Evolutionary karma

Photo by Idy Tanndy on Pexels.com

God day beautiful Souls!

Kindly consider this for today and everyday…. This is something I also tell myself:

Circumstances unfold as we unfold from the choices we make. Karma is an evolutionary process from the potential that is within the moment. And this …. every moment has unlimited potential…. as do we that move in the great field of Life.

And we make choices within that field of Universal Life with personal egotistical will and Spiritual Will. The great potential is our freedom to choose to be friendly with Life ….

And be aware of Spiritual Will, choosing FourSquare intentions, energies and emotions. Being friendly with life, we face the moments enthusiastically, consciously, honestly and lovingly…. with FourSquare intentions, energies and emotions.

We can tell if we have been programmed to make egotistical reactions by observing how we react to repeated situations.

When we react negatively ….. desperate, depressed, angry, insulted, those negative emotions that causes pain are in that way a gift. It can alert us to acknowledge it yet leave it behind and rise above it.

So how do we rise above it?

We are blessed with choice! Even in the most so-called terrible situation we have a choice as to how we respond. A simple way would be to realize it is an opportunity!

An opportunity to make evolutionary choices… to make FourSquare choices to revolutionize the karma that unfolds before us …. That unfolds within us! So consider ….. pausing when you are confronted with a challenging situation ….. and remember ….. You have an opportunity to choose evolution, and ultimately happiness, for yourself by choosing to be courageous, aware and conscious of your choice, honest and most of all Loving! It helps not only yourself, but others around you and indeed all of humanity and the world at large.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Everything in Creation comes from the depth of the Eternal Itself.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being.

Attitudes that support spiritual awareness!

Photo by Gratisography on Pexels.com

There are simple choices that supports our spiritual process, and not just about making our life more pleasant and enjoyable, but also …… of moving out of the compulsive ego that imprisons us in limiting and unhappy fallout.

A choice of one uplifting attitude invites an entire field of uplifting attitudes and raises our consciousness.

It’s helpful to realize that the ego is extremely needy and gets energy from negative personality attitudes of predatory self-indulgence ….. like indignation over rights and entitlements, expecting no consequences.

The ego refuses to accept responsibility and usually sees a request for self-responsibility as oppressive! The subconscious ego can distort reality in order to be seen as a victim ….. and our individual level of power diminishes, as does our level of consciousness. It retards our spiritual progress and makes life challenging.

Yet, we can begin to transform our experience of Life, and indeed the world, by making simple decisions.

Kindly consider consciously choosing to Be even one of these attitudes and observe the effect:

  • Calm
  • Genuine
  • Warm with a sense of Humor
  • Friendly
  • Honest
  • Pleasant
  • Considerate
  • Helpful
  • Kind
  • Respectful
    • Respectable
  • Supportive
  • Dependable
  • Ethical
  • Loyal
    • Responsible

Our choices determine consequences and shapes our reality. Being conscious of our freedom of individual choices can be very uplifting and freeing.

With FourSquare choices and uplifting attitudes we form a positive armor and eliminate the pain of mistakes.

Add to that realization …..

That we need not do it alone …… that the Eternal is always helping us ….. then we equip ourselves to face any challenge and open our spiritual awareness.

Universal Life Energy is the Eternal at our fingertips, to easily contact consciously. And the more we utilize IT, our progress becomes more evident.

“The more you repose your full confidence in Universal Life Energy and throw your whole weight into the scale of the Positive, the more rapidly you equip yourself to conquer all adversity.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles in Science of Being, page 348.

Your choices determine your destiny …… your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors, shape your reality.

Life is a choice and our emotions and attitudes are reinforced by energies held in mind. And what is held in mind tends to manifest. Your earthly destiny is solely your own doing ….. it’s a spiritual reality.

In the hope You choose uplifting attitudes, PortiaSLB

“Good itself is indestructible and eternal. Only Evil is perishable, and the sooner it perishes the better. Govern your life by true, intrinsic values rather than by apparent worth.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 349.

