


We are constantly fluttering,
Becoming dumbfound
We listen to voices with no sound
Dream resolution in delusion
Speak words of confusion
All the while, tasting bitter feelings of collusion.

We oscillate, palpitate and fluctuate
Totally ignore and subordinate the beauty of the butterfly
Misunderstanding the need to identify
With that character to comprehend
The butterfly is not pretend,
And does help us to ascend.

As dangerous flutters abound
We fear the butterfly cannot withstand the pain
Believing it is foreordain
That we are set apart
Opposites, an unsubstantial counterpart
Like a shadow with no heart.

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

What do you ascertain?

Photo courtesy: FreeDigitalPhotos.net, Danilo Rizzuli

A Dream

A Dream

 A Dream

Stone on my heart, heavy

with black underneath

No notice of twilight, deep

Cold and deserved frozen complete


Hands of time, still

with experience incomplete

Sweetness unravel memories, tear

  Ice and immure darkness begin to retreat


Question forms on my lips, why 

within light still burns
Smell a whisper of roses, sweet
Faint movement and beat


Do I dream, now?

Do I begin to feel?

Am I awakening? Hope.

 Is that gentle love that I feel?

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

“In the darkest hours of your life, when the stress of circumstance is at its crisis you have a Light to guide you and a Strength to help you support the burden. Universal Life Energy, that wonderful Power vouchsafed to Mankind, is always ready at hand to answer your call, an Ever Present Help in time of trouble, an Ally never loath to come at your summons and lend Its invincible Strength to fight and win all life’s battles.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 406.

Dance on water

lilly pads refined

Photo – PSLB, Thailand


Your reflection is rippled and distorted in the human mind,                                                     yet your Higher Self knows
You dance on water, You float on air!

You are a gentle soul that unfolds petal,                                                                                       by 1,000 petals
so that your tender heart is disclosed.

You are a friend, then foe, then Friend exposed.

You are a jewel in the silence,
a Light like the sun.

You are ‘I am’ and part of ‘I AM ONE.’

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The Past cannot be changed; we have to take it as it is. But our Future is completely in our hands, and, if we start the right causes, should never occasion us any worry, as it will take care of itself because of the Law of Cause and Effect.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 162.

The Waterfall Effect


Photo: Milford Sound, New Zealand 2018 PSLB

When mental vibrations rise very high, they become not only very powerful but also very soothing and harmonious because of their approach to the Spiritual Plane.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 214.

The Waterfall Effect

We repudiate any baits

that relates to falling fates

to narrates, necessitates and aggravates!

We resonate with the 

Beauty, the rhythm and music 

that reverberates in our spiritual heart. 

We oscillate and equate

To the nature that mates

Elevated mind, emotions, bodily states! 

Waterfalls facilitate, delegate

Release of hates, imitates and other ego baits. 

They Inspire and impart 

A beauty of nature 

That permeates our very soul.

Mind, body, emotions relax;


In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB



4 uninhibited ways to open yourself to unlimited potential

We have infinite potential BUT, and here’s the brakes –  ‘but’ we limit ourselves in an obscure way. Fortunately there are methods to un-limit your potential and become a force in nature! 

You are the pivotal point

 You are like a two-sided coin. On one side you are the observer of the universe and on the other side you shape the universe. The Source synchronizes you as observer and co-creator.

In a mysterious way the universe forms to the way you understand the meaning of life. Or, more accurately, you see the world through what you are mentally aware of and what you emotionally allow yourself to experience. We live primarily in the subconscious ego, limiting ourselves. 

If you think the world is a cruel place and full of suffering, then you shape your own life with that emotional attitude and expectation, creating challenges at every turn. That’s the view I seemed to have born with!

Fortunately the universe is compassionate. Things are always changing and we have opportunities to build a happier reality. For example, if you suddenly find love in your own life you are emotionally lifted and happy! You see the world through the eyes of love and life is beautiful!

If you define the meaning of life with religious beliefs, superstitions or atheistic attitude, then you can limit yourself in that particular tribe’s mindset and expectations, narrowing your vision of possibilities.

You are an unlimited, universal Being.  Consider these 4 uninhibited ways to open yourself to unlimited potential: 

#1 – The universe is in You

Consider the meaning of life includes everything and You have infinite potential! 

When you open your mind and emotions to see the potential for harmony in everything You are synchronizing your mind and emotions to higher realms of unconditional love, peace and harmony and literally refining yourself, physically, mentally and emotionally. As you release negative energy like worry or feeling left out you open yourself to experience the pure energy of creativity in the universe and experience your part in that creativity, taking a more conscious role in shaping your reality. 

