Today’s consideration: Are you Home yet?

Our spiritual journey is our journey Home.

In a high state of consciousness we come Home to our natural condition ….. our Spiritual Home, conscious of compassionate, unconditional, Joyous Love. We know we are deeply Loved and deeply Loving. We are one with All Power, Awareness, Sincerity and Universal Love. Human love has evolved to Spiritual Love and radiates from our Spiritual Heart.

What is essential on our journey Home? Awareness and Love. Light and Love.

Consider starting with a sincere intent to be aware of Self and self ….. aware of the Truth of Self and our Inner Compassion, Love and Joy which also opens us to be aware of self …. of the ego and its stress circuits.

When you do become aware of feeling down on yourself or someone else, consider just the opposite. The subconscious perverts our thinking.

And when we are willing to rise above the ego, a stressed out separate person, we begin to realize that we are part of something bigger and Harmonious. That Light within us is attracted to and part of the Light of All Harmony. And this is Home.

In the hope You find Love close at hand,


“Inspiration is absolutely essential in life. Without It, we could not exist on this Earth. Seek It wherever you can find It. The first step it It, is attention.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 189.

A finite moment leads to the Infinite… a paradox


Photo PSLB

By being in the moment and accepting the moment experience as it is in the present…..then we expand into the infinite Now. It seems a paradox.

Try an experiment. Focus on one thing, one moment at a time and consciously create happiness by thinking, intending, feeling those things you truly want.

For me it may be to be strong in health when I’m feeling weak. It may be feeling open and accepting when tempted to feel angry or impatient. I experience it and can release it, knowing it isn’t the Real Self and doesn’t benefit anyone. Then I can embrace uplifting feelings.

It may be feeling Loving towards all. To feel the warmth and tenderness in the heart that radiates to others and to the world. And this is being a conscious channel of Source. You expand from that emotion physically and mentally. Plus, you attract the same thing as you create in the moment with your thoughts, intentions and emotions.

The longer you hold your focus on uplifting emotions and realizations you expand into Infinite Consciousness. And by observing yourself in this state, you are creating a more stable awareness of your Inner Being.

Try the finite section experiment (taking things one at a time/bit by bit) and experience for yourself the freedom it brings … or perhaps you have already?

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“‘Like attract like’ is a Natural Law, functioning alike through the Physical, Mental and Emotional channels of the individual.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 343.


Energies of 2020 and your potential with far reaching results

Happy New Year 2020!

In 2020 we are on a cosmic journey to establish a base for stability, improvement and reliability not only for the coming year, but also for the coming decade.

2020 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4

The energies of 2020 = 4 indicates additional strength for commitment to creating a foundation for something of real value. For putting things in order and for organizing. For work. And for figuring out our responsibilities and role in the world order.

This year there will be a boost in energy to help us cultivate new levels of Inner Self-realization and personal growth.

Four is a very spiritual number and lucky number. Four represents the foundation that we all stand on, Spirit. It is the dense form of #1, spiritual creativity manifested in physical reality as Energy, Intelligence, Law and Love.
Are You Square?  Click on image to find out how to Square yourself and build to success, Spirit and Harmony!

With full commitment to manifesting the FourSquare in your thoughts and intentions, doors will open to help you take concrete steps to bring ideas, plans and dreams into physical reality, because you are hooking up to the potentiality in Source.

Organize but cultivate flexibility and patience to support your plans, because it will require discipline and perseverance to overcome intolerance and volatility of the mass subconscious ego.


The year 2020 has two 0’s, which indicates there may be foundations laid for new cycles or trials with far-reaching consequences. There are indications of redistribution of energies and powers, and mass consciousness resistance to new ideas and world altering changes.


The year 2020 also has two 2’s which is double feminine energies, pointing to cooperation, peace and unity. There is Power in recognizing 2 sides of every situation and person, outer appearances and inner spirit. True insight reveals 2 sides of the same coin as being 1. And #1 represents Source. Within everything is Source and there is always something beneficial.

Two can awaken our minds to the tenderness and wisdom in our hearts, our Seat of Love. Therefore no matter what situation you may face intuitively look inward with the intent to rise your own vibrational state of mind to cooperation and unity with Source. Opposition to the situation feeds more opposition through the Law of Attraction. While unity with Source draws more goodwill and harmony to not only yourself, but also to the situation.

The uplifting energies of 2020 are giving us the opportunity to build a base of consideration, goodwill and cooperation within ourselves which is the base for peace in the world.

