Your spiritually driven life as a Spiritual Warrior


The human road can be winding and pitted with so many challenges, temptations, glitz and glamour that it can distract you from living a spiritually driven life. The ego wants to keep everything status quo because of conditioning.

Yet, the spiritual warrior within is lead by our Spiritual Heart with the Conscious Wisdom and Love to create conditions for not only our own happiness, but for others and indeed for the world.

The message of Divine Love

We have had spiritual teachers through the ages as examples of a spiritual warrior and Jesus is  a representative of Divine Love. According to teachings, though he faced many human temptations he chose the Divine Road, showing us how we are meant to live a spiritually driven life; to be a spiritual warrior.

As an insurrectionist his teachings challenged the social and religious order. And, people of influence at that time feared his deviant and very empowering teachings that the kingdom of God is near at hand for all rather than only for a few

The message of Divine Mind

The message of Divine Mind is the wisdom of the heart, the wisdom of Love: the kingdom of Harmony is close at hand and within everyone’s own Heart and Mind.  

We can feel in our Heart what is both wise and loving. We consciously choose to be aware consciously and in the moment. We consciously choose to be loving. 

The ego and blind beliefs of the subconscious that wants to keep us enslaved to memories, superstitions and conditioning are released as we awaken to the illusion of their influence. With our spiritual Will we choose the spiritual path and to Be a spiritual Warrior ….. Choosing to Be Strong, Intelligent, Truthful and Law abiding, and Loving. 

Facing Temptations

As a spiritual warrior we will and do face 3 similar temptations like all Great Spiritual Teachers. They are as in these questions, asking us if we are willing to let the ‘me,’ the ego die in order to create our happiness and spiritual fulfillment:

  1. Do we hunger for fulfillment, but live by human bread alone?
  2. Do we doubt the All encompassing Eternal and our innate Divine nature?
  3. Do we get lost in the human world of challenges, glamour and desire for influence and power?

Apathy delays us.

Doubt cripples our progress.

And greed, pride, jealousy, fear and other subconscious, egotistic traits perverts us.

We are capable Divine Beings that can choose to be FourSquare ….. Enthusiastic, Consciously aware, Principled and Loving. 

Being a Spiritual warrior

You live a spiritually driven life and are a spiritual warrior, when you consciously manifest both personal and unconditional Love.

When you are conscious of the wisdom of your Heart and connect with your Higher Self  and listen to Intuition.

When you consciously face temptations of anger, revenge, worry or fear with courage and Love, letting them past you by, choosing higher level of conscious responses, like optimism, release and understanding. 

As a spiritual warrior – remember You are a powerful Being that has created this moment for yourself to remember your own inner authentic powers as a Universal Soul.

You are Strong, Wise, Sincere and Loving. And, You have the Creator, Divine Mind and Divine Love supporting You. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

Consider adding to the entry with your input. Remember your Higher Self never hesitates!

Until next time consider this quote to reflect upon:

“Mind, through his own mistakes due to Pride, at first destroyed his very life, but having REALIZED HIS MISDIRECTION starts to regenerate it, to rebuild it on a right basis.  MIND, WHEN MISAPPLIED, DEBASES LIFE; PROPERLY USED, EXALTS IT.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 40.

We attract….

PhotoPSLB 2021

Just relax and trust the Great Law that things always work out for you. That attitude of Trust relaxes the mind and will allow answers.

The Law is above all Loving ….. so even when we initially may be in a wanting, desiring mode, when we relax and Trust that things will work out, then we allow ourselves to consciously hear intuition ….. we attract …. intuition and inspiration from our Higher Self, which is connected to Universal Mind.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“There can be no compromise with Love.”

Eugene Fersen

With hatred comes ….. spiritual opportunity

For those of us that are conscious of being on our spiritual journey, we realize that these are dangerous times. Not necessarily because of unrest and violence ….. or even of sickness and physical death from a virus ….. though they are real physical dangers  …. the danger lies in being seduced by frustration, fear and hatred ….. of getting mentally and emotionally lost in the collective subconscious ego.

Deliberate, impersonal attitude ….. caring motivation

You’ve heard that song that goes, “I can’t get no satisfaction!”…. That frustration has become very public. Frustration is like the match that has ignited a wildfire of hatred! The narcissistic ego has gotten frustrated with conditions ….. conditions of restrictions with the virus ….. and conditions of restrictions in society ….. blaming others has ignited a wildfire of hatred.

