Fear of Terrorists

The raging storm of terror that is generated by terrorists with hatred and self-righteousness is also unconsciously fed by those that fear or hate them. An impersonal analysis of the situation can help us calm the turbulent tempest in our thinking, free us to be in the moment, and with the help of the Eternal begin to enact Inner Peace.

FreeDigitalPhotos.net, Stuart Miles

Terrorists use religious and self-righteous claims as a means to unconsciously cover up their own fear and to abet hatred. Their attacks are a message to instill fear and to demonstrate their resolve to wreak havoc in their struggle  to empower themselves.

Their egos feel threatened and powerless, so in trying to empower their egos they fall further into hatred with a responsive belief that they are doing the right thing. With so much negative energy circling they become a slave to it.

Plus, wanting their cause to grow, they use that negative energy to attract others. And it works. More people join terrorist organizations out of fear and conditioning. Fear attracts more negative energy and fear.

It does not stop there because that fearful energy boomerangs back to the originators, burgeoning, attracting what they fear (retaliatory attacks and subjugation). It terrorizes them to the point of desperation and thus they attack again. 

We don’t know what terrorists as individuals have been through to get this way, yet terrorism is an attention getter that is really a cry for love. It is the ego that doesn’t know how to cope with the stress of change and is afraid.

Fear of terrorists cycles, boomerangs round and round, growing world-wide, attacking anyone that unconsciously feeds it with worry, prejudice, antagonism or other fear-based traits. All this because of doubt. We all experience fear because we doubt our connection to and the support of the Eternal. 

We all are affected in some way by terrorism because each of us carry a trait of fear in our ego and personality. When that trait is activated through worry, hatred, anguish or similitude it adds to the world collective of negative energy, pulling us further into it.

Let us be brave and be a Channel for healing with these practices:
  • Whenever you experience any type of fear, especially fear of terrorism, look on it as an opportunity to over-come it. That’s putting some positive energy in the equation already.
  • Practice exercises like the Radiant Heart and the Mental Contact to surround yourself in unconditional Love. Love is a protection. Fear does not exist in Love.
  • And remember, by being mindful and in the moment we live now. Our thoughts turn away from fear. We interrupt dwelling in negative energy. We let go of resentment and trying to get back at others, knowing that holding on weakens us.
  • And, we can turn towards the creative aspect in our thinking, in our speech, attitude and actions. Positive creativity builds our inner happiness and joy. Your individual positive creativity can take infinite forms from helping others, the arts, physical sports, exercise, dance, to just being silent. 
  • Radiating Healing Energy to Humanity

Remember that You have the support of the Eternal to rise above terrorism, and enact goodwill, altruism and unconditional Love instead of fear.

Love too can circle around the world, increasing the Light in mind and heart.

May You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

Consider this quote to reflect upon:

“We must live peace, be one with it. That is our problem, our final aim as Lightbearers. We must gird ourselves with the sword of courage. We must fight, not on the battlefield of killing, but on destroying all that is opposing real happiness within us.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume 2, page 124.

How should we fight evil in the world?

When things get really though in world affairs we can become entangled with the negativity and it can drag us down. We’ll look for advantages to sooth ourselves, but we can get trapped and stuck in our negative conditioning. 

So what should we do to help ourselves and the world?

We’re tempted to do this …

We should not be blind to the evil in the world, rather we should be conscious and mindful of it without feeding it more negative emotions. War on evil only feeds evil.

Everyone has negative aspects of the egotistic personality that can surface. We can be tempted to exhibit behaviors that are immature, unhelpful and even worst ….. like becoming afraid, worried, depressed, aggressive and even violent. 

To Help Ourselves and Others …

We are tied into the problems of the world, but we must begin harmonization by relying on ourselves. 

That is to be conscious and aware of our own selves first! By being aware of our strengths …… our Inner Four Square qualities of Strength, Intelligence, Truth and Love and Compassion.

