Today’s consideration: Light In then Light Out

We are attracted to the Light of Universal Consciousness from Higher Consciousness within us and from our Spiritual Heart. And we can Light up with conscious, Spiritual Love, then radiate It out.

To start simply, the first exercise in Science of Being is Relaxation and Silence to open ourselves to the inflow of Universal Life Energy, which is the Light of All Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love. And thus we let Light in, and that Universal Life Energy flowing to us, in us, through us and then automatically returns back throughout the universe.

We come Lightbearers and construct our reality by consciously letting Light in and letting Light out……contacting Universal Life Energy and by letting it out… expressing FourSquare. That is by: Expressing Universal Life Energy in our reality as Enthusiasm, Wisdom, Sincerity, and Love in a balanced manner. With consideration.

It can be a as simple as genuine smile, a gentle embrace, or a conscious breath. Or as shared in Giving Healing Energy to the World.

Light in and then Light out.

In the hope You find Love close at hand,


“Consideration is one of the first steps toward Love.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 160.

5 ways to claim your Power and transcend a ‘bad’ day

When I asked a stressed parent what their top way to turn a day around was they said, “to drop the kids at the grandparents!” Made me giggle because I understand that logic!

All of us can feel like we are having a bad day at one time or another! Yet know that you have the Power to transcend it!

#1. Pause, take a deep breath!

So simple and effective to reclaim your connection with Life and the Source of All Power. resetting your body’s energies and your mind’s too! With that pause and deep breath you are drawing in the Life of the Universe! And It will help you recenter in your Inner confidence to work out things for the best outcome.

As you exhale your body will automatically release some stress and begin to relax, along with your thinking. Stress is based in fear on the mental/emotional levels, so choosing to pause is choosing to recenter mentally in calm rather than negative opinions.

In that calm is the opportunity to deliberately synchronize your thinking and body body with Infinite Harmony ….. Make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy and let it flow. Be in the flow, in the vortex of harmonious Life.

#2. Move!

Walk to a different location to be in different atmospheric energies and move your auric energies. Walking can disperse hormonal chemicals related to stress and even soothe neurons in the brain.

Research has shown walking in nature is even better, decreasing anxiety as we synchronize with those natural energies.

If you notice your body language says aggravated or weak, elevate it! Bring your shoulders back and head up into a natural upright position which will also help you synchronize with your innate, confidence and strength.

#3. Change the story you’ve been telling yourself.

Pause in your thinking and mentally relax, becoming quiet, calm and the watcher of the thinker.

Recognize what is going right in your day. The moment you choose a loving thought you are realigning with Harmony and your natural state!

Remember you are an Infinite Being of Light and not subject to attachment to fears like worry and resentment habits. Observe in a detached state, releasing any temptation to think more, labeling and identifying with negative opinions.

You are a Light and Love Being! You, as an Infinite Soul, express all the same qualities as the Eternal: Life, Intelligence, Law and Love.

#4. Remember challenges point to opportunities to heal!

As in the quote below, effect points to the cause! And what we mentally focus on tends to manifest. So we can transcend karma by lifting and transcending our mental level of consciousness ….. that is we can deliberately transcend stress in the moment and in our life.

Through our intent we can express Harmony. It is mapped out for us as the FourSquare. By expressing in our attitudes and behaviors: Enthusiasm, Intelligence, Sincerity and Love we raise our consciousness and transcend ‘bad day’ attitudes.

And contacting Universal Life Energy can also helps us be conscious of those inner qualities and express them.

#5. choose happiness!

We choose what to anchor the mind and our thinking in! Choose happiness! Deliberately choose higher levels of consciousness like Optimisium, meaningful Reason, unconditional Love, All the FourSquare!

Gratitude can help. Once you recognize one reason to be grateful, I’ve found that many, many more become obvious to us! And this lifts our consciousness.


