Your Reality is Shaped by Your Emotions: The Power of Emotion to Change Your Life, Part 1


If you think your life sucks at times, then it does. What most people don’t realize is that it sucks because we make it that way!

Our ego loves what is familiar and will keep coming back to the same emotions, even if they feel bad! Your emotions amply your thoughts, radiating out as your personality, body, and surrounding life conditions – in other words your reality. 

You can lose a sense of your True Self and soul because of identification with illusionary feelings. The ego tries to overcome the confusion and emotional pain, by doing a lot of thinking about it, always trying to solve a problem it never can. 

In this series we will discuss why your  emotions shape your life, how to identify and benefit even by negative emotions, and how to center your emotional power for positive change.

Emotions  manifest physically

It’s usually obvious when someone is angry. You may not actually see steam come out of their ears but: the rational part of the brain shuts down, the body tenses (tightening in the shoulders and chest), stress related hormones are released (such as adrenaline and cortisol), and the face gets red when the cardiovascular responses kick in.

Emotions release hormones related to the limbic system and chemicals in the brain and body …… and we can become addicted to these even if if they feel bad to us! We may not always be acutely aware of the emotions and physiological release of chemicals in our bodies, yet eventually we get a feeling. Our feelings, emotions, and attitudes are so tied together that we usually use these terms interchangeably.

Bodily Effects of Your Emotions

Your emotions can manifest in your life in precarious ways.  People with an irritable disposition are 3 times more likely to have a heart attack than people who are less prone to temper tantrums. Plus, over time such high stress situations like anger can hamper the immune system, resulting in any number of illnesses.

Positive emotions like delight and gratitude also manifest in the body, reversing the effects of negative emotions, harmonizing and healing it. When you experience joy and love: the body relaxes, happiness chemicals are released (such as dopamine, oxytocin or endorphins) and sent to your heart.


Of course, matters of the heart are involved! We attract what we feel through our heart, the seat of Love and Magnetic Center of Attraction.

In those people who feel deep, abiding love there is a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, greater functioning of the immune system, and calmer, clearer thinking.

You Attract What You Feel – The Law of Attraction

Circling in negative thoughts about your feelings amplify them! You attract the same energy that you think about and feel because of the Law of Attraction (Love). You get what you put out there in the Universe.

So if you have a grumpy disposition then you attract more negative, low-frequency conditions, even if that is not what you desire.

The Law of Karma 

The Law of Attraction and The Law of Karma, or Cause and Effect, work together. If you evaluate a situation negatively with dark thoughts and emotions you will be very tempted to act upon it, especially if you are unconscious of your motivation.

The Law of Karma is a compassionate universal law that works to help us get back to our natural state of harmony. You will have to face the same or similar life situation over and over again until you respond from a place of sincere love, consistently. 

Emotional Empowerment

Thoughts are empowered to manifest physically as emotions and shape our physical reality; first, in our body, then our surroundings, then others around us and indeed the world. 

Why do they have such power?

Because our emotions are empowered by our Soul! And, the dominating character of our Soul is Love. Love is our natural condition, but when Love is perverted in the subconscious ego by fearful thinking itt causes us, each of us, to suffer.

In the next study we will discuss simple ways to change your reality even when you are tempted by negative emotions! 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

To learn more about releasing low-frequency energy:  Releasing False Beliefs About Yourself

Until next time consider this quote to reflect upon:

“Will Power must be held responsible together with Fear for bringing into your life the very things you dread. ”

Eugene Fersen, Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 159.

Professor Ellen Langer of Harvard speaks on her research and upcoming movie about your emotions shaping your reality, as featured on CBS:

Your spiritually driven life as a Spiritual Warrior


The human road can be winding and pitted with so many challenges, temptations, glitz and glamour that it can distract you from living a spiritually driven life. The ego wants to keep everything status quo because of conditioning.

Yet, the spiritual warrior within is lead by our Spiritual Heart with the Conscious Wisdom and Love to create conditions for not only our own happiness, but for others and indeed for the world.

The message of Divine Love

We have had spiritual teachers through the ages as examples of a spiritual warrior and Jesus is  a representative of Divine Love. According to teachings, though he faced many human temptations he chose the Divine Road, showing us how we are meant to live a spiritually driven life; to be a spiritual warrior.

