Too busy to meditate…it’s a paradox!

Tallinn, Estonia 2019

We may feel so busy in our home and work life there doesn’t seem enough time to meditate even though it feels like a virtuous thing to do. But if we experience relentless stress, worries or depression then we may consider finding a way out of the uncomfortable.

Yet part of us can still stubbornly resist what can help us discover our inner calm and strength. It’s a paradox that we may unconsciously let dominate us!

Consider this: even though we may believe we don’t have time for meditation, we do what is important to us don’t we? 

Within the eye of the storm of our life is calm, and we can rest, recharge and rejuvenate our minds and hearts. We can reconnect with the tenderness in our hearts, even when our hearts have been broken. 

Within each of us is the Universe. It’s very expansive Universal Life Energy … God…Om! With a few minutes a day meditation can help you face life’s challenges and appreciate the joys with strength, confidence, and uplifting energies.  

And you will discover that you can Trust your Inner guru, your Higher Self. It will guide you to those insights you (your consciousness) are open to. And to those that are helpful and enlightening. You are protected in the Light of your Higher Self.

And there are many information resources available concerning meditation, including this website. The comment box below is available for questions.

How to get started? A simple 5 minute exercise called Relaxation and SilenceThe Universe supports You unconditionally. 

With Light and Love, PortiaSLB

Photo: Tallinn, Estonia 2019 PSLB

“Through MEDITATION you will wipe away the discordant films which obscure expression of the Soul’s higher qualities through you human channels and will promote an extraordinary development and accord in every direction.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 280.

Start with this one thing! Going with the flow of harmony

Photo: dew on grass, PortiaSLB 2015

As busy and crazy our life can be there are moments of Harmony, completely. And we can find them, recognize them with a simple practice.

Start with one thing

Focus on one object in your presence and truly look at it. It may be a piece of furniture and the grain of wood. A soap bubble, a leaf, dew on grass. Focus your attention on it and observe its condition in the present moment.

Everything depends on your awareness; what you allow yourself to experience. So relax and observe.

Experience it; the depth of it. Surrender and completely accept what is.

Avoid labels and names which are concepts. Rather be open to the  connection with your state of being, with your awareness. Feel the solidity of it, yet also look deeper and perceive the space between. Perceive the spiritual significance of it. 

Everything within your circle of awareness has spiritual significance. Everything you perceive is a reflection of yourself. It is a reflection of your state of awareness and naturally has spiritual significance. 

Photo: PortiaSLB 2015

If you are observing a flower, there is meaning of the color of the flower, the shape, the texture, the fragrance. It doesn’t represent our egotistic concepts… rather the significance of it. 

 Use your physical senses, then close your eyes and get an inner sense of the  energy and your connection to it. 

In this moment it’s possible to be open to the softness, the gentleness of the rose in it’s texture and fragrance. And your  relationship to that tenderness because of your own tenderness. And the more you allow yourself to relax into your observation the more in harmony you flow, unnoticed. 

You begin to go with the flow of life and life energy. It becomes part of your awareness and part of you.  

The Beauty within that experience is compassion and harmony. You can feel it in your heart.

Now here is an important part of such an experience… and that is returning it; sending it out back into the universe and out to others. Living in the flow of Life with a conscious heart

Once we recognize and feel harmony and peace we can stay open to it. Consider placing your  hands over your heart and  holding it within, letting it spread throughout every cell in your body. Then open and send that peace out from you in an attitude of gratitude.

Hope peace for everyone and the world. You are flowing in the energy of Life that is wise and compassionate.  It flows continuously through us, and our opportunity is to allow our awareness of it. 

Developing new depths of insight

As we become more observant of the things, beings, and energies around us we begin to experience their significance and meanings in our life. Mental concepts and conditioning begins to dissolve and we see things more clearly.

Meditation  helps greatly in the discovery of continuous harmony that we normally ignore because of the egotistic mind. As you begin to experience harmony in meditation, you also will find spaces of harmony in your everyday life that you may have previously overlooked.

You are cutting through the ego and letting it go, but letting go of the ego can be a painful process. More about this to come with the help of the Great Law on the sister website: Science of Being; the further reaches of the spiritual road. 

Sure life is busy, yet we must remember and not wait for tomorrow to be aware because this very moment has spiritual implications. 

In the hope You find spiritual implications close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Interest responds to action, and action resides beneath the surface, not upon it. Therefore the more you develop OBSERVATION the more interesting, vital and cheerful life will appear to you.””

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 176.



Reading this is an indication that you are ready

Even though we all live complicated human lives, we all are on our Spiritual journey! If you are reading this entry then it’s an indication that you are in the process of awakening to who you are! 

Life on earth is a great spiritual opportunity to purify our bodies, mind and emotions. Release the past, the old, the dead and embrace the present. To learn deep lessons, lift our consciousness, open our Hearts, and rise our frequencies.

Time is speeding up and there are opportunities all around us in every second to help us awaken and remember ourselves as Enlightened Beings Now!

Thinking that is only in some far off future time is the ego dreaming a dream to hold us fixed in it’s grip. 

Here are some of tools to help remember your enlightened nature:

1- Study Spiritual Wisdom that expands your conscious awareness.

I have found over the many years of studying and sharing the teachings of Science of Being that deeper and deeper understanding comes and old conditioning released. Practice of studying spiritual wisdom can gradually lift our consciousness when we let it sink into our subconscious and absorb it. Eventually the light of wisdom returns to our consciousness as Light and Love.

2- Think less.

