Healing and the Power of Emotions

Photo PSLB

We don’t like to admit that feeling ominous, negative passions like fear, resentment and guilt make us ill. But inwardly, we know that these are destructive to ourselves and others.

So whenever you feel envious, hopeless or frustrated there are some simple steps to take to avoid harmful influences and begin to heal:

  1. Recognize negative temptations frankly. This is already pulling you upward consciously because it is courageous and empowering to take responsibility for yourself. The ego wants to place blame somewhere else.
  2. Understand the purpose behind them.
  3. Relax and contact Universal Life Energy, especially in the aspect of Love.
  4. Reach for other positive emotions like optimism, forgiveness, and gratitude. You are choosing the Spiritual Road of Truth and Freedom.

Perceive the Truth. Frustration, anxiety and disgust are energy fields that trigger hormones like adrenaline in our bodies. And this can get in the way of our health and happiness. So recognizing them gives us the opportunity to make different choices!

You can choose to reject any negative thought or idea or that it has any power over you. Choose to make “I am” statements like, “I am no longer subject to influence of that (whatever it may be, like envy, despair or even a physical illness). Get behind me.”

And choose to add Declarations of Truth about what you really are, like, “I am One with Universal Power, Intelligence, Truth and Love. I am A Ray of the Eternal, body, mind and Soul.”

Let negative emotions be learning experiences! Choose to recognize that your Soul’s purpose of emotions is to bring something to your attention …… so harmful emotions, feelings and experiences can be released ….. and positive, uplifting ones can be enbraced!

Emotions are of the Soul, but the ego can pervert them and be ignorant of them. Ignorance holds us in the same choices over and over with similar karma ….. which can manifest as problems and even physical illnesses.

Remember …. when you think and feel something like, “I am worried,” or “I have high blood pressure,” you are owning it, believing you are guilty of it. We have been unconsciously naive about identifying and programming ourselves like this.

Contact Universal Life Energy. When you enlist the help of the Great Law through Universal Life Energy , especially in It’s aspect of Unconditional Love, you are throwing yourself into the full power of the Positive. You are aligning with the Source of your own existence ….. And Freedom, Strength and Happiness are your natural state.

Contact Universal Life Energy even if you are not completely conscious of what you are feeling or experiencing. It will go where it is needed. That’s just one of the beauties of It.

Reach for other positive emotions. Emotions like Gratitude, Optimism, and Compassion are positive energy fields. And when you express them endorphins are released into your body. Every positive emotion eliminates negative energies in our bodies and false beliefs in the subconscious. We are raising our consciousness level …… aligning with Truth and our Real Self and Soul ….. attracting more positive energies.


Feeling bad that we are guilty of so many things, even things we are unconscious of, holds us in that negative emotional energy field. Now you have a method to free yourself from beliefs that been programmed from childhood, mass media, and society!

When I was younger I expected lots of drama in my life. It had become a normal ….. and I experienced emotional dependency on it. I had been programmed that way. No longer ….. because I use these steps repeatedly.

I can realign with higher levels of consciousness and emotions because I become grateful for the Truth and opportunities in negative temptations. Some programming takes longer to release than others, but I am optimistic that all fearful traits will be released with the help of the Great Principle. And I say, “Thy Will be done.”

I am now strong, healthy and happy ….. a Being One with All Power, Intelligence, Truth and Love. And I am so grateful for these steps, for the Wisdom of Science of Being, and …..

I am grateful for the opportunity to share it with You. And I am here to encourage you, and help with any questions or comments.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Perceive the Truth in all things, so that you can discriminate the real from the seeming, and you will save yourself much unnecessary tribulation in your Earthly Career.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 349.

The Joye in surprise – I am meditation

Big Life! Photo: Philippines 2020 PSLB

Our Inner Being only sees Light and experiences Love in all situations, but humanly we don’t always experience it that way. The human perspective is polar or dual, and we experience them as good or bad, fearful or loving experiences. We usually are unconscious of how we attract and create our reality with our thoughts and emotions in this dual perspective, but we can be. And Life can surprise us in very enjoyable ways when we allow it!

