Tricky self deception; It’s easy to deceive, Part 2

Photo: PSLB

Each of us are the creators of our life’s destiny. And it is critical to know ourselves and the workings of the human mind and it greater aspects in order to help us achieve success, happiness and spiritual awareness.

As shared in the previous entry, our perceptions are affected by our expectations and interests. To avoid these pitfalls….. remember we will always feel that something is off. For more link to the previous entry: Its easy to deceive, part 1.

Familiarity affects our perceptions

We have to live with ourselves everyday and we can get so familiar with our habitual thinking and emotions that we tend to ignore them. We may get out of the same side of the bed everyday and have the same attitudes, especially on work days. But, we tend to change our behaviors when we expect to be seen.

Plus …. and this is very interesting …. the ego may act differently when it (we) are conscious of being the watcher of ourselves! As we begin to watch ourselves engaging in such traits as resentment, anger, desire, the ego may retaliate and fall into hatred, despair, and guilt!

Or ….. the subconscious can become very lethargic and the ego can just ignore it. We may ignore our state of consciousness that we repeatedly engage in like procrastination. We may be ignorant of sarcastic attitudes around certain people. Or we may unknowing cling to memories that keep us in states of resignation, anxiety or stress.

It is the conscious self that is the window to self-observation and being the watcher or witness is a first step to recognizing subconscious traits. Yet, being the unattached observer leads to higher levels of consciousness and deeper understandings.

Levels of consciousness like courage, willingness to see the good, the bad and the ugly, and acceptance of our limitlessness and connection to Source can lead to release of the limited ego. And conscious embrace of Love, Joy and Peace.

When you are observing yourself in a detached, uninvolved state of consciousness then you can accept that you are tempted by the ego’s shame, guilt, or hopelessness. You can be conscious and alert in the moment and know that any temptation is fleeting. Put temptations in a mental trash can, knowing that it is an illusion of the subconscious ego.

Remember to make the Mental Contact and be grateful for being conscious and in the process of exposing the ego, and unfolding your Inner Beauty. Softy make Statements of Truth so that they can soak within, into the subconscious ego, to grow, like:

“I am a Ray of the Great Principle with all the same qualities of Power, Intelligence, Law and Love.

Programmed bias affects our observation

The human mind is naive and impressionable, especially when we are children. Since we were little we’ve seen how those closest to us react to circumstances, and we mirror them, becoming gradually programmed to reflect the same qualities.

Our perceptions are affected by the environment we live in. By our beliefs. By our memories. By our struggles for survival, gains, and failures. By our carelessness, lust, envy and self-righteousness.

The Law of Gender is a factor in the human mind, with thoughts, beliefs and programming growing unnoticed in the subconscious, to return to conscious reality. So you can help yourself by being conscious of memes and propaganda.

Inner vanity is an egotistic environment for the spiritual traveler. And the immaturity of the ego has lead to criminality, dissidence, and militancy. Society has been in states that glorifies status seeking, the criminal culture, and deliberate programming of children and adults with memes and political attitudes.

When you refuse to accept responsibility for how you think, feel and behave you are accepting propaganda and programming, becoming its victim. You, we all, become trapped until we are willing to fight for our freedom.

It’s a matter of choice.

As mature beings we can take responsibility for our own level of consciousness and release any payoffs of egotistic traits.

Remember you do not have to do it all alone. We are all on our spiritual journey together and awakening with Source, the Great Principle. As we unfold, so does the Absolute.

And the Absolute is always available to help each of us physically, mentally and spiritually. The Star Exercise and Mental Contact helps on all levels and in all circumstances. Doing these practices daily helps to clear and harmonize the subconscious ego, even those parts and traits that are long forgotten.

And being conscious, alert and aware in the present moment brings us the opportunity of choice.

In the hope you find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Many people fail because they are prone to mistake their initial success for license to do as they please. Freedom is not license.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 183.

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How should we fight evil in the world?

When things get really though in world affairs we can become entangled with the negativity and it can drag us down. We’ll look for advantages to sooth ourselves, but we can get trapped and stuck in our negative conditioning. 

So what should we do to help ourselves and the world?

We’re tempted to do this …

We should not be blind to the evil in the world, rather we should be conscious and mindful of it without feeding it more negative emotions. War on evil only feeds evil.

Everyone has negative aspects of the egotistic personality that can surface. We can be tempted to exhibit behaviors that are immature, unhelpful and even worst ….. like becoming afraid, worried, depressed, aggressive and even violent. 

