4 essentials to reestablish Harmony in your life!

Photo PSLB Thailand 2023

From my own experience …. we unconsciously cling to disharmony! Consciously we don’t want to ….. but disharmony will poke its ugly head up in various ways ….. in life situations, as painful emotions, negative attitudes and unbalanced bodies.

This is an amazing thing to realize!

Disharmony in our life exists because of the Law of Harmony! We consciously want to be happy and even the subconscious ego desires happiness, but the ego is also neurotic, causing disharmony. 

When the subconscious ego hits against Harmony it creates an egotistical concept of disharmony and we suffer. The unconscious strategy of the subconscious ego is to get attention and drama pays! The ego can unconsciously make you feel like you have to perform to get any attention. And thus, we grumble, complain, shout, protest, and declare war.

Your authentic self quests for Harmony

When things really get bad, a sincere person goes silent and asks why: Why do I suffer this pain and hurt? 

It is a turning point. You are beginning to become conscious, and quest to find the cause of disharmony and how to avoid it. This is how we begin to find harmony. 

Balance these FourSquare essentials for harmony

#1 . Go Silent.

Thinking is very addictive! So take some deep breathes and practice Relaxation and Silence at least once a day. Stop fighting, stop performing  and begin relaxing in the moment. Peace is your natural state and your soul qualities surface in peacefulness.

And, consider contacting Universal Life Energy, the Force of the Universe and Great Principle to help you.

#2. Use your intelligence wisely.

Try to understand yourself, the way your mind and ego works, the reason for disharmony. This will help you understand and relate to others. 

Meditation can help you align with your Higher Self, your supersonciousness. Slowly, slowly as your silent quest for answers deepens so does your understanding.

#3. Work to be truthful and sincere.

Find that sincere feeling within yourself and honestly express it! The Universe is always sincere and it helps us when we are too.

#4. The key to Harmony is Love.

Express Love simply. Be decent. We are all connected so have goodwill towards others and hope the best for them. And, be consciously grateful for the so called little things in your life and the big things.

Lack of gratitude has a terrible impact on our life. It is an indication that mind has turned away from Love and our mind gone cold. Gratitude warms our heart and mind.  

Avoid disharmony

Mind is the leader here on earth, so when you are conscious of love in your thoughts, when you choose love, then the rest of you follows. Your attitudes, emotions and behaviors also express love. You are cooperating with harmony, aligning with Harmony.

Harmony is essential in all things 

Deep inside we all quest for Harmony and Love. And Harmony is always here to help you.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We are not victims of disharmony, because disharmony would have taken good care of us. Devils are always pictured as taking good care of their fellow devils. Like protects like. What brought misery into the World? Not evil, but the Law of Harmony. Harmony is manifested in a world of disharmony. It is the worst enemy of those who are disharmonious.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume I, pages 93- 94.

How do you know what to listen to?

Photo PSLB 2021

We are all bombarded by intense energies from others or the media at one time or another, and it can be overwhelming. What to do? Should we listen and get involved? How can we tell the difference between what is beneficial and what is harmful to our well being?

Those energies that are based in fear seem loud! They feel demanding, urgent, and unsettled and upsetting. And the unsettled, uncertain feelings can keep us circling in thoughts and more emotional reactions! Stress increases within us not only because of collective unconscious stress and doubt, but also because of unconscious karmic inner doubt and guilt! Our body feels upset, achy or weak!

That which is truly beneficial supports Life and based in Love. And that which is contrary is based in fear. They are energies that prompt corresponding energies from us. We may react in like energies. And we can feel those energies.

We carry those energies of karmic doubt and guilt unconsciously since we did not release it ages ago when we first experienced them. All those collective energies are tapped into again if we allow it, since they are connected and part of one field.

Those energies based in Love are calm, confident and beneficial. There is a feeling of Inner peace even when things around you seems to be in chaos. There is stillness and complete confidence in the Power of what is. That is complete sincerity in Truth and the Power of Unconditional Love.

We are those energies of Unconditional Love. It is our innate condition as Being One with the Eternal! It is our natural condition so it feels like coming Home. And we need only to allow ourselves to return to our natural condition of what we are.

And when we consciously contact Source by making the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy we are returning to our natural condition of Being One with All Power, Intelligence, Truth and Unconditional Love. And we can feel the energies frequencies in our reality and can choose which energies we align with!