______This year has far reaching potential for us to make a quantum leap in consciousness, recognizing that our thoughts and emotions manifest and shape our reality. That it’s not only our actions that matter. Our intents, our minds and hearts are major factors. And when our thoughts, intents and behaviors are in the Flow of Source and Harmony then we attract a harmonious reality.______

In order to create something of real value we will have to come to a new level of understanding and activity of our inherent Powers One with Source. Meditation can help us do that. And so can living in the moment with gratitude. These 2 methods give us a chance, an opportunity, to go in the flow of Source because we quiet our minds, our thinking and are open to the potentiality of All.

And consciously focusing FourSquare intents in all the we do, especially our thoughts and emotions, is actually manifesting Source in our reality now.This method is practical manifestation!And it is life changing with far reaching effects!

In the hope You embrace the uplifting energies and opportunities before You this year to make real changes in your life! PortiaSLB

For Recognizing your hidden energies in 2020 and how to use them to shape your reality kindly click link.

“We love Divinity through human beings. We have that longing and yearning within us to go back to the Father, to the Absolute, and whenever we find a channel through which we can achieve that return to Him, a channel opened by Love, we are only too glad to use it, because it is the inmost desire of our heart, it is the love of our Soul.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 44.

Energies of 2020 and your potential with far reaching results

Happy New Year 2020 and all decade long!

2020 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4

In 2020 we are on a cosmic journey to establish a base for stability, improvement and reliability not only for the coming year, but also for the coming decade.

The energies of 2020 = 4 indicates additional strength for commitment to creating a foundation for something of real value. For putting things in order and for organizing. For work. And for figuring out our responsibilities and role in the world order.

This year there will be a boost in energy to help us cultivate new levels of Inner Self-realization and personal growth.

Four is a very spiritual number and lucky number. Four represents the foundation that we all stand on, Spirit. It is the dense form of #1, spiritual creativity manifested in physical reality as Energy, Intelligence, Law and Love.
Are You Square?  Click on image to find out how to Square yourself and build to success, Spirit and Harmony!

With full commitment to manifesting the FourSquare in your thoughts and intentions, doors will open to help you take concrete steps to bring ideas, plans and dreams into physical reality, because you are hooking up to the potentiality in Source.

Organize but cultivate flexibility and patience to support your plans, because it will require discipline and perseverance to overcome intolerance and volatility of the mass subconscious ego.

The year 2020 has two 0’s, which indicates there may be foundations laid for new cycles or trials with far-reaching consequences. There are indications of redistribution of energies and powers, and mass consciousness resistance to new ideas and world altering changes.

The year 2020 also has two 2’s which is double feminine energies, pointing to cooperation, peace and unity. There is Power in recognizing 2 sides of every situation and person, outer appearances and inner spirit. True insight reveals 2 sides of the same coin as being 1. And #1 represents Source. Within everything is Source and there is always something beneficial.

Two can awaken our minds to the tenderness and wisdom in our hearts, our Seat of Love. Therefore no matter what situation you may face intuitively look inward with the intent to rise your own vibrational state of mind to cooperation and unity with Source. Opposition to the situation feeds more opposition through the Law of Attraction. While unity with Source draws more goodwill and harmony to not only yourself, but also to the situation.

The uplifting energies of 2020 are giving us the opportunity to build a base of consideration, goodwill and cooperation within ourselves which is the base for peace in the world.

This year has far reaching potential for us to make a quantum leap in consciousness, recognizing that our thoughts and emotions manifest and shape our reality. That it’s not only our actions that matter. Our intents, our minds and hearts are major factors. And when our thoughts, intents and behaviors are in the Flow of Source and Harmony then we attract a harmonious reality.

In order to create something of real value we will have to come to a new level of understanding and activity of our inherent Powers One with Source. Meditation can help us do that. And so can living in the moment with gratitude. These 2 methods give us a chance, an opportunity, to go in the flow of Source because we quiet our minds, our thinking and are open to the potentiality of All.

And consciously focusing FourSquare intents in all the we do, especially our thoughts and emotions, is actually manifesting Source in our reality now.This method is practical manifestation!And it is life changing with far reaching effects!

In the hope You embrace the uplifting energies and opportunities before You this year to make real changes in your life! PortiaSLB

For Recognizing your hidden energies in 2020 and how to use them to shape your reality kindly click link.