Co-creating joyful adventures!

Like for me today…..I was meditating on joy and happiness realizing it is our natural state. And the Declarations of Truth were: “My Inner Being is in complete harmony with Source. I am in complete Harmony with Source.”

And feelings of gratitude and love filled my Being.

Afterwards I remained open to the realization that thoughts, and more importantly that emotions, are a base, a beginning for creation. Vibrational energy of thoughts and emotions attracts the same vibrational energy.

And later I experienced a reflection of the same vibrational energy in my human reality. A little girl named Joye captured my attention with her enthusiasm and joy for life right in the moment that she was. And it radiated out to touch everyone nearby… if they allowed it. And I did. She did. Her parents did. And we became friends then and there, enjoying each other. It was a great adventure.

Attracting your Joy

And everyday we can experience an enjoyable adventure …. when we allow it. Meditation can help us focus on and remember joyful, loving innate energies within ourselves, which will attract more of those energies.

You can try it for yourself. In meditation consciously allow yourself to feel the joy, gratitude, tenderness and love that naturally resides in your heart. Include them in your Declarations of Truth or make them like those above. Then drop any expectations, leaving it to Source. Do not try to control any outcomes. Trust and remain open to the unlimited possibilities in the Universe!

Co-creating undesirable experiences

But we can also be very unaware of our emotions, because so many are conditioned and programmed unconsciously. Our body can react to situations with unconscious emotions, like the knee jerk reaction to something that startles us. And though it may be temporary, we experienced the fearful flight reaction in our body.

If we are unconscious of our emotions and feelings we can be down, frustrated or anxious without knowing we attract more of the same energies. Like the other evening at dinner I became distracted when a person at the next table in the restaurant started coughing. I had this this urge to get away.

I realized then that I unconsciously reacted with dislike. But instead of releasing the dislike and find the tenderness and love in my heart right then, I continued to be unconsciously distracted in the situation.

Sure enough, the next morning I experienced some physical discomfort in the throat. Realizing it was my thoughts and emotions that initiated the situation in myself, I quickly had the thought and happy emotion that I am in perfect health! And I felt I had turned a corner as emotions of enthusiasm, engagement, sincerity and loving trust arose to the Truth within.

Then I left it to the Great Law of Attraction and Great Principle without expectations, trusting that it will work out harmoniously according to Universal Law. And this experience was a great adventure too!

The great gift

We can be surprised by the unexpected when we flow in the creative energies of Source without expectations. Those surprises awaken us a bit more to our Inner Powers unity with Source. And as we awaken and become more and more conscious of our Inner Being we see Light and experience Love in our reality.

And that is a great gift is it?

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The Great Principle, the Absolute, is all Life, all Mind, all Truth, all Love, all Spirit; all there is, is in the Great All, and if we apply that Law, the Law of Life, of Mind, of Truth and of Love, to all problems of our daily life, we work out, without noticing it, all the perfection we can ever aspire to, we buildup the Pyramid of our own life and reach the Point of Spirit, and we do not notice how it happens, because it is the Great Principle Itself Who is working to that end through us. It is Its work as much as ours. All we have to do is to be conscious, open channels for that.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pages 136 and 137.

The price of repeating mistakes and the hidden treasures

Sometimes we are like emotional toddlers.  It’s like whining after we’ve binged on chocolate chip cookies or going into an angry rage. We have some sense that we’ve make a mistake and what the price will be because we instinctively know the Law of Cause and Effect. But some of us repeat the mistake, making a habit of it. Yet even the mistakes of a toddler mentality has the potential to help you make a quantum leap in consciousness!

The immature toddler ego believes itself to be the be all and end all. It will drag you down further into the subconscious cesspool, causing you to believe you can never get out of the hole. I know because I’ve been there!