The more we make that Mental Contact the more we consciously return to our natural condition and Spirit! We free ourselves from unsettling, fearful energies in the world.

And when we align with FourSquare energies dominated by Unconditional Love within ourselves we strength Life in the world and for us all!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We are within the Eternal and It is within us.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Lessons in Science of Being, Volume I.

2 emotional seductions that caress you daily and how to overcome them

There are two emotional seductions that caresses our subconscious to the point of total infatuation most every day. They hold us back from enjoying ordinary moments and experiencing other possibilities for creating genuine and lasting happiness. Yet, there are ways to free ourselves.

#1.  Everybody’s into it!  

We like to be constantly busy, on our devices, working, moving, doing anything to fill our time, otherwise we can feel guilty, lonely, lazy, crazy, wasting time. Everybody is doing something and the subconscious ego does not want to be left out! Or get bored!

I’ve had to become very conscious of how many times I pick up my phone to check texts, emails, FitBit.

I am aware that tech can be helpful; a tool for information, communication and generally making life easier. I used it to write this entry. But, so many of us have become unconsciously addicted.

We tend to look down when we use tech, which gives us an indication of unconsciously relating to the sub-conscious ego and to the past. We are seduced emotionally, loosing our conscious awareness of the moment.

Your heart knows

To rise above the fear of being left out set tech aside and relate to your heart. Gently rest your hand over your heart and feel the warmth of your inner tenderness. Enter the Silence, listen and become conscious of your spiritual heart and the present moment.

The beautiful thing is that your heart knows without a doubt the deep connection to the Source of everything.

 In that moment you accept life as it is. There is no seductive emotional desire to connect or make yourself busy because you have connected with All Love, all beings, and Source through your Inner love.

Relax and let life unfold according to universal law, aware, observant, grateful for being part of That.

So next time you start to absently minded pick tech up, pause momentarily and live the moment to create a compassionate cause. 

#2.  Taking sides

We’re seduced not so much by the issues of politics, social , economic, religious and world affairs, rather by the emotions that are attached to the issues. Emotions predominately related to the past.

We are so attracted to and relate to like energy we join band wagons and form tribes. We mimic the rhetoric to defend our position. And defending a position eats away our life energy, while adding weeds to the ego.

Critical thinking, logic and reason are thrown out of the mental process because those emotions associated with the past color our discrimination. We see the world through the human perspective of duality. Good and bad. Right and left, blinding ourselves to other possibilities.

A blatant example

A current example is the U.S. population feeling divided. Emotions run so high violence erupts.

We say we deplore discrimination, but we’re lost to our ability to discriminate! And … we see problems …. rather than opportunities for building harmony.

It’s an obvious example of being motivated by fear rather than love, the human perspective of the law of duality. The same thing for religious jehads, many political, economic, social and personal agendas.

Take the opportunity

We get all fired up, wanting to defend our position. Yet, the Eternal creates opportunities for Harmony through us and issues.

Rather than fight against …… consider the law of duality as the Law of Unity – everything blends and has a deep meaning and spiritual purpose.

So when your emotions start to flair up, become conscious of them. And, ask yourself if you are emotionally relating to the past. Has it triggered feelings of protest, anger, resentment from deep rooted fear and possibly hatred?

Be mindful and discriminate. Be conscious of your authentic powers and balance energy, intelligence, accuracy and Love in the moment, seeing in everyone and in everything opportunities to learn something …., that will help you and us all evolve and enjoy life!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We must be guided by the only Power that can show us Right, by Love, a deep, wide, unassuming feeling which is the foundation of Harmony throughout the whole Universe.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume I, page 229.

Photo: Valencia, Spain 2017 PSLB

Evolutionary karma

Photo by Idy Tanndy on Pexels.com

God day beautiful Souls!

Kindly consider this for today and everyday…. This is something I also tell myself:

Circumstances unfold as we unfold from the choices we make. Karma is an evolutionary process from the potential that is within the moment. And this …. every moment has unlimited potential…. as do we that move in the great field of Life.

And we make choices within that field of Universal Life with personal egotistical will and Spiritual Will. The great potential is our freedom to choose to be friendly with Life ….

