willing to live in the moment and appreciate it we can dance on water, allowing change, and even celebrate it. That way we won’t miss opportunities for more understanding and allowing in our life.

Relaxation, Silence and purposefully connecting to the Infinite …… These are the first step to greater spiritual awareness.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“You realize gradually that the Success, or Good, in you life comes in direct proportion to your unification with Universal Forces and Laws, while the disharmonious results, such as failure, poverty, disease and trouble, are the inevitable consequences of your separation from or opposition to those Laws, either through ignorance, fear or self-will.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 15.
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4 essentials to reestablish Harmony in your life!

Photo PSLB Thailand 2023

From my own experience …. we unconsciously cling to disharmony! Consciously we don’t want to ….. but disharmony will poke its ugly head up in various ways ….. in life situations, as painful emotions, negative attitudes and unbalanced bodies.

This is an amazing thing to realize!

Disharmony in our life exists because of the Law of Harmony! We consciously want to be happy and even the subconscious ego desires happiness, but the ego is also neurotic, causing disharmony. 

When the subconscious ego hits against Harmony it creates an egotistical concept of disharmony and we suffer. The unconscious strategy of the subconscious ego is to get attention and drama pays! The ego can unconsciously make you feel like you have to perform to get any attention. And thus, we grumble, complain, shout, protest, and declare war.

Your authentic self quests for Harmony

When things really get bad, a sincere person goes silent and asks why: Why do I suffer this pain and hurt? 

It is a turning point. You are beginning to become conscious, and quest to find the cause of disharmony and how to avoid it. This is how we begin to find harmony. 

Balance these FourSquare essentials for harmony

#1 . Go Silent.

Thinking is very addictive! So take some deep breathes and practice Relaxation and Silence at least once a day. Stop fighting, stop performing  and begin relaxing in the moment. Peace is your natural state and your soul qualities surface in peacefulness.

And, consider contacting Universal Life Energy, the Force of the Universe and Great Principle to help you.

#2. Use your intelligence wisely.

Try to understand yourself, the way your mind and ego works, the reason for disharmony. This will help you understand and relate to others. 

Meditation can help you align with your Higher Self, your supersonciousness. Slowly, slowly as your silent quest for answers deepens so does your understanding.

#3. Work to be truthful and sincere.

Find that sincere feeling within yourself and honestly express it! The Universe is always sincere and it helps us when we are too.

#4. The key to Harmony is Love.

Express Love simply. Be decent. We are all connected so have goodwill towards others and hope the best for them. And, be consciously grateful for the so called little things in your life and the big things.

Lack of gratitude has a terrible impact on our life. It is an indication that mind has turned away from Love and our mind gone cold. Gratitude warms our heart and mind.  

Avoid disharmony

Mind is the leader here on earth, so when you are conscious of love in your thoughts, when you choose love, then the rest of you follows. Your attitudes, emotions and behaviors also express love. You are cooperating with harmony, aligning with Harmony.

Harmony is essential in all things 

Deep inside we all quest for Harmony and Love. And Harmony is always here to help you.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We are not victims of disharmony, because disharmony would have taken good care of us. Devils are always pictured as taking good care of their fellow devils. Like protects like. What brought misery into the World? Not evil, but the Law of Harmony. Harmony is manifested in a world of disharmony. It is the worst enemy of those who are disharmonious.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume I, pages 93- 94.

4 Tips to Transcend Duality


Think of Spirit as outside and inside of you ….. outside and inside of everything, everywhere. And become conscious of Beauty.

Beauty is the essence of Spirit, therefore become conscious of Beauty ….. in your environment, in people, their actions and emotions ….. In all that you see and experience.

Walk in Beauty, Live in Beauty.


Be motivated by Love in all that you think and do. 50% of your thinking is intelligence and reasoning and 50% is Love. 


This does not mean you do not discriminate. Use your power of free will to discriminate in every thought and action, aligning with Love, not judging harshly. View it from the tenderness and wisdom of your heart.


In order to align your thinking with Unity, consider declarations like: “I am Spirit and Matter; One with the Absolute.”


Luciferian Consciousness is motivated by Love, raising above temptations of like fear, hate, jealousy, self-righteousness, pride, loneliness, or depression.

Become aware of personal Love and consider an intent of impersonal Love to manifest in your attitudes and behaviors. 

We can not return to complete Harmony, our True Home, until we learn Unconditional Love; mentally unify ourselves with It and physically purify our bodies.

When we use our purest Power of Love with the full Light of our Mind, realizing, ‘I am One with the Absolute,’ we come closer to Luciferian Consciousness.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Love, the Fourth Aspect of Universal Life Energy, is superior to Mind the Second Aspect.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being Lessons, page 673.

