Your spiritually driven life as a Spiritual Warrior


The human road can be winding and pitted with so many challenges, temptations, glitz and glamour that it can distract you from living a spiritually driven life. The ego wants to keep everything status quo because of conditioning.

Yet, the spiritual warrior within is lead by our Spiritual Heart with the Conscious Wisdom and Love to create conditions for not only our own happiness, but for others and indeed for the world.

The message of Divine Love

We have had spiritual teachers through the ages as examples of a spiritual warrior and Jesus is  a representative of Divine Love. According to teachings, though he faced many human temptations he chose the Divine Road, showing us how we are meant to live a spiritually driven life; to be a spiritual warrior.

As an insurrectionist his teachings challenged the social and religious order. And, people of influence at that time feared his deviant and very empowering teachings that the kingdom of God is near at hand for all rather than only for a few

The message of Divine Mind

The message of Divine Mind is the wisdom of the heart, the wisdom of Love: the kingdom of Harmony is close at hand and within everyone’s own Heart and Mind.  

We can feel in our Heart what is both wise and loving. We consciously choose to be aware consciously and in the moment. We consciously choose to be loving. 

The ego and blind beliefs of the subconscious that wants to keep us enslaved to memories, superstitions and conditioning are released as we awaken to the illusion of their influence. With our spiritual Will we choose the spiritual path and to Be a spiritual Warrior ….. Choosing to Be Strong, Intelligent, Truthful and Law abiding, and Loving. 

Facing Temptations

As a spiritual warrior we will and do face 3 similar temptations like all Great Spiritual Teachers. They are as in these questions, asking us if we are willing to let the ‘me,’ the ego die in order to create our happiness and spiritual fulfillment:

  1. Do we hunger for fulfillment, but live by human bread alone?
  2. Do we doubt the All encompassing Eternal and our innate Divine nature?
  3. Do we get lost in the human world of challenges, glamour and desire for influence and power?

Apathy delays us.

Doubt cripples our progress.

And greed, pride, jealousy, fear and other subconscious, egotistic traits perverts us.

We are capable Divine Beings that can choose to be FourSquare ….. Enthusiastic, Consciously aware, Principled and Loving. 

Being a Spiritual warrior

You live a spiritually driven life and are a spiritual warrior, when you consciously manifest both personal and unconditional Love.

When you are conscious of the wisdom of your Heart and connect with your Higher Self  and listen to Intuition.

When you consciously face temptations of anger, revenge, worry or fear with courage and Love, letting them past you by, choosing higher level of conscious responses, like optimism, release and understanding. 

As a spiritual warrior – remember You are a powerful Being that has created this moment for yourself to remember your own inner authentic powers as a Universal Soul.

You are Strong, Wise, Sincere and Loving. And, You have the Creator, Divine Mind and Divine Love supporting You. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

Consider adding to the entry with your input. Remember your Higher Self never hesitates!

Until next time consider this quote to reflect upon:

“Mind, through his own mistakes due to Pride, at first destroyed his very life, but having REALIZED HIS MISDIRECTION starts to regenerate it, to rebuild it on a right basis.  MIND, WHEN MISAPPLIED, DEBASES LIFE; PROPERLY USED, EXALTS IT.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 40.




We are constantly fluttering,
Becoming dumbfound
We listen to voices with no sound
Dream resolution in delusion
Speak words of confusion
All the while, tasting bitter feelings of collusion.

We oscillate, palpitate and fluctuate
Totally ignore and subordinate the beauty of the butterfly
Misunderstanding the need to identify
With that character to comprehend
The butterfly is not pretend,
And does help us to ascend.

As dangerous flutters abound
We fear the butterfly cannot withstand the pain
Believing it is foreordain
That we are set apart
Opposites, an unsubstantial counterpart
Like a shadow with no heart.

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

What do you ascertain?