And that wildfire is greedy …. spreading ….. jumping …. fanning more problems. Motivated by hatred, the infantile ego makes demands and feels entitled to express its frustration with rebellion and violence ….. without consideration of others ….. or consequences!

In the subconscious’ perversion of love ….. the criminal becomes the victim ….. the police become the criminal aggressors instead of the protectors in the eyes of self-righteousness. Having been born of ignorance, pride and impatience, the subconscious ego feeds its own imperfections, causing havoc.

Fighting against hatred or being sympathetic feeds hatred

Shortcomings within the ego can be seduced by the false empowerment of hatred ….  and can be tempted to join the bandwagon! Yes, we should fight ….. we should fight for what we love ….. with a sense of calm, sincere Love. 

Hatred is challenge ….  and it can become a catalyst to align with our Inner freedom, strength and Unconditional Love. Love is the Great Harmonizer ….. strong, wise and compassionate. 

Fight for what we Love

Do the opposite of hatred ….. be Lighthearted ….. give the gift of a smile for the stranger we pass. Do acts of kindness. Be sincere and motivated by love rather than fear. This is living a conscious heart. Mind and Love are aligned.

Being in the present moment and conscious of Presence ….. of being One with the Great Field of Universal Life Energy ….. and manifesting FourSquare qualities in all that we do  …… we attract more of the same energies  contributing to not only our own health and happiness, but everyone’s.

Healing and growth …

Can spring from knowing ourselves …. the good, the bad, the ugly. Self-analysis as taught in Lesson 12 of the 27 Lesson in Science of Being is a wonderful practice ….. especially for emotional, social challenging conditions like those we face today.

Recognizing our individual shortcomings can give us an inner sense of integrity and diminished defensiveness, and therefore, we are emotionally less vulnerable and more likely to actively construct a progress reality.

Consciously expand and rise up ….

A society’s fall can come from moral decay within. The infantile ego drives on the cynical drama of hatred. The subconscious ego ….. perverts  love ….. abuses ….. social freedom and progressive intents with moral decay, lacking the ability to reason or use common sense.

Face the challenge

We are challenged to live a conscious and compassionate life! A few Beings manifesting compassionate and loving attitudes and actions out weighs, so to speak, multitudes of infantile egos and hatred. 

It’s an opportunity to set our spiritual will ….. choose to be focused in our sincerity and intent to establish Harmony within ….. to FourSquare things ….. set things right

The more we are Sincere and use our spiritual will to align with Truth ….. put Truth into our thinking, attitudes and behaviors ….. the more Spiritual we are.

In the hope You have Faith and Trust that we always have the help of our Father, PortiaSLB

Consider being a channel of that Healing Power for all humanity and the worldGiving the Healing Vibrations to the World.

” The Everpresent Help of the Eternal is at our side. More than ever will we have to realize this. People forget that the Eternal is All there is. We can do anything within the Realm of Harmony, and with the help of the Eternal. When the presence of the Eternal is manifested, It outbalances destructive influences.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume II, page 89.


From a joke website:

What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with fireworks? Dinomite!

What do you call a riot with social distancing: a repellion.


With hatred comes ….. spiritual opportunity

For those of us that are conscious of being on our spiritual journey, we realize that these are dangerous times. Not necessarily because of unrest and violence ….. or even of sickness and physical death from a virus ….. though they are real physical dangers  …. the danger lies in being seduced by frustration, fear and hatred ….. of getting mentally and emotionally lost in the collective subconscious ego.

Deliberate, impersonal attitude ….. caring motivation

You’ve heard that song that goes, “I can’t get no satisfaction!”…. That frustration has become very public. Frustration is like the match that has ignited a wildfire of hatred! The narcissistic ego has gotten frustrated with conditions ….. conditions of restrictions with the virus ….. and conditions of restrictions in society ….. blaming others has ignited a wildfire of hatred.

And that wildfire is greedy …. spreading ….. jumping …. fanning more problems. Motivated by hatred, the infantile ego makes demands and feels entitled to express its frustration with rebellion and violence ….. without consideration of others ….. or consequences!

In the subconscious’ perversion of love ….. the criminal becomes the victim ….. the police become the criminal aggressors instead of the protectors in the eyes of self-righteousness. Having been born of ignorance, pride and impatience, the subconscious ego feeds its own imperfections, causing havoc.

