Be free of guilt?

So many of us believe that we are guilty of something and that we should be …. that it’s justified, and even beneficial! The ego believes in guilt. Yet within the same human mind that justifies guilt is the potential to rise above guilt.

We are very capable of realizing the Truth about guilt ….

Guilt is the contraption of the subconscious ego that serves the ego. It’s a label that we identify with and it makes a huge impact in our life. Yet most of us are not even conscious of experiencing some guilt because it can lay so low in a static condition that we ignore it.

It could be guilt from something we did as children ….. something planted in the subconscious as bad, and there it boomeranged into guilt. Yet, remember as children we were naive and uneducated in the ways of the human world as related to Universal Law.

Of course, we can also feel guilty about things that we’ve done recently. But, remember guilt is something we were taught to label and experience at one time or another, by someone or another.

Inherently, we know our Real Self and Universal Law, but have mentally forgotten.

Here are ways of overcoming guilt:

1 – We must be brave …

And courageously see the Truth of the situation of the ego and guilt. Guilt, those deteriorating thoughts, can serve the purpose of holding us down in negativity, making us miserable and those around us…..

Or the temptation of guilt can make us conscious of our willingness to choose a higher purpose …… to be courageous and learn from a mistake that we are tempted to feel guilty about.

The ego and guilt holds us in low mental energies, emotions and beliefs. And feeds us more disparaging emotions, energies and levels of consciousness like shame, apathy, fear, worry.

Yet, You are a powerful Divine Being ….. capable of realizing the Truth of what you are …… a manifestation of Source. And within You, within each of us, is the power of conscious reasoning and higher wisdom.

2 – Learn from mistakes

We should try to remember that low frequency, feel bad emotions that pull us down tend to hold us down in all that comes with it. And I am talking about the physical manifestations that can be very painful.

The good thing is ….. Being Divine Beings in a human condition, pain teaches us to pay attention, become conscious and care. We learn from mistakes. We can consciously release guilt, or more accurately, evolve beyond it.

So, there within us is the Power to forgive ourselves, realize that we have been naive consciously and choose to realize the Truth with a Sincere intent to rise above it.

Courage helps us rise to higher levels of consciousness, leading to even higher levels instead of the other way around with guilt.

3 – DELIBERATELY choose to Trust in the Great Principle and your Soul.

Your Soul, that which you truly are, is peaceful and harmonious. And as a soul You, We all, are One with the Great Principle and the source of healing. As a soul your mental condition is in unity with Divine Love.

The more I Trust and choose to Love unconditionally, even though I may be tempted by self blame, anxiety or scorn, the freer I am! Guilt be gone…. I choose the courage to learn from mistakes and I am grateful for that!

4 – Contact the Great Principle

We are Trusting the Great Principle when we contact that first physical manifestation of It, as Universal Life Energy. It helps us align with higher mental and spiritual frequencies….. with our Soul. We need It!

We are Trusting when we are FourSquare: enthusiastic, accurate, sincere and loving in all that we do and leaving the outcome to the Great Law. We are Trusting when we Love unconditionally.

5- Live the FourSquare

Optimism, Understanding, Trust and Love….. this manifested in our thoughts, emotions and actions free us, heal us and lift us into higher realms!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Throw off the despair that may assail you when conditions appear too hard to bear or the time too wearisomely long to wait. In the darkest hours of your life, when the stress of circumstance is at its crisis, you have a Light to guide you and a Strength to help you support the burden. Universal Life Energy, that wonderful Power vouchsafed to Mankind, is always ready at hand to answer your call… and lend Its invincible Strength to fight and win all your life’s battles.”

Eugene Fersen, 27 Lessons in Science of Being (individual looseleaf lessons), page 680.

3 thoughts on “Be free of guilt?

  1. Thank you – I have done some investigating of the document itself. Using some “Antique Road Show” type looking I have discovered that it was framed in the 1920’s. I appreciate your reply and look forward to discovering more of the broader story/stories of the print. Thanks again.

  2. Dear Kevin
    Yes I’m also sure there is more about the original than what is on this website and the sister site, Yet, I shall again refer you to the Science of website as that is the World Center site. They would be the best contact for this.

    If there is anything else we can help you with kindly let us know.

    Best Regards,
    In Light and with Light,

  3. Hi Portia – This is a better video.

    I believe I have one of the original 100 prints of “The Light Bearer”

    It has become one of my personal research projects. I would like to advocate for the best person to contact me in regards to the print. I am an artist and during my time of my degree program I studied various forms of printmaking. I feel there is more to the story of this print than is available from your website. I also believe there are a few things that I can contribute.


    Kevin Michael Witzke BFA

    1466 Highland Drive South Kelowna, BC – V1Y 3W4 Canada +1 (250) 212-7922

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