“We love Divinity through human beings. We have that longing and yearning within us to go back to the Father, to the Absolute, and whenever we find a channel through which we can achieve that return to Him, a channel opened by Love, we are only too glad to use it, because it is the inmost desire of our heart, it is the love of our Soul.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 44.

Simple practices to bring your Soul to the surface of your life

Photo: PSLB 2019 Estonia

Greetings Lightbearers!

As promised from the sister website, included here are some simple ways to become conscious of your soul and bring that awareness to the surface of your life. I use these practices daily and have found them to ground me in conscious awareness throughout the day and into night.

1.First thing upon awakening in the mornings become conscious of Being. Conscious of body, mind and attitude.

Your attitude and emotions are great powers of the soul, with the greatest of these being love and compassion because they encompass the very essence of all of yourself.

Your emotions are the catalysts that spark the Law of Attraction into action. If your thoughts and emotions are of low frequencies or high frequencies, that is what you attract. 

Most important is to be conscious of Being part of something greater than yourself; being part and one with the Source!

2. If you are agreeable with the weather, consider performing the Star Exercise outside. Being in nature with the sunshine, air and earth all contribute to our well-being. Standing and walking barefoot on Mother Earth grounds us; charges our body with electrons which helps heal and renew our cells, while reducing stress. Morning sunshine also charges our bodies with vital vitamin D and awakens our bodies to activity. About 10 minutes in the morning sun is so beneficial.

3.  I usually combine deep breathing and stretching within the quiet of the morning to release any subconscious hidden or lagging stress, including muscle stress and emotional stress. Deep breathing oxygenates your brain and body cells to help you function in a clearer state. It also brings in and charges the body and mind with Universal Life Energy  which helps you better preceive the highest part of yourself and connection with the Source.

4. A few minutes doing several floor stretches for the back in particular is helpful. I’ve found yoga stretches opens the lower chakras so the flow of energy from the kundalini (Life Center) can rise up freely. The root chakra is the Seat of the Soul and dormant soul energies can be freed to flow up to connect with the consciousness and superconsciousness. For more consider this link: It’s not only about sex, the Law of Gender, Part 7.

5. Relaxation and Silence is the base for meditation and all practices because if you are tense, physically or mentally, then the mind and body shut down. Which essentially means you are functioning from low frequencies, and most likely from the egotistic subconscious. The subconscious ego does not relinquish control easily because we have conditioned it to be that way, however, with persistent practice you can release and enter relaxation and Silence anywhere, anytime.

6. Enter into Meditation for 5 minutes to one hour. A simple meditation is to focus on the breath. Yet also consider this meditation to bring your Soul to the forefront of your consciousness:  Soul Meditation.

7. Slowly come out of meditation with an attitude of Gratitude.

8. Continue your day with an awareness of being in the moment fully. Everything is new, without assumption, habitual thoughts, or worries about the future.

You matter in this Universe; your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. Everything counts, meaning your choices matter in life and in your day. 

So choose to have compassion for yourself and help yourself relax and enjoy life! And when you do opportunities for your success and happiness open before You! 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Will power strikes a far harsher note than the harmonious one with which you are trying to get into communion. To use it is to contract yourself physically and mentally, closing the very door you desire to open. Universal Life Energy sounds the only note that corresponds with Universal Life Energy, represented in your own Soul, and It cannot be bullied or driven.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 274.

Reading this is an indication that you are ready

Even though we all live complicated human lives, we all are on our Spiritual journey! If you are reading this entry then it’s an indication that you are in the process of awakening to who you are! 

Life on earth is a great spiritual opportunity to purify our bodies, mind and emotions. Release the past, the old, the dead and embrace the present. To learn deep lessons, lift our consciousness, open our Hearts, and rise our frequencies.

Time is speeding up and there are opportunities all around us in every second to help us awaken and remember ourselves as Enlightened Beings Now!

Thinking that is only in some far off future time is the ego dreaming a dream to hold us fixed in it’s grip. 

Here are some of tools to help remember your enlightened nature:

1- Study Spiritual Wisdom that expands your conscious awareness.

I have found over the many years of studying and sharing the teachings of Science of Being that deeper and deeper understanding comes and old conditioning released. Practice of studying spiritual wisdom can gradually lift our consciousness when we let it sink into our subconscious and absorb it. Eventually the light of wisdom returns to our consciousness as Light and Love.

2- Think less.

We have grown a huge ego and subconscious that strives on thinking, over thinking and all the side issues we get tied up in. Silencing the thinking is essential for lifting our consciousness. Consider practicing   Relaxation and Silence…. then become the observer of the thinker.

