4 Tips to Transcend Duality


Think of Spirit as outside and inside of you ….. outside and inside of everything, everywhere. And become conscious of Beauty.

Beauty is the essence of Spirit, therefore become conscious of Beauty ….. in your environment, in people, their actions and emotions ….. In all that you see and experience.

Walk in Beauty, Live in Beauty.


Be motivated by Love in all that you think and do. 50% of your thinking is intelligence and reasoning and 50% is Love. 


This does not mean you do not discriminate. Use your power of free will to discriminate in every thought and action, aligning with Love, not judging harshly. View it from the tenderness and wisdom of your heart.


In order to align your thinking with Unity, consider declarations like: “I am Spirit and Matter; One with the Absolute.”


Luciferian Consciousness is motivated by Love, raising above temptations of like fear, hate, jealousy, self-righteousness, pride, loneliness, or depression.

Become aware of personal Love and consider an intent of impersonal Love to manifest in your attitudes and behaviors. 

We can not return to complete Harmony, our True Home, until we learn Unconditional Love; mentally unify ourselves with It and physically purify our bodies.

When we use our purest Power of Love with the full Light of our Mind, realizing, ‘I am One with the Absolute,’ we come closer to Luciferian Consciousness.

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Love, the Fourth Aspect of Universal Life Energy, is superior to Mind the Second Aspect.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being Lessons, page 673.

Sure fired ways to create Happy Days!

Photo: PSLB Key West

The subconscious ego can hold us in frustration, lack, and unhappy times, yet a simple decision to rise above it can change everything and our reality can transform.

We are the creators of our reality …. with our attitudes, thoughts and behaviors. Your greatest asset for creating a happy life is yourself ….. your Inner spiritual will and Authentic Self. Remember that the Eternal is always within You, endlessly working for your happiness. You only need to allow it ….. allow all the uplifting Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love to be in your consciousness and life.

And remember that everything …..everything we think, decide, or do returns to us! And this is also what we attract more of.

Here are some simple ways to create happy days …..

Start your day …….by going within! Take some time to be with yourself and know your loving heart, conscious awareness and inner strength. Do some deep breathing and contact Universal Life Energy, which works to harmonize body, mind and emotions.

Do an attitude check! If you start with an uplifting attitude it can stay with you throughout your day, motivating positive thoughts and behaviors. So consider telling yourself that today is full of happy potential ….. it’s an awesome day! Smile! You are activating the Law of Attraction!

Paint visualizations in your mind of your Happiness ….. what makes you happy and feel it as if it is right at this moment. Know for certain and write it, say it, be in that energy now. This is what you attract and create.

Have an attitude of gratitude. View challenges as opportunities to learn from and improve your well-being. And learn from your mistakes rather than circling in them.

Throughout the day allow yourself to be in the present moment. Accept the moment as it is. See the good in it. That simple decision can change your brain’s neurochemistry to a positive direction. Obsessive worry or constantly thinking the same thoughts, especially of the past, can keep us stuck in that frequency.

Listen to, dance to, sing to ….. feel good music ….. for example, “Happy” by Pharrell,I Got You (I Feel Good)” by Brown, “Marriage of Figaro” by Mozart,Largo al factotum’ by Rossini. It’s amazing how uplifting great music can be!

Dance ,,,,, exercise, eat healthy, and get plenty of sleep. When you feel good on one level it manifests in other levels ….. so if we eat healthy, exercise and get plenty of rejuvenating sleep it benefits our attitudes and behaviors to feel good and be happy!

Clear the clutter …… a simple environment helps release you from past energies, attitudes and memories, opening paths before you with fresh, uplifting energies.

Make the decision to listen to your Heart and be lead by Love. Live FourSquare – be enthusiastic, wise, accurate and loving in all that you do. It’ll build your self-esteem, confidence and attract more feel good opportunities for successes.

See the good in yourself and others. Be a Light in the world. Lend a hand, heart and mind to help others. Give the healing Energy to the world.

In the hope You paint your happy day now, PortiaSLB

“The Power of Love, surging with a quickened beat through the whole Race, is beginning to eat away the discrepancies in their individual natures by which their lack of balance was measured.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 404.