Fighting against hatred or being sympathetic feeds hatred

Shortcomings within the ego can be seduced by the false empowerment of hatred ….  and can be tempted to join the bandwagon! Yes, we should fight ….. we should fight for what we love ….. with a sense of calm, sincere Love. 

Hatred is challenge ….  and it can become a catalyst to align with our Inner freedom, strength and Unconditional Love. Love is the Great Harmonizer ….. strong, wise and compassionate. 

Fight for what we Love

We can be Lighthearted ….. give the gift of a smile for the stranger we pass. Do acts of kindness. Be sincere and motivated by love rather than fear. This is living a conscious heart. Mind and Love are aligned.

Being in the present moment and conscious of Presence ….. of being One with the Great Field of Universal Life Energy ….. and manifesting FourSquare qualities in all that we do  …… we attract more of the same energies  contributing to not only our own health and happiness, but everyone’s.

Healing and growth …

Can spring from knowing ourselves …. the good, the bad, the ugly. Self-analysis as taught in Lesson 12 of the 27 Lesson in Science of Being is a wonderful practice ….. especially for emotional, social challenging conditions like those we face today.

Recognizing our individual shortcomings can give us an inner sense of integrity and diminished defensiveness, and therefore, we are emotionally less vulnerable and more likely to actively construct a progress reality.

Consciously expand and rise up ….

A society’s fall can come from moral decay within. The infantile ego drives on the cynical drama of hatred. The subconscious ego ….. perverts  love ….. abuses ….. social freedom and progressive intents with moral decay, lacking the ability to reason or use common sense.

Face the challenge

We are challenged to live a conscious and compassionate life! A few Beings manifesting compassionate and loving attitudes and actions out weighs, so to speak, multitudes of infantile egos and hatred. 

It’s an opportunity to set our spiritual will ….. choose to be focused in our sincerity and intent to establish Harmony within ….. to FourSquare things ….. set things right

The more we are Sincere and use our spiritual will to align with Truth ….. put Truth into our thinking, attitudes and behaviors ….. the more Spiritual we are.

In the hope You have Faith and Trust that we always have the help of our Father, PortiaSLB

Consider being a channel of that Healing Power for all humanity and the worldGiving the Healing Vibrations to the World.

” The Everpresent Help of the Eternal is at our side. More than ever will we have to realize this. People forget that the Eternal is All there is. We can do anything within the Realm of Harmony, and with the help of the Eternal. When the presence of the Eternal is manifested, It outbalances destructive influences.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume II, page 89.


From a joke website:

What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with fireworks? Dinomite!

What do you call a riot with social distancing: a repellion.


A State of Mind

 A State of Mind

We should try to develop the love of Beauty, which is at the foundation of our being.”  Eugene Fersen

It’s amazing how the beauty and power of Alaska can be captured on an iPad! Yet, it is also amazing that there is so much beauty in this world to enjoy. It out weights the dross. And, everything, everything – says something about our earthly condition. It speaks to us in deep and profound ways and all we have to do is be conscious and aware of it.

The Law of Analogy is such a powerful law to help us understand ourselves and of great benefit for those on a conscious spiritual journey. The law Itself is beautiful.

Glacier MeltThe different states of water can be used to symbolize the different states of mind. The liquid state is like the lively, discriminating consciousness, while the frozen state is like the fixed ideas, beliefs and habitual behavioral patterns of subconsciousness.

The subconscious freezes and imprisons the beauty and Love of Mind, dominating our emotions and behaviors with traits like irritability, worry, guilt or greed if we let it. 

Being frozen is hell for us, because the Great Law says Life is constant vibration, change and gradual evolution.

Just like the way the sun can melt a 10,000 year old glacier in Glacier National Park so can unconditional Love of Universal Life Energy melt and change the frozen misconceptions of the subconscious. 

We may think we don’t like change, but everything else about us says that we do. That’s an analogy that can help us be courageous in challenging situations!

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

Photo: PSLB

Conscious Observation: 6 mind blowing expansions that impact your life

mindful observation cafe 4

Photo taken in Europe, PSLB

There on my tongue, even before I swallow is an orange grove with sunshine, a soft breeze and a faint hint of sweet fragrance in the air. The taste stirs me to dive deeper into the cool liquid. I become mindful of the tree roots in the rich soil that absorbs the rain from the clouds in the sky. There are people and machines working the orange grove, pickers, packers, truck drivers, retailers and buyers like me. One is connected to another until everything is within the juice.

