Crazy thoughts when trying to find Silence? It’s easy to deceive, Part 3

Most of us can relate to feeling assaulted by crazy thoughts especially when we are on a conscious spiritual journey, trying to observe and know ourselves. It is so contrary to being in Presence, living in the present moment with silent alertness.

As an observer we can be very affected by what we bring with us, like expectations, interest, familiarity, and beliefs discussed in Part 1 and Part 2. And our perceptions as a witness can also become defective because of other factors. Yet we can rise above them.


Our emotions affect our perceptions. Being in lower levels of consciousness with fear related emotions makes observations unrealistic and untrustworthy.

If we are stressed out and fearful then our inner observations can be very swayed and even perverted. Guilt can lead to self-ridicule, anger to lying, arrogance to domination. Plus, these emotions can circle around unconsciously and surface as irresponsible choices.

The ego feeds on drama! And this is why in self-observation we quiet the thinking mind, the hurt, the sorrow, the resentment, and come into the present moment, entering the Silence.

We can feel the Presence of something greater than ourselves as we make the Mental Contact. In this state you become an unattached observer, and can courageously observe the good, the bad and the ugly without attachment to emotions like self-pity, regret or despair. You can observe that fearful temptations are just temporary, illusionary and irresponsible choices.

When you make the Mental Contact, you are in Authentic Power and guided to make responsible choices that are rooted in Love, helping you deliberately choose uplifting thoughts and emotions like Optimism, Transcendence and Gratitude. You can observe that these are your natural state which benefit yourself and everyone.

Physical Conditions

Most of us know that if we are tired, sick or short of breath it can affect our perceptions. Things become blurred, out of focus and even seem impossible to give attention to.

That’s when it’s critical to relax. Pause, take a deep breath and you will automatically begin to relax when you allow yourself to. It may take a few minutes, but the body will respond dispersing beneficial hormones.

Remember that wellbeing is natural for you. Relax and allow communication between your body and Source, making the contact with Source Energy, Universal Life Energy. Willingly open yourself. Feel It and Trust It.

Contrary to the way the ego sees it, any discomfort points to where we should give attention to. Physical discomfort points to emotional discomfort. Allow yourself to observe discomforts and temptations in an unattached state of silence.

We don’t necessarily need to know the cause of disquieting thoughts and emotions. That desire to know is a push from the ego. We are creatures of habitual thoughts, attitudes, behaviors and we resist living in the present moment …… in Presence.

Empower yourself by making a decision to focus on the Light of Source Energy in the present moment. Purposefully reach for higher levels of consciousness and emotions like acceptance, tenderness and compassion. This opens us to more Life Energy for healing, growth, Inner Joy and Peace.

And remember it can take some time for the billions of cells in your body to align with your natural wellbeing.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The saying, The pure in heart shall see God is True. Only when we are pure or sincere can we behold Harmony, and when we behold it, the Light of Harmony flows into us.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings by Eugene Fersen, Volume I, page 257.
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How to super charge your food with the Life Energy of the Universe!

Evening meal time was family time everyday when my kids where small. And my children always contributed in the preparation when they were young. We had cooking lessons which began with attitude checks ….. because our attitude is the most important ingredient in any recipe. And then there is another step just before eating!

Most of us know to avoid food preparation and cooking without Love in our hearts and minds. Thoughts are energy vibrations and so are emotions, so if we are engaged in negative self-talk, feeling resentment, guilt, worry or anger when preparing meals, then that energy is added to the food.

You can end up eating harmful energies without being conscious of it! Those energies enter you and can clog your body and contribute to blocking your mind from knowing that You are a Light in the world!

So how can we protect ourselves and Super Charge our food, especially when we don’t even know who is preparing our food or their attitude?

We can charge our food with Universal Life Energy before eating. And it is very simple.

Before eating, Relax and become Silent and sincerely make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy:

Photo PSLB

“Begin by gently relaxing the body while sitting upright with both hands cupped up resting on the thighs to receive Universal Life Energy, or the left palm up and the right palm down.  

Once a feeling of calm and Harmony begins to pervade the mind and emotions, say in a soft voice:

‘I am One with Universal Life Energy. It is flowing through me now. I feel it.’

With this practice You open the doors between You and the Life Energy of the Universe because you have stated Truth on the Spiritual, mental and physical planes in those three statements. You are one with Truth and Law and when you become conscious of it you are mentally giving life to it within and manifesting it as reality on the physical, earthly plane. You are using all of your Soul qualities and realizing the Law of Spirit: Life, Mind, Truth, Love and Spirit is All in All.”