Be free of guilt?

So many of us believe that we are guilty of something and that we should be …. that it’s justified, and even beneficial! The ego believes in guilt. Yet within the same human mind that justifies guilt is the potential to rise above guilt.

We are very capable of realizing the Truth about guilt ….

Guilt is the contraption of the subconscious ego that serves the ego. It’s a label that we identify with and it makes a huge impact in our life. Yet most of us are not even conscious of experiencing some guilt because it can lay so low in a static condition that we ignore it.

It could be guilt from something we did as children ….. something planted in the subconscious as bad, and there it boomeranged into guilt. Yet, remember as children we were naive and uneducated in the ways of the human world as related to Universal Law.

Of course, we can also feel guilty about things that we’ve done recently. But, remember guilt is something we were taught to label and experience at one time or another, by someone or another.

Inherently, we know our Real Self and Universal Law, but have mentally forgotten.

Here are ways of overcoming guilt:

1 – We must be brave …

And courageously see the Truth of the situation of the ego and guilt. Guilt, those deteriorating thoughts, can serve the purpose of holding us down in negativity, making us miserable and those around us…..

Or the temptation of guilt can make us conscious of our willingness to choose a higher purpose …… to be courageous and learn from a mistake that we are tempted to feel guilty about.

The ego and guilt holds us in low mental energies, emotions and beliefs. And feeds us more disparaging emotions, energies and levels of consciousness like shame, apathy, fear, worry.

Yet, You are a powerful Divine Being ….. capable of realizing the Truth of what you are …… a manifestation of Source. And within You, within each of us, is the power of conscious reasoning and higher wisdom.

2 – Learn from mistakes

We should try to remember that low frequency, feel bad emotions that pull us down tend to hold us down in all that comes with it. And I am talking about the physical manifestations that can be very painful.

The good thing is ….. Being Divine Beings in a human condition, pain teaches us to pay attention, become conscious and care. We learn from mistakes. We can consciously release guilt, or more accurately, evolve beyond it.

So, there within us is the Power to forgive ourselves, realize that we have been naive consciously and choose to realize the Truth with a Sincere intent to rise above it.

Courage helps us rise to higher levels of consciousness, leading to even higher levels instead of the other way around with guilt.

3 – DELIBERATELY choose to Trust in the Great Principle and your Soul.

Your Soul, that which you truly are, is peaceful and harmonious. And as a soul You, We all, are One with the Great Principle and the source of healing. As a soul your mental condition is in unity with Divine Love.

The more I Trust and choose to Love unconditionally, even though I may be tempted by self blame, anxiety or scorn, the freer I am! Guilt be gone…. I choose the courage to learn from mistakes and I am grateful for that!

4 – Contact the Great Principle

We are Trusting the Great Principle when we contact that first physical manifestation of It, as Universal Life Energy. It helps us align with higher mental and spiritual frequencies….. with our Soul. We need It!

We are Trusting when we are FourSquare: enthusiastic, accurate, sincere and loving in all that we do and leaving the outcome to the Great Law. We are Trusting when we Love unconditionally.

5- Live the FourSquare

Optimism, Understanding, Trust and Love….. this manifested in our thoughts, emotions and actions free us, heal us and lift us into higher realms!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Throw off the despair that may assail you when conditions appear too hard to bear or the time too wearisomely long to wait. In the darkest hours of your life, when the stress of circumstance is at its crisis, you have a Light to guide you and a Strength to help you support the burden. Universal Life Energy, that wonderful Power vouchsafed to Mankind, is always ready at hand to answer your call… and lend Its invincible Strength to fight and win all your life’s battles.”

Eugene Fersen, 27 Lessons in Science of Being (individual looseleaf lessons), page 680.

Doing this helps us face challenges head on!

Photo PSLB Bali 2023

When we consciously think well of others it helps heal ourselves and the world. Manifesting unconditional Love while we are at work, doing errands, at home or anywhere, we are living a conscious heart. Our Spiritual Heart is where our innate Wise Love is seated.

And manifesting those qualities of our Soul with Love leading us refines our character and lifts us on the mental and physical planes, helping us face any challenge before us. We free ourselves from the ego’s demands and can choose a path that benefits ourselves and everyone around us.

There will be a state of calm and harmony within us, which helps us clear our thinking to consciously choose to Be FourSquare expressing Enthusiasm, Intelligence, Sincerity and most of all Love. And these choices are in harmony with the qualities of Source and our very Soul. The effect, being in harmony with Source, will be of the most benefit.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Similarly, you must radiate from yourself the Magnetic Power of Love which will draw like response from those with whom you come in contact.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being (looseleaf in 27 Lessons), page 633.