Once our human mind starts to identify a day as ‘bad’ it tends to circle in negative thinking, monkey chatter. Yet, we can choose the way of happiness!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The Cause is known by the Effect produced.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Volume 1, page 249.

How to super charge your food with the Life Energy of the Universe!

Evening meal time was family time everyday when my kids where small. And my children always contributed in the preparation when they were young. We had cooking lessons which began with attitude checks ….. because our attitude is the most important ingredient in any recipe. And then there is another step just before eating!

Most of us know to avoid food preparation and cooking without Love in our hearts and minds. Thoughts are energy vibrations and so are emotions, so if we are engaged in negative self-talk, feeling resentment, guilt, worry or anger when preparing meals, then that energy is added to the food.

You can end up eating harmful energies without being conscious of it! Those energies enter you and can clog your body and contribute to blocking your mind from knowing that You are a Light in the world!

So how can we protect ourselves and Super Charge our food, especially when we don’t even know who is preparing our food or their attitude?

We can charge our food with Universal Life Energy before eating. And it is very simple.

Before eating, Relax and become Silent and sincerely make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy:

Photo PSLB

“Begin by gently relaxing the body while sitting upright with both hands cupped up resting on the thighs to receive Universal Life Energy, or the left palm up and the right palm down.  

Once a feeling of calm and Harmony begins to pervade the mind and emotions, say in a soft voice:

‘I am One with Universal Life Energy. It is flowing through me now. I feel it.’

With this practice You open the doors between You and the Life Energy of the Universe because you have stated Truth on the Spiritual, mental and physical planes in those three statements. You are one with Truth and Law and when you become conscious of it you are mentally giving life to it within and manifesting it as reality on the physical, earthly plane. You are using all of your Soul qualities and realizing the Law of Spirit: Life, Mind, Truth, Love and Spirit is All in All.”

Once you begin to feel the flow of Life Energy flow through you, pinch the fingers of your right hand together and allow the Energy to flow from your fingertips, while the left hand continues to receive the Energy. The nerves of the left hand receives the Energy, attracted by your Life Center and Heart, circles in the body, mind and emotions then exits, returning to the Universe from the finger tips of the right hand.

Circle the Energy over your meal with your right hand finger tips, continuing to hold the Mental and Physical Contact. And, of course, always feel Love in your Heart ….. Unconditional Love and gratitude for Life, Intelligence, Law and Love.

Universal Life Energy naturally harmonizes and energies anything it flows through, super charging You and in turn your mind and emotions! You are allowing a blessing of the food …. allowing the Universe, The Eternal, to super charge it and bring the vibrations in synch with your own.

I hope You find this practice as beneficial as I have. Kindly let me know how it goes!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Only as you mold yourself, through the conscious and constant use of Universal Life Energy, in every department of you life, to the dominant Four Square of Life, Mind, Law (Truth) and Love can you achieve the Poise, Harmony and Power with that will attune you to the Perfect /source of All Power.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being (loose leaf lesson 19), page 456.

For You Lightbearer Mind and Heart 100 years

Photo by mahe haroutinian on

The quest for spiritual wisdom has come to the forefront in the minds of humanity as we seek Freedom, Justice and Happiness. We seek Truth and quest for our Soul. We are Light seekers and Lightbearers!

Science of Being by Eugene Fersen, page iii.

One hundred years ago THE LIGHTBEARERS was founded by Eugene Fersen and now the Teachings of Science of Being have spread around the world, helping thousands change their lives for the better.

“The Organization of THE LIGHTBEARERS was founded on the 14th of December, 1921. … The year 1921 adds to 13, a sacred number. It is a number which Humanity fears and yet a magic number so to speak in its Spiritual meaning .”

Eugene Fersen

According to sacred numerology this 100th anniversary date also adds to 13!

12/14/2021 = 1+2+1+4+2+0+2+1 = 13

Thirteen has a spiritual significance …. indicating tremendous powers of change and potential regeneration for something of spiritual value in the world! So, we all have great potential to refine ourselves in our earthly reality with this Wisdom.