And be aware of Spiritual Will, choosing FourSquare intentions, energies and emotions. Being friendly with life, we face the moments enthusiastically, consciously, honestly and lovingly…. with FourSquare intentions, energies and emotions.

We can tell if we have been programmed to make egotistical reactions by observing how we react to repeated situations.

When we react negatively ….. desperate, depressed, angry, insulted, those negative emotions that causes pain are in that way a gift. It can alert us to acknowledge it yet leave it behind and rise above it.

So how do we rise above it?

We are blessed with choice! Even in the most so-called terrible situation we have a choice as to how we respond. A simple way would be to realize it is an opportunity!

An opportunity to make evolutionary choices… to make FourSquare choices to revolutionize the karma that unfolds before us …. That unfolds within us! So consider ….. pausing when you are confronted with a challenging situation ….. and remember ….. You have an opportunity to choose evolution, and ultimately happiness, for yourself by choosing to be courageous, aware and conscious of your choice, honest and most of all Loving! It helps not only yourself, but others around you and indeed all of humanity and the world at large.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Everything in Creation comes from the depth of the Eternal Itself.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being.

Today’s consideration

Summer trail PSLB 2021

Merely being conscious of our freedom of individual choices can be very uplifting and freeing.

Attitudes like those listed above are very simple choices that supports our spiritual process. It’s not just about making our life more pleasant and enjoyable, but it’s also …… about moving out of the compulsive ego that imprisons us in limiting and unhappy fallout.

Our choices determine consequences and shapes our reality.

With FourSquare choices that are Enthusiastic, Intelligent, True and Loving, we form a positive armor and eliminate the pain of mistakes.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The wiser we become, the more harmonious we become, and the more useful we are to ourselves and to others. Wisdom governs justice and includes Love. Wise people are fundamentally kind people. Wisdom never forgets anything, but never resents anything.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings by Eugene Fersen, Volume I, page 134.

With hatred comes ….. spiritual opportunity

For those of us that are conscious of being on our spiritual journey, we realize that these are dangerous times. Not necessarily because of unrest and violence ….. or even of sickness and physical death from a virus ….. though they are real physical dangers  …. the danger lies in being seduced by frustration, fear and hatred ….. of getting mentally and emotionally lost in the collective subconscious ego.

Deliberate, impersonal attitude ….. caring motivation

You’ve heard that song that goes, “I can’t get no satisfaction!”…. That frustration has become very public. Frustration is like the match that has ignited a wildfire of hatred! The narcissistic ego has gotten frustrated with conditions ….. conditions of restrictions with the virus ….. and conditions of restrictions in society ….. blaming others has ignited a wildfire of hatred.

And that wildfire is greedy …. spreading ….. jumping …. fanning more problems. Motivated by hatred, the infantile ego makes demands and feels entitled to express its frustration with rebellion and violence ….. without consideration of others ….. or consequences!

In the subconscious’ perversion of love ….. the criminal becomes the victim ….. the police become the criminal aggressors instead of the protectors in the eyes of self-righteousness. Having been born of ignorance, pride and impatience, the subconscious ego feeds its own imperfections, causing havoc.

Fighting against hatred or being sympathetic feeds hatred

Shortcomings within the ego can be seduced by the false empowerment of hatred ….  and can be tempted to join the bandwagon! Yes, we should fight ….. we should fight for what we love ….. with a sense of calm, sincere Love. 

Hatred is challenge ….  and it can become a catalyst to align with our Inner freedom, strength and Unconditional Love. Love is the Great Harmonizer ….. strong, wise and compassionate. 

Fight for what we Love

Do the opposite of hatred ….. be Lighthearted ….. give the gift of a smile for the stranger we pass. Do acts of kindness. Be sincere and motivated by love rather than fear. This is living a conscious heart. Mind and Love are aligned.

Being in the present moment and conscious of Presence ….. of being One with the Great Field of Universal Life Energy ….. and manifesting FourSquare qualities in all that we do  …… we attract more of the same energies  contributing to not only our own health and happiness, but everyone’s.

Healing and growth …

Can spring from knowing ourselves …. the good, the bad, the ugly. Self-analysis as taught in Lesson 12 of the 27 Lesson in Science of Being is a wonderful practice ….. especially for emotional, social challenging conditions like those we face today.