Photo courtesy:, Danilo Rizzuli

A Dream

A Dream

 A Dream

Stone on my heart, heavy

with black underneath

No notice of twilight, deep

Cold and deserved frozen complete


Hands of time, still

with experience incomplete

Sweetness unravel memories, tear

  Ice and immure darkness begin to retreat


Question forms on my lips, why 

within light still burns
Smell a whisper of roses, sweet
Faint movement and beat


Do I dream, now?

Do I begin to feel?

Am I awakening? Hope.

 Is that gentle love that I feel?

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

“In the darkest hours of your life, when the stress of circumstance is at its crisis you have a Light to guide you and a Strength to help you support the burden. Universal Life Energy, that wonderful Power vouchsafed to Mankind, is always ready at hand to answer your call, an Ever Present Help in time of trouble, an Ally never loath to come at your summons and lend Its invincible Strength to fight and win all life’s battles.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 406.

What’s Love Got to do with It?

Purple and White are Our Colors not our Heart

“Whenever we are inspired by beauty, we have taken a step towards Spiritual Vibrations.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume 1, page 82.

When we see beauty in anything we are relating consciously to Love, for beauty is a quality of Love. Love elevates our level of consciousness and reality. We need love to refine ourselves.   

We can find beauty in the simplest things, like a pansy. The name pansy is derived from the French pensee meaning ‘thought.’ While the Middle English name, viola, comes from ‘remembrance.’ Which ever name you use they both  relate to the mind and consciousness.


Beauty brings Love to the forefront of our consciousness!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB


Photos: PSLB

A State of Mind

 A State of Mind

We should try to develop the love of Beauty, which is at the foundation of our being.”  Eugene Fersen

It’s amazing how the beauty and power of Alaska can be captured on an iPad! Yet, it is also amazing that there is so much beauty in this world to enjoy. It out weights the dross. And, everything, everything – says something about our earthly condition. It speaks to us in deep and profound ways and all we have to do is be conscious and aware of it.

The Law of Analogy is such a powerful law to help us understand ourselves and of great benefit for those on a conscious spiritual journey. The law Itself is beautiful.

Glacier MeltThe different states of water can be used to symbolize the different states of mind. The liquid state is like the lively, discriminating consciousness, while the frozen state is like the fixed ideas, beliefs and habitual behavioral patterns of subconsciousness.

The subconscious freezes and imprisons the beauty and Love of Mind, dominating our emotions and behaviors with traits like irritability, worry, guilt or greed if we let it. 

Being frozen is hell for us, because the Great Law says Life is constant vibration, change and gradual evolution.

Just like the way the sun can melt a 10,000 year old glacier in Glacier National Park so can unconditional Love of Universal Life Energy melt and change the frozen misconceptions of the subconscious. 

We may think we don’t like change, but everything else about us says that we do. That’s an analogy that can help us be courageous in challenging situations!

With Light and Love, Portia SLB

Photo: PSLB

This simple mind trick can make you do the opposite of what was intended!

discriminate, hyena reality

When you hear, “Don’t look!”  It’s like when Perseus was warned about Medusa’s snakes for hair that could turn a man to stone. It’s almost impossible not to look! Or when you hear someone say, “Don’t be afraid.” It’s like your heart drops and you’ve heard, “Be afraid, be very afraid!” It’s a subconscious mind trick.

The subconscious ego will take us emotionally and mentally on rides to places to support its own programming. It’s self-righteous and dislikes being bossed around because of fear. And it’s programmed to keep us mentally busy, chatty and inattentive in our thinking so we are constantly being entertained. We follow its trails of thoughts.

The subconscious is entertained by the primary word of the thought rather than the word not or n’t. The word not or n’t seems to disappear from our attention and we follow a familiar trail of thoughts from the primary word.

And we are all good with that until we start to consciously wake up.

When we start to wake up we realize it’s  a challenge to become conscious and in the present moment. All of our past history, stories, beliefs and habits are like alluring trails that lead us to the familiar.

Yet there is a simple awakening practice. And this works when talking to yourself or when speaking with others.

Consciously choose the appropriate words as directives to the subconscious.

If the goal is to remember, rather than saying, “don’t forget,” say, “remember.”

