Step 1 of Spiritual Awareness

Photo PSLB
Your reflection is rippled and distorted in the human mind,                                                     yet your Higher Self knows
You dance on water, You float on air!

You are a gentle soul that unfolds petal,                                                                                by 1,000 petals
so that your tender heart is disclosed.

You are a friend, then foe, then Friend exposed.

You are a jewel in the silence,
a Light like the sun.
You are ‘I am’ and part of ‘I AM ONE.’ PSLB
Allow change, especially within yourself

It is very obvious that things are always changing. It’s a Law of Nature…. Everything is vibration ….. always vibrating, moving, changing ….. even solid stone.

People who reminisce, adore nostalgia, and go over and over memories in their head live in the past. They create a habit of a clinging mind, trying to figure out things or keep things the way they were. Their circling in such monkey chatter can become a sort of misery.

A way out is going silent, relaxing the body and most of all letting the monkey chatter go quiet. In the Silence we gradually become more and more aware of being in the presence of something greater than ourself …… feeling that connection to a mysterious Power that is constantly vibrating ….. feeling calm and at peace.

This physical Power is the physical energy of Presence, the Life and Love of the Universe, called prana, chi, or Universal Life Energy. We can physically and mentally feel It. And It helps us emotionally free ourselves from self-imposed constrictions of memories inducing quilt, shame and resentment.

In the moment

Even when we are busy during our day we can at any moment pause, go silent, and become aware of the profound presence of Universal Life and Love. We can mentally focus and connect with It. And we will experience in our Hearts and Minds all the qualities of the Supreme …… Power, Wisdom, Sincerity, Love and Peace. We feel Joy and being fulfilled.

We become balanced in the center ….. aware of Life, Intelligence, being One with the Universal Principle and Love. We witness Beauty and appreciate it. We witness the wonder of Life and the inspiration of Wisdom.

And on the deeper level we are becoming aware of our connection to ALL and our Soul.

The spiritual seeker becomes a seeker of Truth.

The human mind is rippled with fears, guilts, doubts and denials. The witness within observes without labels and judgements, remaining centered in silence.

Be open to change, and avoid thoughts and behaviors that try to prevent it. Water and its different states is a symbol of mind. And just as water freezes, living in memories can keep us frozen too. But when we are willing to live in the moment and appreciate it we can dance on water, allowing change, and even celebrate it. That way we won’t miss opportunities for more understanding and allowing in our life.

Relaxation, Silence and purposefully connecting to the Infinite …… These are the first step to greater spiritual awareness.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“You realize gradually that the Success, or Good, in you life comes in direct proportion to your unification with Universal Forces and Laws, while the disharmonious results, such as failure, poverty, disease and trouble, are the inevitable consequences of your separation from or opposition to those Laws, either through ignorance, fear or self-will.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 15.
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