Once you begin to feel the flow of Life Energy flow through you, pinch the fingers of your right hand together and allow the Energy to flow from your fingertips, while the left hand continues to receive the Energy. The nerves of the left hand receives the Energy, attracted by your Life Center and Heart, circles in the body, mind and emotions then exits, returning to the Universe from the finger tips of the right hand.

Circle the Energy over your meal with your right hand finger tips, continuing to hold the Mental and Physical Contact. And, of course, always feel Love in your Heart ….. Unconditional Love and gratitude for Life, Intelligence, Law and Love.

Universal Life Energy naturally harmonizes and energies anything it flows through, super charging You and in turn your mind and emotions! You are allowing a blessing of the food …. allowing the Universe, The Eternal, to super charge it and bring the vibrations in synch with your own.

I hope You find this practice as beneficial as I have. Kindly let me know how it goes!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Only as you mold yourself, through the conscious and constant use of Universal Life Energy, in every department of you life, to the dominant Four Square of Life, Mind, Law (Truth) and Love can you achieve the Poise, Harmony and Power with that will attune you to the Perfect /source of All Power.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being (loose leaf lesson 19), page 456.

How do you know what to listen to?

Photo PSLB 2021

We are all bombarded by intense energies from others or the media at one time or another, and it can be overwhelming. What to do? Should we listen and get involved? How can we tell the difference between what is beneficial and what is harmful to our well being?

Those energies that are based in fear seem loud! They feel demanding, urgent, and unsettled and upsetting. And the unsettled, uncertain feelings can keep us circling in thoughts and more emotional reactions! Stress increases within us not only because of collective unconscious stress and doubt, but also because of unconscious karmic inner doubt and guilt! Our body feels upset, achy or weak!

That which is truly beneficial supports Life and based in Love. And that which is contrary is based in fear. They are energies that prompt corresponding energies from us. We may react in like energies. And we can feel those energies.

We carry those energies of karmic doubt and guilt unconsciously since we did not release it ages ago when we first experienced them. All those collective energies are tapped into again if we allow it, since they are connected and part of one field.

Those energies based in Love are calm, confident and beneficial. There is a feeling of Inner peace even when things around you seems to be in chaos. There is stillness and complete confidence in the Power of what is. That is complete sincerity in Truth and the Power of Unconditional Love.

We are those energies of Unconditional Love. It is our innate condition as Being One with the Eternal! It is our natural condition so it feels like coming Home. And we need only to allow ourselves to return to our natural condition of what we are.

And when we consciously contact Source by making the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy we are returning to our natural condition of Being One with All Power, Intelligence, Truth and Unconditional Love. And we can feel the energies frequencies in our reality and can choose which energies we align with!

The more we make that Mental Contact the more we consciously return to our natural condition and Spirit! We free ourselves from unsettling, fearful energies in the world.

And when we align with FourSquare energies dominated by Unconditional Love within ourselves we strength Life in the world and for us all!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“We are within the Eternal and It is within us.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Lessons in Science of Being, Volume I.

Why the ego is not the enemy and a mysterious method of transformation

Yes, our ego is out of control and it can be self-destructive, yet it is not the enemy. The subconscious ego has the very real potential to align with your Spiritual character and Individuality because the essence of your human ego is Spirit. 

Your human ego and your Spiritual Individuality

When your ego starts to get too big and you’re heading towards a downfall, remember that within your personal ego is the seed of your soul and Individual spiritual character, the id.

Within both is the spiritual power of Universal Life Energy, however in the human ego the subconscious pervertedly uses that power to solidify your conditioning into your reality, your self-identity. Thus, you tend to automatically react to certain circumstances according to your conditioning, like getting mad when someone criticizes you or feeling superior when someone praises you.

How ULE transforms your human ego 

In order to bring your ego into balance with a constructive self-concept and positive self-esteem without self-decimation consider setting aside time everyday for meditation and silence, which helps open your mind and heart to the influx of Universal Life Energy.

The way Universal Life Energy works to harmonize your subconscious ego is the most amazing and mysterious quality of Universal Life Energy that I know of! I have witnessed how Universal Life Energy has been a major influence in the way I think and behave. I am more a peace with myself and the world, happier. With daily meditation and frequent pauses throughout the day I enter the Silence and make the Mental Contact. 

Universal Life Energy bit by bit harmonizes mental programming and conditioning you may never be conscious of from deep within the collective human subconscious and past, forgotten lifetime experiences. 

It gradually feeds the subconscious with so much positive, creative energy that when previously “negative” programmed thoughts, superstitions, beliefs or habits return to your consciousness you become aware of  questioning as to why you should think or act that way!

You learn to discriminate. And as you gradually release conditioning you become independent of conditioning, you become more and more conscious, awake and aware. If you make a mistake you are more likely to be conscious of it and learn from it. And that bit of wisdom is added to the subconscious and ego.