When speaking to yourself, mentally swallow remember in order to program the subconscious to remember. This is using the Law of Gender, because you plant an idea in the subconscious to grow and return to the consciousness. 

I’ve used this method so many times when I feel it is critical to remember something, like where I parked the car in a parking garage.

Be conscious of the words you choose. And remember the way the subconscious works. Consider saying, “Look away,” rather than, “Don’t look!” And, “Be brave,” or “Be courageous,” rather than, “Don’t be afraid.” 

Your Superconscious speaks to you through intuition and leads your power of discrimination when you allow it. So listen to your intuition. You know what to do and what not to do and are conscious and in the moment. 

Inevitably there are times it seems appropriate to use not. Like, “This does not mean…” Just follow that thought with what it does mean.

In the hope you find enlightenment close at hand, PortiaSLB

Until next time consider this quote to reflect upon:

“The subconsciousness always imposes on consciousness. It always wants us to do something. The Superconsciousness always wants to be asked. When we ask we should always believe that we will receive. The Eternal must answer when asked.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume I, p. 313.

4 square reasons the Star Exercise is a spiritual lifeline

“I am One with Universal Life Energy. I feel It flowing through me now.”

#1 – Life

When you perform the Star Exercise You are contacting spiritual energy; UNIVERSAL LIFE ENERGY from the Source.  

You become a living magnetic! As Magnetic Energy Universal Life Energy energizes and refreshes every cell in your body, clears and balances your thinking, and lifts you into higher realms of soul awareness.

The physical element of the contact makes it easy. It works because it is based on the physical Law of Attraction. Your soul, heart and Life Center is attracting the LIFE ENERGY  from the Universe.

We are made of this energy, but we are unconscious of it and therefore do not derive as much benefit from it as we could. Since we made our original mistake on the mental level with ingratitude, impatience and ignorance, then we must reconnect mentally and an I am declaration of Truth used in addition to the physical position helps us open ourselves.

#2 – Light

You are bringing your presence to the essence of the Source and also contacting Universal Life Energy as Mental Vibrations. 

It lights you with finer frequencies of mental energies. And your thoughts become charged with this energy making them even more magnetic and they become Mind Force! 

You become more conscious, better able to discriminate and aware of your intuition. At the same time It shrinks the subconscious ego. 

A big bonus is when you focus on feeling the energy in your hand you become aware, conscious, and present in the moment. Mindful. Mindfulness stops the ego from circling in thought; stops the continuous monkey chatter, worry, guilt or depression. 

And for me, mindfulness enhances meditation and silence. I relax and become calm. Better able to meditate. I’ve become more mindful during the day and more understanding in my relationships.

At work you may notice that your focus improves and you have more stamina.

#3 – Liberty

As you become more mindful and conscious, you will discover that with discrimination you are freer. You begin to live more from the higher aspects of your heart lead by Love.

You see more opportunities for harmony, especially in mistakes. That is because you are aligning with the Universe, with the Laws of the Universe and with the harmony of the Source. You gradually align with harmony, not only through the energy, but also through the lingering mindfulness. 

More and more, as you gradually build on your consciousness and spiritual awakening, you create your own freedom in your reality. You create your physical, mental and especially emotional freedom. Freedom from worry, hurry and fear. The ego gets weaker as your unique, spiritual character strengthens. 

#4 – Love

You are also contacting Spiritual Energy direct from the Source. 

The soul vibrations refine your consciousness into what we may call Superconsciousness, and you become more conscious of your Self as a soul. You begin to balance all of your authentic soul powers of Strength, Wisdom, Sincerity and Love.

You begin to consciously balance yourself in the Universal Laws and align with them. You begin to experience The Laws of Gender, Cause and Effect, Polarity and Rhythm as the Law of Unity, Harmony. 


You may notice small changes at first, yet as you persevere and continue making the contact everyday you will experience big changes. I’ve found my spiritual practice deepen, become more inspiring, inclusive and loving. 

I had a very difficult young life. After performing the Star Exercise for 40 years, my life continues to blossom as a great blessing. I am so grateful for the energy, wisdom, inspirations and most of all Love. 

