Tricky self deception; It’s easy to deceive, Part 2

Photo: PSLB

Each of us are the creators of our life’s destiny. And it is critical to know ourselves and the workings of the human mind and it greater aspects in order to help us achieve success, happiness and spiritual awareness.

As shared in the previous entry, our perceptions are affected by our expectations and interests. To avoid these pitfalls….. remember we will always feel that something is off. For more link to the previous entry: Its easy to deceive, part 1.

Familiarity affects our perceptions

We have to live with ourselves everyday and we can get so familiar with our habitual thinking and emotions that we tend to ignore them. We may get out of the same side of the bed everyday and have the same attitudes, especially on work days. But, we tend to change our behaviors when we expect to be seen.

Plus …. and this is very interesting …. the ego may act differently when it (we) are conscious of being the watcher of ourselves! As we begin to watch ourselves engaging in such traits as resentment, anger, desire, the ego may retaliate and fall into hatred, despair, and guilt!

Or ….. the subconscious can become very lethargic and the ego can just ignore it. We may ignore our state of consciousness that we repeatedly engage in like procrastination. We may be ignorant of sarcastic attitudes around certain people. Or we may unknowing cling to memories that keep us in states of resignation, anxiety or stress.

It is the conscious self that is the window to self-observation and being the watcher or witness is a first step to recognizing subconscious traits. Yet, being the unattached observer leads to higher levels of consciousness and deeper understandings.

Levels of consciousness like courage, willingness to see the good, the bad and the ugly, and acceptance of our limitlessness and connection to Source can lead to release of the limited ego. And conscious embrace of Love, Joy and Peace.

When you are observing yourself in a detached, uninvolved state of consciousness then you can accept that you are tempted by the ego’s shame, guilt, or hopelessness. You can be conscious and alert in the moment and know that any temptation is fleeting. Put temptations in a mental trash can, knowing that it is an illusion of the subconscious ego.

Remember to make the Mental Contact and be grateful for being conscious and in the process of exposing the ego, and unfolding your Inner Beauty. Softy make Statements of Truth so that they can soak within, into the subconscious ego, to grow, like:

“I am a Ray of the Great Principle with all the same qualities of Power, Intelligence, Law and Love.

Programmed bias affects our observation

The human mind is naive and impressionable, especially when we are children. Since we were little we’ve seen how those closest to us react to circumstances, and we mirror them, becoming gradually programmed to reflect the same qualities.

Our perceptions are affected by the environment we live in. By our beliefs. By our memories. By our struggles for survival, gains, and failures. By our carelessness, lust, envy and self-righteousness.

The Law of Gender is a factor in the human mind, with thoughts, beliefs and programming growing unnoticed in the subconscious, to return to conscious reality. So you can help yourself by being conscious of memes and propaganda.

Inner vanity is an egotistic environment for the spiritual traveler. And the immaturity of the ego has lead to criminality, dissidence, and militancy. Society has been in states that glorifies status seeking, the criminal culture, and deliberate programming of children and adults with memes and political attitudes.

When you refuse to accept responsibility for how you think, feel and behave you are accepting propaganda and programming, becoming its victim. You, we all, become trapped until we are willing to fight for our freedom.

It’s a matter of choice.

As mature beings we can take responsibility for our own level of consciousness and release any payoffs of egotistic traits.

Remember you do not have to do it all alone. We are all on our spiritual journey together and awakening with Source, the Great Principle. As we unfold, so does the Absolute.

And the Absolute is always available to help each of us physically, mentally and spiritually. The Star Exercise and Mental Contact helps on all levels and in all circumstances. Doing these practices daily helps to clear and harmonize the subconscious ego, even those parts and traits that are long forgotten.

And being conscious, alert and aware in the present moment brings us the opportunity of choice.

In the hope you find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Many people fail because they are prone to mistake their initial success for license to do as they please. Freedom is not license.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 183.

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