“We started the work not with a rule, but with an opportunity ….. That opportunity was the Message:

Express in every act of yours, All Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love, thus living only can you live; thus acting only can you build to Freedom, Strength and Happiness in Life. This is your Problem: be this your foremost Aim.”

Eugene Fersen
The FourSquare

Science of Being is spiritual Wisdom that is organized to make our spiritual journey easier. There are no beliefs, rules or regulations, rather opportunities to harmonize your body, to elevate your emotions and unite your mind and Heart. Your Heart is your Seat of Love, connection to your Higher Self, and sacred chamber of the Eternal within.

The Teachings include ways to directly contact Source through Universal Life Energy as demonstrated in the image above and mental methods too. Universal Life Energy is used for healing treatments to harmonize physical, mental and emotional issues. It overpowers low energy frequencies, elevating and stimulating our consciousness to awaken to our Higher Self and Soul …. “to awaken within each that which still burns, the Light of Spirit which we all carry within us all the time.”

” Everyone of us mortals is to be a Lightbearer, to be a witness of The Absolute, carry the Light.”

Eugene Fersen

There are many sources to begin your adventure in Science of Being, including this website, its sister site and others. Here are a few:

Links for the books are on the first and last sites listed. And free companion lessons corresponding to Science of Being in 27 Lessons and other nuggets of Wisdom, are offered on the Science of Being: Further Reaches of the Spiritual Road. With correspondent classes, including Skype calls through The World Center on the last website listed.

Thank You for joining us in the recognition of over 100 years of Science of Being. And remember:

“The first stage of evolution is instinctive, we are unaware of our unfoldment. Next comes the awareness of our growth, and finally we can deliberately press on in the line of growth we choose.”

Eugene Fersen

Eugene Fersen, Author and Teacher of Science of Being, Founder of The Lightbearers

He is considered by many The Teacher of Teachers of spiritual wisdom. And we are forever Grateful! 

In the sincere hope your Spiritual Journey is a joyful adventure! And that You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

The Spiritual Warrior

Photo PSLB

We have to fight and be a spiritual warrior …. to lift ourselves up emotionally. and consciously. Step by step we can begin to feel better by recognizing opportunities in challenges and accompanying emotions. 

From anxiety and fear we can build a bridge to higher levels by realizing we have felt the same way before and we have overcome it ….. that it doesn’t have to be overcome in one moment since there is always enough time ….. that it feels good to recognize what holds us back and that recognition empowers us to see other possibilities …. and we have within us the courage to look ahead with hope. 

Courage, hope and reason are higher levels of consciously than anxiety and fear. With the attitude of courage we can experience anxiety and fear as catalysis for higher levels of consciousness.


We all want success and happiness. But, we have been programmed in this lifetime and many more ….. how to think, feel and behave in challenging situations by our families, communities, religions, and society as a whole …… that are not always helpful. We can tend to focus on what we are missing …. and this can keep us boxed in a lacking attitude, blocking from what we want. 

Clearing the way

By being in the moment with uplifting attitudes we attract beneficial energies and possibilities. We are actually on the cutting edge of constructing our future. You may view it as building in the Law of Cause and Effect or the Law of Attraction. 

Either way you view it ….. it comes to the same Universal Law – LIFE, MIND, TRUTH, LOVE, SPIRIT IS ALL IN ALL. which is aligning with your True Self. And this is our destiny.

In Light and With Light, PortiaSLB

” The Great Principle, the Absolute, is all Life, all Mind, all Truth, all Love, all Spirit; all there is, is in the Great All, and if we apply that Law, the Law of Life, of Mind, of Truth and of Love, to all problems of our daily life, we work out, without noticing it, all the perfection we can ever aspire to, we build up the Pyramid of our own life and reach the Point of Spirit, and we do not notice how it happens, because it is the Great Principle Itself Who is working to that end through us. It is Its work as much as ours. All we have to do is to be conscious, open channels for that.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pages 178-9.