Recognizing our individual shortcomings can give us an inner sense of integrity and diminished defensiveness, and therefore, we are emotionally less vulnerable and more likely to actively construct a progress reality.

Consciously expand and rise up ….

A society’s fall can come from moral decay within. The infantile ego drives on the cynical drama of hatred. The subconscious ego ….. perverts  love ….. abuses ….. social freedom and progressive intents with moral decay, lacking the ability to reason or use common sense.

Face the challenge

We are challenged to live a conscious and compassionate life! A few Beings manifesting compassionate and loving attitudes and actions out weighs, so to speak, multitudes of infantile egos and hatred. 

It’s an opportunity to set our spiritual will ….. choose to be focused in our sincerity and intent to establish Harmony within ….. to FourSquare things ….. set things right

The more we are Sincere and use our spiritual will to align with Truth ….. put Truth into our thinking, attitudes and behaviors ….. the more Spiritual we are.

In the hope You have Faith and Trust that we always have the help of our Father, PortiaSLB

Consider being a channel of that Healing Power for all humanity and the worldGiving the Healing Vibrations to the World.

” The Everpresent Help of the Eternal is at our side. More than ever will we have to realize this. People forget that the Eternal is All there is. We can do anything within the Realm of Harmony, and with the help of the Eternal. When the presence of the Eternal is manifested, It outbalances destructive influences.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume II, page 89.


From a joke website:

What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with fireworks? Dinomite!

What do you call a riot with social distancing: a repellion.


With hatred comes ….. spiritual opportunity

For those of us that are conscious of being on our spiritual journey, we realize that these are dangerous times. Not necessarily because of unrest and violence ….. or even of sickness and physical death from a virus ….. though they are real physical dangers  …. the danger lies in being seduced by frustration, fear and hatred ….. of getting mentally and emotionally lost in the collective subconscious ego.

Deliberate, impersonal attitude ….. caring motivation

You’ve heard that song that goes, “I can’t get no satisfaction!”…. That frustration has become very public. Frustration is like the match that has ignited a wildfire of hatred! The narcissistic ego has gotten frustrated with conditions ….. conditions of restrictions with the virus ….. and conditions of restrictions in society ….. blaming others has ignited a wildfire of hatred.

And that wildfire is greedy …. spreading ….. jumping …. fanning more problems. Motivated by hatred, the infantile ego makes demands and feels entitled to express its frustration with rebellion and violence ….. without consideration of others ….. or consequences!

In the subconscious’ perversion of love ….. the criminal becomes the victim ….. the police become the criminal aggressors instead of the protectors in the eyes of self-righteousness. Having been born of ignorance, pride and impatience, the subconscious ego feeds its own imperfections, causing havoc.

Fighting against hatred or being sympathetic feeds hatred

Shortcomings within the ego can be seduced by the false empowerment of hatred ….  and can be tempted to join the bandwagon! Yes, we should fight ….. we should fight for what we love ….. with a sense of calm, sincere Love. 

Hatred is challenge ….  and it can become a catalyst to align with our Inner freedom, strength and Unconditional Love. Love is the Great Harmonizer ….. strong, wise and compassionate. 

Fight for what we Love

We can be Lighthearted ….. give the gift of a smile for the stranger we pass. Do acts of kindness. Be sincere and motivated by love rather than fear. This is living a conscious heart. Mind and Love are aligned.

Being in the present moment and conscious of Presence ….. of being One with the Great Field of Universal Life Energy ….. and manifesting FourSquare qualities in all that we do  …… we attract more of the same energies  contributing to not only our own health and happiness, but everyone’s.

Healing and growth …

Can spring from knowing ourselves …. the good, the bad, the ugly. Self-analysis as taught in Lesson 12 of the 27 Lesson in Science of Being is a wonderful practice ….. especially for emotional, social challenging conditions like those we face today.

Recognizing our individual shortcomings can give us an inner sense of integrity and diminished defensiveness, and therefore, we are emotionally less vulnerable and more likely to actively construct a progress reality.

Consciously expand and rise up ….

A society’s fall can come from moral decay within. The infantile ego drives on the cynical drama of hatred. The subconscious ego ….. perverts  love ….. abuses ….. social freedom and progressive intents with moral decay, lacking the ability to reason or use common sense.