 Yet, in everything is Love. Even the destructive, whiny or mad trait of the ego has within it Love. Because the ego is a mental perversion of the powers of Love and of It’s twin, Universal Mind. And that  is why mistakes have the potential to help you make a quantum leap in consciousness! 

The resulting pain of  mistakes can get our attention, our mental awareness! And from that awareness we can emotionally detach from a mistake and see it for what it truly is… an opportunity! An opportunity to learn from it and rise above it, making a different choice.

It’s the emotional whining and regret that empowers habits of the ego to repeat the same mistake through the Law of Attraction! 

Therefore when you make a mistake dust yourself off and be grateful that you are on the other side of it. This connects your consciousness with the higher emotions of the heart and Love. Be conscious, aware, and find your sincerity.

That is the beginning of insights for the mind! Insights and inspirations that are lead by your heart and unconditional Love. So gravitate towards gratitude, enthusiasm and optimism.

Unless we change our attitude towards mistakes and learn from mistakes, especially when they are very painful, we can be dragged further down the road of the immature toddler mentalityThe Great Law always gives us opportunities to better ourselves. 

Dig deep and find the Love and Wisdom within yourself, releasing superficial emotions. This gives you the opportunity to make a different choice and make a conscious quantum leap! There are opportunities to know the treasures of your Soul and make creative choices for your evolution. Not only for yourself, but for all of humanity and indeed  for the world. These are the hidden treasures of mistake. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Above all, do not be afraid to express, for fear of making mistakes. The greatest mistake human beings can make is to fear to make mistakes. Without them where is the learning, the evolving?” 

Eugene Fersen, “The Teacher” The Public Years of the Baron Eugene Fersen, page 66.


Santa Claus is a lie! A liberating lesson about false beliefs in any system


When I first heard those words from my spiritual teacher, “Santa Claus is a lie,” I was shocked even though I knew it was true! The truth sank into my core, and I  was finally free of the illusion and all the stress, obligations and expectations that accompanied it. 

As adults we experience the stress of doubt in our spiritual life without consciously knowing the reason. Lies and illusions can spread to include distrust of ourselves, our inner knowing, and even prompt us to make accusations against others in our self-righteousness unless we take steps to change. 

Traditional lies

During our childhood we are taught to believe in traditions, even false ones, but eventually we learn the truth. We learn that people lie to us, blindly believing it is a good thing to do.

Though we are all reaching for Love, we may feel like we need something to believe in to make us happy and feel like we are part of something. 

Dream the dream of illusion

A great fear of ours is to be left out! That fear of being left out and the desire to belong feeds the subconscious ego and we blindly become ‘followers.’ This can lead to misunderstanding, doubt, impatience, anger and hatred because we can become self-righteousness. We see so much of this in our world. 

We can invest so much emotional expectations in a blind belief that when those expectations are not met we experience stress and heartache. And, until we face and reveal to ourselves the cause of our stress, doubt and pain, we will continue to dream the dream of illusion. And, we will continue to experience the pressure, expectations and obligations accompanying it. 

Liberation comes through conscious awareness and Love

Until we consciously awaken, question, discriminate and listen to our inner Love and guidance, we will accept every belief, superstition  and prejudice without discrimination. 

How do you even begin to listen to your inner guidance? Follow your feelings, your emotions, to their source. The true reason back of them. 

When you consciously experience your emotions you can sense a problem and ask yourself questions as to why you feel that way. Expand your consciousness and open to the tenderness of your heart. And, your Higher Self and your connection to your sacred heart center will lead you to the answer. 

Such insights and inspirations are messages from your soul. And, we all have additional help, including from greater realms of Harmony and the Great Principle. 

And, live in the moment. When you mentally focus on your body in your surroundings then you can focus on your inner presence and be grateful for so much you may take for granted. 

Truth or consequences

The way you respond to conditions in life determines the way you evolve. It determines your power, health, success and happiness. You can be conscious of creating in the Light of Love or circle unconsciously in the consequences in the action of karma.

But, even the path of pain, stress and doubt can lead us through the lesson to love and compassion. When we’ve suffered enough we will look for the reason why and do something about it.  