A Dream

A Dream

 A Dream

Stone on my heart, heavy

with black underneath

No notice of twilight, deep

Cold and deserved frozen complete


Hands of time, still

with experience incomplete

Sweetness unravel memories, tear

  Ice and immure darkness begin to retreat


Question forms on my lips, why 

within light still burns
Smell a whisper of roses, sweet
Faint movement and beat


Do I dream, now?

Do I begin to feel?

Am I awakening? Hope.

 Is that gentle love that I feel?

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

“In the darkest hours of your life, when the stress of circumstance is at its crisis you have a Light to guide you and a Strength to help you support the burden. Universal Life Energy, that wonderful Power vouchsafed to Mankind, is always ready at hand to answer your call, an Ever Present Help in time of trouble, an Ally never loath to come at your summons and lend Its invincible Strength to fight and win all life’s battles.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 406.

Simple effort can have major effects and change your life!

Photo:PSLB New Zealand

We can sit in a quiet place to meditate and all that happens is thinking. We are so addicted to thinking that we feel empty, lost without it.

It takes courage to go into the gaps ….. to become aware of the silence in-between the streams of thinking. It takes courage to go out of our comfort zone …. to pause, observe the quiet ….. go silent within…… and experience zero thoughts.

And we may not even be aware that such a thing is even possible until we try it ….. until we experience it. And interestingly, when we do experience it …… it is such a calm peace that we can get excited about it and we have to quiet that excitement too.

We may experience cycles of silence …… thinking …… silence …… excitement …… silence. And realize we are stretching out the gaps of silence between the streams of thinking, with the thinking streams becoming shorter and the gaps of silence longer in the sense of the human mind.

The point is that in the Silence we are mentally relaxed, physically relaxed, emotionally relaxed.

We are in the physical world, yet free of the heavy senses of it. We are in the mental world, yet free of the demanding and addictive thinking of it. Free of the collective, human subconscious and free of the inner ego, with the memories, beliefs and assumptions of the past.

We are in the human emotional, behavioral world….. yet free of it. Free of guilt, fear, anger, impatience and all the drama, highs and lows.

We are allowing ourselves to return to our true nature …… and this is a healing process for us. We remember and allow ourselves to embrace the beauty of our loving nature ….. to the courageous heart that allows, permits acceptance of what is. Acceptance of what is the condition of life in the moment ….. for ourselves and for others.

And from this experience of Silence …… the experience of freedom from the human ego along with the past attachments and ties to the future ….. we begin to experience the freedom in our daily life moment to moment, seeing the opportunity to build on that freedom for our happiness.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“In practicing Relaxation and Silence you will gradually gain such control over yourself that unfavorable surroundings will no longer be able so to influence you as to prevent you from deriving all the benefits from the two Exercises whenever you choose.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 17.

For more about Relaxation and Silence also consider: Relaxation and Silence companion lesson link.

Inner art

photo PSLB New Zealand

Creativity is a spiritual process that as humans we sometimes overlook and underrate because we are not normally aware that we are constantly creating. We don’t see ourselves as artists …… or creators. Yet, we are constantly creating.

Creative Process

Art is the invisible within …… and the expressions of art are the manifestations. Art is the Power and Inner Being behind the creative process …….behind the manifestation of creation of works of art, rather than the works of art themselves. And that creative process is part of our life everyday.

It is the waking up and beginning your daily life of thoughts, motivations, and behaviors. You are creating within every moment of your day. Actually it is more accurate to say we are co-creators because …… there is nothing we can do without the Source, Our Father, the Eternal.

You are making choices and creating your reality …… with your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. And this is art ….. the creative process.

Your attitudes and emotions motivate your thoughts ….. and you behave, take actions accordingly. Your actions create an effect. Everything is connected in mind, past memories and emotions, possible futures and most importantly ….. what is happening right now.

The Conscious Artist

A person conscious of being a creative artist …… loves the process of creating ….. and aware of what motives them in the present moment. Now some may call this spiritual awareness or even religious devotion ….. and it is in a way, because …… we are becoming conscious of the Divine within ourselves.

