Delirium while seeking Inner Peace

Photo PSLB

We all suffer, and for those of us on a conscious spiritual journey we may suffer emotionally more than anything. As we travel along gaining more and more experiences, there is the process of learning from our mistakes. And this can cause the greatest emotional suffering, yet it is part of the human growth process. The good news is that we can rise above it.

There are egotistic challenges …

Like guilt, self-righteousness, pride and frustration. Impatience is one that I repeat and I suffer emotionally from with guilt, resentment and even self hatred. Sometimes it seems to be an endless dark, painful tunnel of different negative traits! Yet there is Light of hope and inspiration to continue to fight for Freedom.

One thing egotistic challenges teach us is to be more conscious, alert and aware of temptations that surface. And that they should be faced, rather than pushed down again only to resurface stronger than ever. Better to face and release now than let them fester and grow.

And if we ignore feelings and dealing with trauma and traits that may have initially happened in childhood, we cause ourselves more trauma unknowingly. In childhood if we didn’t have help with trauma, we probably suppressed our emotions, which grew unnoticed. We were naive.

So when we become stressed in our daily life; feeling bothersome feelings like anxiety we may try to soothe or numb ourselves by looking for comfort in overindulgence in unhelpful matters, like over eating, porn, drugs.

Better to face negative emotions and past memories of trauma, rather than continuing to be naive, so we can come to the present moment fully. And feel the uncomfortable emotions and consciously choose to let them go ….. then embrace those emotions that are uplifting. It’s our choice, after all!

The fight for Freedom

Some may encourage us to be humble and forgiving to overcome negative traits, Yet, humility haves connotations and definitions of lowliness and unworthiness. Forgiveness has connotations and definitions of indulging in excuses for wrong doing, or ignoring negativity.

I’ve found that being accepting and compassionate are fitting and accurate. When we can accept our and others egotistic fallibilities as being human we can give up, that is release, the obsession with “being right!”

Self-honesty requires courage. And courage lifts us consciously; it helps us recognize negative patterns of resentment and condemnation without getting all involved and stuck, then feeling guilty about it.

We can be compassionate, see our human fallibility and be willing to do something about it, by releasing it, letting it pass us by. This is being lead by Unconditional Love.

We may initially feel the pain of an egotistic trait or traumatic memory. In fact the pain points to what needs awareness and healing. Sure, self defensiveness may creep up too!

Yet, those egotistic constricts are released when we let them pass us by. And we are able to rise above the pain into understanding, optimism and gratitude.

I become so grateful for becoming aware of different painful emotions …. temptations that where under the surface and have been around a long, long time stemming from childhood trauma.

We can face dark memories and emotions stemming from trauma and be protected. You have the help, and we all do, of The Great Law through Higher Consciousness, with Universal Life Energy as the constant inspiring Source of Power and Unconditional Love. Such Love is our True protection. We merely have to be compassionate and willing to make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy.

Rise above

It seems obvious that with more self-honesty and release of negative temptations we become less vulnerable to self condemnation and creating more trauma of fearful traits of feeling like a victim, self-hatred and escape-ism.

With acceptance, compassion and release we rise above the emotional pain. And with gracious and compassionate attitudes like alert awareness and optimistic gratitude, we can rise in consciousness.

We can align with our natural state of happiness, Joy, Love and Harmony. Yet, we must be brave!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Superconsciousness, as the connecting link between the humanly conscious You and the complete real YOU, will be definitely assigned its place in your comprehension.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 283.

Crazy thoughts when trying to find Silence? It’s easy to deceive, Part 3

Most of us can relate to feeling assaulted by crazy thoughts especially when we are on a conscious spiritual journey, trying to observe and know ourselves. It is so contrary to being in Presence, living in the present moment with silent alertness.

As an observer we can be very affected by what we bring with us, like expectations, interest, familiarity, and beliefs discussed in Part 1 and Part 2. And our perceptions as a witness can also become defective because of other factors. Yet we can rise above them.


Our emotions affect our perceptions. Being in lower levels of consciousness with fear related emotions makes observations unrealistic and untrustworthy.