Being free of a false belief opens you to be conscious of the Light of Love. It releases you from expectations, obligations and the mass dream. A burden lifted off your back!

All lessons lead us to remember Love eventually,

which is the base of unconditional Love.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Let us lift our eyes from this increasing darkness to the pure Light of Knowledge, aflame with Love – that bright Star on the firmament of Life, which is heralding now to mankind, the Dawn of a New Day, the Day of Spiritual Regeneration, which is to bring to man lasting Justice, Peace and Happiness.” 

Eugene Fersen

Consider watching a 3 minute video on how the modern Santa Clause was derived:


Upper most photo: 2015

From poopy to awesome! Equipping yourself to conquer adversity

Bad Mood, Good Mood

The Power of Emotion to Change Your Life, Part 10

This has happened to me and may to you – when I got up in the morning I suddenly started to feel a bit uncomfortable and anxious, mostly because of stress, obligations and problems to face. But by the time I got dressed and ready to face the day I was feeling better and on the upside. 


We can experience mood shifts with no apparent reason. Something as subtle as a faint fowl odor can trigger an emotional reaction. As we grow out of adolescence we begin to regulate our emotions and form habits to express pain or pleasure, to conform to society, to facilitate our persona or a situation, or even to manipulate others. Our emotions have such a big impact in our life and our ability to solve problems because they are powered by our soul. But, if we are unconscious of what motivates our emotion, especially if it is connected to a problem we’ve have been ignoring, it can hamper our ability to overcome adversity. 

To equip ourselves to overcome adversities it is necessary to be conscious of what strengthens us or weakens us.

Our emotion motivate us – strength or weakness

Our emotions can increase or decrease the intensity of the moment, having a big influence on our coping process. But we also experience emotions and the thoughts that feed them unconsciously. Our subconscious ego can hold on to lower frequency energies based in fear, ignorance and impatience in our lower heart center. And thus, our mind and senses can trigger emotions unconsciously and impair us. Most notably if we’ve been exposed to violence or other traumas. 

A mindful practice – a strength

Part of healing ourselves is to be conscious of the many different emotions we experience especially when we face adversity or opposition ranging from anger to happiness, self-pity to superiority, hopelessness to hope, and fear to love. Being mindful, we can observe them without attachment. We can relax in the waves of our moods, emotions and thoughts like the waves of the ocean. Raising and falling without clinging. Natural. The highs and lows are constantly moving and changing, blending, containing elements of each other.

The Higher order of the Law of Polarity – a strength

 Adversity has such a powerful influence in our life because we utterly believe in ‘negative.’ We fear it and believe that ‘negative’ is the opposite of ‘positive,’ and that negative is necessary to know positive. But this is a perverted subconscious ego’s belief about duality. 

The Law of Polarity is a very beneficial law that means balance and synchronization. It brings things together in order for you to establish harmony in your life. To help you align your personality with your soul.

Adversity and any opposition can serve a greater purpose and that is to give you the opportunity to not cycle repeatedly in ‘negative’ karma, but to find and synchronize with the true nature of your heart and soul in order to harmonize the trend of your life. Consider that you as a soul create opportunities to learn life lessons. 

Subconscious emotional attachments – a weakness

For example, if someone gets mad, starts shouting at you and escalating the tone of the situation you can fall unconsciously into the same frequency and react with anger. Or, if you feel you have been ‘left out’ and lonely, worried or depressed, you can unconsciously get stuck there while you yearn for love.fearful-karmic-cycle

Mindful in the action of the Law of Cause and Effect – a strength

When you are tempted to get angry or feeling down the more you as a soul has emphasized that this is an opportunity to consciously know the harmony, the love, the wisdom, the ‘positive’ energy of yourself. And, you are able to consciously choose the response to create a karma that makes you freer, stronger and happier. karma-positive2

