It’s easy to deceive: even for those of us on a conscious spiritual journey, Part 1

Photo: PSLB

As recorded Aristotle once said: Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

But self observation can be very tricky. We can observe ourselves believing we are revealing facts about ourselves, all the while being narcissist and emotionally involved. And our perceptions become flawed, having been influenced by subjective perceptions.

Observation in an unattached state is critical for knowing ourselves, yet we should be aware that perception is very much affected by many different messages in our patterns of thinking. And we should be conscious of these possibilities in order to avoid them.

You see what you expect to see

We are generally creatures of habit. And we believe in the human perception of the Law of Cause and Effect ….. a particular cause results in particular effect.

Thus, if we expect to feel a certain way as a result of meeting a particular person, then we usually do feel as expected. When we believe we will stumble like we always do, then we do. If we expect to catch a cold when we are near someone with a cold and they sneeze spraying us, then we usually do.

The subconscious ego can be very convincing; it deceives us. What we believe tends to manifest. And what we except to experience we usually do.

To avoid holding on to beliefs about our observations, come to the moment within yourself fully and accept what is without prejudice to clear preconceptions. And if you are tempted to believe a habitual thought yet are conscious then put it in a mental trashcan, letting it go! Make the contact with Universal Life Energy and bask in the Light feeling grateful for such alertness and ability of action. This helps to become conscious and alert.

Interest & Intent can enhance or inhibit

When we have a sincere intent to be conscious and alert we are adding emotional energy to the intent. Sincerity opens doors for us to feel and recognize higher frequencies because of the Law of Attraction. Sincerity from our heart opens us to Love….. to feel and know Love within ourselves and the Unconditional Love of Source.

However, when we are just playing at being aware, we can be so focused on something that we are greatly interested in that we miss completely what is going on in the perimeter.

For example, one can become so enamored with someone’s beauty or challenges that we ignore thoughts and feelings within ourselves. Or we can get lost in our busyness …… doing what is expected of us and demands of our attention without realizing we’ve allowed ourselves to become stressed out, angry or resentful.

Busyness is one of the biggest egotistic challenges of our human life. We got expectations of family, work and social tribes. The ego likes the drama and we get lost in it!

When you become conscious of getting too busy with stuff …… remember you can pause, take some deep breathes to relax the body and reengerize it, then relax your thinking. Allow yourself to enter Silence and feel Universal Life Energy flow through you in the Now. This will help bring you to the moment as it is, clearing your thoughts and emotions.

Planning and organization are tools for our human life that are planned and organized in the present moment. Let the rest of it unfold naturally, staying in the present moment, alert and conscious without relying on the human will to bend things as we planned. You can enjoy the unexpected so to speak as it happens ….. it’s all new.

Generally we see what we expect to see, hear what we expect to hear, and feel what we expect to feel. And when we do observe something within that is unfamiliar then we relate it to something that we have experienced in the past, obscuring the observation of the present moment. More to come…..

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“The caterpillar, like everything else, is the imperfect material shell of a perfect Soul. That Soul has in it all the distinctive qualities of both the worm and the butterfly but it unfolds them in logical sequence from the bottom up.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 276.
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