If we are stressed out and fearful then our inner observations can be very swayed and even perverted. Guilt can lead to self-ridicule, anger to lying, arrogance to domination. Plus, these emotions can circle around unconsciously and surface as irresponsible choices.

The ego feeds on drama! And this is why in self-observation we quiet the thinking mind, the hurt, the sorrow, the resentment, and come into the present moment, entering the Silence.

We can feel the Presence of something greater than ourselves as we make the Mental Contact. In this state you become an unattached observer, and can courageously observe the good, the bad and the ugly without attachment to emotions like self-pity, regret or despair. You can observe that fearful temptations are just temporary, illusionary and irresponsible choices.

When you make the Mental Contact, you are in Authentic Power and guided to make responsible choices that are rooted in Love, helping you deliberately choose uplifting thoughts and emotions like Optimism, Transcendence and Gratitude. You can observe that these are your natural state which benefit yourself and everyone.

Physical Conditions

Most of us know that if we are tired, sick or short of breath it can affect our perceptions. Things become blurred, out of focus and even seem impossible to give attention to.

That’s when it’s critical to relax. Pause, take a deep breath and you will automatically begin to relax when you allow yourself to. It may take a few minutes, but the body will respond dispersing beneficial hormones.

Remember that wellbeing is natural for you. Relax and allow communication between your body and Source, making the contact with Source Energy, Universal Life Energy. Willingly open yourself. Feel It and Trust It.

Contrary to the way the ego sees it, any discomfort points to where we should give attention to. Physical discomfort points to emotional discomfort. Allow yourself to observe discomforts and temptations in an unattached state of silence.

We don’t necessarily need to know the cause of disquieting thoughts and emotions. That desire to know is a push from the ego. We are creatures of habitual thoughts, attitudes, behaviors and we resist living in the present moment …… in Presence.

Empower yourself by making a decision to focus on the Light of Source Energy in the present moment. Purposefully reach for higher levels of consciousness and emotions like acceptance, tenderness and compassion. This opens us to more Life Energy for healing, growth, Inner Joy and Peace.

And remember it can take some time for the billions of cells in your body to align with your natural wellbeing.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The saying, The pure in heart shall see God is True. Only when we are pure or sincere can we behold Harmony, and when we behold it, the Light of Harmony flows into us.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings by Eugene Fersen, Volume I, page 257.
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Unexpected help in the Creative Fire

Photo: PSLB

It’s no wonder that we occasionally feel like there’s something seriously wrong with us. We can become obsessed with seeing the wrong in the world, in politics, in religion, and within ourselves, so we fight against it. What we don’t usually realize is that when we fight against something we empower it.

The child in us is vulnerable 

Choose to fight for rather than fighting against.

When we fight against, our ego it will do whatever it takes to be superior, to protect itself from loosing its power and influence over us. Over our conscious self, our thinking and emotions. We empower the opposition because of the Law of Polarity. And, we end up hurting ourselves anyway because of the Law of Unity and Law of Attraction.

For example, fighting back when you are criticized.

The ego wants to be superior and you can get lost in it, following your thoughts to anger, sadness or even depression. The child in us is shocked and hurt, and that hurt goes into our body.

You can end up mad and resentful, and later even  hating yourself, thinking there is something wrong with you, feeling like you’re not good enough. We assume and believe those thoughts are a part ourselves. 

The ego supports and keeps us in such holding patterns of thinking. It becomes an addiction for us, but we normally don’t realize it is an addiction. We can’t seem to control it and we condemn ourselves, thinking our spiritual practice doesn’t help. 

Fight for instead of against

When we fight for the positive qualities of our conscious self we are fighting to know our authentic self, our presence, our Being. We empower our conscious self.

Observe the temptations of the ego to get angry and resentful without attachment. Consider listening to criticism and use it for constructive improvement. Remain conscious without following a train of thought of angry retaliation in self-righteousness or of inferiority.

Maybe you are even fascinated by these fearful thoughts. Instead, just observe and let thoughts float in a stream, getting further away until they are gone.  