Empowering yourself  in the face of adversity – strengths

  1. Be calm, conscious and mindful in the moment. Caution is a means of self protection, yet we should not be afraid. Fear feeds worry and anxiety and we can get frozen and unable to act with an effective mind. Silence and relaxation opens us to see possibilities and opportunities in the moment. 
  2. In mindfulness you can be conscious that Joy and happiness is available to you now which aligns you with high-frequency energy. Let the Light of your Mind and the higher frequency of Love in your higher heart center be your motivation! Consciously choose an uplifting motivation. Choose Love over fear.
  3. Do your best to reach up to that higher part of yourself, your Higher Self and let it penetrate into your consciousness. Make ‘I am’ statements as truths, like ‘I am strong, wise, inspired and harmonious now.’ Feel it!
  4. Empower yourself further by contacting Universal Life Energy which backs you up with the harmonious power of the Great Principle Itself to overcome the challenge you face. It is the Life Force that connects you with Universal Consciousness. 
  5. See any temptation to be angry, worried or resentful as an opportunity to reach up to that part of yourself that has chosen to learn a lesson. If you are tempted to see only hardship and negative, then remember the true meaning of the Law of Polarity and that the subconscious likes to keep you in that belief and instead of seeing the bigger picture as an opportunity to harmonize yourself.

When you truly understand that every adversity or opposition you experience is interconnected and synchronized in the action of universal laws it empowers you. The Law of Polarity, Law of Cause and Effect, Law of Gender, Law of Rhythm, the Law of Evolution and the Law of Unity. It empowers you to make conscious choices and uplifting emotional motivations that directly impact your human life and your spiritual development.

And step by step you harmonize yourself, overcoming adversity and stress. And in so doing you help harmonize the whole of humanity. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Preserve an indomitably joyful and optimistic attitude, no matter how hard circumstances may press you. The more you repose your full confidence in Universal Life Energy and throw your whole weight into the scale of the Positive, the more rapidly you equip yourself to conquer all adversity.  You are conscious that through Universal Life Energy you enlist the Great Law itself in your favor.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 348.

 For more on the universal laws consider:

Luciferian Consciousness; transcending duality

It’s not only about sex; the Law of Gender you’ve probably never been conscious of 

Enlightenment Studies, Universal Laws and How We Can Live in them Harmoniously


The heart of mindfulness – sometimes it is hidden


We humanly identify ourselves with our personally, our intellect and ego and external power. Yet a clearer and purer reflection of ourselves is from our heart, our internal power because it has the true qualities of our soul. But without being conscious and mindful of our emotions, we cannot know the difference between the urges and beliefs of our ego and the guidance and wisdom of our heart to create a more harmonious reality. 

Your direct connection

By being mindful with an purpose and intent of love in your heart and mind you can come to a higher order of understanding of yourself and the world. Your heart center is your Center of Love and emotional center of your soul.  And, your heart is your direct connection with the Great Principle, Cosmic Consciousness, God. It is through our connection and support of the Great Principle that we co-create our reality.

Our heart is also our center of attraction, so what we feel is what we attract. While your subconscious ego believes in a state of duality or opposites and co-creates your reality that way, your scared heart center co-creates in a state of unity, a blending of both Love and Mind. A blending of power, wisdom, love and compassion.

An emotional heart that is wise 

Love raises your consciousness. And, is strong, wise and compassionate, even when on the outside it appears to be none of those things. For example, during my early years of studying Science of Being, I remember my spiritual teacher helping someone that was feeling so downtrodden, so hopeless that they couldn’t see a way out of the emotional dark hole they had dug for their selves. She bombarded them relentlessly with questions like, “How is it down there? Can you name it? Do you want me to push you further down? Maybe that’ll help, so you can push off from the bottom?” There was no sympathy at all! That went on for a long while until they both started giggling like children! 

She helped them to be conscious of their emotions with a purpose of unconditional love for their self. In a state of love and mindfulness you can trace your emotions back to their cause and see the effects. From your heart of mindfulness you have compassion for yourself and have a sense of humor about your confusion and the illusion of an emotional black hole.