#2 – Experience yourself as a multi-dimensional Being

You may be an earthly being, yet you are a Ray of the Eternal simultaneously living in other realms you are as of yet aware.  There are physical, astral, mental, Buddhic and other planes.

I’ve experienced us as beings of Light where we cast no shadows, but on some levels we have dark spots in our bodies which have as yet been refined. And, the presence of other dimensional beings joining us in meditations like Transmitting Universal Life Energy and Love to the World.

Think of yourself as 50% Matter and 50% Spirit which will open you to mental expansion and awareness. You are a spiritual Being living in the Spiritual Plane in this moment.

#3 – The cause is the source of the effect

When you look to the cause rather than the effect it gives you freedom to shape your own reality consciously!

You’ll gain insight into yourself when you look to the cause of any effect, or to any possible effect when you are faced with a decision. A simple method I use is to ask myself if am I coming from tenderness or from fear.

You as a soul have an earthly body and living in the human concept of time, yet you are an eternal Being with the privilege of evolutionary unfoldment. Time is a very three dimensional, human concept, so always consider the big picture and long view.

#4 – Balance your male and female genders

Assert your Selfconsciousness.  

Being conscious and in the moment is your greatest opportunity for unlimited potential.  “I think therefore I am,” is the Self-consciousness beginning to assert itself in your life. Yet to take a leap in potential – be Self-conscious of working enthusiastically, using your intelligence, sincerity and loving consideration. You are balancing both your inner male and female genders, your mind and emotions, bringing your FourSquare soul qualities to the surface of your reality.

Especially be conscious of your spiritual Power. It is incredibility strong, yet tender. When you face trouble, never submit to wrong or weakness. Face it knowing the Eternal is helping you. Say something like, “I am one with the Eternal and with the help of the Eternal it is already overcomed.”

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“To remove a wrong do not try to rub away the shadow. Rather rub away the cause and the shadow disappears.”

“Spirit is the Soul of the Universe. Our Soul is the Spirit within us.”

Eugene Fersen

Photo PSLB Key West, FL 2017

Meditation to consider: Regaining Harmony

To Love 2

Anything that comes to us, we can understand. It is our mind that is to be rebuilt and constructed to rise to higher and higher levels, to deeper and deeper understandings.

The more we listen to our Higher Self, our soul, the more we listen to Harmony. The more we listen to Harmony the more we understand and manifest harmony in our reality.

As humans we have lived for so long in the subconscious ego that we have become in a stupor and we ignore our Higher Self, our intuition and spiritual inspirations. The ego is always busy, constantly circling in mental monkey chatter dripping with unconscious fears. Those fears appear in our nightmares, in our personality and behaviors, being a major factor in our reality.

Try to regain harmony:  be still and listen. Breathe Light into your body. Relax into Silence. Experience Beauty in the moment and gradually rise into the vibrations of Love. The Law of Harmony helps You.

This sounds simple because it is, yet the subconscious ego will deny achieving harmony is possible, especially by simple means. Listen to your Soul!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The higher our rate of vibration, the better the Soul can manifest through us. The rate of vibration depends entirely on Love.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being

Photo: PSLB

A real world Self-protection method that’s a mystical experience

We live in a rapidly changing, interactive world, but we are afraid of being hurt. We’re afraid of being left out, disrespected, ridiculed, abused or betrayed so we try to  protect ourselves by being emotionally guarded, defensive, reclusive, aggressive, angry, complaining, dishonest, or by running away.

But this creates conflict and distance between ourselves. Instead of helping us, these methods of self-protection actually end up hurting us. We want to be loved and respected, but we box our heart in with fear! For a method to release these barriers: Negative emotional contagion.

We suffer from fear

I experienced this very painfully during my youth because felt I didn’t belong in this world and tried to protect myself emotionally by appearing nice, but stuck up. However, inside I screamed for love and affection. I didn’t know I was adding to my detriment.

We can be bombed, stabbed, and killed in many ways, but we usually physically die because of our own fearful thoughts, beliefs and attitudes. Fear and ignorance kills us primarily through karma and attraction.

Your True protection

I’ve learned through spiritual studies and practice that you are naturally protected not by emotional barriers, nor by fear and going on the offense, but by love. Love is your true protection. It does not have an attitude of self-protection, yet when you  love unconditionally you radiate an aura of love that naturally protects you. 