I am grateful for my awareness of fearful thoughts and feelings because it has stirred me to awaken to the way the ego will exert its influence to dominate my awareness and reality.

And, it can awaken you to something more

The fight to know yourself is a fight that can awaken your awareness of the spirit of your Inner Being. Your energy. That creative fire within that changes your awareness of your Self and creates a revolution, and evolution of change. 

You become conscious of freedom. Freedom from the ego. Freedom from the pain of hurt feelings, from retaliation, self-righteousness or inferiority. You are raising above the ego and You are reaching into higher realms of understanding. You are recognizing I am That. You are present as a soul in a body,  Self-conscious of being. 

AND A step beyond 

Consider adding another step to your realization and consciously fight to be one with Harmony, to align your conscious being with spirit. Say, feel and be conscious of something like: I am One with All Life, Intelligence, Truth, Love, Spirit. I am a ray of the Eternal manifesting all the same Powers.  I am That. You will receive unexpected help. 

There’s something right with You! 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

For more on using your consciousness as a constructive Power by releasing fearful, subconscious barriers: Negative Emotional Contagion and A real world Self-protection method.

“The Higher Self is a magnet needle and is not affected by conditions. It is the Ray of Invisible Light shining in utter darkness.”

 Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings of Eugene Fersen, Volume I, page 40.

The most challenging teacher

Photo by Fernanda Latronico on

When I was coming into my young romance years, I dreamed of and searched for someone to Love me; someone more than my mother of course.

Now in my older and wiser years, I have gained some perspective, and realize that instead of being here to find someone to love me …… I’m here to find Love within and truly Love others. And I am so grateful.

In my youth I felt I should teach. Where as now, I realize that am here to learn. Life’s lessons are a constant companion and teachers abound.

The most challenging teacher is very close at hand! Indeed it is within. It is the egotistic subconscious that challenges with guilt, fear, anger, pride and more. All the while, I think that there must be a tiny spark of the Divine within such powerful challenges. Perhaps they are opportunities to claim my freedom, strength and happiness.

For there is something within that knows I am here to enjoy and appreciate this life with all the bumps and slumps, twists and turns. And that something within is greater than the ego.

It is Divine. The Soul. Spirit. And I am grateful for glimpses of That.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“One instant of time, and that instant NOW, is one of the most precious and least appreciated of all the gifts with which Mankind is endowed…. Yet it is a messenger laden with greater treasures, greater happiness and greater woe than can ever be estimated until the end of Time.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, pages 252-3.

Step 1 of Spiritual Awareness

Photo PSLB
Your reflection is rippled and distorted in the human mind,                                                     yet your Higher Self knows
You dance on water, You float on air!

You are a gentle soul that unfolds petal,                                                                                by 1,000 petals
so that your tender heart is disclosed.

You are a friend, then foe, then Friend exposed.

You are a jewel in the silence,
a Light like the sun.
You are ‘I am’ and part of ‘I AM ONE.’ PSLB
Allow change, especially within yourself

It is very obvious that things are always changing. It’s a Law of Nature…. Everything is vibration ….. always vibrating, moving, changing ….. even solid stone.

People who reminisce, adore nostalgia, and go over and over memories in their head live in the past. They create a habit of a clinging mind, trying to figure out things or keep things the way they were. Their circling in such monkey chatter can become a sort of misery.

A way out is going silent, relaxing the body and most of all letting the monkey chatter go quiet. In the Silence we gradually become more and more aware of being in the presence of something greater than ourself …… feeling that connection to a mysterious Power that is constantly vibrating ….. feeling calm and at peace.

This physical Power is the physical energy of Presence, the Life and Love of the Universe, called prana, chi, or Universal Life Energy. We can physically and mentally feel It. And It helps us emotionally free ourselves from self-imposed constrictions of memories inducing quilt, shame and resentment.

In the moment

Even when we are busy during our day we can at any moment pause, go silent, and become aware of the profound presence of Universal Life and Love. We can mentally focus and connect with It. And we will experience in our Hearts and Minds all the qualities of the Supreme …… Power, Wisdom, Sincerity, Love and Peace. We feel Joy and being fulfilled.