When we toast a piece of bread, paste a picture in a memory book or call a friend ….. we are being the artist …… because we are in the creative process. And we can choose to be conscious of it ….. love it ….. and create beauty because of love within ….. or slide along unconscious of our motivations or what, how we are creating.

We often create unconsciously with subconscious traits rooted in fear and ignorance, like anxiety, desire and pride. And we can be totally unaware of how such emotions motivate our thoughts and behaviors ….. and we end up creating problems/challenges for ourselves.

This inner creative quality is something to cherish and nourish

We usually dismiss and forget our creative process all together in our every day life. Yet, when we become conscious of being motivated by love and other qualities of love like ….. hope, appreciation, consideration, and compassion ….. then we are in the process of creating reality with these motivations …… and we attract more of the same …..

Then art is not a thing of beauty ….. art is beauty. Art is the inner creative cause within you …… the honoring of love and beauty. In this respect, art and our spiritual journey are one and the same.

In the hope You find your Inner Artist, PortiaSLB

“One instant of time, and that instant is NOW, is one of the most precious and least appreciated of all the gifts with which Mankind is endowed.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 252.

For a link to this week’s lesson from 27 Lessons in Science of Being: Intuition Now

Your connection to what you want!

Art for the day, Sumi-e practice #4

We each have the Power close at hand to become a magnet for all the Beauty and happiness in Life that is already ours. We need only align with it and claim it. From the perspective of Love, we are Power Houses of Attraction and the Universe offers us Abundance and happiness.

Science of Being, the wisdom and lessons teach us how to release conditioning that holds us back and align with our True Self and all our Innate Powers ….. our Powers that are aligned with the very same Powers of the Universe and Source ….. that attracts elements for our happiness.

Your willingness to connect with spiritual Presence …… attracts the inspiration and physical elements necessary to direct the course of your life. And it is allowing the Law of Attraction to work for you. You attract what you want and doors open for you.

Empower yourself to attract 

The Visualization Exercise empowers You to attract what you want. There are no secrets about it, and yes …… thoughts and imagination are prime ….. so are emotions …. yet there are other essential elements that super charge attraction!

Start with  …… balancing the purpose of your desires …..

For easy steps to empower yourself to attract what you want …… consider:

Law of Attraction – Visualization, Companion to Lesson 15 in 27 Lessons of Science of Being

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Universal Life Energy, all-pervading and omnipotent, will snatch from the unfathomed depths of Universal Consciousness the mental materials you may require just as effectively as It will attract on the Physical Plane the elements for the realization of desires.”

Eugene Fersen, 27 Lessons in Science of Being, page 345.

We are exactly where we’re supposed to be

Photo PSLB 2020

Greetings Loves …..

You are in perfection of spiritual unfoldment…. and it is a beautiful process, working according to Universal Law.

As students of spiritual Wisdom, we study …. practice ….. experience the Wisdom ….. and come to know it….. then there is love in knowing, doubt-less and pride-less.

When we experience doubt….. let us view it ….. acknowledge it as a step in evolution of coming into knowing. We learn bit by bit, and it’s an adventure of mind! We are aligning Love and consciousness.

You …. we, are exactly we we are supposed to be according to Universal Law.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“It is Mind which, when misused, debases Life, and it is the problem of Mind to regenerate Life, through the proper use of Knowledge. It is on the plane of Mind that all mistakes must be corrected, that all evil must be transmuted into good, because it is on this plane that the first negative vibrations started, and therefore must also die away.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pages 247-8.

Today’s consideration of water and fear

Today’s consideration in your meditation or discrimination:

We are in the fluid world of change and we are given the opportunity to embrace it. Change is constant and eternal, a quality of Nature and the Absolute because everything is vibration. Change gives us the opportunity to learn, improve our conditions and state of happiness. A chance to evolve.

Yet many of us fear change, resent change, and want things to remain the same. Those that remain fixed will suffer as if their feet are frozen in ice.