We can be emotionally hurt when hateful arrows of slander, hatred or disgust is thrown at us. It can hit you in the solar plexus or lower heart. Yet, when you are centered in unconditional Love emotional arrows will not hurt you. Even though you recognize the accusations and negative energy, you will feel a calming peace.

Love protects your aura, your mental and emotional being. And, you will feel it physically. I’ve experienced this many times and so can you. 

As you grow closer to unconditional Love, you may become cautious. Yet that caution is perceptive, discriminatory and fearless. You become more confident and trust in Love, even when you experience doubt and an occasional emotional ruffle. 

Enjoy the ride! 

Listen to your intuition and follow the guidance of unconditional Love in your spiritual heart. Your spiritual heart is wise, unifying and fearless.

When you follow the tenderness of your heart your self-perception changes. And, as your self-perception changes, your perception of reality changes. Your inner mystical experiences become as real as your outer physical experiences. 

Another way to put it: 

Arrows Fly→→→

Listening to self-deception, sharpened by fear, jealousy, accusation,
Self-righteous arrows fly→→→  searching for their target to inflect  pain by humiliation.

The targeted heart♥←←← being both judicious and tender, ardently follows Spirit  consideration,
Whispers silent words forgiving, gently pressing in arrows of desperation.

Self-righteous slings more arrows→→→ whetted with suspicion of retaliation.
Again targeted heart♥←←← presses in arrows realizing psyche seeks release from the  pain  of holding on to fearful accumulation.

Anxious psyche shakes off self-doubt while searching for an explanation,
Unknowingly cries out for freedom from self-righteous justification.

Ardent heart♥ in stillness offers tender and gentle Love as motivation.
Looks up within for further guidance and inspiration.

The intent being to elicit Truth when there is possibility of arrows’ mobility,
The wish to convey the highest form of compatibility,
The hope being to maintain inner tranquility,
The reality being to deny fear of any other possibility.

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

“Whenever we do anything with the Spirit of Love, that thing endures, because Love is cement which is very strong.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 109.

photo taken in Thailand

An irresistible seduction 

sit be quiet

When you see things in others you don’t like and you judge them harshly it can feel totally justified. And, that self-righteous justification can become irresistible. So much so that we can imprison ourselves in negative karmic patterns of self-destructive choices. 

We Project onto others

What we don’t like about ourselves we tend to see it in others and don’t like it. We don’t want to see it in ourselves. So when we see it in others, we project dislike and fear out to them.

We judge them harshly in the ego’s self-righteousness. We blame others for our hurt, our worry, our confusion. And then we seek revenge. We despise other’s prejudices, their limited understanding, their hatred. And then we fight against them.

Challenge your fears

When you judge someone harshly, you think they are prejudice, crude, rotten, be conscious of asking yourself, “what is really happening?”  Become aware of the possibilities in the moment.

Challenge that judgement as something you may dislike about yourself. Recognize it as an opportunity to release fear and reach for harmony. Holding on to fear is self-defeating and creates painful consequences.

Fight to be one with harmony. Let yourself feel the tenderness of your heart and focus on that feeling. Breathe deeply and feel yourself in your body. Be in the moment without judgement, self-judgement or otherwise.

Choose Love. Make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy and visualize the temptation of fear and harsh judgement as a weed that you pull out by the roots from the subconscious and burn it with pure Light and Love of Universal Life Energy. 

Finding Love

When we see beauty, kindness, caring and love in others, we begin to see it in ourselves. And, we eventually see the beauty of ourselves in others!

 In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We have harmony with us. We are not products of disharmony. The present condition of the World, finds an echo within us. We  should be as idealistic as possible.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings of Science of Being, Volume I, page 109.



Delicate, silky wings of unfathomable strength; transcendental pool of power, true depth of vibrance in the heart of all hearts, entwine

Causes brilliant thunder of justice to trace all returning deeds not to be undone, but to be played over again until the heart triumphs

And human love can be transformed forever by an exquisite release of shadows, and all malaise and tribulation burns in the presence of the divine.

A single candle to focus, a meeting of unity in the temple of the living, immaterial forces of the soul; nothing more wonderful and beautiful to behold

Silent soul of the Unknown black, mysterious Light only to those that do not know the spiritual warrior extolled.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“It does not help us to realize the beauty of the Soul, and neglect the dirt of the mind.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 97.

Enhanced photo, 2015