We become balanced in the center ….. aware of Life, Intelligence, being One with the Universal Principle and Love. We witness Beauty and appreciate it. We witness the wonder of Life and the inspiration of Wisdom.

And on the deeper level we are becoming aware of our connection to ALL and our Soul.

The spiritual seeker becomes a seeker of Truth.

The human mind is rippled with fears, guilts, doubts and denials. The witness within observes without labels and judgements, remaining centered in silence.

Be open to change, and avoid thoughts and behaviors that try to prevent it. Water and its different states is a symbol of mind. And just as water freezes, living in memories can keep us frozen too. But when we are willing to live in the moment and appreciate it we can dance on water, allowing change, and even celebrate it. That way we won’t miss opportunities for more understanding and allowing in our life.

Relaxation, Silence and purposefully connecting to the Infinite …… These are the first step to greater spiritual awareness.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“You realize gradually that the Success, or Good, in you life comes in direct proportion to your unification with Universal Forces and Laws, while the disharmonious results, such as failure, poverty, disease and trouble, are the inevitable consequences of your separation from or opposition to those Laws, either through ignorance, fear or self-will.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 15.
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4 essentials to reestablish Harmony in your life!

Photo PSLB Thailand 2023

From my own experience …. we unconsciously cling to disharmony! Consciously we don’t want to ….. but disharmony will poke its ugly head up in various ways ….. in life situations, as painful emotions, negative attitudes and unbalanced bodies.

This is an amazing thing to realize!

Disharmony in our life exists because of the Law of Harmony! We consciously want to be happy and even the subconscious ego desires happiness, but the ego is also neurotic, causing disharmony. 

When the subconscious ego hits against Harmony it creates an egotistical concept of disharmony and we suffer. The unconscious strategy of the subconscious ego is to get attention and drama pays! The ego can unconsciously make you feel like you have to perform to get any attention. And thus, we grumble, complain, shout, protest, and declare war.

Your authentic self quests for Harmony

When things really get bad, a sincere person goes silent and asks why: Why do I suffer this pain and hurt? 

It is a turning point. You are beginning to become conscious, and quest to find the cause of disharmony and how to avoid it. This is how we begin to find harmony. 

Balance these FourSquare essentials for harmony

#1 . Go Silent.

Thinking is very addictive! So take some deep breathes and practice Relaxation and Silence at least once a day. Stop fighting, stop performing  and begin relaxing in the moment. Peace is your natural state and your soul qualities surface in peacefulness.

And, consider contacting Universal Life Energy, the Force of the Universe and Great Principle to help you.

#2. Use your intelligence wisely.

Try to understand yourself, the way your mind and ego works, the reason for disharmony. This will help you understand and relate to others. 

Meditation can help you align with your Higher Self, your supersonciousness. Slowly, slowly as your silent quest for answers deepens so does your understanding.

#3. Work to be truthful and sincere.

Find that sincere feeling within yourself and honestly express it! The Universe is always sincere and it helps us when we are too.

#4. The key to Harmony is Love.

Express Love simply. Be decent. We are all connected so have goodwill towards others and hope the best for them. And, be consciously grateful for the so called little things in your life and the big things.

Lack of gratitude has a terrible impact on our life. It is an indication that mind has turned away from Love and our mind gone cold. Gratitude warms our heart and mind.  

Avoid disharmony

Mind is the leader here on earth, so when you are conscious of love in your thoughts, when you choose love, then the rest of you follows. Your attitudes, emotions and behaviors also express love. You are cooperating with harmony, aligning with Harmony.

Harmony is essential in all things 

Deep inside we all quest for Harmony and Love. And Harmony is always here to help you.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We are not victims of disharmony, because disharmony would have taken good care of us. Devils are always pictured as taking good care of their fellow devils. Like protects like. What brought misery into the World? Not evil, but the Law of Harmony. Harmony is manifested in a world of disharmony. It is the worst enemy of those who are disharmonious.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume I, pages 93- 94.