As an insurrectionist his teachings challenged the social and religious order. And, people of influence at that time feared his deviant and very empowering teachings that the kingdom of God is near at hand for all rather than only for a few

The message of Divine Mind

The message of Divine Mind is the wisdom of the heart, the wisdom of Love: the kingdom of Harmony is close at hand and within everyone’s own Heart and Mind.  

We can feel in our Heart what is both wise and loving. We consciously choose to be aware consciously and in the moment. We consciously choose to be loving. 

The ego and blind beliefs of the subconscious that wants to keep us enslaved to memories, superstitions and conditioning are released as we awaken to the illusion of their influence. With our spiritual Will we choose the spiritual path and to Be a spiritual Warrior ….. Choosing to Be Strong, Intelligent, Truthful and Law abiding, and Loving. 

Facing Temptations

As a spiritual warrior we will and do face 3 similar temptations like all Great Spiritual Teachers. They are as in these questions, asking us if we are willing to let the ‘me,’ the ego die in order to create our happiness and spiritual fulfillment:

  1. Do we hunger for fulfillment, but live by human bread alone?
  2. Do we doubt the All encompassing Eternal and our innate Divine nature?
  3. Do we get lost in the human world of challenges, glamour and desire for influence and power?

Apathy delays us.

Doubt cripples our progress.

And greed, pride, jealousy, fear and other subconscious, egotistic traits perverts us.

We are capable Divine Beings that can choose to be FourSquare ….. Enthusiastic, Consciously aware, Principled and Loving. 

Being a Spiritual warrior

You live a spiritually driven life and are a spiritual warrior, when you consciously manifest both personal and unconditional Love.

When you are conscious of the wisdom of your Heart and connect with your Higher Self  and listen to Intuition.

When you consciously face temptations of anger, revenge, worry or fear with courage and Love, letting them past you by, choosing higher level of conscious responses, like optimism, release and understanding. 

As a spiritual warrior – remember You are a powerful Being that has created this moment for yourself to remember your own inner authentic powers as a Universal Soul.

You are Strong, Wise, Sincere and Loving. And, You have the Creator, Divine Mind and Divine Love supporting You. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

Consider adding to the entry with your input. Remember your Higher Self never hesitates!

Until next time consider this quote to reflect upon:

“Mind, through his own mistakes due to Pride, at first destroyed his very life, but having REALIZED HIS MISDIRECTION starts to regenerate it, to rebuild it on a right basis.  MIND, WHEN MISAPPLIED, DEBASES LIFE; PROPERLY USED, EXALTS IT.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 40.

How to easily connect with Your Higher Self


Contact Universal Life Energy in the many various ways, The Star Exercise, Mental Contact, and conscious awareness of Being One with It. Universal Life Energy is the first physical manifestation of Source, the Great Principle, God. And when you feel It, you are directly contacting Source, which helps us connect with our Higher Self and the insights available to us.

With the Mental Contact we come to the present moment and experience what some call – Presence. In Presence there is no thinking, rather conscious awareness, observation. And insights and inspirations can come from our Higher Self. It’s a natural occurrence. And You are very capable of experiencing it, because You are a Universal Soul.

In the Mental Contact we are directly connecting with Source, Presence of Source, through Silence and by consciously contacting Universal Life Energy. We are deliberately contacting Source which helps us become conscious and aware of Truth …. and ….. of Harmony and Love.

When we contact Universal Life Energy we are allowing the Law of Attraction, Love, to work within us. The Truth quality of Universal Life Energy attracts like ….. It attracts Truth from within us ….. from our Higher Self and Superconsciousness ….. to come to the surface of our consciousness ….. when we are present and aware! 

With conscious awareness of Truth we can choose Love. This leads us to our own strength, freedom and happiness.

Truth leads us to becoming conscious of the order of things according to Universal Law, according to the Universal Law of Spirit (The FourSquare), Law of Vibration, Law of Unity, and the Laws of Polarity, Rhythm, Gender and Cause and Effect. And we can make the most beneficial decisions for ourselves!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

The Lightbearers’ Commandment simplifies how we can consciously align with Truth, Law:

“BE MAN – Express in every act of yours ALL ENERGY, INTELLIGENCE, TRUTH and LOVE; THUS LIVING ONLY WILL YOU LIVE; thus Living only will you live; thus acting only can you build to Freedom, Strength and Happiness in Life. This is your Problem: be this your Foremost Aim.” 




We are constantly fluttering,
Becoming dumbfound
We listen to voices with no sound
Dream resolution in delusion
Speak words of confusion
All the while, tasting bitter feelings of collusion.