Conscious observation can lead to mind blowing expansions. I’m referring to your consciousness expanding to make major constructive impacts in your reality! Consider these 6:


Though you are in this world and deeply connected to everyone and everything you are also part of something greater and expansive as the universe. The present moment becomes an opportunity to create a depth of happiness and harmony that expands and grows into future possibilities.


When you mindfully observe and go “inside a person’s skin” and “walk in their shoes” then you get insights to the reasons they are the way they are. Some reasons are easier to spot than others, such as physical illnesses and weaknesses. Yet, you may get insight into their conditioning and type of experiences that hold them in subconscious habits. And, even causes for more subtle personality traits, such as being very sensitive, easy to snap or being generally irritable. And, in that understanding you may find you are able to release any resentment and blame you may have felt towards them.


In mindful observation of another you see their suffering and their beauty. And compassion naturally arises. You may begin to see yourself within them! I experience this often because we are all so much alike and connected. Recognition stirs a longing and hope for them to suffer less. To enjoy life instead. For them and ourselves. And you begin to see ways to brighten their day. It may mean a genuine smile or some other compassionate act. In mindful observation you can feel compassionate energy spring from your heart, touch them and eventually return to you increased even though you expected nothing in return. It’s the Laws of Attraction and Compensation being factors in your reality. 


You come to understand that your process of easing suffering in others also eases suffering within ourselves. And the other way around, with the help of the Great Principle. You recognize your interconnection with everyone and everything expanding your consciousness and the radiance of your heart. This naturally leads  to gratitude and ways to express it.

Consider Transmitting Universal Life Energy and Love to the World meditation to help. It is also a bridge to your soul. 


You come to realize you are the master of your life. That there is no comprise with Truth. And no matter how tempting negative urges may be, like revenge and impatience, you are able to detach from urges.  You observe then release because you develop foresight of the consequences working through the Law of Cause and Effect. 

Sometimes I still choose a revengeful verbal attack. I know it immediately because of what it feels like. I recognize the mistake and return to observe the ego in a detached state, grateful for the help of my Higher Self. Our Higher Self, the detached observer, helps us return to sanity and Love because it recognizes Truth and tells us through intuition, gut feelings, instinct and even reason. 


Conscious observation can open you to awareness of your True Self and soul. To the strength it provides, expanding your creative power to act constructively making positive impacts in your own life, in others lives and indeed the world.

In the hope you find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Know the Truth and It shall make you free, because real Truth means strength, power and enlightenment to choose your own path in this World.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 175.


Mindful in love making and Self-centeredness – 2 unconventional methods for positive change!

1.  Self-centeredness

We like to think we are unselfish, but unfortunately, we stick with what we are familiar with. If we think we’re unhappy we experience our reality through the lens of our unhappiness. And, we will circle over and over in our mind why we are unhappy, which leads to finding more reasons to be unhappy. 

Our selfishness can cause us to suffer, yet self-centeredness with the purpose of self-awareness can lead to us becoming more conscious of how and why we create our reality the way we do. Meditation and mindfulness in the moment are important tools to becoming more self aware.

When we discover what is weak and what is strong within us, what is ignorant and what is intelligent, what is dishonest and what is sincere, what is unkind and what is loving within us, we learn what is helpful and what is harmful. 

 2. Mindful in love making

Most of us lust in sex, especially in our younger years. Lust is a mechanical thing, a subconscious egotistic urge with little to no Self-awareness other than the desire for sexual satisfaction. Even when we think we are aiming to satisfy and love another person, we are out for our own satisfaction. 

We desire to be desirable and to be loved, but it’s like in the song, “I can’t get no satisfaction!” We have been plagued by the subconscious ego for so long that we doubt the tenderness of our heart, our ability to love unconditionally. We feel separate from everyone else in the world and disconnected from the Eternal, so we seek love through our lust. But, when we do get satisfaction, when we reach an orgasm then our lust disappears. We become conscious of, at least to an extent, an euphoric state. 

Yet, if you are mindful and conscious during love making, the observer of the thinker and observer of your emotions, truly enjoying your partner, being with them, feeling connected then you will become more aware of the moment without attachment. 

A paradox of sorts because we feel connected, yet freer. When we love we feel light. Freer of the subconscious ego that holds us down, makes us dense and heavy because it imprisons us with fear, afraid of being unlovable and of committing to love. 