4 Tips to Transcend Duality


Think of Spirit as outside and inside of you ….. outside and inside of everything, everywhere. And become conscious of Beauty.

Beauty is the essence of Spirit, therefore become conscious of Beauty ….. in your environment, in people, their actions and emotions ….. In all that you see and experience.

Walk in Beauty, Live in Beauty.


Be motivated by Love in all that you think and do. 50% of your thinking is intelligence and reasoning and 50% is Love. 


This does not mean you do not discriminate. Use your power of free will to discriminate in every thought and action, aligning with Love, not judging harshly. View it from the tenderness and wisdom of your heart.


In order to align your thinking with Unity, consider declarations like: “I am Spirit and Matter; One with the Absolute.”


Luciferian Consciousness is motivated by Love, raising above temptations of like fear, hate, jealousy, self-righteousness, pride, loneliness, or depression.

Become aware of personal Love and consider an intent of impersonal Love to manifest in your attitudes and behaviors. 

We can not return to complete Harmony, our True Home, until we learn Unconditional Love; mentally unify ourselves with It and physically purify our bodies.

When we use our purest Power of Love with the full Light of our Mind, realizing, ‘I am One with the Absolute,’ we come closer to Luciferian Consciousness.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Love, the Fourth Aspect of Universal Life Energy, is superior to Mind the Second Aspect.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being Lessons, page 673.

Your potential in the Energies of 2023

Photo by Engin Akyurt on

Greetings Lightbearers and Light Seekers …..

Happy New Year 2023!

I hope for You and everyone Health, Abundance and Happiness this year and always.

The good news for this Gregorian calendar year, according to scared numerology, is that it should be calmer for us all and full of very spiritual potential for higher frequencies of refinements in heart and mind.

2023 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7

Seven, geometrically, is a triangle above a square. It represents the potential to work out things with the FourSquare (Energy, Intelligence, Truth, Love) on all 3 planes, physical, mental and emotional.

It’s the gateway to Spirit, heaven ….. to higher levels of consciousness and Harmony.

The frequency of 7 is like the seventh day of God’s creation, a day of rest. It’s time for reflection and willingness to be receptive to inspiration and higher levels of consciousness, including Christ Consciousness.

The Great Law can work through us when we are in alignment with the Powers of the Universe. That is when we are being energetic, wise, honest and loving in all that we do, think and feel. And when we do things work out harmoniously because we are purposely aligning with the qualities of The Great Principle, God.

With this potential to refine your intuitive skills, utilize Universal Life Energy by frequently making the physical and mental contacts which can further open you to higher frequencies of consciousness, so inspirations can flow.

Photo by Dids on

The energies of #2 in 2023 is a feminine energy and indicates cooperation, yet it can also make us highly sensitive, get easily hurt, and stay in the same old patterns instead of choosing different and more beneficial paths. On the human level it is duality and polarity, so there may be some anxiety.

This year is a great year to learn to spend some quiet, introspective time and get in touch with your Heart and Love. Your spiritual Heart is lead by Love, a feminine quality, and is very Wise, always aligning in harmony with Universal Law. You can gain more insight and observe yourself unattached in order to release the past and live in the moment.

Fortunately, the feminine energy points to more cooperation and teamwork in the world. There should be a push for diplomacy with most of the diplomacy happening secretly, behind the scenes.

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

The zero (0) in 2023 plays a role in both your physical and spiritual life. Zero represents Silence filled with tremendous Power. It is like the hidden potential for the unfolding of creation …. like the hidden potential for the unfolding of your Real Self, of your evolution to higher realms and consciousness.

To benefit from this additional boost make the Mental and physical contacts, Star Exercise, with Universal Life Energy. And each time you do, you grow.

It appears mathematically as:


One is Spirit, is Universal Life Energy, and 10 … the Eternal Universe, the Ultimate. Remember each time you become one with that Power, by making the contacts, you grow.

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

Seven is a calming, quiet, mystic power that represents being guided by higher Law. This again points to being still and letting The Great Law work through you.