The Heart of your Inner Guide

We can circle in habitual patterns without understanding how our emotions feed our thoughts and behaviors. That we have the nervous jiggers, that we are impatience, feeling guilty, jealous or resentful. Or the causes behind  them.  Yet, through mindfulness we can come to our heart and soul.

We can use a mindful, self-observation method to help us not only detach emotionally from our problems, see the light at the end of the tunnel, but also to help us harmonize our reality.

Begin self-observation by first taking some deep breaths, relaxing and entering the Silence. Make the mental contact with Universal Life Energy to boost your mental clarity and clear your emotions. By detaching emotionally, becoming the watcher of the thinker, you can enter your heart center with the purpose and intent of unconditional Love. Feel within your heart personal love and gratitude for Life, Wisdom, Truth and Love that is your Unity with the Great Principle. Then from your heart, that very sincere, truthful and unconditionally loving center, ask yourself questions to trace your emotions and become conscious and aware from the heart of your True Self.  

  • Can you name what you are feeling? And, the reason.
  • Are you conscious in the moment?
  • Are you conscious of virtues, strength, beauty and love in others? And in yourself?
  • What is your intent? 
  • Do you have some insight about the relationship between your intent and your experience?
  • Do you have awareness of the law of karma in action?
  • Are you conscious of the lesson that You as a soul have chosen to learn? 
  • Are you grateful?
  • Are you willing to detach from fear?
  • And, is it going to make you stronger or weaker? More awake or asleep? 
  • Are you willing to choose to have a intent of creating your reality with love rather than fear?

Harmonizing your reality

Sometimes the heart of mindfulness is initially hidden under our unconscious emotions, yet when you continue to return to mindfulness with the intent and purpose of love, you will enter your heart center. 

From your spiritual heart you are in a higher order of consciousness which is a blending of both intelligence and love, of both Wisdom and Love. And, in that state you can come to know your True Self and manifest your life from your soul. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“An individuals character can never be judged when conditions are harmonious. The only true accurate understanding of people can be obtained when disharmonious things come to the surface. The surroundings effect an individual to the extend of bringing out what is latent within him.

We should fight, not to destroy disharmony, but to be on the same level with Harmony.”

Eugene Fersen,  Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume I, pages 92 & 94.

Use Your Nightmares to Realize Your Happiness, The Power of Emotions to Change Your Life Part 9

nightmare visions

It’s the worst kind of nightmare, jotting wide awake, with heart pounding, scared near to death and out of breath nightmare. The one that causes you to carry around this terrible dread all day long after. That’s the nightmare, or any bad dream, that can help you realize your happiness!

Why Nightmares?

The base of a nightmare is subconscious fear surfacing to consciousness. It’s bringing something to our attention, some issue that needs to be addressed. Or reoccurring dreams may be about something we are anticipating or have to make a decision about. Nevertheless, they are about issues to address.

Post-traumatic nightmares that are repeated may be the subconscious recycling in the trauma and we are being re-traumatized, even though the event is unlikely to reoccur. Through nightmares we are becoming conscious of fears that’s been stuck in the subconscious, circling causing us to suffer emotionally and even physically since emotions are such a powerful force in our reality. The consciousness is giving us an opportunity to realize self-autonomy and self-determination, rather than being a slave to the ego.

Types of Dreams?

I’ve had what felt like post-traumatic dreams from a past-life experience; a remembrance of that reality. The dream gave me insights to questions I’d had about a situation and relationship. It doesn’t matter if the dream was truly a remembrance of a past-life or not, and it is not something that I know happened. Yet it was beneficial in that it gave me some insight about my attitude stuck in the subconscious concerning  another person, and from that insight came compassion for us both and our relationship was harmonized. 

There are many types of dreams and nightmares, which occur for many different reasons. There may be medical reasons for night terrors, such as illnesses or medications or there may be deep psychological reasons, for which we should consult medical professionals. Yet for most of us, our nightmares are pointing out issues to address. Of course, those issues may come through symbolism, in which case dream interpretation can become a means of self-analysis. 

Analyzing your dreams

There are many dream interpretation websites and books available to help those that are not familiar with symbolism in dreams. The two references I use are: In Your Dreams, The Ultimate Dream Dictionary by Mary Summer Rain and Dreams, Your Magic Mirror with Interpretations by Edgar Cayce by Elsie Sechrist.

Yet, the information on the websites and in books is only a guideline for possible interpretation of your dreams. Everyone is different. A nightmare with a snake may symbolize an attack or retaliation to you, while it may symbolize wisdom to someone else, and temptation to another. 

Over time you will come to know how to piece together the key elements in your dreams and their representation. Consider keeping a dream journal near your bedside to write down your dreams as soon as you awaken, since the subconscious also likes to forget. We start thinking about our day and our dreams fade away.  

What to do about a Nightmare

If you can use your dream to solve an issue with conflict thinking within yourself then all the better for you to make a decision and draw to yourself what you need to enact it by your positive energy, thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

For those nightmares in which there is no logical resolve then visualization can help bring you into positive emotions. In a silent and reflective state visualize a positive and empowering outcome of the dream. You are putting positive energy back into the subconscious with your thoughts and emotions to change your attitude, empowering yourself to create a happier reality. 

Another practice to consider that I do is just before you fall asleep is to make positive I am Declarations of Truth. This sets the tone and frequency of our thinking before going unconscious. Sleeping is beneficial for us in this stage of our evolution because the body uses it to regenerate since it is in a relaxed state, releasing stress. 

Think of Air as Power. Breathe deep and take the Star position in bed, consciously contacting Universal Life Energy. Universal Life Energy is the first physical manifestation of the Eternal, connecting you with All Power, All Intelligence, All Truth, All Love and All Harmony. Consider an I am Declaration of Truth. The one below is taught in Science of Being:  

Father, thou art inspiring me on the Spiritual plane. Guiding me on the Mental plane. Sustaining and protecting me on the Physical plane. I am an individualized projection into thy own Eternal substance. Proceeding from and indissolubly connected with thee, manifesting all the same qualities and powers. Thank You.

Living in the moment

Sometimes we do things we are not proud of, and it troubles us, which can go into our subconscious to grow and cause us to have nightmares or effects our behaviors without knowing why we act the way we do. Or we experience something that troubles us. And, it could have happened long ago, even when we were a child. Your consciousness can retrieve the images from nightmares and dreams and use it to release negative energy. 

We can choose to be happy rather than carry around fear through the methods described above and those in other entries (specifically as described in the series Releasing False Beliefs about Yourself and Gaining Control over Negative Emotions).

The best thing we can do for ourselves is to live  in the moment being lead by unconditional Love, releasing egotistic temptations.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Our conscious self must learn the lessons of Love. Our Higher Self does not need to learn it. Our subconsciousness all the time emanates hatred into our consciousness. It has no Love in it.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Ligthbearer, page 148. 

Your comments, experiences, insights and inspirations are welcomed. Remember your Higher Self never hesitates!

Photo: Florida reflection 2016

Use Your Nightmares to Realize Your Happiness, The Power of Emotions to Change Your Life Part 9

nightmare visions

It’s the worst kind of nightmare, jotting wide awake, with heart pounding, scared near to death and out of breath nightmare. The one that causes you to carry around this terrible dread all day long after. That’s the nightmare, or any bad dream, that can help you realize your happiness!

Why Nightmares?

The base of a nightmare is subconscious fear surfacing to consciousness. It’s bringing something to our attention, some issue that needs to be addressed. Or reoccurring dreams may be about something we are anticipating or have to make a decision about. Nevertheless, they are about issues to address.

Post-traumatic nightmares that are repeated may be the subconscious recycling in the trauma and we are being re-traumatized, even though the event is unlikely to reoccur. Through nightmares we are becoming conscious of fears that’s been stuck in the subconscious, circling causing us to suffer emotionally and even physically since emotions are such a powerful force in our reality. The consciousness is giving us an opportunity to realize self-autonomy and self-determination, rather than being a slave to the ego.

Types of Dreams?

I’ve had what felt like post-traumatic dreams from a past-life experience; a remembrance of that reality. The dream gave me insights to questions I’d had about a situation and relationship. It doesn’t matter if the dream was truly a remembrance of a past-life or not, and it is not something that I know happened. Yet it was beneficial in that it gave me some insight about my attitude stuck in the subconscious concerning  another person, and from that insight came compassion for us both and our relationship was harmonized. 

There are many types of dreams and nightmares, which occur for many different reasons. There may be medical reasons for night terrors, such as illnesses or medications or there may be deep psychological reasons, for which we should consult medical professionals. Yet for most of us, our nightmares are pointing out issues to address. Of course, those issues may come through symbolism, in which case dream interpretation can become a means of self-analysis. 

Analyzing your dreams

There are many dream interpretation websites and books available to help those that are not familiar with symbolism in dreams. The two references I use are: In Your Dreams, The Ultimate Dream Dictionary by Mary Summer Rain and Dreams, Your Magic Mirror with Interpretations by Edgar Cayce by Elsie Sechrist.

Yet, the information on the websites and in books is only a guideline for possible interpretation of your dreams. Everyone is different. A nightmare with a snake may symbolize an attack or retaliation to you, while it may symbolize wisdom to someone else, and temptation to another. 

Over time you will come to know how to piece together the key elements in your dreams and their representation. Consider keeping a dream journal near your bedside to write down your dreams as soon as you awaken, since the subconscious also likes to forget. We start thinking about our day and our dreams fade away.  

What to do about a Nightmare

If you can use your dream to solve an issue with conflict thinking within yourself then all the better for you to make a decision and draw to yourself what you need to enact it by your positive energy, thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

For those nightmares in which there is no logical resolve then visualization can help bring you into positive emotions. In a silent and reflective state visualize a positive and empowering outcome of the dream. You are putting positive energy back into the subconscious with your thoughts and emotions to change your attitude, empowering yourself to create a happier reality. 

Another practice to consider that I do is just before you fall asleep is to make positive I am Declarations of Truth. This sets the tone and frequency of our thinking before going unconscious. Sleeping is beneficial for us in this stage of our evolution because the body uses it to regenerate since it is in a relaxed state, releasing stress. 

Think of Air as Power. Breathe deep and take the Star position in bed, consciously contacting Universal Life Energy. Universal Life Energy is the first physical manifestation of the Eternal, connecting you with All Power, All Intelligence, All Truth, All Love and All Harmony. Consider an I am Declaration of Truth. The one below is taught in Science of Being:  

Father, thou art inspiring me on the Spiritual plane. Guiding me on the Mental plane. Sustaining and protecting me on the Physical plane. I am an individualized projection into thy own Eternal substance. Proceeding from and indissolubly connected with thee, manifesting all the same qualities and powers. Thank You.

Living in the moment

Sometimes we do things we are not proud of, and it troubles us, which can go into our subconscious to grow and cause us to have nightmares or effects our behaviors without knowing why we act the way we do. Or we experience something that troubles us. And, it could have happened long ago, even when we were a child. Your consciousness can retrieve the images from nightmares and dreams and use it to release negative energy. 

We can choose to be happy rather than carry around fear,through the methods described above and those in other entries (specifically as described in the series Releasing False Beliefs about Yourself and Gaining Control over Negative Emotions).

The best thing we can do for ourselves is to live  in the moment being lead by unconditional Love, releasing egotistic temptations.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Our conscious self must learn the lessons of Love. Our Higher Self does not need to learn it. Our subconsciousness all the time emanates hatred into our consciousness. It has no Love in it.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Ligthbearer, page 148. 

Your comments, experiences, insights and inspirations are welcomed. Remember your Higher Self never hesitates!

Photo: Florida reflection 2016