It’s is a simple fight ….

2020 Photo copyright: PSLB

It’s is a simple fight ….between the subconscious and our Higher Self.

Always fight for what you Love. That is the simplest thing.

Fight for what is FourSquare rather than against what we think is evil or negative.

Fight using the FourSquare …. being FourSquare.  Love leads us when we are FourSquare. Fight with All Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love.  It will always raise us up.

The subconscious holds on to the pass and grows both negative and positive thoughts and energies …. growing them into beliefs and stubborn, fixed self-righteousness.

The subconscious will doubt we can do a thing …. try to discourage us and make us feel pressured and rushed. Deny that any negative has any power over you because ….

Without a doubt you can handle what is before you.

Have Faith that there is a way to rise above any challenge  because there is nothing Universal Law puts before us that we cannot do. And …. You have all the Power of the Universal backing You. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“…look at the precious Pearls amidst the destructive things.  This can be done and should be done. We should also do this in our relations with other people.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teaching by Eugene Fersen, Volume 1 page 193.

And consider joining us for a companion guide to the 27 Lessons in Science of Being. It is an amazing spiritual journey asset!

We are currently on Lesson 11 discussing the hidden power of the subconscious.

A link for download of the original 27 lessons for your Kindle is included and free!


Do we really need a conscience?

Photo: PSLB

When two children accompanied their mom shopping they saw a popular miniature doll that they wanted because of the egg packaging it came in, saying it was so to fun open. The mom told them no.  But when they all got home, the mom discovered the children had taken it anyway, having hidden it in their backpack …. unpaid

We all make mistakes

Some of us develop a conscience that hurts when we feel like we have done something wrong. The conscience is a process that kicks in thoughts and emotions of remorse that are in contrast to our moral values.

But here’s the thing …. some of us don’t have a conscience or at less don’t listen to our conscience. And our conscience is not necessarily based in reason, rather in conditioning of culture, civilization, religion, doctrine, and judicial laws.

As children we are usually conditioned in morals by family, society, and religion ….And as we grow our morals and conscience grow also ….  but …. so does the subconscious ego.  And subconscious desires can dominate reasoning and morals …. thus mistakes like shoplifting are made.

Are we conscious?

That question above …. that’s the question we have to ask ourselves. Are we conscious? ….And do we need a conscience?

Adults are more likely to feel like our conscience hurts when we’ve done something ‘wrong’ …. because we have been repeatedly conditioned in morals.  That process of conscience makes us feel remorse. Yet …. consider this …. would we need a conscience if we listened to and behaved according to our Real Self …. to our Superconsciousness?

Our Higher Self does not need a conscience. But ….. our conscious self does …. or at least, at this time in our development. The hurt our conscience inflicts on us can help us …. by pointing to a mistake …. to make us Conscious!

We can grow by learning from our mistakes …. when we are conscious. The subconscious ego doesn’t listen to the conscience because we would have to be conscious. And subconscious desires imprisons conscious reasoning and the conscience.

We have become busy shaking our heads side to side as in ‘no’ and as in confusion …. Fear dominates us so much of the time that our Conscious Self has become too busy to look up to our Higher Self.

We can so easily go berserk …. leaving behind common sense, logic and the good sense to listen to and follow our intuition …. the guidance of our Higher Self and Soul.

Yet there is hope ….

Reason and experience …. when supported by our Higher Self …. are the saving elements in our life.  

The FourSquare is The Great Principle …. as a standard we can use to ask ourselves questions  to awaken our consciousness …. Is our response Enthusiastic? Wise? Accurate? and Loving? And are we conscious, aware, alert in the moment …. observant without attachment?

And let’s remember friendship ….