We will still be looking for solutions and wanting to make things right, so there may be some rebels and renegades pushing for further change. But, there should be less mass collective divisions resulting from propaganda promoted beliefs, because people will begin to wakeup and analyze mentally with higher levels of consciousness.

Number 7 year will mean a much more reflective state for most of us.

The calm energies of 7 gives us an opportunity to learn to be quiet, look inward and seek inspiration.

Calm introspection is key. We can further develop the mind by being FourSquare in our thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

This year is your opportunity to get in touch with your Real Self, so long walks in nature, being in the moment and meditation will be of great benefit. And remember the power of 0, making the Mental Contact often.

The lessons of #7 points to developing your mind, and connecting to your heart, blending Mind and Love. We undo the the ego by being conscious in the Power of Truth and Love. Truth is key! And your willingness to be unconditionally Loving can undo long standing egotistic traits!

That is you outgrow the ego by letting go of egotistic traits like finger pointing and fault-blaming, negative self-judgments, and being right. Remember that demonizing the ego only feeds it more energy. So try to outgrow it by Being loving, truthful, reasonable and enthusiastic.

A Turning Point

Even instinctively we realize that we are all in a state of human fallibility and that pridefulness hampers our earthly progress. The energies of 7 indicates a turning point where we start to wake up mentally. We turn inward, as we end a physical cycle.

A revolution this year could mean that we can finally analyze what has happened during the past few years and establish a more just world.

For more: How Light Seekers can unlock the energies of 2023

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The real ‘you,’ sharing all the qualities and powers of its Original Cause, individual, perfect and eternal, is indeed the ‘Image and Likeness’ of that cause.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being (Individual Lessons), page 415.

How to super charge your food with the Life Energy of the Universe!

Evening meal time was family time everyday when my kids where small. And my children always contributed in the preparation when they were young. We had cooking lessons which began with attitude checks ….. because our attitude is the most important ingredient in any recipe. And then there is another step just before eating!

Most of us know to avoid food preparation and cooking without Love in our hearts and minds. Thoughts are energy vibrations and so are emotions, so if we are engaged in negative self-talk, feeling resentment, guilt, worry or anger when preparing meals, then that energy is added to the food.

You can end up eating harmful energies without being conscious of it! Those energies enter you and can clog your body and contribute to blocking your mind from knowing that You are a Light in the world!

So how can we protect ourselves and Super Charge our food, especially when we don’t even know who is preparing our food or their attitude?

We can charge our food with Universal Life Energy before eating. And it is very simple.

Before eating, Relax and become Silent and sincerely make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy:

Photo PSLB

“Begin by gently relaxing the body while sitting upright with both hands cupped up resting on the thighs to receive Universal Life Energy, or the left palm up and the right palm down.  

Once a feeling of calm and Harmony begins to pervade the mind and emotions, say in a soft voice:

‘I am One with Universal Life Energy. It is flowing through me now. I feel it.’

With this practice You open the doors between You and the Life Energy of the Universe because you have stated Truth on the Spiritual, mental and physical planes in those three statements. You are one with Truth and Law and when you become conscious of it you are mentally giving life to it within and manifesting it as reality on the physical, earthly plane. You are using all of your Soul qualities and realizing the Law of Spirit: Life, Mind, Truth, Love and Spirit is All in All.”

Once you begin to feel the flow of Life Energy flow through you, pinch the fingers of your right hand together and allow the Energy to flow from your fingertips, while the left hand continues to receive the Energy. The nerves of the left hand receives the Energy, attracted by your Life Center and Heart, circles in the body, mind and emotions then exits, returning to the Universe from the finger tips of the right hand.

Circle the Energy over your meal with your right hand finger tips, continuing to hold the Mental and Physical Contact. And, of course, always feel Love in your Heart ….. Unconditional Love and gratitude for Life, Intelligence, Law and Love.

Universal Life Energy naturally harmonizes and energies anything it flows through, super charging You and in turn your mind and emotions! You are allowing a blessing of the food …. allowing the Universe, The Eternal, to super charge it and bring the vibrations in synch with your own.