To Help Ourselves and Others …

We are tied into the problems of the world, but we must begin harmonization by relying on ourselves. 

That is to be conscious and aware of our own selves first! By being aware of our strengths …… our Inner Four Square qualities of Strength, Intelligence, Truth and Love and Compassion.

You can truly help yourself and help all humanity by fighting to be more compassionate and non-judgmental, without involvement of the ego’s opinions. We can be loving and generous in our attitudes without attachment to humanity’s emotional dramas.

Our spiritual Being …. what we become with focus on lovingness helps all humanity.

You are part of the emerging Universal Consciousness! We are becoming more and more conscious of the vastness of the universe and the beauty and wonder of it. And that is evidence of the evolution of humanity’s consciousness.

Reliance on the Source

You are on the path of enlightenment! Let us have faith that things will work out according the Law of Harmony.

In earthy reality, things work out according to the laws of: Cause and effect, Polarity, Rhythm and Gender. All things work out for the greater good!

We open ourselves to the protection of the Great Principle when we have faith and trust in the Source, in the Laws of the Universe.  Say and feel something like: “With the help of the Great Principle I have the power to meet the situation.”

Once you make a choice Source will help you accelerate in that direction! And no matter if your decision is based in subconscious conditioning, conscious reasoning, or superconscious inspiration, the Law of Evolution will ultimately accelerate your awareness and spiritual unfoldment.

All paths ultimately further your evolution,

even those that create a temporary downfall, which results in more challenging conditions for yourself and those around you. Unfortunately sometimes we have to hit bottom before we look up.

You live Your spiritual journey

We live in times of great spiritual opportunities ….. to unfold because we are becoming more aware of the negative temptations of the ego and of evil in the world. 

If you agonize or worry over your choices it means you are being influenced by conditioning from past experiences.

Consider the process of making decisions an opportunity to open yourself to the Universe and ask for help. Make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy which opens you to tremendous help.

Be reasonable and logical, but also listen to your intuition. It is the voice of your soul.

And, remember you also have the help of unknown individuals around the world and of those in higher realms. 

This is when we as observers can observe in a detached manner with clarity yet without harsh judgment.

Remember that some of us choose more challenging paths of spiritual unfoldment. Yet, everyone is a spiritual being and on their spiritual journey.

Let us take the opportunity …

to work on lifting ourselves up by manifesting qualities of our heart, our Spiritual Heart. Let us be Enthusiastic, Intelligent, True and have Goodwill for ourselves and others. And, we change the world!

You are on the cusp of evolution ….. pulling us into the future! Your cooperation  with Harmony accelerates your awareness and spiritual unfoldment, and indeed the world’s.

I have best hope for peace in your creative endeavors now and always!

For more: Unexpected help in the creative fire! and Living a Conscious Heart.

With Light and Love, PortiaSLB

“Others cannot do things for us. It is all so complicated, that in order to find a clear path out it, we should rely more and more on the Principle of the FourSquare. Try to unfold It in our own life, and in our relations to other people, and to the World.” 

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume II,  page 78. 

Photo: PortiaSLB 2017

4 square reasons the Star Exercise is a spiritual lifeline

“I am One with Universal Life Energy. I feel It flowing through me now.”

#1 – Life

When you perform the Star Exercise You are contacting spiritual energy; UNIVERSAL LIFE ENERGY from the Source.  

You become a living magnetic! As Magnetic Energy Universal Life Energy energizes and refreshes every cell in your body, clears and balances your thinking, and lifts you into higher realms of soul awareness.

The physical element of the contact makes it easy. It works because it is based on the physical Law of Attraction. Your soul, heart and Life Center is attracting the LIFE ENERGY  from the Universe.

We are made of this energy, but we are unconscious of it and therefore do not derive as much benefit from it as we could. Since we made our original mistake on the mental level with ingratitude, impatience and ignorance, then we must reconnect mentally and an I am declaration of Truth used in addition to the physical position helps us open ourselves.

#2 – Light

You are bringing your presence to the essence of the Source and also contacting Universal Life Energy as Mental Vibrations. 

It lights you with finer frequencies of mental energies. And your thoughts become charged with this energy making them even more magnetic and they become Mind Force! 

You become more conscious, better able to discriminate and aware of your intuition. At the same time It shrinks the subconscious ego. 

A big bonus is when you focus on feeling the energy in your hand you become aware, conscious, and present in the moment. Mindful. Mindfulness stops the ego from circling in thought; stops the continuous monkey chatter, worry, guilt or depression. 