You can truly help yourself and help all humanity by fighting to be more compassionate and non-judgmental, without involvement of the ego’s opinions. We can be loving and generous in our attitudes without attachment to humanity’s emotional dramas.

Our spiritual Being …. what we become with focus on lovingness helps all humanity.

You are part of the emerging Universal Consciousness! We are becoming more and more conscious of the vastness of the universe and the beauty and wonder of it. And that is evidence of the evolution of humanity’s consciousness.

Reliance on the Source

You are on the path of enlightenment! Let us have faith that things will work out according the Law of Harmony.

In earthy reality, things work out according to the laws of: Cause and effect, Polarity, Rhythm and Gender. All things work out for the greater good!

We open ourselves to the protection of the Great Principle when we have faith and trust in the Source, in the Laws of the Universe.  Say and feel something like: “With the help of the Great Principle I have the power to meet the situation.”

Once you make a choice Source will help you accelerate in that direction! And no matter if your decision is based in subconscious conditioning, conscious reasoning, or superconscious inspiration, the Law of Evolution will ultimately accelerate your awareness and spiritual unfoldment.

All paths ultimately further your evolution,

even those that create a temporary downfall, which results in more challenging conditions for yourself and those around you. Unfortunately sometimes we have to hit bottom before we look up.

You live Your spiritual journey

We live in times of great spiritual opportunities ….. to unfold because we are becoming more aware of the negative temptations of the ego and of evil in the world. 

If you agonize or worry over your choices it means you are being influenced by conditioning from past experiences.

Consider the process of making decisions an opportunity to open yourself to the Universe and ask for help. Make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy which opens you to tremendous help.

Be reasonable and logical, but also listen to your intuition. It is the voice of your soul.

And, remember you also have the help of unknown individuals around the world and of those in higher realms. 

This is when we as observers can observe in a detached manner with clarity yet without harsh judgment.

Remember that some of us choose more challenging paths of spiritual unfoldment. Yet, everyone is a spiritual being and on their spiritual journey.

Let us take the opportunity …

to work on lifting ourselves up by manifesting qualities of our heart, our Spiritual Heart. Let us be Enthusiastic, Intelligent, True and have Goodwill for ourselves and others. And, we change the world!

You are on the cusp of evolution ….. pulling us into the future! Your cooperation  with Harmony accelerates your awareness and spiritual unfoldment, and indeed the world’s.

I have best hope for peace in your creative endeavors now and always!

For more: Unexpected help in the creative fire! and Living a Conscious Heart.

With Light and Love, PortiaSLB

“Others cannot do things for us. It is all so complicated, that in order to find a clear path out it, we should rely more and more on the Principle of the FourSquare. Try to unfold It in our own life, and in our relations to other people, and to the World.” 

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume II,  page 78. 

Photo: PortiaSLB 2017

4 Essentials to step outside the ego’s paradox



Even though our egos may convenience us that we want to awaken, that we want to be lifted from our human drudgery and suffering, the ego clings to our established self-identities in fear of losing ourselves. It’s a paradox.

So what can we do to step outside of ourselves? Outside of our ego and make a quantum leap into conscious awakening?

1. Physically contact God, the Great Principle

On on a deep level we want to have physical contact with God, the Creator, but the ego closes us off unconsciously. When you contact Universal Life Energy you are contacting The Great Principle and you can feel IT physically.

Contact with ULE goes far beyond any religious, ego-made sacraments wishing wine is the blood of Christ.

When we reestablish that contact with exercises like the Mental Contact or the Star Exercise not only our bodies absorb It and we can feel IT physically, but It also enlightens our mind.

And even those emotions associated with memories hidden in the unconscious are gradually harmonized. It helps lift the subconscious ego bit by bit. 

2. Be brave and let the past die

I highly recommend pausing throughout your day and entering the Silence. Relaxation and Silence is an essential step to overcoming the ego’s paradox.

Relax and enter the Silence, releasing all thought. In a very real way human language is the past. Just Be in Silence. You will begin to feel Universal Life Energy.