We oscillate, palpitate and fluctuate
Totally ignore and subordinate the beauty of the butterfly
Misunderstanding the need to identify
With that character to comprehend
The butterfly is not pretend,
And does help us to ascend.

As dangerous flutters abound
We fear the butterfly cannot withstand the pain
Believing it is foreordain
That we are set apart
Opposites, an unsubstantial counterpart
Like a shadow with no heart.

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

What do you ascertain?

Photo courtesy:, Danilo Rizzuli

A Dream

A Dream

 A Dream

Stone on my heart, heavy

with black underneath

No notice of twilight, deep

Cold and deserved frozen complete


Hands of time, still

with experience incomplete

Sweetness unravel memories, tear

  Ice and immure darkness begin to retreat


Question forms on my lips, why 

within light still burns
Smell a whisper of roses, sweet
Faint movement and beat


Do I dream, now?

Do I begin to feel?

Am I awakening? Hope.

 Is that gentle love that I feel?

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

“In the darkest hours of your life, when the stress of circumstance is at its crisis you have a Light to guide you and a Strength to help you support the burden. Universal Life Energy, that wonderful Power vouchsafed to Mankind, is always ready at hand to answer your call, an Ever Present Help in time of trouble, an Ally never loath to come at your summons and lend Its invincible Strength to fight and win all life’s battles.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 406.

The secret Love of a crisis – it’s not what you think!

Montserrat, Italy 2018 PSLB

Photo: Montserrat, Italy 2018 PSLB

The subconscious ego may be torn up and desperately distraught …. circles over and over in despair, depression, worry, and fear about the global and very personal issues we face now …… without finding any value in it at all.  Yet, there is value in everything, including the present challenges. 

Difficulties can challenge us to pause, ponder and contemplate …. to go within …… to seek joy and happiness. Isn’t it true that we seek strength, wisdom, freedom and harmony? Even the subconscious cries for freedom from misery. Urns for happiness. Pleads for strength and wisdom.  

The subconscious ego wants to reject the way things are now, and would much rather focus on the future or the past without fully experiencing life now. Yet, it’s an opportunity missed. So many, many opportunities missed to consciously experience life. Gone.

If we view every challenge, every problem, every opposition  …..  as an opportunity to find within us a greater response then …… we are encouraged to look within to find our sown strengths …… to rediscover our Soul’s Strength, Wisdom, Truth and Love.

Challenges can prompt us to pause, ponder, and become Silent …… and that’s when we are better able to look deep within and recognize our own Inner Real Self. We may find that we are in the moment fully ….. appreciating Life.

And there can be victory in our hearts ….. and this is a secret Love within us awakening ….. Unconditional Love and Joy.

Gratitude may arise for the awareness of what is happening. Not for the crisis, problem or opposition, rather gratitude for the awareness of serenity and love always being close at hand. Gratitude for the infinite opportunities in this moment. Gratitude for some higher conscious understanding, that may not be logical, rather something deeper and far reaching ….. life changing.

And we can know ….. that if we do fall when facing challenges, it is temporary because we have a deep drive within us to succeed in life. It may take a while and we can hit bottom. Yet, eventually we will, with the help of the Great Principle, find the courage to dust ourselves off and face life again ….. and this is a great gift of Unconditional Love.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“And there are those who walk the Divine Road. No human help do they expect. At first their steps are handicapped. They have to fight ill-will, and apathy, and ignorance, and fear….And by and by, slowly, step after step they climb, overcoming obstacles along the way, until easier and broader turns the path on which they move onward.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pages 305 and 306. 

For more consider:

Responding with Soul

Your potential for 2021 and its energies

Happy New Year 2021!

2021 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5

Change, Freedom, Discipline

According to sacred numerology, the energies of a number 5 year will mean lots of energy, activities and change for us all. There are strong indications of prosperity for the masses economically, but it may take a while.

Five is the number of humanity …. related to our five fingers and senses. It is symbolized by the pentagram, which is also the shape the human form takes when stretched out, as in the Star Exercise.

This is significant because the Star Exercise is the easiest physical means of contacting Source …. connecting us with All Energy, Intelligence, Law and Love in a balanced condition …. and balance will be essential this year!

The Star Exercise opens us to Source Energy of the Universe, which help us be calm, conscious and confident to face changes and seize opportunities.