You can rise into higher conscious energy and emotional frequencies of the heart. Amazingly you may become more conscious of love. Conscious of being one with your partner, while being two. Conscious of I am that.

The true pleasure, enjoyment of loving making becomes beauty. You are experiencing the Principle of Love. When we live for the good of our loved one without expectation we are living soul love. We love everything beautiful, strong, good and wise. We love the whole world because we are so happy. 

Through your love for another person you are Loving the Great Principle –  I am That! It is a return to Love; knowing that you are one with the unconditional Love of the Great Principle and indissolubly connected.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

For more: But why sexual attraction, The Law of Gender Part 4.

 “True Love is the only unselfish power. Love is not affected by anything, It affects everything.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings of Eugene Fersen, Volume I, page 279.



A real world Self-protection method that’s a mystical experience

We live in a rapidly changing, interactive world, but we are afraid of being hurt. We’re afraid of being left out, disrespected, ridiculed, abused or betrayed so we try to  protect ourselves by being emotionally guarded, defensive, reclusive, aggressive, angry, complaining, dishonest, or by running away.

But this creates conflict and distance between ourselves. Instead of helping us, these methods of self-protection actually end up hurting us. We want to be loved and respected, but we box our heart in with fear! For a method to release these barriers: Negative emotional contagion.

We suffer from fear

I experienced this very painfully during my youth because felt I didn’t belong in this world and tried to protect myself emotionally by appearing nice, but stuck up. However, inside I screamed for love and affection. I didn’t know I was adding to my detriment.

We can be bombed, stabbed, and killed in many ways, but we usually physically die because of our own fearful thoughts, beliefs and attitudes. Fear and ignorance kills us primarily through karma and attraction.

Your True protection

I’ve learned through spiritual studies and practice that you are naturally protected not by emotional barriers, nor by fear and going on the offense, but by love. Love is your true protection. It does not have an attitude of self-protection, yet when you  love unconditionally you radiate an aura of love that naturally protects you. 

We can be emotionally hurt when hateful arrows of slander, hatred or disgust is thrown at us. It can hit you in the solar plexus or lower heart. Yet, when you are centered in unconditional Love emotional arrows will not hurt you. Even though you recognize the accusations and negative energy, you will feel a calming peace.

Love protects your aura, your mental and emotional being. And, you will feel it physically. I’ve experienced this many times and so can you. 

As you grow closer to unconditional Love, you may become cautious. Yet that caution is perceptive, discriminatory and fearless. You become more confident and trust in Love, even when you experience doubt and an occasional emotional ruffle. 

Enjoy the ride! 

Listen to your intuition and follow the guidance of unconditional Love in your spiritual heart. Your spiritual heart is wise, unifying and fearless.

When you follow the tenderness of your heart your self-perception changes. And, as your self-perception changes, your perception of reality changes. Your inner mystical experiences become as real as your outer physical experiences. 

Another way to put it: 

Arrows Fly→→→

Listening to self-deception, sharpened by fear, jealousy, accusation,
Self-righteous arrows fly→→→  searching for their target to inflect  pain by humiliation.

The targeted heart♥←←← being both judicious and tender, ardently follows Spirit  consideration,
Whispers silent words forgiving, gently pressing in arrows of desperation.

Self-righteous slings more arrows→→→ whetted with suspicion of retaliation.
Again targeted heart♥←←← presses in arrows realizing psyche seeks release from the  pain  of holding on to fearful accumulation.

Anxious psyche shakes off self-doubt while searching for an explanation,
Unknowingly cries out for freedom from self-righteous justification.

Ardent heart♥ in stillness offers tender and gentle Love as motivation.
Looks up within for further guidance and inspiration.

The intent being to elicit Truth when there is possibility of arrows’ mobility,
The wish to convey the highest form of compatibility,
The hope being to maintain inner tranquility,
The reality being to deny fear of any other possibility.

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

“Whenever we do anything with the Spirit of Love, that thing endures, because Love is cement which is very strong.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 109.

photo taken in Thailand

Santa Claus is a lie! A liberating lesson about false beliefs in any system


When I first heard those words from my spiritual teacher, “Santa Claus is a lie,” I was shocked even though I knew it was true! The truth sank into my core, and I  was finally free of the illusion and all the stress, obligations and expectations that accompanied it. 

As adults we experience the stress of doubt in our spiritual life without consciously knowing the reason. Lies and illusions can spread to include distrust of ourselves, our inner knowing, and even prompt us to make accusations against others in our self-righteousness unless we take steps to change. 

