
Science of Being

All of us are on our spiritual journey whether or not we are aware of it. Yet for those of us that have some awareness, some inkling from our Higher Self and heart, then the wisdom of Science of Being can help you travel the divine road while living a very realistic life.

Science of Being is ancient spiritual wisdom that has evolved for today’s understanding so that we might enlighten ourselves and align with our Soul and the Universal Source. It is the science of your being. 

These entries will cover subjects which help you bring your greatest assets to the surface of your consciousness and live your destiny. Tips and methods are shared to help you burn away those stains that hold you back. We all have been mentally conditioned by social expectations, beliefs, superstitions and global subconscious murk. Yet Science of Being pours Light on the difficulties you face and gives you the tools and methods to rise above them. 

Everyone is meant to evolve and align with their Soul. That is our divine destiny. But we live in a worldly dimension and have a busy life, all the while continuing on our spiritual journey. 

There is a very real map to lead us to Spirit and it is summed up in the commandment of the Lightbearers:

“BE MAN” – Express in every act of yours All ENERGY, INTELLIGENCE, TRUTH and LOVE; thus Living only will you live; thus acting only can you build to Freedom, Strength and Happiness in Life. This is your Problem: be this your Foremost Aim.

Eugene Fersen is the originator of Science of Being and founded The Lightbearers organization in his adopted county, the United States of America, in 1921. That organization has transmuted into a spiritual pathway for all humanity. The Light on the path is shared on this site.  


The word ‘Lightbearer’ describes not only a being, but also an activity. It is embodied with the action of bearing the Light of Wisdom with Love. It is embodied in nature’s natural beauty, in the unconditional love of a pet, and in the sincerity of a true friend. 

These entries herein are published with the sincere and loving Hope they can help you transform your Life! You are a Lightbearer too!

With Light and Love Portia SLB

Visit our related website for more information: http://www.scienceofbeing.net

Revised 10/2018

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Yes, I do agree the more of us that learn about and practice a conscious heart the better it is for all of us! More and more of us are beginning to recognize our innate qualities of unconditional love within. We are all truely very good at heart. Thank You. With Light and Love, Portia SLB

  2. Thank you so much for the detailed advices, lifehacks. This helps a lot, if more and more people learn about “conscious heart”, how to improve their heart, loving and what impacts it will have both in their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
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