When I look back it seems I’ve experienced so much spiritual unfoldment, yet I know I’ve barely begun the adventure! I’ve had wonderful spiritual teachers for which I am also grateful. Everyone is my spiritual teacher and companion, including You.

In the present moment I know that my Higher Self and soul is my great guide and who I am.  It may be the same for You.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“And the mysterious sign, the Pentagram, becomes indeed a KEY TO ALL POWERS, as it unlocks and brings forth in Man all his latent powers and forces. It is when the human body takes the position as show in the diagrams following that the actual contact of the life energy within is made with the Universal Life energy without. And a man’s physical, mental, and emotional development will be thus stimulated by an ever increasing Force.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pp. 64-5. 

Contacting Universal Life Energy
The Star Exercise

4 square reasons the Star Exercise is a spiritual lifeline

“I am One with Universal Life Energy. I feel It flowing through me now.”

#1 – Life

When you perform the Star Exercise You are contacting spiritual energy; UNIVERSAL LIFE ENERGY from the Source.  

You become a living magnetic! As Magnetic Energy Universal Life Energy energizes and refreshes every cell in your body, clears and balances your thinking, and lifts you into higher realms of soul awareness.

The physical element of the contact makes it easy. It works because it is based on the physical Law of Attraction. Your soul, heart and Life Center is attracting the LIFE ENERGY  from the Universe.

We are made of this energy, but we are unconscious of it and therefore do not derive as much benefit from it as we could. Since we made our original mistake on the mental level with ingratitude, impatience and ignorance, then we must reconnect mentally and an I am declaration of Truth used in addition to the physical position helps us open ourselves.

#2 – Light

You are bringing your presence to the essence of the Source and also contacting Universal Life Energy as Mental Vibrations. 

It lights you with finer frequencies of mental energies. And your thoughts become charged with this energy making them even more magnetic and they become Mind Force! 

You become more conscious, better able to discriminate and aware of your intuition. At the same time It shrinks the subconscious ego. 

A big bonus is when you focus on feeling the energy in your hand you become aware, conscious, and present in the moment. Mindful. Mindfulness stops the ego from circling in thought; stops the continuous monkey chatter, worry, guilt or depression. 

And for me, mindfulness enhances meditation and silence. I relax and become calm. Better able to meditate. I’ve become more mindful during the day and more understanding in my relationships.

At work you may notice that your focus improves and you have more stamina.

#3 – Liberty

As you become more mindful and conscious, you will discover that with discrimination you are freer. You begin to live more from the higher aspects of your heart lead by Love.

You see more opportunities for harmony, especially in mistakes. That is because you are aligning with the Universe, with the Laws of the Universe and with the harmony of the Source. You gradually align with harmony, not only through the energy, but also through the lingering mindfulness. 

More and more, as you gradually build on your consciousness and spiritual awakening, you create your own freedom in your reality. You create your physical, mental and especially emotional freedom. Freedom from worry, hurry and fear. The ego gets weaker as your unique, spiritual character strengthens. 

#4 – Love

You are also contacting Spiritual Energy direct from the Source. 

The soul vibrations refine your consciousness into what we may call Superconsciousness, and you become more conscious of your Self as a soul. You begin to balance all of your authentic soul powers of Strength, Wisdom, Sincerity and Love.

You begin to consciously balance yourself in the Universal Laws and align with them. You begin to experience The Laws of Gender, Cause and Effect, Polarity and Rhythm as the Law of Unity, Harmony. 


You may notice small changes at first, yet as you persevere and continue making the contact everyday you will experience big changes. I’ve found my spiritual practice deepen, become more inspiring, inclusive and loving. 

I had a very difficult young life. After performing the Star Exercise for 40 years, my life continues to blossom as a great blessing. I am so grateful for the energy, wisdom, inspirations and most of all Love. 

When I look back it seems I’ve experienced so much spiritual unfoldment, yet I know I’ve barely begun the adventure! I’ve had wonderful spiritual teachers for which I am also grateful. Everyone is my spiritual teacher and companion, including You.