We have grown a huge ego and subconscious that strives on thinking, over thinking and all the side issues we get tied up in. Silencing the thinking is essential for lifting our consciousness. Consider practicing   Relaxation and Silence…. then become the observer of the thinker.

Pause throughout your day and become silent. Observe body, mind and emotions. You can get insights and apply the spiritual lessons you’ve learned in the present to release concepts of self-identity, desires, and old wounds.  Contemplation, reflection, and meditation can help give us insights and deeper understands.

3- Connect with your Heart.

Your heart is your connection to multi-dimensions and to your Higher Self, Superconsciousness. Within your heart is that sacred chamber of The Eternal Unmanifest. If you let it, your Spiritual Heart will lead you to  ever-expanding awakenings, inspirations and Higher realms.

You can easily connect with the wisdom and Light of your Spiritual Heart by placing your hands over your physical heart, becoming silent and going within. Feel the Power of the Universe pumping into you and through you. 

Your heart is your Seat of Love and it helps you observe your thinking in a detached state. This will elevate your mind so you can listen to the guidance of your Superconsciousness firmly rooted in the higher frequencies and Light of your Heart. 

4-  Manifest your Heart and enlightened Mind in your life. 

Most of us get lost in the human world and become busy, busy with our work and family responsibilities.  Yet all of our responsibilities and challenges are stepping-stones to Higher realms! And those stepping-stones can become leaps that light up our minds and connect us with our hearts when we find the light within all our responsibilities and challenges.

Be grateful and express that gratitude in your actions and you will be circulating that light. As you circulate light you blend with All Light, awakening to your Unity with the eternal moment. You begin to transcend polarity and find that constant change is constant Unity. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

And consider the latest related entry on The Further Reaches of your Spiritual Journey: Things to sacrifice and embracing Unity

“It is time now to awaken ourselves as much as we can. We must be awakened to the increased smoke coming from the battle between our Superconsciousness and our subconsciousness. The battle rages usually on the mental plane, but affects the physical plane.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings by Eugene Fersen, Volume I, page 159.

Photo: PSLB

4 Essentials to step outside the ego’s paradox



Even though our egos may convenience us that we want to awaken, that we want to be lifted from our human drudgery and suffering, the ego clings to our established self-identities in fear of losing ourselves. It’s a paradox.

So what can we do to step outside of ourselves? Outside of our ego and make a quantum leap into conscious awakening?

1. Physically contact God, the Great Principle

On on a deep level we want to have physical contact with God, the Creator, but the ego closes us off unconsciously. When you contact Universal Life Energy you are contacting The Great Principle and you can feel IT physically.

Contact with ULE goes far beyond any religious, ego-made sacraments wishing wine is the blood of Christ.

When we reestablish that contact with exercises like the Mental Contact or the Star Exercise not only our bodies absorb It and we can feel IT physically, but It also enlightens our mind.

And even those emotions associated with memories hidden in the unconscious are gradually harmonized. It helps lift the subconscious ego bit by bit. 

2. Be brave and let the past die

I highly recommend pausing throughout your day and entering the Silence. Relaxation and Silence is an essential step to overcoming the ego’s paradox.

Relax and enter the Silence, releasing all thought. In a very real way human language is the past. Just Be in Silence. You will begin to feel Universal Life Energy.

When you do return to thought, stay in the present moment. Observe and question every discouraging speck of yourself. Question anxiety, worry, complaints, self-pity, impatience, glamour and stubborn, habitual prejudices. Release them. They are the past.

Pausing in the moment brings me back to consciousness, sanity, because I realize that the ego gets totally lost in believing this human life is all there is. It lifts me and refreshes my conscious awareness and connection to my Spiritual Heart.

A quantum leap happens when you let the past die. Birth happens. Be Now. Experience the new moment.

3. Synchronize your intent with Love, the creative energy of the Universe

Live sincerely and True in the moment forgetting the ego’s personality. Remember that you are everything with the Great Principle.

A sincerely loving intent to remember can manifest immediately because sincerity is the emotional seed of potential in Matter. It happens because sincerity opens the door to your spiritual heart and to Unconditional Love of the Unmanifest, a very creative power. But we normally live and co-create in subconscious human collective time and space, so preserve.

4. Let Love flow from your heart

Commit to unconditional Love. Love life, everything and everyone unconditionally. See beauty in others.

Not until your mind is pervaded with unconditional Love will you raise above the paradox of the ego. The ego can make you believe this step is impossible and that’s its darkness and fear working to hold its power over you, imprisoning Love. 

By becoming conscious of Unconditional Love little by little it will help you release doubt or fear that ties you to the past. And any attachments to a possible future or expectations.

Things fall into place

Be childlike, joyful. Wake up each day with an enthusiastic attitude.

Find beauty in the moment and something good in every circumstance, seeing beyond the mundane, pain and suffering. Learn and evolve from it. This lifts the consciousness from the ego’s perception of the Law of Polarity as opposites of good or bad, light or dark, rather than everything blends with seeds in each.

 Be grateful for the insight and inspiration, knowing you are part of something greater than yourself.

During your practice of Relaxation and Silence, the Mental Contact and meditations you may experience being Light and make the Spiritual Contact.

Gradually you rise above the ego’s paradox.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“SPIRITUAL Power is obtained only by those who honestly and unselfishly live a life of Activity, Intelligence, Truth, and Love.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 213.

Photo: Walters Peak sheep-station’s dock on Lake Wakatipu near Queenstown, New Zealand 2018