And for me, mindfulness enhances meditation and silence. I relax and become calm. Better able to meditate. I’ve become more mindful during the day and more understanding in my relationships.

At work you may notice that your focus improves and you have more stamina.

#3 – Liberty

As you become more mindful and conscious, you will discover that with discrimination you are freer. You begin to live more from the higher aspects of your heart lead by Love.

You see more opportunities for harmony, especially in mistakes. That is because you are aligning with the Universe, with the Laws of the Universe and with the harmony of the Source. You gradually align with harmony, not only through the energy, but also through the lingering mindfulness. 

More and more, as you gradually build on your consciousness and spiritual awakening, you create your own freedom in your reality. You create your physical, mental and especially emotional freedom. Freedom from worry, hurry and fear. The ego gets weaker as your unique, spiritual character strengthens. 

#4 – Love

You are also contacting Spiritual Energy direct from the Source. 

The soul vibrations refine your consciousness into what we may call Superconsciousness, and you become more conscious of your Self as a soul. You begin to balance all of your authentic soul powers of Strength, Wisdom, Sincerity and Love.

You begin to consciously balance yourself in the Universal Laws and align with them. You begin to experience The Laws of Gender, Cause and Effect, Polarity and Rhythm as the Law of Unity, Harmony. 


You may notice small changes at first, yet as you persevere and continue making the contact everyday you will experience big changes. I’ve found my spiritual practice deepen, become more inspiring, inclusive and loving. 

I had a very difficult young life. After performing the Star Exercise for 40 years, my life continues to blossom as a great blessing. I am so grateful for the energy, wisdom, inspirations and most of all Love. 

When I look back it seems I’ve experienced so much spiritual unfoldment, yet I know I’ve barely begun the adventure! I’ve had wonderful spiritual teachers for which I am also grateful. Everyone is my spiritual teacher and companion, including You.

In the present moment I know that my Higher Self and soul is my great guide and who I am.  It may be the same for You.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“And the mysterious sign, the Pentagram, becomes indeed a KEY TO ALL POWERS, as it unlocks and brings forth in Man all his latent powers and forces. It is when the human body takes the position as show in the diagrams following that the actual contact of the life energy within is made with the Universal Life energy without. And a man’s physical, mental, and emotional development will be thus stimulated by an ever increasing Force.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pp. 64-5. 

Contacting Universal Life Energy
The Star Exercise

4 square reasons the Star Exercise is a spiritual lifeline

“I am One with Universal Life Energy. I feel It flowing through me now.”

#1 – Life

When you perform the Star Exercise You are contacting spiritual energy; UNIVERSAL LIFE ENERGY from the Source.  

You become a living magnetic! As Magnetic Energy Universal Life Energy energizes and refreshes every cell in your body, clears and balances your thinking, and lifts you into higher realms of soul awareness.

The physical element of the contact makes it easy. It works because it is based on the physical Law of Attraction. Your soul, heart and Life Center is attracting the LIFE ENERGY  from the Universe.

We are made of this energy, but we are unconscious of it and therefore do not derive as much benefit from it as we could. Since we made our original mistake on the mental level with ingratitude, impatience and ignorance, then we must reconnect mentally and an I am declaration of Truth used in addition to the physical position helps us open ourselves.

#2 – Light

You are bringing your presence to the essence of the Source and also contacting Universal Life Energy as Mental Vibrations. 

It lights you with finer frequencies of mental energies. And your thoughts become charged with this energy making them even more magnetic and they become Mind Force! 

You become more conscious, better able to discriminate and aware of your intuition. At the same time It shrinks the subconscious ego. 

A big bonus is when you focus on feeling the energy in your hand you become aware, conscious, and present in the moment. Mindful. Mindfulness stops the ego from circling in thought; stops the continuous monkey chatter, worry, guilt or depression. 

And for me, mindfulness enhances meditation and silence. I relax and become calm. Better able to meditate. I’ve become more mindful during the day and more understanding in my relationships.

At work you may notice that your focus improves and you have more stamina.

#3 – Liberty

As you become more mindful and conscious, you will discover that with discrimination you are freer. You begin to live more from the higher aspects of your heart lead by Love.

You see more opportunities for harmony, especially in mistakes. That is because you are aligning with the Universe, with the Laws of the Universe and with the harmony of the Source. You gradually align with harmony, not only through the energy, but also through the lingering mindfulness. 