Interestingly, water is a symbol of mind and a characteristic of water is change.  It moves and changes states. Ice can melt. Water can evaporate and rise into a finer state. 

Shouldn’t we embrace change and celebrate it when it lifts us? And if that change doesn’t lift us shouldn’t we examine ourselves to better understand why?

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

photo: PortiaSLB

“Subconsciousness is a solid piece of ice. The warm Rays of Love, will melt the ice.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer , page 75.

Today’s consideration of relationships

Kindly consider these quotes in your daily meditation or in your daily discrimination. 

“The relationship between two people, like a marriage, partnership, or friendship, is meant for the happiness and evolution of not only the two beings, but also the entire 🌎 world.

Cherish in gentleness your life partner or anyone in your life and it helps your and their Heart bloom…and us All!”

If you care to share your insights kindly leave a comment!  It’s appreciated.

“Spiritual Power is obtained only by those who honestly and unselfishly live a life of Activity, Intelligence, Truth, and Love.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 295. 

With Love and Light to You, PortiaSLB

Photo: PSLB Thailand 2018

Pouty lips and spiritual possibilities

Stepping into the moment of Truth
Photo: Stepping in the Moment, PSLB 

When I was a little girl about 5 years old my mom took a snap shot of me sitting on the front steps of our house with my elbows on my knees and fists under my chin. I had a horrific pout on my face, with my lower lip sticking out so far that it practically covered my chin! My mom tried to get me out of that mood, but couldn’t. So instead she took a picture of me that way. At the time I was too stubborn being a victim to know the real reason she did it.

You always reveal the Truth 

We don’t always want to see things about ourselves that others do. Nor do we always WANT to free ourselves. The ego wants to cling to desires and the past, yet that attitude freezes us, making us blind to  present Harmony. We loose site of harmonious opportunities.

Becoming conscious of the Truth about ourselves, the good, the bad, the ugly, is a vital step on our spiritual journey and cooperation with Harmony. We become conscious of disharmony in order to release it. And we recognize Harmony within ourselves and the Universe in order to consciously unify ourselves with IT.  

When our thinking and attitude aligns with Harmony then it follows that our behaviors and conditions will also, through the Law of Unity. 

Conscious detachment includes:

1. Even when you are in a room full of people, pause within. Observe in a detached state your body language, facial expression, attitude, letting any self-judgments or concepts pass you by.

2. Observe your thinking and expectations in a detached state. Observe how you may have considered playing a role or expect others to be a certain way, letting them drift by. Let temptations of feeling left out, lonely, special or self-righteous drift by. 

3. Take a deep breath, breathing in the freshness and uncertainty of the moment. Feel that Life Energy enter your mind and thinking. Then exhale any preconceived ideas, releasing any desire for things to be different. Change is inevitable. 

4. Have friendly attitude, accepting the moment as it is. 

 Having a friendly attitude with the moment is Trusting Life and aligning with the Universe. You are consciously bringing love forward  in your thinking, letting Love and Harmony lead you in your infinite choices. 

5. Step into the Present Moment. And as you accept the moment, the gift of Life and Love in the moment, also circulate the gift of Life and Love back into the moment. 

What you give is what you receive. Hope the best for others.

Find that spot within your heart that feels grateful for Life and let it spread into the moment, blending with the Truth of what already is. Circulate and give to others and the Universe caring, appreciation, love and compassion.

I smile and feel the love in my heart, knowing my mother took a picture of that little kid pouting on the front porch steps so many, many years ago so I could see what she saw. So that I might grow out of that toxic attitude! Her Love is a manifestation of Universal Love and Harmony. And so is Love from your Spiritual Heart. It helps us all. 

To Love is natural. Pouty attitudes, resentment, self-righteousness is the past.  You can freely embrace the moment, and make choices that create a better reality for yourself … and the world. 

In the hope You find stepping into the moment an adventure, PortiaSLB

“The Soul, by the successive putting on and leaving off of its different bodies, creates more and more perfect vehicles for its expression, until it finally reaches a stage where its body becomes as perfect and indestructible as is the Soul itself.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 96.