1234 5 6789

This is a pivotal year and it could mean a turning point for us all. Five means as an individual you will have to consider 2 different paths since humanity mentally perceives duality ….. the human or the spiritual road.

We can focus on the outer, social and political world, connecting ourselves to the mass subconscious desires and fears …. or …. focus on our inner life, developing our conscious awareness and connection to our Inner, True Self. And our choice will determine the direction of the following years in the 9-year cycle.

The 2 paths

The outer world, the masses, is looking for freedom and social justice this year …. and though it may seem forced upon us, we seek freedom unconsciously.

The true freedom we are all looking for is inner freedom …. freedom from discontent, restlessness, and anger within our individual subconscious and in the collective, mass subconscious.

Photo by Kaboompics .com on

Though 5 represents change …. it also represents fear of change ….

Change is wanted now by the masses …. fast tracked. There are restless and nervous energies in the air. The fast pace makes it difficult to obtain balance and perspective. And less opportunities to learn from the changes.

There may be struggles for dominance with plenty of demands, but indications of irresponsibility. Laws and rules may be ignored to get what is wanted.

It will require commitment to visions and discipline to follow through patiently step-by-step in order to achieve goals …. because without them things may be unstable or can go in many different directions.

Having attitudes of deliberate flexibility and adaptability will help each of us successfully flow through humanity’s cycles of frustration, rebellion and struggle, then sudden rapid and even unexpected changes.

It’ll require courage and discipline

This new state of being will require courage and discipline …. and it will not be comfortable. Excitement and emotions will be operating during the play of growing pains.

If you’re not with the masses then you may feel like you might as well give up and join them. Everyone will be undergoing conditioning and programming for the new social framework, and individuality is little appreciated.

Balance will be required to be in this world, yet not of it.

For those of us that have spiritual aspirations …. be conscious and aware of your power of free will to choose! Consciousness is pivotal!

You can consciously choose to establish freedom within! Consider continually releasing low level emotions like frustrations, impatience, fear and hate.

Let Love lead you …. and when you do …. when you contact and allow the flow of Universal Life Energy you are allowing love, peace, and well-being …. then you are in the flow of the creative energies of the Universe.

Be willing and allow optimism with loving and hopeful intentions for yourself and others. It will be rewarding!

Look to your Higher Self for guidance. Your Superconsciousness is connected to your spiritual Heart and Love. And this will help you elevate your consciousness from scorn to courage and empowerment.

December 14, 2021 will be the 100 year anniversary of the founding of the Lightbearers. 12/14/2021 = 13. Thirteen has a sacred spiritual significance …. indicating tremendous powers of change and potential regeneration for something of spiritual value in the world!

We will have to choose – the spiritual or human path. It’s an all or nothing type of thing. This year is your opportunity to: Find your inner Courage to fight for Freedom, Strength and Happiness! And the wisdom of Science of Being can help you find your Inner Powers …. your Real Self. Yet, You will have to be willing.

With Love leading you, enthusiasm, intelligence and Law naturally balance you in the FourSquare. And Contact with Universal Life Energy overpowers low energy frequencies and elevates your level of consciousness.

For more insights about 2021 through use of sacred numerology:

The energies of 2021 and your spiritual journey

In the hope You have a happy, healthy and successful 2021 year, PortiaSLB

“The more we improve our conscious self, under the direction of our Higher Self, the more we will invade and conquer our subconsciousness. Some day both subconsciousness and Superconsciousness will disappear and only perfect consciousness will be left. This will be the divine or cosmic consciousness. We should just try to develop our consciousness. Become conscious of Truth. To develop consciousness is only to become aware.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being

What’s Love Got to do with It?

Purple and White are Our Colors not our Heart

“Whenever we are inspired by beauty, we have taken a step towards Spiritual Vibrations.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume 1, page 82.

When we see beauty in anything we are relating consciously to Love, for beauty is a quality of Love. Love elevates our level of consciousness and reality. We need love to refine ourselves.   

We can find beauty in the simplest things, like a pansy. The name pansy is derived from the French pensee meaning ‘thought.’ While the Middle English name, viola, comes from ‘remembrance.’ Which ever name you use they both  relate to the mind and consciousness.


Beauty brings Love to the forefront of our consciousness!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB


Photos: PSLB

A State of Mind

 A State of Mind

We should try to develop the love of Beauty, which is at the foundation of our being.”  Eugene Fersen

It’s amazing how the beauty and power of Alaska can be captured on an iPad! Yet, it is also amazing that there is so much beauty in this world to enjoy. It out weights the dross. And, everything, everything – says something about our earthly condition. It speaks to us in deep and profound ways and all we have to do is be conscious and aware of it.

