Evolutionary karma

Photo by Idy Tanndy on Pexels.com

God day beautiful Souls!

Kindly consider this for today and everyday…. This is something I also tell myself:

Circumstances unfold as we unfold from the choices we make. Karma is an evolutionary process from the potential that is within the moment. And this …. every moment has unlimited potential…. as do we that move in the great field of Life.

And we make choices within that field of Universal Life with personal egotistical will and Spiritual Will. The great potential is our freedom to choose to be friendly with Life ….

And be aware of Spiritual Will, choosing FourSquare intentions, energies and emotions. Being friendly with life, we face the moments enthusiastically, consciously, honestly and lovingly…. with FourSquare intentions, energies and emotions.

We can tell if we have been programmed to make egotistical reactions by observing how we react to repeated situations.

When we react negatively ….. desperate, depressed, angry, insulted, those negative emotions that causes pain are in that way a gift. It can alert us to acknowledge it yet leave it behind and rise above it.

So how do we rise above it?

We are blessed with choice! Even in the most so-called terrible situation we have a choice as to how we respond. A simple way would be to realize it is an opportunity!

An opportunity to make evolutionary choices… to make FourSquare choices to revolutionize the karma that unfolds before us …. That unfolds within us! So consider ….. pausing when you are confronted with a challenging situation ….. and remember ….. You have an opportunity to choose evolution, and ultimately happiness, for yourself by choosing to be courageous, aware and conscious of your choice, honest and most of all Loving! It helps not only yourself, but others around you and indeed all of humanity and the world at large.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Everything in Creation comes from the depth of the Eternal Itself.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being.