Shouldn’t we learn to be friendly with ourselves, especially our Higher Selves ….. and with others? Consider ourselves with Love …. as being surrounded by the Eternal as Universal Life Energy, Wisdom, Truth, Love, Spirit in every moment …. indissolubly connected to the Great Principle …. and a ray of IT. Do we see qualities of ourselves in others? Do we see the Absolute twinkling brightly through the eyes of others?

That mom …. perhaps she had a conscience that hurt …. or …. she listened to her Higher Self and did what she could to harmonize the situation by encouraging her children to be conscious and experience the reasoning of the FourSquare. And by being those qualities herself.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Mind should analyze the emotions, and, like a stream of water, direct them in the right channel. The whole situation can be resolved and analyzed by the FourSquare Principle.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume I, page 20.

And consider joining us for a companion guide to the 27 Lessons in Science of Being. It is an amazing spiritual journey asset!

We are currently on Lesson 8 discussing money power and wealth development from a FourSquare perspective.

A link for download of the original 27 lessons for your Kindle is included and free!




Facing fear Square on- The Power of Emotion to Change Your Life, Part 3

Facing fear Square on! 

The Universe compassionately works to help us come into our soul and wholeness. Fearful emotions that are circling the globe is very stressful for everyone, yet there are simple steps to center yourself squarely in your soul’s power to help you confront every fear that can negatively impact not only the present, but also your future.

Great Law compassionate

Background, hyena reality 

Emotions can be learned
We are conditioned to react emotionally to certain conditions like what we face in the world now. We’re taught to react with fear unconsciously through childhood experiences, in the media and in society. We even condition our self by transferring our emotional reactions from similar experiences of the past to the present.

If negative reactionary emotions are learned and conditioned, then it stands to reason that you can learn to respond to any situation positively.

STEPS to face fearful temptation Square on

 1 – When you are faced with temptation to act on any negative feelings, like striking out from anxiety or anger or fall into despair, the first step is to take a deep breath, exhale and relax. Deep breathing evokes a relaxation response and release, so it will immediately adjust your attitude.  

2 – Make the Mental  Contact with Universal Life Energy to help You harmonize not only your mental energies, but also your emotional and physical. 

3 – Look up within to raise your consciousness to observe ‘the thinker,’ synchronizing body, mind and emotions, bringing yourself into the present moment.

Observe your thinking in a detached state; without judgment or entanglement. But  stay here long because we can easily start circling in the same troubling thoughts and emotions that trapped us in the first place!

4 – Then ask yourself the question: Am I coming from a place of fear or love?  

 If it is fear, then just let it pass you by. Release it and with a thought like, It was only a temporary temptation and illusion of the subconscious ego, and I am grateful to realize that. I am Strong, Wise, Sincere and Loving. 

5 Deny that any temptation of fearful thoughts or emotions have any power over you. Negate fear. Remember and realize that You are a law unto yourself on the mental plane!

The key is to feel sincere. Sincerity opens the door to your Soul heart and Real Love, calming the mind and emotions. 

6 Use your free will to choose to attract more high-frequency energy and focus your thoughts with uplifting energies like gratitude and appreciationFurther open your heart to feel Love.

These are the energies you want to engulf yourself in, spend time in – appreciation, gratitude, goodwill, consideration, respect and love. Appreciate those wonderful people, and situations in your life. Appreciate the air you breathe, the sunshine, the grass and trees. Even appreciate the beneficial things in your immediate environment. You know what is good in your life. Feel appreciation and love in your heart. You will be amazed at the results! 

You are creating an uplifting mental/emotional state which will eventually manifest more benefits in your reality! All those energies attract more of the same energies through the Law of Attraction. 

7 – You’ve worked to change your energies mentally and emotionally, but you’re also a physical being. Manifest a positive emotion physically in the moment. It may be change in your body language, a smile, a kind word or helping others. 

Moving can disperse hormonal chemicals like adrenaline, which is why some people jog or exercise, to help release stress. 