Pause throughout your day and become silent. Observe body, mind and emotions. You can get insights and apply the spiritual lessons you’ve learned in the present to release concepts of self-identity, desires, and old wounds.  Contemplation, reflection, and meditation can help give us insights and deeper understands.

3- Connect with your Heart.

Your heart is your connection to multi-dimensions and to your Higher Self, Superconsciousness. Within your heart is that sacred chamber of The Eternal Unmanifest. If you let it, your Spiritual Heart will lead you to  ever-expanding awakenings, inspirations and Higher realms.

You can easily connect with the wisdom and Light of your Spiritual Heart by placing your hands over your physical heart, becoming silent and going within. Feel the Power of the Universe pumping into you and through you. 

Your heart is your Seat of Love and it helps you observe your thinking in a detached state. This will elevate your mind so you can listen to the guidance of your Superconsciousness firmly rooted in the higher frequencies and Light of your Heart. 

4-  Manifest your Heart and enlightened Mind in your life. 

Most of us get lost in the human world and become busy, busy with our work and family responsibilities.  Yet all of our responsibilities and challenges are stepping-stones to Higher realms! And those stepping-stones can become leaps that light up our minds and connect us with our hearts when we find the light within all our responsibilities and challenges.

Be grateful and express that gratitude in your actions and you will be circulating that light. As you circulate light you blend with All Light, awakening to your Unity with the eternal moment. You begin to transcend polarity and find that constant change is constant Unity. 

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

And consider the latest related entry on The Further Reaches of your Spiritual Journey: Things to sacrifice and embracing Unity

“It is time now to awaken ourselves as much as we can. We must be awakened to the increased smoke coming from the battle between our Superconsciousness and our subconsciousness. The battle rages usually on the mental plane, but affects the physical plane.”

Eugene Fersen, Pearls of Wisdom, Teachings by Eugene Fersen, Volume I, page 159.

Photo: PSLB

The aberration and the Spiritual Warrior; bringing the spiritual warrior forward

Photo: Light and Strength of Thai orchard PSLB

There staring back at me was an aberration! It was barely there, with a weak body, skull-like head,  hollow, dark pits for eyes. Slowly I came to settle into observation and realized it was part of myself looking back at me. That the stare was to purposely startle and scare the observer within. 

A spiritual journey is not for the faint of heart I have learned. When you have come to some calm state of conscious awareness that’s when the subconscious ego fears losing control. It’s when we have seen the goodness within others and ourselves that the aberrations may become more apparent. 

And this is when a fragmented mind will most likely perceive an aberration as a very dire situation, tempting you to hate yourself and hit a mental low. 

It was the Spiritual Warrior that came forward

The Spiritual Warrior fights without hatred.

You become the spiritual warrior when you relate to the Spiritual Heart and unconditional Love in a simple state of awareness and observation.  There is peace and experience of the moment fully. 

There is  no resistance. No urge to defend or to protest. If you perceive threat then you will withdraw into your self-image, which will not be able to defend you. A self-image is a concept of the past.  

And there is no decision to make. Choice is spontaneous.

The warrior will see through the aberration as it is  – illusion. And there is no doubt that the only thing that holds the aberration together is a tiny spark of love, love that has been perverted. Yet, there there is no hatred.  

There is a compassionate warmth in your heart. And that compassion acts. When the light of True Love is directed back to an aberration, then the aberration dissolves. The tiny light that held it together returns to the Source as the darkness returns to the space between. The space of the Unknown.

To bring forth the Spiritual warrior in your reality:

1. Commit to expanding your awareness.

A fragmented mind will be trapped in self-image, time and space, and the human ego. Acknowledging that there are vaster, refined levels of consciousness is a beginning to breaking free of limits the ego places in your thinking. 

2. Mentally practice unity with the flow of the universe, in the moment without resistance.

3. Be willing to face every aspect and trait of yourself.

Acknowledge and embrace your tenderness and gentle heart. Every energetic, wise, sincere and loving thought, emotion and behavior is adding to your own evolution and happiness. And it adds to others’ happiness.

And face the negative traits of the ego.  Renounce and let them go. They are a self-image which is the past. 

4. See love in the world.

When you observe reality as energies then those energies can combine in new ways.  By seeing love in all beings, then there is the very real potential for Nature to  build more of that creation. Like attracts like because of the attraction of Love. 