More and more, as you gradually build on your consciousness and spiritual awakening, you create your own freedom in your reality. You create your physical, mental and especially emotional freedom. Freedom from worry, hurry and fear. The ego gets weaker as your unique, spiritual character strengthens. 

#4 – Love

You are also contacting Spiritual Energy direct from the Source. 

The soul vibrations refine your consciousness into what we may call Superconsciousness, and you become more conscious of your Self as a soul. You begin to balance all of your authentic soul powers of Strength, Wisdom, Sincerity and Love.

You begin to consciously balance yourself in the Universal Laws and align with them. You begin to experience The Laws of Gender, Cause and Effect, Polarity and Rhythm as the Law of Unity, Harmony. 


You may notice small changes at first, yet as you persevere and continue making the contact everyday you will experience big changes. I’ve found my spiritual practice deepen, become more inspiring, inclusive and loving. 

I had a very difficult young life. After performing the Star Exercise for 40 years, my life continues to blossom as a great blessing. I am so grateful for the energy, wisdom, inspirations and most of all Love. 

When I look back it seems I’ve experienced so much spiritual unfoldment, yet I know I’ve barely begun the adventure! I’ve had wonderful spiritual teachers for which I am also grateful. Everyone is my spiritual teacher and companion, including You.

In the present moment I know that my Higher Self and soul is my great guide and who I am.  It may be the same for You.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“And the mysterious sign, the Pentagram, becomes indeed a KEY TO ALL POWERS, as it unlocks and brings forth in Man all his latent powers and forces. It is when the human body takes the position as show in the diagrams following that the actual contact of the life energy within is made with the Universal Life energy without. And a man’s physical, mental, and emotional development will be thus stimulated by an ever increasing Force.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pp. 64-5. 

Contacting Universal Life Energy
The Star Exercise

Turn your life around and find the deeper purpose of mindfulness


Through  millennia we have  come to believe our mind and brain are the most important part of ourselves. Our intellect and our technological progress. But in the dark recesses of our mind we also think there’s something wrong with us. The subconscious ego dominates our thinking and keeps us habitually circling in the same patterns of confusion. We become trapped in our head. This is one of the reasons so many of us are practicing Silence and mindfulness – to help free us from the ego’s grip. Yet there is a deeper, more filling purpose to mindfulness that can turn our life around.

In our head

In the Silence of mindfulness we are still centering our mental energies in our head and brain, developing our mental awareness and receptivity. However, we are also opening to our Higher Self, Superconsciousness and intuition, mentally raising above the subconscious. We are becoming conscious of a vaster realm of awareness, developing the pineal (7th chakra) and pituitary (6th chakra) glands. Connecting with the awareness of our soul.

In mindfulness

In mindfulness and Silence we are also becoming more conscious of the tenderness of our heart. The calm, gentle feeling that brings a sense of peace. We are mentally opening to the deep emotions and wisdom of our heart. That tender spot that feels love for our spouse, our children, family and friends. That spot that holds us together in times of troubles and crises. That spot of Divine Love, compassion and unconditional love.

In our Scared Center

New research shows that the heart also contains brain cells. With the heart being the Seat  of Love and Center of Attraction it is the spot of spiritual awareness; your most scared center and chamber of the Eternal. A spiritual consciousness. 

Deeper purpose of mindfulness

This knowledge alone can change the way you think about your heart center and the 4th chakra. This can change the way you think about your mind, brain, 6th and 7th chakras. For the pineal and the pituitary (6th chakra) are parts of the brain that receives impressions from the heart.

The deeper purpose of mindfulness is to become conscious of the wisdom, the harmony of your heart. To become conscious of the reflection of the heart in your mind. In the 6th and 7th chakras. The pituitary and pineal.

The way the subconscious creates our life

In the human mental state  we live dominated by the subconscious ego with fear and doubt. We live in that part of the mind that believes in the Law of Polarity as the Law of Duality in which everything comes in opposite pairs. Something great happens, but there is also something bad. And, in the Law of Rhythm in which we may experience great progress, but then we swing back down to almost where we started. 

Living a conscious heart

Yet, when you live a conscious heart, you are mindful, in the moment you are conscious of your ability to create from your heart and love. Creating from the scared chamber of your heart means you are creating with your genders balanced. Mind and Love are balanced and in harmony.