I hope You find this practice as beneficial as I have. Kindly let me know how it goes!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Only as you mold yourself, through the conscious and constant use of Universal Life Energy, in every department of you life, to the dominant Four Square of Life, Mind, Law (Truth) and Love can you achieve the Poise, Harmony and Power with that will attune you to the Perfect /source of All Power.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being (loose leaf lesson 19), page 456.

How should we fight evil in the world?

When things get really though in world affairs we can become entangled with the negativity and it can drag us down. We’ll look for advantages to sooth ourselves, but we can get trapped and stuck in our negative conditioning. 

So what should we do to help ourselves and the world?

We’re tempted to do this …

We should not be blind to the evil in the world, rather we should be conscious and mindful of it without feeding it more negative emotions. War on evil only feeds evil.

Everyone has negative aspects of the egotistic personality that can surface. We can be tempted to exhibit behaviors that are immature, unhelpful and even worst ….. like becoming afraid, worried, depressed, aggressive and even violent. 

To Help Ourselves and Others …

We are tied into the problems of the world, but we must begin harmonization by relying on ourselves. 

That is to be conscious and aware of our own selves first! By being aware of our strengths …… our Inner Four Square qualities of Strength, Intelligence, Truth and Love and Compassion.

You can truly help yourself and help all humanity by fighting to be more compassionate and non-judgmental, without involvement of the ego’s opinions. We can be loving and generous in our attitudes without attachment to humanity’s emotional dramas.

Our spiritual Being …. what we become with focus on lovingness helps all humanity.

You are part of the emerging Universal Consciousness! We are becoming more and more conscious of the vastness of the universe and the beauty and wonder of it. And that is evidence of the evolution of humanity’s consciousness.

Reliance on the Source

You are on the path of enlightenment! Let us have faith that things will work out according the Law of Harmony.

In earthy reality, things work out according to the laws of: Cause and effect, Polarity, Rhythm and Gender. All things work out for the greater good!

We open ourselves to the protection of the Great Principle when we have faith and trust in the Source, in the Laws of the Universe.  Say and feel something like: “With the help of the Great Principle I have the power to meet the situation.”

Once you make a choice Source will help you accelerate in that direction! And no matter if your decision is based in subconscious conditioning, conscious reasoning, or superconscious inspiration, the Law of Evolution will ultimately accelerate your awareness and spiritual unfoldment.

All paths ultimately further your evolution,

even those that create a temporary downfall, which results in more challenging conditions for yourself and those around you. Unfortunately sometimes we have to hit bottom before we look up.

You live Your spiritual journey

We live in times of great spiritual opportunities ….. to unfold because we are becoming more aware of the negative temptations of the ego and of evil in the world. 

If you agonize or worry over your choices it means you are being influenced by conditioning from past experiences.

Consider the process of making decisions an opportunity to open yourself to the Universe and ask for help. Make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy which opens you to tremendous help.

Be reasonable and logical, but also listen to your intuition. It is the voice of your soul.

And, remember you also have the help of unknown individuals around the world and of those in higher realms. 

This is when we as observers can observe in a detached manner with clarity yet without harsh judgment.

Remember that some of us choose more challenging paths of spiritual unfoldment. Yet, everyone is a spiritual being and on their spiritual journey.

Let us take the opportunity …

to work on lifting ourselves up by manifesting qualities of our heart, our Spiritual Heart. Let us be Enthusiastic, Intelligent, True and have Goodwill for ourselves and others. And, we change the world!

You are on the cusp of evolution ….. pulling us into the future! Your cooperation  with Harmony accelerates your awareness and spiritual unfoldment, and indeed the world’s.

I have best hope for peace in your creative endeavors now and always!

For more: Unexpected help in the creative fire! and Living a Conscious Heart.

With Light and Love, PortiaSLB

“Others cannot do things for us. It is all so complicated, that in order to find a clear path out it, we should rely more and more on the Principle of the FourSquare. Try to unfold It in our own life, and in our relations to other people, and to the World.” 

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume II,  page 78. 

Photo: PortiaSLB 2017