Anxiety the night before work? 5 Simple Healing Practices

Sometimes we dread going to work, feeling a bit anxious about what we have to face. Yet, try to remember that you are feeling your Inner Being altering you to something that should be addressed and healed for your happiness.

You are very capable of discovering how to meet and fashion uncomfortable emotions in order to strengthen and harmonize yourself and your life. So, if you are tempted to feel anxious consider these simple practices:

  1. Go outside and look up at the sky, the clouds, the stars at night and universe, drinking it in. You are an eternal Being, One with Source. Be totally in the moment and enjoy it fully, appreciating the Freedom and expansion into the Infinite. Moving, dancing or just pausing and taking some deep breaths releases endorphins in your brain to help change your emotions and attitudes for the better. Give it at least 90 seconds to kick in ….. You will be amazed at how it helps!
  2. Be kind to yourself! Remember that you have experienced uncomfortable emotions like anxiety before and it eventually passes and things work out. Those uncomfortable feelings are reminding you to be conscious, aware and Loving! Give yourself moments of Silence and contact Universal Life Energy. I do the Star Exercise and mentally realize, saying, “I am One with Source manifesting all the same qualities of Energy, Intelligence, Sincerity and Love.”That Divine Energy, Universal Life Energy harmonizes body, mind and emotions, elevating you to higher frequencies.
  3. Give yourself a spiritual intent to do your best work with Joy knowing that it is an opportunity to appreciate Life, serve humanity and help yourself, family and all humanity evolve.
  4. Do not compromise (with anxiety) ….. feel any uncomfortable sensations without labeling them or thinking about them because you can end up circling in those thoughts and going downhill. Instead, just feel the bodily sensations fully, letting them run out. Say something like, “I am not subject to such temptations because I am an Infinite Being unified with All Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love. I am Spirit with a body and am Loved Unconditionally and I have this wonderful opportunity to Love Unconditionally as the Eternal does. Life is full of opportunities for my happiness and for others.”
  5. Just before sleep set a purpose of rising in the morning with a positive attitude. Visualize yourself working with enthusiasm, having genius insights, sincerity in your heart, cooperation and gratitude …. You are training the subconscious to work for your happiness!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Your Purpose in life is to realize in fact the perfect Individuality within. Personality is the door through which the real YOU can emerge. Self knowledge, an intelligent understanding both of yourself and of the World outside, is your key to open the door.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 301.