Decoding numerical potentials of 2024


The energies in this Gregorian calendar year 2024 will be very robust! This year’s energies are going to charge us up as we begin to transition into a new cycle for earth and humanity, distancing ourselves from the old ways.

It can feel uncomfortable, but there is potential for some of us to evolve into new earth awareness and expansive Hearts, valuing community and Unity. It’s up to You to resonate harmoniously with the energies!

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2024 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8

Sacred numerology indicates general tendencies of humanity rather than predictions of what may manifest. Yet 8 is a number of Power and we will all feel the boosted influx with more focus on actions, more realistic expectations, rather than valuing idealistic beliefs and opinionated attitudes of last year’s #7 energies.

With 8 energies we can release past fixations and go in the flow of new awareness of Truth and in-coming Life Energy. We have the potential to awaken to our individual inspirations and purposes in life.

And we’re entering opportunities to manifest new higher purposes for the human community …… for the greater good of all rather than just “me,” the ego and old beliefs.

But there still may be those that cling to old “me” tribe thinking presenting obstacles for understanding, cooperation and Unity. Thus, be cautious of authorities with callous materialistic demands.

This may not be an easy year, with the potential for challenges and conflicts because 8 is also a rhythmic energy with twists and turns. And there’s tendencies for financial shakeups.

If we are tempted to view life during these upturned energies as being stressful then consider it an opportunity to transcend fear. Practice Relaxation and Silence which will help us recenter in our Hearts and Love.

Photo by Steve Johnson on
Relate to your Spirit

The energies of 8 can be very advantageous for transformation by sincerely taking responsibility for ourselves. The 2 loops of 8 circle yet return to meet ….. representing Spirit and Matter are One. And you are That!

Eight reminds us to balance both our spiritual and material life …. attune to our Inner Spirit and manifest philanthropic actions in our life. That is to learn Self Love even though we experience personal challenges, and express compassion for others and all.

There is potential to Know that you are already enlightened! All of us can benefit and gain freedom from dark thoughts and troubling emotions by being sincere and living FourSquare; being enthusiastic, understanding, truthful and Loving. Each of us add to the unity of Love as we release guilt, resentment, self-righteousness, and fear.

Some of us will begin to feel the boosted influx of Universal Life Energy to help us connect to Infinite Love. The Mental Contact can help us harmonize our inner energies and focus on creative and magnetic projects. While the Star Exercise can help us open to receive benefits, like attune obstacles that we may not even be conscious of!!

There are also the energies of numbers 2, 0 and 4 included in this year’s frequencies:

In the polar mind that believes in opposites, 2 represents …. good and bad, light and dark and that one cannot exist without the other. Yet #2 can also instill an awakening to the advantages of cooperation. And through cooperation between the seemingly different camps there is potential to make beneficial impacts. Within 2 is 1, the Infinite, and things are not so different.

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

Zero brings the energies of hidden potential and power of Silence. And interestingly the zero is in-between two 2’s, or the human idea of polarity and two camps of thinking.

So again that points to the potential in practicing Relaxation and Silence to connect with your Inner Power and its Source, Universal Life Energy! And in meditation trust that Power to help You consciously unify with Infinity, the Absolute.

Da Vinci’s man with dissection

Fortunately, #4 is also included in 2024 which offers the means to rise above obstacles, like the belief in opposites having meaning. We remove inner obstacles, like guilt, fear and anger, by living the FourSquare. By Being enthusiastic, reasoning, truthful, Law abiding, and Loving in our material life. Thus, we manifest the same energies of Spirit. And all of humanity benefits.

As we synchronize with the FourSquare within, we synchronize with each other’s higher good and attract cooperation for the good of community and earth.

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And even though we are one humanity, the energies of 8 leave everything up to the individual to take advantage of the coming energies or be carried way by mass attitudes of the energies as disastrous shakeups.

This year will move quickly, eventually ushering us into a new cycle in which we realize that we are all connected and benefit from unity and working for the good of all.

In the hope You find Love close at hand this year, all year and always, PortiaSLB

“The Law of Attraction, or Love, is therefore the governing and sustaining Power which holds the entire Universe together in one coherent whole. Whatever is, exists because of the Law of Love, manifesting through it.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, 27 Lessons, page 622.

Numerology for 2018 and your potential for empowering it

To You and Your Love Ones!

Many of us are looking forward to putting 2017 behind us and starting a new year, but 2018 will be highly charged and feelings will run high. Expectations can swing from low to high, and you may feel like you have to constantly adjust. Being able to find and maintain emotional balance is one of the challenges. 

The numerology picture reveals that we’ll focus on how to bridge the gap between the old and the new. And, there should be more potential for bringing light to subjects that have been covered up and not dealt with.

2018 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11/2

The progression of evolutionary unfoldment vibrates to #11 and #2. While last year was a #10/1 masculine, aggressive energy with an ‘in your face attitude,’ this year #11/2 is a feminine energy which means we should be more receptive to change. 

Number 11 is considered a Master Number and is not reduced any further, yet the energy of 2 is still taken into consideration. The energy of #11 will make us feel rather nervous and sensitive, yet it will help us be more open minded to the uncharted nature of our intuition.

The energy will be uplifting with more of us questioning our role in the universe. There’ll be a push to bring spiritual principles into physical manifestation. Yet, we’ll also have to adjust to the vacillating energy of #2 which indicates there may be passive lessons concerning relationships and cooperation. 

The key word for this #11 year is ‘illumination’

Justice and freedom will be on most everyone’s mind and part of our agenda, not just activists. There may be nit-picking, criticisms and finger-pointing, yet a global quest in the hearts and voice of humanity will be for empathy and to work for the good of all. This quest will be heard even by those that don’t want to hear it.

That does not necessarily mean violence, rather a tendency for things to change very quickly. It’ll feel like we are being tested on what’s good for mankind. Schemes for private profits and benefits may be exposed and rejected by the majority. And, there may be sudden shifts in economic sectors. The way we think about money will continue to change and security on the internet will continue to be an important issue. 

It will be up to each of us to hold high the Sword of Truth to illuminate mistakes of the past, then use them as lessons to achieve balance in the present. This is a year of tests and trials of how we live up to the potential of illuminating the ‘good, the bad and the ugly. The energy should also stir us to act and to transform. 

As we all struggle to live up to the heightened energy of #11, there will be a demand for self-mastery and overcoming our lesser traits. You may be more inclined to realize and honor your intuitive feelings and be open to decoding the messages of your soul so they can take significance in your human life. This channel between your personal consciousness and higher consciousness can lead to enormous personal and spiritual growth. 

There is a tremendous power and energy working for the greater good of all humanity this year. And, in order to empower that energy in our personal lives we should ask:

“How can I truly serve humanity?”

In the hope You find Love close at hand this Year 2018 and always, PortiaSLB

“Be strong as STRENGTH, be wise as WISDOM, be true as TRUTH, be loving as LOVE, IS MY MESSAGE TO YOU FOR THE NEW YEAR.”

From the New Year message for 1941, Eugene Fersen
