Fear of Terrorists

The raging storm of terror that is generated by terrorists with hatred and self-righteousness is also unconsciously fed by those that fear or hate them. An impersonal analysis of the situation can help us calm the turbulent tempest in our thinking, free us to be in the moment, and with the help of the Eternal begin to enact Inner Peace.

FreeDigitalPhotos.net, Stuart Miles

Terrorists use religious and self-righteous claims as a means to unconsciously cover up their own fear and to abet hatred. Their attacks are a message to instill fear and to demonstrate their resolve to wreak havoc in their struggle  to empower themselves.

Their egos feel threatened and powerless, so in trying to empower their egos they fall further into hatred with a responsive belief that they are doing the right thing. With so much negative energy circling they become a slave to it.

Plus, wanting their cause to grow, they use that negative energy to attract others. And it works. More people join terrorist organizations out of fear and conditioning. Fear attracts more negative energy and fear.

It does not stop there because that fearful energy boomerangs back to the originators, burgeoning, attracting what they fear (retaliatory attacks and subjugation). It terrorizes them to the point of desperation and thus they attack again. 

We don’t know what terrorists as individuals have been through to get this way, yet terrorism is an attention getter that is really a cry for love. It is the ego that doesn’t know how to cope with the stress of change and is afraid.

Fear of terrorists cycles, boomerangs round and round, growing world-wide, attacking anyone that unconsciously feeds it with worry, prejudice, antagonism or other fear-based traits. All this because of doubt. We all experience fear because we doubt our connection to and the support of the Eternal. 

We all are affected in some way by terrorism because each of us carry a trait of fear in our ego and personality. When that trait is activated through worry, hatred, anguish or similitude it adds to the world collective of negative energy, pulling us further into it.

Let us be brave and be a Channel for healing with these practices:
  • Whenever you experience any type of fear, especially fear of terrorism, look on it as an opportunity to over-come it. That’s putting some positive energy in the equation already.
  • Practice exercises like the Radiant Heart and the Mental Contact to surround yourself in unconditional Love. Love is a protection. Fear does not exist in Love.
  • And remember, by being mindful and in the moment we live now. Our thoughts turn away from fear. We interrupt dwelling in negative energy. We let go of resentment and trying to get back at others, knowing that holding on weakens us.
  • And, we can turn towards the creative aspect in our thinking, in our speech, attitude and actions. Positive creativity builds our inner happiness and joy. Your individual positive creativity can take infinite forms from helping others, the arts, physical sports, exercise, dance, to just being silent. 
  • Radiating Healing Energy to Humanity

Remember that You have the support of the Eternal to rise above terrorism, and enact goodwill, altruism and unconditional Love instead of fear.

Love too can circle around the world, increasing the Light in mind and heart.

May You find Love close at hand, Portia SLB

Consider this quote to reflect upon:

“We must live peace, be one with it. That is our problem, our final aim as Lightbearers. We must gird ourselves with the sword of courage. We must fight, not on the battlefield of killing, but on destroying all that is opposing real happiness within us.”

Eugene Fersen, Advanced Teachings in Science of Being, Volume 2, page 124.