From your heart,  you are conscious of choosing to create your reality in the action of the Law of Cause and Effect, of karma with the harmony of your soul. The Law of Polarity and Law of Rhythm is the same as the Law of Unity or Harmony. When we experience something great we experience something good too. We continue to evolve in to greater freedom, strength and happiness. 

That can turn you around. Completely. Change the way you see yourself, others and the world. Change the way you respond to challenges. Change the way you create your life.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

How to live a conscious heart?: Living a Conscious Heart

“You may ask, but is not the mind in the brain? No, the brain is merely a switchboard for certain mental processes. It may seem stronger because the qualities are more concentrated. Nevertheless, the whole of our body has mind and soul interwoven in it.”

Eugene Fersen, The Teacher, Volume 1, page 55.





The Feminine Curve


Entering the feminine curve
Every nerve drawing me deeper toward
The heart of the vortex serve,
Knowing Source of earthly accord. 

Progressive energies
Cause molecules of emotions rising atop
Encouraging me, 
Though fear begging me to stop.

Memory of my mother
Taming my heart
Telling me I have to detach;
Lightning clap asunder, apart.

Her detachment declaration
Swills of light ascertain;
Done for both hearts’ liberation
Nonetheless acute piercing pain.

Thoughts of inadequacy
Sweat beginning to bead
Even as tears of gratitude,
Long trailing drops intercede.

Energies whirl, ripping from existence
Illusions self-composed,
Darkness, death, time,
Detrimental memories decompose.

Stripped and lifted to greater heights
Becoming fearless, assured by Feminine Love
Inner Masculine Power lights
Immortal boundless Spirit thereof.

Timeless Unconditional Love.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

Sedona 2

There are several energy vortexes the Sedon, Arizona area. And, some say the entire area is an energy vortex. Of course, there are skeptics even though there is evidence that compass needles lose true north at vortex sites!

There is no denying the beauty of the place, the feminine earthly energy and the masculine strength. You can learn much about yourself and your connection to the earth and universe.

The red and white mountains look different during the day as the sun moves across the sky and the shadows play! No matter if it’s the beauty or the energy, Sedona is inspiring and invigorating! 

sedona mountains 2016

Photos of Sedona, Arizona 2016.


“It is very interesting to analyze the effects of gratitude. That inner love in it makes it possible for us to expand. There are very few emotions as strong, deep and beautiful as gratitude. The more grateful we will be, the more receptive we will be, and the more good things will come into our lives.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume II, page 177.


Beautiful creatures

sit be quiet 

People are beautiful.

Sometimes I just sit and people watch. When we people watch we are looking at ourselves. 

People are beautiful, but we can also be so frighteningly ugly because we strive for external power in the world.

That unconscious desire and fear makes us do terrible things and causes us to suffer. Yet, if you look deep beyond the fear and emptiness, there is the beauty of the soul that is striving to express internal creative power of cohesion with everyone else and the universe.

How can that be true?

Even in the trouble we cause, the negative behaviors, the painful karma we create, we are in the process of unfolding our soul and our beauty. We may think – how can that be true in all that pain, suffering and ugliness?

We’ve created the subconscious ego that believes it rules the world. And, so we choose modes of learning in which we use negative energy, harmful energy, and thus create negative karma.

The Great Principle is eternally compassionate

We’ve fallen and think we can’t get up. We’ve lost conscious awareness of our soul. 

Yet, we are educating ourselves, and becoming more conscious of the Universal Laws. When we make a mistake it hurts and we think – perhaps we shouldn’t do that again! When I stumble and hurt, emotionally or physically, I always ask myself ‘why.’

Mentally we have separated ourselves from the Infinite and Source. That is a big mistake, yet not an eternal one. But, because of the Universal Laws, including the Law of Gender, time becomes a factor in our minds when we consider our spiritual journey back to full realization of who we are and unity with the Great All. 

Mentally we’ve turned away from Love and Beauty. When we think of other people as beautiful we are relating to the Eternal, the Source of Beauty. When we love, including human love for a partner, child or pet, we are expressing an awakening to unconditional Love and Love of the Eternal. 

We are harmonizing, healing ourselves.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Material beauty is the expression in Matter of a Spiritual Power.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 153.


Dark, Dark Hole


Dark, dark hole

It’s a dark, dark hole;
The center of our life
At one time
Long dead and decayed,
Remnant of what was,
Yet, decay can be a hotbed for growth.
Harmful weeds,
Poison vines that climb
And come back out
Into consciousness.
No power of discrimination,
And we fall back into conditioned illusion.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB