2 emotional seductions that caress you daily and how to overcome them

There are two emotional seductions that caresses our subconscious to the point of total infatuation most every day. They hold us back from enjoying ordinary moments and experiencing other possibilities for creating genuine and lasting happiness. Yet, there are ways to free ourselves.

#1.  Everybody’s into it!  

We like to be constantly busy, on our devices, working, moving, doing anything to fill our time, otherwise we can feel guilty, lonely, lazy, crazy, wasting time. Everybody is doing something and the subconscious ego does not want to be left out! Or get bored!

I’ve had to become very conscious of how many times I pick up my phone to check texts, emails, FitBit.

I am aware that tech can be helpful; a tool for information, communication and generally making life easier. I used it to write this entry. But, so many of us have become unconsciously addicted.

We tend to look down when we use tech, which gives us an indication of unconsciously relating to the sub-conscious ego and to the past. We are seduced emotionally, loosing our conscious awareness of the moment.

Your heart knows

To rise above the fear of being left out set tech aside and relate to your heart. Gently rest your hand over your heart and feel the warmth of your inner tenderness. Enter the Silence, listen and become conscious of your spiritual heart and the present moment.

The beautiful thing is that your heart knows without a doubt the deep connection to the Source of everything.

 In that moment you accept life as it is. There is no seductive emotional desire to connect or make yourself busy because you have connected with All Love, all beings, and Source through your Inner love.

Relax and let life unfold according to universal law, aware, observant, grateful for being part of That.

So next time you start to absently minded pick tech up, pause momentarily and live the moment to create a compassionate cause. 

#2.  Taking sides

We’re seduced not so much by the issues of politics, social , economic, religious and world affairs, rather by the emotions that are attached to the issues. Emotions predominately related to the past.

We are so attracted to and relate to like energy we join band wagons and form tribes. We mimic the rhetoric to defend our position. And defending a position eats away our life energy, while adding weeds to the ego.

Critical thinking, logic and reason are thrown out of the mental process because those emotions associated with the past color our discrimination. We see the world through the human perspective of duality. Good and bad. Right and left, blinding ourselves to other possibilities.

A blatant example

A current example is the U.S. population feeling divided. Emotions run so high violence erupts.

We say we deplore discrimination, but we’re lost to our ability to discriminate! And … we see problems …. rather than opportunities for building harmony.

It’s an obvious example of being motivated by fear rather than love, the human perspective of the law of duality. The same thing for religious jehads, many political, economic, social and personal agendas.

Take the opportunity

We get all fired up, wanting to defend our position. Yet, the Eternal creates opportunities for Harmony through us and issues.

Rather than fight against …… consider the law of duality as the Law of Unity – everything blends and has a deep meaning and spiritual purpose.

So when your emotions start to flair up, become conscious of them. And, ask yourself if you are emotionally relating to the past. Has it triggered feelings of protest, anger, resentment from deep rooted fear and possibly hatred?

Be mindful and discriminate. Be conscious of your authentic powers and balance energy, intelligence, accuracy and Love in the moment, seeing in everyone and in everything opportunities to learn something …., that will help you and us all evolve and enjoy life!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We must be guided by the only Power that can show us Right, by Love, a deep, wide, unassuming feeling which is the foundation of Harmony throughout the whole Universe.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume I, page 229.

Photo: Valencia, Spain 2017 PSLB

From poopy to awesome! Equipping yourself to conquer adversity

Bad Mood, Good Mood

The Power of Emotion to Change Your Life, Part 10

This has happened to me and may to you – when I got up in the morning I suddenly started to feel a bit uncomfortable and anxious, mostly because of stress, obligations and problems to face. But by the time I got dressed and ready to face the day I was feeling better and on the upside. 


We can experience mood shifts with no apparent reason. Something as subtle as a faint fowl odor can trigger an emotional reaction. As we grow out of adolescence we begin to regulate our emotions and form habits to express pain or pleasure, to conform to society, to facilitate our persona or a situation, or even to manipulate others. Our emotions have such a big impact in our life and our ability to solve problems because they are powered by our soul. But, if we are unconscious of what motivates our emotion, especially if it is connected to a problem we’ve have been ignoring, it can hamper our ability to overcome adversity. 

To equip ourselves to overcome adversities it is necessary to be conscious of what strengthens us or weakens us.