You and Universal Power

I’ve used the above methods many, many times to release negative energy and center myself in authentic power of Love. I can definitely see patterns. Thank the Great Law the patterns are changing for the better.

Through sincerity and making the choice to come from a place of compassion and love emotionally, you can bring peace and happiness into your life and to those around you. You establish new neuron paths in the brain, and each time it will be easier to make the choices that are uplifting, wise, sincere and loving; that are FourSquare

You have authentic Power and are stronger than any negative temptation because you are a powerful Soul.

In the hope that You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

“Analysis of Fear, its nature and causes, is one of the vital points in Mental Science, because in Fear is comprehended the entire problem of all the negative.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 157.

Consider sharing your insights!

And consider joining us for the 27 Lessons in Science of Being:

We are currently on Lesson 4 online and a link for download of the lessons for your Kindle is included and free!


The Joye in surprise – I am meditation

Big Life! Photo: Philippines 2020 PSLB

Our Inner Being only sees Light and experiences Love in all situations, but humanly we don’t always experience it that way. The human perspective is polar or dual, and we experience them as good or bad, fearful or loving experiences. We usually are unconscious of how we attract and create our reality with our thoughts and emotions in this dual perspective, but we can be. And Life can surprise us in very enjoyable ways when we allow it!

Co-creating joyful adventures!

Like for me today…..I was meditating on joy and happiness realizing it is our natural state. And the Declarations of Truth were: “My Inner Being is in complete harmony with Source. I am in complete Harmony with Source.”

And feelings of gratitude and love filled my Being.

Afterwards I remained open to the realization that thoughts, and more importantly that emotions, are a base, a beginning for creation. Vibrational energy of thoughts and emotions attracts the same vibrational energy.

And later I experienced a reflection of the same vibrational energy in my human reality. A little girl named Joye captured my attention with her enthusiasm and joy for life right in the moment that she was. And it radiated out to touch everyone nearby… if they allowed it. And I did. She did. Her parents did. And we became friends then and there, enjoying each other. It was a great adventure.

Attracting your Joy

And everyday we can experience an enjoyable adventure …. when we allow it. Meditation can help us focus on and remember joyful, loving innate energies within ourselves, which will attract more of those energies.

You can try it for yourself. In meditation consciously allow yourself to feel the joy, gratitude, tenderness and love that naturally resides in your heart. Include them in your Declarations of Truth or make them like those above. Then drop any expectations, leaving it to Source. Do not try to control any outcomes. Trust and remain open to the unlimited possibilities in the Universe!

Co-creating undesirable experiences

But we can also be very unaware of our emotions, because so many are conditioned and programmed unconsciously. Our body can react to situations with unconscious emotions, like the knee jerk reaction to something that startles us. And though it may be temporary, we experienced the fearful flight reaction in our body.

If we are unconscious of our emotions and feelings we can be down, frustrated or anxious without knowing we attract more of the same energies. Like the other evening at dinner I became distracted when a person at the next table in the restaurant started coughing. I had this this urge to get away.

I realized then that I unconsciously reacted with dislike. But instead of releasing the dislike and find the tenderness and love in my heart right then, I continued to be unconsciously distracted in the situation.

Sure enough, the next morning I experienced some physical discomfort in the throat. Realizing it was my thoughts and emotions that initiated the situation in myself, I quickly had the thought and happy emotion that I am in perfect health! And I felt I had turned a corner as emotions of enthusiasm, engagement, sincerity and loving trust arose to the Truth within.

Then I left it to the Great Law of Attraction and Great Principle without expectations, trusting that it will work out harmoniously according to Universal Law. And this experience was a great adventure too!

The great gift

We can be surprised by the unexpected when we flow in the creative energies of Source without expectations. Those surprises awaken us a bit more to our Inner Powers unity with Source. And as we awaken and become more and more conscious of our Inner Being we see Light and experience Love in our reality.

And that is a great gift is it?