Face the challenge

We are challenged to live a conscious and compassionate life! A few Beings manifesting compassionate and loving attitudes and actions out weighs, so to speak, multitudes of infantile egos and hatred. 

It’s an opportunity to set our spiritual will ….. choose to be focused in our sincerity and intent to establish Harmony within ….. to FourSquare things ….. set things right

The more we are Sincere and use our spiritual will to align with Truth ….. put Truth into our thinking, attitudes and behaviors ….. the more Spiritual we are.

In the hope You have Faith and Trust that we always have the help of our Father, PortiaSLB

Consider being a channel of that Healing Power for all humanity and the worldGiving the Healing Vibrations to the World.

” The Everpresent Help of the Eternal is at our side. More than ever will we have to realize this. People forget that the Eternal is All there is. We can do anything within the Realm of Harmony, and with the help of the Eternal. When the presence of the Eternal is manifested, It outbalances destructive influences.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume II, page 89.


From a joke website:

What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with fireworks? Dinomite!

What do you call a riot with social distancing: a repellion.


Aligning with the Law of Life, of Mind, of Truth, of Love to create your Happiness!

Photo PSLB

WE are all governed by Law and …. our alignment with Law, Universal Law …. is the key to our Happiness. So this entry is a simple reminder for myself and all of You that are here and Now to take the opportunity to become conscious, alert and engaged in creating our own happiness!

According to Universal Law …. there are only degrees of ‘good!’


This is called the Law of Spirit or Unity in Science of Being.

When we are in harmony with the Law of Life, Law of Mind, Law of Truth, Law of Love and Law Of Spirit … each one as important as the other and balanced with the others …. we establish harmony in the moment and are creating a cause for our future moments.  

Law of Life

The Law of Life is doing our duty at the right moment … being enthusiastic, energetic, strong …. realizing that we are One and inseparable with All Life.

Law of Mind

The Law of Mind is the call to be Self Conscious, aware of living in multiple dimensions …. conscious of living in the visible world of Matter and the invisible universe of Spirit.

Realize we are One with Cosmic Consciousness … aware of levels of mind, emotions, behaviors …. of Superconsciousness, Consciousness and subconsciousness within us.

Organize our day, yet not get fixed or caught up in detail.

Law of Truth

The Law of Truth is to always be honest and say what we mean, keeping our promises. Being sincere.

We should look at the big picture, simplify our life without getting drowned in details. Always accurate without assuming.

Stand for Truth in our life. Create within and manifest Truth in our reality. And realize we are One with All Truth …. All Law.

Law of Love

Living the Law of Love is to meet everyone and every situation with Love leading us. That is …. love impersonally and as unconditionally as possible …. without living in past personal histories.

Live manifesting Love from our Hearts, our Seat of Love. For more link Conscious Heart Practice.

The Law of Love is The Law of Attraction. We attract those energies of what we put out with our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors …. hence conscious FourSquare, loving intents add to our betterment and others.

And when we realize we are One with All Love …. we are One with the Soul of the Universe.

Law of Spirit

The Law of Spirit is the Law of Unity …. realize the best we can that we are One with each other … One with All Beings …. and One with the Infinite Universe, One with Universal Life Energy. Cosmic Intelligence, The Great Law and Infinite Love, also known as the FourSquare

In the hope You express Universal Law in every moment, PortiaSLB

“Help comes from unexpected sources, when we do the right thing, thus starting right causes.”

Eugene Fersen


Kindly consider your experiences or questions ….. you never know who it may help!

It’s a fight for healing

Photo: Milford Sound, New Zealand 2020 PSLB

Greetings Light seekers and Lightbearers!

These are  precarious times and precarious times call for a persistent fight to heal the world. I know more than one person that has died from the virus, but this virus circling the world now does not want to kill us. Rather it’s logical that it wants to survive and multiply. And it survives and multiplies when we lay down without a fight, or when we unwittingly pass it on. 

The fight for healing

There are many courageous people on the front lines fighting for our freedom, strength and happiness during this challenging time. Not all of us can be or should be on the front lines. Yet, we all have our duties.

Many people are doing what they can, including the Lightbearers I know…. making masks, donating food…. observing social distancing….and lifting the spirits of others. And it seems it is our duty to be in the moment and keep or get ourselves healthy so that we might help others be healthy….our families, our communities…and our world. 

