4 essentials for creating harmony in your life

You enjoy a little disharmony. You get attention when you cry, when you are miserable, and the strategy of the subconscious ego is to get attention. The ego unconsciously makes you feel like you have to perform to get any attention. Any kind of love. You grumble, complain, shout, protest, declare war, have aches and pains. Drama pays! The subconscious ego desires happiness, but it is also neurotic, causing disharmony. 

This is an amazing thing to realize!

Disharmony in our life exists because of the Law of Harmony! When the subconscious ego hits against Harmony it creates an egotistical concept of disharmony and we suffer. 

My own experience is that we unconsciously cling to disharmony. Trauma from our childhood can still hurt our inner child even as an adult. We may not be conscious of that hurt, of how trauma effects our ego, but it will appear in painful emotions, negative attitudes and in unbalanced bodies. The Law of Harmony brings disharmony and pain to the surface of our consciousness. 

Your authentic self quests for Harmony

When things really get bad, a sincere person goes silent and asks why: Why do I suffer this pain and hurt? It is a turning point. You are beginning to become conscious, and quest to find the cause of disharmony and how to avoid it. This is how you find harmony. 

Balance these Four Square essentials for harmony

  1. Use your energy wisely. Relax. Tension and mental stress cause problems. Stop fighting, stop performing  and begin relaxing in the moment. Peace is your natural state and your soul qualities surface. And, consider contacting Universal Life Energy, the Force of the Universe and Great Principle to help you.
  2. Use your intelligence wisely. Try to understand yourself, the way your mind and ego works, the reason for disharmony. This will help you understand and relate to others. Practice silence, meditation, mindfulness to help you align with your Higher Self, your supersonciousness. Slowly, slowly as your silent quest for answers deepens so does your understanding. You may gain some insight and realize you create disharmony, but you also realize there is always an opportunity to align with harmony instead.  
  3. Use truth wisely. Work to be truthful. Do the right thing at the right time. Avoid disharmony. We hurt ourselves when we declare war. We are hitting against harmony; aligning with disharmony rather than harmony.  
  4. And, above all, use love wisely. Start simply. Express Love simply. Be decent. Take into consideration both yourself and others. We are all connected. Have goodwill towards others and hope the best for them. And, be consciously grateful for the little things and the big things in your life. This will help you build on your love.

The key to Harmony is Love

Lack of gratitude has a terrible impact on our life. It is an indication that mind has turned away from Love. Our thinking has gone cold. 

Yet, through Mind we return to Harmony. Mind is the leader here on earth, so when you are conscious of love in your thoughts, when you choose love, then the rest of you follows. Your attitudes, emotions and behaviors also express love. You are cooperating with harmony. You are being in harmony, aligning with Harmony.

Harmony is essential in all things 

Deep inside we all quest for Harmony and Love. And Harmony is always here to help you.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We are not victims of disharmony, because disharmony would have taken good care of us. Devils are always pictured as taking good care of their fellow devils. Like protects like. What brought misery into the World? Not evil, but the Law of Harmony. Harmony is manifested in a world of disharmony. It is the worst enemy of those who are disharmonious.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume I, pages 93- 94.


 GIF animation by George Redhawk

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