5. Learn to give love. 

 Look people in the eyes when you speak with them, giving your full attention and consideration with a full heart, observing how you feel. Deeper and deeper understandings offer greater growth.

The more love you give, the more you experience love in your reality. Commit to loving unconditionally. And Love the world unconditionally.

Consider being a channel of compassion and healing with this meditation and practice: Giving Healing Energy to the World.

6. Ask yourself everyday, “Who am I?”

And go to that still point within. Remember, declare and Be: “I am. I am in the harmonious flow of the Universe. I am Spiritual Warrior.”

Be willing to nourish the Spiritual Warrior within. Be strong with passion from your Spiritual Heart. Doubt will put things on hold. However, once you make a choice the Universe supports any action once you begin, which explains why it is difficult to change direction midstream.

You are designed to succeed no matter what life situations you face! 

In the hope You commit to bringing forward the Spiritual Warrior, PortiaSLB

“Any lesson learned by an individual benefits the whole of Humanity through chain reaction.”

Eugene Fersen, Aphorisms of The Lightbearer, page 74.

Clearing the energy of 2017

In this moment is peace, happiness and goodwill. The peace of our eternal Life is the unity of All, while the drama of our human life is the dream of good versus evil. Let this moment be a moment to clear the shadows of the past. And as you release them there will appear new bits of self-understanding and appreciation.

It’s our opportunity to stop believing in the past. To stop believing in past judgments, prejudices, anger and anxieties. Be fully in the moment. 

You and I are responsible for our condition of today.  May we express those qualities of our soul: All Energy, Wisdom, Truth and Love.

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

2017 has been an amazing journey and I would like to express my gratitude. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share with all of You and thank You for your support, for your input and questions. With the help of the Great Principle we will continue to live this life full of hope for our spiritual unfoldment that gradually becomes fulfilled as reality.

Most of all I am grateful for the Great Principle that expresses compassion at every turn!

In the hope You find Love close at hand this coming new year and always, PortiaSLB

Inspirations of 2017

For the entire entry kindly click on the images.


“We choose to come to this earthly plane to fuse our consciousness with Love. To fight to harmonize our life without fear. It allows us to be a Light in this world. Inspired, empowered souls.”


So when you feel any anxiety or worry, pause. Bring yourself to the moment, feel yourself in your body, and breathe. Remind yourself that this moment is created to serve you, your evolution and happiness.   

sit be quiet

“When we see beauty, kindness, caring and love in others, we begin to see it in ourselves. And, we eventually see the beauty of ourselves in others!”


“Each time you choose love over fear you will experience some mastery over yourself! And, you become conscious of being less and less dominated by fears, which is undeniably liberating! You will feel lifted, lighter and brighter.”

The Law of Attraction not only attracts ‘like’ positive and loving energy in our life, but also ‘negative,’ fearful energy that creates problems in our reality! No one can make us mad, sad, feel insulted or emotionally hurt. We may want to blame others for our situation, but getting insulted, angry and self-righteous, says something about ourselves rather than about them. 


When we are hurting, physical or emotional pain is revealing that we are in the mist of disharmony. Yet, there is beauty in pain. Pain reminds us …

great law compassionate

Three surprising self-defeating patterns you may not recognize; and one of them is wanting enlightenment

savage dog

A real world Self-protection method that’s a mystical experience

the road

Mindful in lovemaking and Self-centeredness –  2 unconventional methods for positive change

buttefly monochrome

Unexpected help in the Creative Fire

always thinking

4 essentials for creating harmony in your life


4 reasons the Star Exercise is a spiritual lifeline


Your great asset and your great burden; the pendulum swings

Orchids and Boats

Vacation: Are you avoiding your spiritual journey? 5 ways for it to be a catalyst

water drop 2

10 signs you are oblivious to the biggest problem that plague you. And how in a strange way that problem is a blessing.

sunset key west 2017 world reflection

“So what should we do to help ourselves and the world?”

Walking your destiny

Your Destiny – 7 indications you are on the right path

To Love 2

Meditation to consider: Regaining Harmony


4 uninhibited ways to open yourself to unlimited potential


Meditation: Om; an esoteric projection reaching into the 4th dimension


2 emotional seductions that caress you daily and how to overcome them

Uncertainty and insecurity

4 easy mindful step to turn painful, ugly feelings into an evolutionary benefit

Detached involvement

Why the ego is not the enemy and a mysterious method of transformation


“Know Yourself and You will know All.”