Step 4 to Spiritual Awareness

Da Vinci’s man with disection

The sincere spiritual seeker will be willing to to fight for their freedom from limitations of the subconscious ego narcissism in order to become Spiritual Aware. And anyone that has genuinely experienced Spiritual Peace and Harmony within will work to experience it again.

And there are some opportunities to create for yourself:

As reviewed in Step 1: Start on the mental level with a willingness to establish relaxation and quiet, physically and mentally as experienced in the Relaxation and Silence practice. At any moment we can pause, take a deep breathe, relax and come aware of the present moment, quieting the mental chatter.

Step 2 is to be courageous enough to be conscious and aware observing ourselves without scorn or pride. In this step we become aware of egotistic traits without harsh judgments, gradually allowing Understanding and Unconditional Love to rise within ourselves.

In Step 3 we become conscious of something greater than ourselves. And can readily experience unity with Universal Source through the Star Exercise and Mental Contact, reaping the benefits also.

Step 4

The Fourth Step is to develop within ourselves Soul Emotions for they must be equally present with Mind and Body to fully express our Soul or Spiritual Self. And spiritual awareness takes place only when Love is present.

Humanly we experience personal love as an emotion. We may experience it in many different frequencies, yet the one of the most uplifting and enduring is True Friendship. And Spiritual Friends of humanity has lived it and lead the way for our own spiritual awareness, showing Trust, Optimism, Forgiveness, Understanding, Appreciation, Gratitude, Tranquility and Joy.

In this step we may still feel and observe egotistic emotions like anger, disappointment, resentment and anxiety. Yet they will be fleeting because we observe them in a state of awareness that lets them fade away because we just notice them without clinging to them. Gradually such emotions become less and less frequent.

Living in the moment one becomes aware of emotions of the Heart. And we can begin by experiencing sincerity. Deep Sincerity opens the door to Love and all soul expressing emotions until those frequencies become a state of Being – states of Peace, Tranquility, Love and Joy.

To reach the feeling of sincerity we release fear and other egotistic traits, and in turn, our level of conscious awareness rises from feeling satisfactory into acceptance of truth and integrity. And this opens the door to understanding, peaceful joy and Love.

In this step within the eyes of your fellow Being ….. see yourself. And see the extraordinary …… for you are seeing God.

Live a Conscious Heart. Express Love ….. for it is meant to be lived. Meet everyone and every situation with Unconditional Love and compassion, remaining centered in the spiritual empowerment of the very powers of God: Life, Light, Liberty and Love.

Love is a Universal Power. It is the Power of Attraction that embraces the Universe. And the more each of us consciously expresses Love the more we increase our spiritual awareness, harmony, success and happiness for we are uniting with Spirit.

That sense of Freedom is a Soul Emotion

Any extraordinary feelings of Uplifting Enthusiasm, Optimism or connection with Life Energy, Understanding, Sincerity and Compassion are Soul Emotions because they are of the FourSquare qualities of Source: Energy, Intelligence, Truth and Love. And these are what we are to develop within ourselves.

Everything on earth ….. all beings, circumstances and experiences are here for us to learn to Love. Through simple steps we allow ourselves to rise into higher levels of consciousness and evolution.

And as we experience a firm sense of Unity with Universal Source and IT’s unlimited Immensity. There is nothing in earthly circumstances that can disturb the Inner Harmony. We become Free within.

In the Science of Being we call it fighting up ….. fighting to align with the Great Principle. That is to BE MAN –

“Express in every act of yours ALL ENERGY, INTELLIGENCE, TRUTH and LOVE; thus Living only will you live; thus acting only can you build to Freedom, Strength and Happiness in Life.”

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PSLB

“As long as you believe yourself to be a separate intelligence, that delusion will set the limits of your knowledge. …..

Your human intelligence is that within you which must learn the lesson of love. You are saturated with Love, made up and sustained by It. Love is the Foundation on which you are based. But you must realize this, perceive it to be so, and by thought and action build up a superstructure of Love and Harmony on that very Foundation of Love which Nature gave you at birth.”

Eugene Fersen, The Fundamental Principles of Science of Being, page 394.

2 thoughts on “Step 4 to Spiritual Awareness

  1. I Love and feel and see the saturation of Love with in me!
    I knew from an early age that I
    had to fight for Life.
    Also understanding that fighting up was worth everything.
    Fighting and falling downward
    was hurtful and took so much human will and failure would be the result. but I found in Science of Being
    The right four square way to rise above and make decisions!
    I Will forever be grateful .
    With The Help of The Great Law!
    Always Love,

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