The Law of Analogy is such a powerful law to help us understand ourselves and of great benefit for those on a conscious spiritual journey. The law Itself is beautiful.

Glacier MeltThe different states of water can be used to symbolize the different states of mind. The liquid state is like the lively, discriminating consciousness, while the frozen state is like the fixed ideas, beliefs and habitual behavioral patterns of subconsciousness.

The subconscious freezes and imprisons the beauty and Love of Mind, dominating our emotions and behaviors with traits like irritability, worry, guilt or greed if we let it. 

Being frozen is hell for us, because the Great Law says Life is constant vibration, change and gradual evolution.

Just like the way the sun can melt a 10,000 year old glacier in Glacier National Park so can unconditional Love of Universal Life Energy melt and change the frozen misconceptions of the subconscious. 

We may think we don’t like change, but everything else about us says that we do. That’s an analogy that can help us be courageous in challenging situations!

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

Photo: PSLB

Karmic Vision

karmic vision

There is a legend that when the European explorers first came to the Caribbean around 1491 the islanders could not see the sails of the ships as they were approaching. It wasn’t until the shamans pointed them out that they could conceive of them.

Karmic Vision

We tend to only to see what we believe we will see …. what we  have conditioned ourselves to experience …. what we allow! Have you traveled the same route routinely day after day and passed a billboard or building and never noticed it …. I have and not until I became quiet inside …. did I appreciate the outside … did I appreciate the trees, grasses, wildlife, and yes …. buildings and billboards!

We’re creatures of habit …. even our perceptions of the world around us can become habitual …. we may notice a  tree …. but miss the hawk sitting on a bare branch. We may may read words on the computer screen but overlook words that were repeated or mentally fill in words that missing. We can walk right past someone we know without noticing them. We can feel energies swirling around others, but not see thought-forms around them or their auras!

We can clear our Vision

We form karmic vision out of habit and the Law of Attraction. We tend to get stuck in illusionary thoughts and emotions attracting more of the same …. without being aware of the moment or even that we have a choice! Fortunately, someone else’s awareness can shake us awake and point to that thing we did not allow ourselves to see. But …. we must become quiet and peaceful within to have clear vision in the moment.  

We forget to be conscious, quiet, open to the vastness of a clear state of mind, free of the domination of subconscious ego thoughts and emotions that have become habits …. of what we expect and relate to …. of what we are comfortable with.

We don’t know what we are missing …. what’s right there within our reach of experiencing in the moment …. because we are too preoccupied. And I can say that most of us miss opportunities to experience wonders that are there on the edge of our awareness …. if  …. we are calm, conscious, alert and aware.

Even if someone else points to seeing something that we do not …. we still may not be able to see it! Is it logical that we must go within ourselves first to clear karmic, habitual vision?  And then … be consciously willing and open to seeing that which we had not been open to?

When we allow the moment as it is …. quiet, ….alert, aware and observing what is …. thoughts of the past or future are silent. There are no worries, expectations or any habitual monkey chatter …. we do not assume from habit …. rather we observe independently. And this is when we can come to know ourselves and trust the moment …. all the while knowing we live in uncertain, ever changing moments. Our vision becomes clearer, taking in what is …. appreciating Now. 

We become independent observers …. without blindly assuming what we are told to see or experience. Life becomes an adventure in the very mist of uncertainty …. and ….we can be soooo surprised by what comes within our field of vision! Within our field of awareness, experience, understanding and have compassion for it! 

And clear vision is a great asset since we are not limited by blinding karmic vision. And from clear vision horizons open before us unlimited opportunities to be of service in the world!

In the hope you find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

“Independence or freedom is a great thing, but it must be properly understood. It can be based only on perfect Love. Then we will have the most ideal independence, and will recognize only our dependence on the Eternal.”

Eugen Fersen, Advanced Teachings In Science of Being, page 94.

And consider joining us for a companion guide to the 27 Lessons in Science of Being. It is an amazing spiritual journey asset!

We are currently on Lesson 7 discussing being a Lightbearer to the children, dealing with a temperamental child/person and uses of Universal Life Energy in education and sports.

A link for download of the original 27 lessons for your Kindle is included and free!