Kinda of ordinary to extraordinary…Brilliant help!

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Each one of can become extraordinary, change our health, gene activation, and even DNA!

 Change starts in the mind ….

It’s as simple as changing our habitual thoughts and emotions. Memories, along with thoughts and emotions accumulate and grow in the subconscious and body unnoticed. But these energies eventually return to our awareness.

If we unconsciously carry any trauma like abuse experienced during childhood into adulthood … we may wake up in the mornings feeling some anxiety, not knowing why. Or it may manifest in our bodies causing dis-ease.

For years I’ve experienced feelings of not belonging in this world, not knowing why until I began exploring my emotions and feelings. As children we are naive and weren’t consciously mature or educated to release negative emotions, like guilt, fear or anger.

With these emotions buried they may resurface, warped into feelings of anxiety, resentment, sadness, insecurity, and jealousy. As we repeat thoughts and feelings our brain becomes wired with pathways …. we’ve become conditioned and familiar with the habit.

We stick with the familiar even when it is not best for us. There may be some change …. because life is constant change …. but usually very familiar change. 

A shift can happen when we release the past and move our thinking and emotions into the present moment.

Our emotions are key to change

The good news is that changing our mind is easier than we are led to believe. It may feel uncomfortable, but that is only because we will be moving out of the familiar.

It’s simple

First thing is to become aware of your state of mind in the moment. Become conscious of your thoughts and feelings. Especially your feelings. Why? Because feelings point to emotions, which are key!

Here comes the unfamiliar part ….. once you recognize a bothersome feeing like jealousy ….. just notice it …… without getting involved it it. Let it pass you by.

And consciously choose uplifting thoughts of optimism, generosity, understanding and compassion.

This may initially feel uncomfortable, yet with practice it begins to feel natural ….. because states of optimism, trust, serenity and lovingness is your innate nature. And these energies eventually manifest in the body’s cells and in your health.

There’s brilliant help!

You always have the help of the Eternal and can easily contact that harmonizing Source by making the Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy. It is ubiquitous and functions that way, harmonizing body and mind.

I make the Mental Contact when I notice uncomfortable feelings to help me observe without getting involved, and then reach for higher levels of consciousness like Courage, Trust and Love.

During meditation you may further explore feelings to get to base emotions, or memories, so they might be released to The Great Principle. And you can focus on consciously choosing to be accepting and loving.

In the hope you find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

scientific research links

Here are 2 links from the Mayo Clinic and John Hopkins connecting stress, thinking and emotions and health:

And the HeartMath Institute has research concerning changing our emotional intent which can influence change in our DNA:

“It is a very important thing that we should not keep love unmanifested, but should at every opportunity disclose it, show it forth, manifest it, be it in a word, in a smile, in a look or in a handshake.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 27.