Though the transformation doesn’t happen overnight, it does happen.

You’ll find yourself becoming a watcher of the thinker, mindful. And you become more conscious of unconditional Love and the tenderness of your heart. You are able to consciously discriminate an response to any situation if any is appropriate according to Universal Love. You will feel enthusiastic without fear. You will be able to respond with intelligence and wisdom. And, it will be a harmonizing response because it will bring justice for all.

Daily practices to harmonize the ego

#1.  When you have any hints that your ego is growing too big or becoming self-destructive consciously say to yourself, “I am an Individualized ray of the Eternal.” And, mentally swallow it to penetrate into the subconscious ego to help align it with your Spiritual Individuality. 

#2.  Practice mindfulness and remember that the essence of your human ego is your Spiritual Individuality.

#3. Consider making a commitment to the constructive practice of daily meditation, silence and the Mental Contact to help you align your human ego with your Spiritual Individuality.

#4.  And, let unconditional Love flow from the tenderness of your heart, revealing the highest aspect of your soul and Spiritual Individuality. 

If we declare war on the ego, that is giving the subconscious more power over our self-identity and our thinking. Though we think we are fighting the subconscious we are gripping it harder and holding on to it tighter. 

Remember that there are always more things to learn, more adventures to experience, and more opportunities to constructively create reasons for happiness in your reality. Peace, harmony and continual adventure and unfoldment of your soul is your spiritual destiny!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Though the wall of mental protection is a good bulwark against the ordinary mental intruder, it is not sufficient when dealing with so-called mental malpractices –that is, the use of mental forces by some individual for evil ends. There the only complete self protection is vibrations of Love. These being all powerful, perfect in every way, pervading the three planes, the physical, the mental, and the Spiritual, they form around one a sphere of Love which, like a diamond armor, repels and destroys every negative vibration launched against it. That important point must always be remembered, THAT LOVE IS THE ONLY SAFE PROTECTION WE HAVE.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, pp. 195-6.  

Photo PSLB: Valencia, Spain 2017

Fiery Love, commitment to spiritual partnership and transmitting Universal Energy and Love to the World


We are in an environment in which relationships and our interactions are paramount. We want to experience fiery love. Fiery love with a partner. Fiery Love within. But we don’t always know it even when it is upon us. And, it is always upon us!

Spiritual partners and friends

Life is a great manifestation of fiery Love in our life. A love that is so great that we also are capable of conscious co-creation. Yet, we have become unconsciously  fearful and created a subconscious mental prison of fear.

Far too often we dwell in fear, impatience and ignorance without even knowing it, but a spiritual partner or friend will help us be aware our fears. Be grateful. It is the Law of Attraction at work. We are attracted to the ‘like’ quality of love in each other, even when it looks like life has handed us an unfair  situation.

My Friend’s help

I have experienced a spiritual friend challenging my fears many times! In my early years of study, my spiritual teacher spotted my ego believing myself to be a ‘nice person.’ She started asking me questions relentlessly to help me realize my attitude! Of course, it brought me to the moment. And, through questioning I realized that as a ‘nice ‘person’ I was in a conditioned state of fear of being unacceptable and disliked, rather than truly being conscious of myself, others or circumstances.

By challenging my unconscious fear of not being loved, I came to a higher level of understanding. It awakened compassion for myself and a deep appreciation, love and gratitude for others. And, a deep Love and gratitude for spiritual friends, especially when they challenge fear.

And from similar experiences I became conscious of the many, many spiritual companions in daily life. Though some are conscious of their influence, those more consciously distant are not, yet they are an important part in the process of awakening. Others are a reflection of ourselves and we are deeply connected.

Fighting to be one with Love and Harmony

We are ultimately responsible for our behaviors, our karma, our experiences and circumstances. A person that is striving to know their authentic power challenges any temptation to behave with timidity, bullying, complaint, revenge or protest. When we have an attitude of war or even a plea for compromise, it comes from fear and a feeling of powerlessness.

Here are some questions we may ask ourselves, ask a friend or a friend may ask us, to bring us to the moment and be conscious of what is really happening:

  1. Are you willing to be in the circumstance fully with the purpose to heal yourself? 
  2. What are you thinking? What are you feeling? 
  3.  Are you willing to recognize that the universe is giving you a compassionate opportunity to heal this part of your personality and ego that wants to hold you here?
  4. Are you going to distract yourself with other fears or feelings of powerlessness like worry, complaining, blaming someone else, or self-pity?
  5. Are you going to distract yourself by overeating, over drinking, over working, or over …?
  6. Does your conscience hurt? What is the purpose of the pain?
  7. Is your intent and motivation coming from a place of fear or love? 
  8. Are you willing to be in the moment, calm, relaxed? Are you aware of being one with Universal Life Energy?
  9. Are you willing to help yourself, have compassion for yourself, release fear, choose love?
  10. Can you find the tenderness of your spiritual heart, the peace, goodwill and joy? Do you feel it?  (When you do then it is your response, your attitude, your behavior!)