When you do return to thought, stay in the present moment. Observe and question every discouraging speck of yourself. Question anxiety, worry, complaints, self-pity, impatience, glamour and stubborn, habitual prejudices. Release them. They are the past.

Pausing in the moment brings me back to consciousness, sanity, because I realize that the ego gets totally lost in believing this human life is all there is. It lifts me and refreshes my conscious awareness and connection to my Spiritual Heart.

A quantum leap happens when you let the past die. Birth happens. Be Now. Experience the new moment.

3. Synchronize your intent with Love, the creative energy of the Universe

Live sincerely and True in the moment forgetting the ego’s personality. Remember that you are everything with the Great Principle.

A sincerely loving intent to remember can manifest immediately because sincerity is the emotional seed of potential in Matter. It happens because sincerity opens the door to your spiritual heart and to Unconditional Love of the Unmanifest, a very creative power. But we normally live and co-create in subconscious human collective time and space, so preserve.

4. Let Love flow from your heart

Commit to unconditional Love. Love life, everything and everyone unconditionally. See beauty in others.

Not until your mind is pervaded with unconditional Love will you raise above the paradox of the ego. The ego can make you believe this step is impossible and that’s its darkness and fear working to hold its power over you, imprisoning Love. 

By becoming conscious of Unconditional Love little by little it will help you release doubt or fear that ties you to the past. And any attachments to a possible future or expectations.

Things fall into place

Be childlike, joyful. Wake up each day with an enthusiastic attitude.

Find beauty in the moment and something good in every circumstance, seeing beyond the mundane, pain and suffering. Learn and evolve from it. This lifts the consciousness from the ego’s perception of the Law of Polarity as opposites of good or bad, light or dark, rather than everything blends with seeds in each.

 Be grateful for the insight and inspiration, knowing you are part of something greater than yourself.

During your practice of Relaxation and Silence, the Mental Contact and meditations you may experience being Light and make the Spiritual Contact.

Gradually you rise above the ego’s paradox.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“SPIRITUAL Power is obtained only by those who honestly and unselfishly live a life of Activity, Intelligence, Truth, and Love.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 213.

Photo: Walters Peak sheep-station’s dock on Lake Wakatipu near Queenstown, New Zealand 2018

An irresistible seduction 

sit be quiet

When you see things in others you don’t like and you judge them harshly it can feel totally justified. And, that self-righteous justification can become irresistible. So much so that we can imprison ourselves in negative karmic patterns of self-destructive choices. 

We Project onto others

What we don’t like about ourselves we tend to see it in others and don’t like it. We don’t want to see it in ourselves. So when we see it in others, we project dislike and fear out to them.

We judge them harshly in the ego’s self-righteousness. We blame others for our hurt, our worry, our confusion. And then we seek revenge. We despise other’s prejudices, their limited understanding, their hatred. And then we fight against them.

Challenge your fears

When you judge someone harshly, you think they are prejudice, crude, rotten, be conscious of asking yourself, “what is really happening?”  Become aware of the possibilities in the moment.

Challenge that judgement as something you may dislike about yourself. Recognize it as an opportunity to release fear and reach for harmony. Holding on to fear is self-defeating and creates painful consequences.

Fight to be one with harmony. Let yourself feel the tenderness of your heart and focus on that feeling. Breathe deeply and feel yourself in your body. Be in the moment without judgement, self-judgement or otherwise.

Choose Love. Make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy and visualize the temptation of fear and harsh judgement as a weed that you pull out by the roots from the subconscious and burn it with pure Light and Love of Universal Life Energy. 

Finding Love

When we see beauty, kindness, caring and love in others, we begin to see it in ourselves. And, we eventually see the beauty of ourselves in others!

 In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We have harmony with us. We are not products of disharmony. The present condition of the World, finds an echo within us. We  should be as idealistic as possible.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings of Science of Being, Volume I, page 109.