Traditional lies

During our childhood we are taught to believe in traditions, even false ones, but eventually we learn the truth. We learn that people lie to us, blindly believing it is a good thing to do.

Though we are all reaching for Love, we may feel like we need something to believe in to make us happy and feel like we are part of something. 

Dream the dream of illusion

A great fear of ours is to be left out! That fear of being left out and the desire to belong feeds the subconscious ego and we blindly become ‘followers.’ This can lead to misunderstanding, doubt, impatience, anger and hatred because we can become self-righteousness. We see so much of this in our world. 

We can invest so much emotional expectations in a blind belief that when those expectations are not met we experience stress and heartache. And, until we face and reveal to ourselves the cause of our stress, doubt and pain, we will continue to dream the dream of illusion. And, we will continue to experience the pressure, expectations and obligations accompanying it. 

Liberation comes through conscious awareness and Love

Until we consciously awaken, question, discriminate and listen to our inner Love and guidance, we will accept every belief, superstition  and prejudice without discrimination. 

How do you even begin to listen to your inner guidance? Follow your feelings, your emotions, to their source. The true reason back of them. 

When you consciously experience your emotions you can sense a problem and ask yourself questions as to why you feel that way. Expand your consciousness and open to the tenderness of your heart. And, your Higher Self and your connection to your sacred heart center will lead you to the answer. 

Such insights and inspirations are messages from your soul. And, we all have additional help, including from greater realms of Harmony and the Great Principle. 

And, live in the moment. When you mentally focus on your body in your surroundings then you can focus on your inner presence and be grateful for so much you may take for granted. 

Truth or consequences

The way you respond to conditions in life determines the way you evolve. It determines your power, health, success and happiness. You can be conscious of creating in the Light of Love or circle unconsciously in the consequences in the action of karma.

But, even the path of pain, stress and doubt can lead us through the lesson to love and compassion. When we’ve suffered enough we will look for the reason why and do something about it.  

Being free of a false belief opens you to be conscious of the Light of Love. It releases you from expectations, obligations and the mass dream. A burden lifted off your back!

All lessons lead us to remember Love eventually,

which is the base of unconditional Love.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Let us lift our eyes from this increasing darkness to the pure Light of Knowledge, aflame with Love – that bright Star on the firmament of Life, which is heralding now to mankind, the Dawn of a New Day, the Day of Spiritual Regeneration, which is to bring to man lasting Justice, Peace and Happiness.” 

Eugene Fersen

Consider watching a 3 minute video on how the modern Santa Clause was derived:

Upper most photo: 2015

Beautiful creatures

sit be quiet 

People are beautiful.

Sometimes I just sit and people watch. When we people watch we are looking at ourselves. 

People are beautiful, but we can also be so frighteningly ugly because we strive for external power in the world.

That unconscious desire and fear makes us do terrible things and causes us to suffer. Yet, if you look deep beyond the fear and emptiness, there is the beauty of the soul that is striving to express internal creative power of cohesion with everyone else and the universe.

How can that be true?

Even in the trouble we cause, the negative behaviors, the painful karma we create, we are in the process of unfolding our soul and our beauty. We may think – how can that be true in all that pain, suffering and ugliness?

We’ve created the subconscious ego that believes it rules the world. And, so we choose modes of learning in which we use negative energy, harmful energy, and thus create negative karma.

The Great Principle is eternally compassionate

We’ve fallen and think we can’t get up. We’ve lost conscious awareness of our soul. 

Yet, we are educating ourselves, and becoming more conscious of the Universal Laws. When we make a mistake it hurts and we think – perhaps we shouldn’t do that again! When I stumble and hurt, emotionally or physically, I always ask myself ‘why.’

Mentally we have separated ourselves from the Infinite and Source. That is a big mistake, yet not an eternal one. But, because of the Universal Laws, including the Law of Gender, time becomes a factor in our minds when we consider our spiritual journey back to full realization of who we are and unity with the Great All. 

Mentally we’ve turned away from Love and Beauty. When we think of other people as beautiful we are relating to the Eternal, the Source of Beauty. When we love, including human love for a partner, child or pet, we are expressing an awakening to unconditional Love and Love of the Eternal. 

We are harmonizing, healing ourselves.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Material beauty is the expression in Matter of a Spiritual Power.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 153.