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The Great Principle, the Absolute, is all Life, all Mind, all Truth, all Love, all Spirit; all there is, is in the Great All, and if we apply that Law, the Law of Life, of Mind, of Truth and of Love, to all problems of our daily life, we work out, without noticing it, all the perfection we can ever aspire to, we buildup the Pyramid of our own life and reach the Point of Spirit, and we do not notice how it happens, because it is the Great Principle Itself Who is working to that end through us. It is Its work as much as ours. All we have to do is to be conscious, open channels for that.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pages 136 and 137.

Energies of 2020 and your potential with far reaching results

Happy New Year 2020!

In 2020 we are on a cosmic journey to establish a base for stability, improvement and reliability not only for the coming year, but also for the coming decade.

2020 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4

The energies of 2020 = 4 indicates additional strength for commitment to creating a foundation for something of real value. For putting things in order and for organizing. For work. And for figuring out our responsibilities and role in the world order.

This year there will be a boost in energy to help us cultivate new levels of Inner Self-realization and personal growth.

Four is a very spiritual number and lucky number. Four represents the foundation that we all stand on, Spirit. It is the dense form of #1, spiritual creativity manifested in physical reality as Energy, Intelligence, Law and Love.
Are You Square?  Click on image to find out how to Square yourself and build to success, Spirit and Harmony!

With full commitment to manifesting the FourSquare in your thoughts and intentions, doors will open to help you take concrete steps to bring ideas, plans and dreams into physical reality, because you are hooking up to the potentiality in Source.

Organize but cultivate flexibility and patience to support your plans, because it will require discipline and perseverance to overcome intolerance and volatility of the mass subconscious ego.


The year 2020 has two 0’s, which indicates there may be foundations laid for new cycles or trials with far-reaching consequences. There are indications of redistribution of energies and powers, and mass consciousness resistance to new ideas and world altering changes.


The year 2020 also has two 2’s which is double feminine energies, pointing to cooperation, peace and unity. There is Power in recognizing 2 sides of every situation and person, outer appearances and inner spirit. True insight reveals 2 sides of the same coin as being 1. And #1 represents Source. Within everything is Source and there is always something beneficial.

Two can awaken our minds to the tenderness and wisdom in our hearts, our Seat of Love. Therefore no matter what situation you may face intuitively look inward with the intent to rise your own vibrational state of mind to cooperation and unity with Source. Opposition to the situation feeds more opposition through the Law of Attraction. While unity with Source draws more goodwill and harmony to not only yourself, but also to the situation.

The uplifting energies of 2020 are giving us the opportunity to build a base of consideration, goodwill and cooperation within ourselves which is the base for peace in the world.

______This year has far reaching potential for us to make a quantum leap in consciousness, recognizing that our thoughts and emotions manifest and shape our reality. That it’s not only our actions that matter. Our intents, our minds and hearts are major factors. And when our thoughts, intents and behaviors are in the Flow of Source and Harmony then we attract a harmonious reality.______

In order to create something of real value we will have to come to a new level of understanding and activity of our inherent Powers One with Source. Meditation can help us do that. And so can living in the moment with gratitude. These 2 methods give us a chance, an opportunity, to go in the flow of Source because we quiet our minds, our thinking and are open to the potentiality of All.

And consciously focusing FourSquare intents in all the we do, especially our thoughts and emotions, is actually manifesting Source in our reality now.This method is practical manifestation!And it is life changing with far reaching effects!

In the hope You embrace the uplifting energies and opportunities before You this year to make real changes in your life! PortiaSLB

For Recognizing your hidden energies in 2020 and how to use them to shape your reality kindly click link.

“We love Divinity through human beings. We have that longing and yearning within us to go back to the Father, to the Absolute, and whenever we find a channel through which we can achieve that return to Him, a channel opened by Love, we are only too glad to use it, because it is the inmost desire of our heart, it is the love of our Soul.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 44.