I ask myself questions like these whenever I feel some sluggish energy creeping into my awareness. 

 Commitment to Love

Each time you choose love over fear you will experience some mastery over yourself! And, you become conscious of being less and less dominated by fears, which is undeniably liberating! You will feel lifted, lighter and brighter. 

Your commitment to love, to your strength, wisdom and sincerity will create more love and more joy in your life! Remember to radiate that Love and Be a spiritual friend to others by asking them questions when they agree to it. 

When others do not agree to it you can still give your spiritual support and Love unconditionally. Love loves without harsh judgment and is inclusive. Consider sending Love and Light unconditionally to all humanity as in this exercise (link underlined):

Transmitting Divine Energy and Love to the World

As that Loving power circles the world everyone and everything is included.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

There is a wonderful book that offers more inspiration by Gary Zukav: Spiritual Partnership.
Here is an easy printout of the questions as a reminder: What’s is really happening?

“The best protection is a harmoniously functioning mind. Do not lose ourselves, or get panicky. Do the right thing at the right time. This protection can only be achieved if we establish in our minds a sense of harmony, peace and joy.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume I, page 47. 

Photo copyright 2017 

It’s knowing how to fight that matters – facing any challenge empowered and in charge of your reality


We may face unexpected life challenges, but believing that we’ve been wronged or that we are a failure can cause us to fall into despair and attract more problems. There are ways to look at challenges with an opportunist attitude and stay motivated and inspired. Consider these 5 ways to stay empowered by your soul and in charge of your own reality.

1. Remember you create or agree to circumstances to serve you. Every circumstance you face, every challenge before you, whether you judge it to be bad or good, is a spiritual opportunity. We create life circumstances and draw to ourselves that which helps us heal and become whole. To fully understand and be conscious of our Strength, Intelligence, Truth and most of all Love.

So when you are tempted to feel sorry for yourself, overindulge or stressed in a relationship, think of it as having a deeper purpose to heal yourself. It is an opportunity to bring out your strength, your wisdom, to feel your sincerity, to express your kindness and most of all know your love.

2. Be conscious and in the moment. We create our circumstance consciously or unconsciously. Be aware of your feelings. If you are unconscious of fear, greed or resentment then you are unconsciously choosing the more difficult path of completion. When you are mindful you free yourself from any attachment to the future expectations or past memories. And it empowers you create in the present moment.

So when you feel any anxiety or worry, pause. Bring yourself to the moment, feel yourself in your body, and breathe. Remind yourself that this moment is created to serve you, your evolution and happiness.   

3. Challenge your fears, discharge negative, and align with Universal Harmony. 

 So when you sense a surge of anger, superiority or victimization be conscious of what you are feeling. Recognize the temptation as the universe’s compassionate way of letting you know there is an opportunity to harmonize. Make the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy and visualize the temptation as a weed that you pull out by the roots from the subconscious and burn it with pure Light. 

4. Work consciously in the Law of Love.  It is how you speak, behave and act that sets into motion an equal energy. Know yourself and you will Know Love. Consciously meet every person, every circumstance with goodwill and compassionate attitudes and behaviors. You are fusing your intent and will with the process of procreation with both Love and Intelligence. 

So remember when someone treats you harshly be conscious of asking yourself, “what is really happening?” You can place your hand over your heart to help you connect with that loving power within that can also give you some insight into the situation. Choose love over fear. And remember gratitude for knowing the difference. 

5. Consciously ask for help. We are constantly receiving inspiration from our soul through our Superconsciousness, but we are not always conscious of it. The Great Principle is compassionate so we also receive guidance from higher realms. Center your consciousness in your spiritual heart and listen. 

Practice being silent within and listen to your heart rather than your mind. Your intuition will feel calm, sincere and harmonious. It may feel like a hunch or even an instinct. Express gratitude for that guidance and love. Then move forward accordingly without attachment to the results. 

Your creative experience 

While many of us must face hardships and difficult circumstances, others of us may be tempted into thinking we are superior and special. Yet, we are all beings in the process of growth, harmonization and evolution.

We choose to come to this earthly plane to fuse our consciousness with Love. To fight to harmonize our life without fear. It allows us to be a Light in this world. Inspired, empowered souls. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“If we break relations with Harmony, the price is terrible. We should fight, not to destroy disharmony, but to be on the same level with Harmony.” 

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, page 238.