In the present moment I know that my Higher Self and soul is my great guide and who I am.  It may be the same for You.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“And the mysterious sign, the Pentagram, becomes indeed a KEY TO ALL POWERS, as it unlocks and brings forth in Man all his latent powers and forces. It is when the human body takes the position as show in the diagrams following that the actual contact of the life energy within is made with the Universal Life energy without. And a man’s physical, mental, and emotional development will be thus stimulated by an ever increasing Force.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pp. 64-5. 

Contacting Universal Life Energy
The Star Exercise

Like in a reality show we create conflict in our life! But why?


Television dramas and reality shows soar in popularity, especially when there is obvious conflict. We want the characters to bravely face problems and overcome them. We want happy endings and great achievements. But, why are we so attracted to conflict in stories and competitions? And, do we purposefully create conflict in our life?

The Entertainment

Sure, we like to be entertained with games and stories on tv and conflict makes good drama. We are kept in suspense and emotionally invested with anticipation in the hope of them overcoming the challenges they face.  We like the adventure and are attracted to it because we relate it to our own drama.

Our Power of Creation

In reality shows some of the conflict is staged for entertainment. But, in our own reality we create conflict and drama in our life unconsciously because we fall prey to subconscious negative temptations.

Cause and effect modality

When we do fall prey to negative temptations we have chosen to engage in the dynamic of karma. Negative karma can be very painful, yet we may learn some very valuable life lessons.  

Myself as an example

I remember driving and coming to a stop light, when the driver of the car in the parallel lane next to me got very angry that I hadn’t pulled up further. He shouted at me and I quickly replied with a nasty response. Fortunately the light turned green and we moved on. 

I still remember that particular road rage incident, my self-centerness and retaliation, and the pain it caused me from guilt.

Yet, I learned from it –  to care about what I am doing in the moment. And, that even when I make a mistake and it is painful, I can pick myself up and know that I am on the other side of it.

That moment lead me to understand that when we sincerely quest for answers to know ourselves, help and answers will come.

Life lessons

When someone attackes us it is a sure sign they are hurting. And jumping in their pain only adds to it, feeds it, and hurts us too. They have a right to their own mistakes and learning process.

That doesn’t mean we should accept abuse. Love is strong and we can either remove ourselves, get help or report it to proper authorities.

Being conscious, calm and finding our own inner peace will help us release a retaliation response and even if the other person is not conscious of it, it will help the other person too.

We will keep experiencing the same lesson over and over until we recognize our authentic power of a conscious loving mind and manifest qualities of love. 

Pain is a teacher

Pain in problems and conflict is something that we agreed to and created through our thoughts, emotions, and most of all, our behaviors. Yet, what hurts us also hurts others.


Next time you face a challenge and are tempted by low-frequency emotions which creates conflict or adds to conflict, to get in a fight, be brave and remember that the greater the temptation, the more importance you have placed on the lesson you have agreed to learn!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

Until next time consider this quote to reflection upon:

“Another way to neutralize that law of Polarity is continually to refuse to see the negative, always place the weight in the positive scale, to try to see, even in things most unpleasant, something good. Thus we cast the weight in the right scale, in the positive, and the result is, that by and by the law of Polarity will be neutralized, and finally will cease to operate in our lives at all. Then, ONLY the positive will come to us.”  

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being 

I appreciate You!

Mindful Silence

Enter the Silence in order to

release mental tension.

You will get a glimpse into your own mind.

Listening is a quality of Love, an inner feminine gender.

The ego likes to talk rather than listen and gets caught up in ‘monkey chatter.”

Yet, when we are conscious we can live in the moment. Be silent and enjoy life now, releasing the urge to jump into the monkey chatter thinking about what we have to do next or what just happened!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“On Conscious Self is in a peculiar situation. On the one side we receive wisdom from our Higher Self. On the other side we receive foolishness from our subconsciousness.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings by Eugene Fersen, Volume 1, page 142.

Photo: fog on the lake, 2016