Our emotion motivate us – strength or weakness

Our emotions can increase or decrease the intensity of the moment, having a big influence on our coping process. But we also experience emotions and the thoughts that feed them unconsciously. Our subconscious ego can hold on to lower frequency energies based in fear, ignorance and impatience in our lower heart center. And thus, our mind and senses can trigger emotions unconsciously and impair us. Most notably if we’ve been exposed to violence or other traumas. 

A mindful practice – a strength

Part of healing ourselves is to be conscious of the many different emotions we experience especially when we face adversity or opposition ranging from anger to happiness, self-pity to superiority, hopelessness to hope, and fear to love. Being mindful, we can observe them without attachment. We can relax in the waves of our moods, emotions and thoughts like the waves of the ocean. Raising and falling without clinging. Natural. The highs and lows are constantly moving and changing, blending, containing elements of each other.

The Higher order of the Law of Polarity – a strength

 Adversity has such a powerful influence in our life because we utterly believe in ‘negative.’ We fear it and believe that ‘negative’ is the opposite of ‘positive,’ and that negative is necessary to know positive. But this is a perverted subconscious ego’s belief about duality. 

The Law of Polarity is a very beneficial law that means balance and synchronization. It brings things together in order for you to establish harmony in your life. To help you align your personality with your soul.

Adversity and any opposition can serve a greater purpose and that is to give you the opportunity to not cycle repeatedly in ‘negative’ karma, but to find and synchronize with the true nature of your heart and soul in order to harmonize the trend of your life. Consider that you as a soul create opportunities to learn life lessons. 

Subconscious emotional attachments – a weakness

For example, if someone gets mad, starts shouting at you and escalating the tone of the situation you can fall unconsciously into the same frequency and react with anger. Or, if you feel you have been ‘left out’ and lonely, worried or depressed, you can unconsciously get stuck there while you yearn for love.fearful-karmic-cycle

Mindful in the action of the Law of Cause and Effect – a strength

When you are tempted to get angry or feeling down the more you as a soul has emphasized that this is an opportunity to consciously know the harmony, the love, the wisdom, the ‘positive’ energy of yourself. And, you are able to consciously choose the response to create a karma that makes you freer, stronger and happier. karma-positive2

Empowering yourself  in the face of adversity – strengths

  1. Be calm, conscious and mindful in the moment. Caution is a means of self protection, yet we should not be afraid. Fear feeds worry and anxiety and we can get frozen and unable to act with an effective mind. Silence and relaxation opens us to see possibilities and opportunities in the moment. 
  2. In mindfulness you can be conscious that Joy and happiness is available to you now which aligns you with high-frequency energy. Let the Light of your Mind and the higher frequency of Love in your higher heart center be your motivation! Consciously choose an uplifting motivation. Choose Love over fear.
  3. Do your best to reach up to that higher part of yourself, your Higher Self and let it penetrate into your consciousness. Make ‘I am’ statements as truths, like ‘I am strong, wise, inspired and harmonious now.’ Feel it!
  4. Empower yourself further by contacting Universal Life Energy which backs you up with the harmonious power of the Great Principle Itself to overcome the challenge you face. It is the Life Force that connects you with Universal Consciousness. 
  5. See any temptation to be angry, worried or resentful as an opportunity to reach up to that part of yourself that has chosen to learn a lesson. If you are tempted to see only hardship and negative, then remember the true meaning of the Law of Polarity and that the subconscious likes to keep you in that belief and instead of seeing the bigger picture as an opportunity to harmonize yourself.

When you truly understand that every adversity or opposition you experience is interconnected and synchronized in the action of universal laws it empowers you. The Law of Polarity, Law of Cause and Effect, Law of Gender, Law of Rhythm, the Law of Evolution and the Law of Unity. It empowers you to make conscious choices and uplifting emotional motivations that directly impact your human life and your spiritual development.

And step by step you harmonize yourself, overcoming adversity and stress. And in so doing you help harmonize the whole of humanity. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Preserve an indomitably joyful and optimistic attitude, no matter how hard circumstances may press you. The more you repose your full confidence in Universal Life Energy and throw your whole weight into the scale of the Positive, the more rapidly you equip yourself to conquer all adversity.  You are conscious that through Universal Life Energy you enlist the Great Law itself in your favor.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 348.

 For more on the universal laws consider:

Luciferian Consciousness; transcending duality

It’s not only about sex; the Law of Gender you’ve probably never been conscious of 

Enlightenment Studies, Universal Laws and How We Can Live in them Harmoniously