Each of us can be a channel for healing in our own ways as we are inspired.  You are invited to join the Lightbearers in Giving the Healing Energy to all humanity and the world. Anyone can do it with a sincere intention and surrender to the Great Principle, God. The Great Principle, God does the healing, while You become the Channel. The more that join in, the more healing Universal Life Energy will circle the world, spreading from one being to another according to Universal Law.

It is an expression of compassion… and compassion means we do what is FourSquare at the appropriate time and place… then leave it to Universal Law. 

Should we be cautious?… yes, that’s wise. But to be afraid….no, that doesn’t help anyone, instead fear attracts even more fearful energies. And to doubt the existence of the problem is ignoring the facts….ignorance.

And have a sense of humor!

That reminds me …. should we have a sense of humor during these challenging times? Yes… a giggle, a chuckle, a laugh is a form of release and stress relief. And another good thing about it is that it can be contagious, passing from one to another offering uplifting energies.

And in the hope this gives you a giggle….a dear and thoughtful friend with a great sense of humor delivered this beauty to my house – while observing social distancing I might add!      

Photo: With Joy from a friend! PSLB 2020

This tickled my funny bone! And I still smile about it. Yes, there is still a big demand for toilet tissue here in the USA because of hoarding, but as I understand it there is also shortages in many other countries too! Hoarding is a fearful and greedy trait….but having a chuckle over it can ease fear’s hold over us.

Humor aside…

Have you noticed how people… and governments…. are communicating …and connecting? 

If……there is a bright spot that is coming from this experience it is that….all of us…. all of the people…..and all of the countries….have gotten some understanding how we are all connected. That what one does can seriously affect another, that a chain reaction can occur, passing from one to another. 

And if we all want to prosper, be healthy and happy then being conscious of our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors is of primary importance. And the core of them, the essence of them being FourSquare: All Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love, with Love being the leader in our intentions, will build to that happiness.  

Cooperation between us is a great asset, while protest and complaining retards our improvement. Ignorance and procrastation retards us, while science and Faith takes us steps closer to understanding.

 This can be a great opportunity for us to realize our connection not only to each other, but also to the Great All. That we are Strong, Wise, Free and Loving. And when we help our fellow man we are helping not only ourselves, but indeed the world. 

Let us fight for healing. Kindly consider Giving the Healing Energy to the world. And Be Strong, Intelligent, Accurate and Caring. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We must always bear in mind that our body is a statue moulded by our soul with the chisel of our thoughts, the Life Force of the Universe supplying both the material and the Energy which the soul needs to perform that work.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 163

Consider sharing your insights and experiences in the comment box below. You never know who it may help!

And consider joining us for a companion guide to the 27 Lessons in Science of Being. It is an amazing spiritual journey asset!


We are currently on Lesson 5 discussing a mental method for remaining in continual contact with Universal Life Energy and an introduction for being a Channel for healing. A link for download of the original 27 lessons for your Kindle is included and free!

Dance of the Soul

Dance of the Soul

There upon his finger sat a butterfly. Then a sudden Silence came upon him and

He could see the pillows of iridescent colors of its wings that danced in the sunshine.

It was a dance of Light intertwined with rich colors of Harmony. 

There were visions of its transmutation from a hungry, short sighted, crawling creature then

Death as a caterpillar, to the freedom and flight of the exquisite being it is now.

In that silence his heart swelled up with appreciation of such a wondrous creature that

He could feel his self-striving to fulfill the universal destiny of all souls to

Dance in the rich colors of Harmony.

Our soul guides us in ways to construct happiness in our life, yet we are not normally conscious of our inner powers that shape the world. While we may feel “fine,” it keeps us stuck in a recycling hellish condition, circling over and over with the same thoughts and habits.

When we awaken to the greater qualities of our soul and unique character we rise to greater heights. And we naturally attract what is needed for our freedom, success and happiness in the earthly plane. 

Looking to be conscious of and manifest your soul, lifting yourself out of feeling just “fine?” Consider:

  Soul Meditation leading to sure-fired success and happiness in the material plane 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

Photo: PSLB 2015

“Mind alone, with its human tool of Will Power is not  sufficient to push your Soul’s Individuality into expression…A greater Power, One which pervades all Planes equally and unites them through Its own Force of Attraction, is required.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, pages 313-4.

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