Dragging tissue and poking the monster

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Silly ridiculous things happen! When we realize we’ve been dragging toilet tissue behind us, we have a split second to decide what do. And there’s a myriad of possibilities.

Yet, for those of us on a conscious spiritual journey, absurdities can trigger us to confront subconscious conditioning. And humorous ridicule can kill aspects of the ego’s inflated self-concepts.

but be careful!

Ridicule is like a double edge sword because it can funny and freeing or it can cut deep and hurt even the good stuff.

I’ve experienced spiritual teachers using humorous ridicule to help me become conscious and aware of egotistic thinking and conditioning that held me to the past, so that I might release it.

I once had a difficult time listening to the Teacher and doing as guided, and that’s when she used gentle, but humorous ridicule and I became conscious that pride was holding me in a fixed cycle of non-cooperation rather than working for the better good of all. That pride was released and there was cooperation not only from me, but also within the situation.

Such releases can bring us to childlike, playful attitudes. And we can go from a dreamy vagueness to intense awareness in the moment, feeling free and happy. It was a rewarding experience and I am grateful.

Comedians use humorous ridicule often and it can be very funny and beneficial, causing us to modify long held beliefs about social rules, common beliefs, human deficiencies and incongruities that are perceived to fall short of ideals. For example, they often tell self-ridicule experiences like when setting in the dentist chair with a fat lip.

But ridicule can also be damaging, cutting into ideas we hold dear. Politicians and religious leaders can use ridicule to mock, embarrass and damage ideas that are different than their own, including constructive, helpful ideas. However, such purposes will boomerang through the human collective mental atmosphere back to the sender, having increased in power.

Through the mirage

If ridicule is aimed in your direction observe it in detached awareness, knowing it can help you. Be conscious and aware, present in the moment.

Behold the monster. By all means poke it, yet give it wide berth. Mark the place where ridicule lies buried within your own self. You can feel the vibrations of the tease. Then watch it erupt, yet remain calm and steadfast without falling back into egotistic emotions like embarrassment, guilt, despair, anxiety or stress.

Ask yourself questions aimed to poke the monster, to expose the ugly in order to release it from within yourself. You can release past fear-filled concepts, like conceit, not being good enough, stress, embarrassment, and disgust when you allow yourself to be in the moment with it and see it as useless.

A vast amount of us wake up in the mornings not liking ourselves very much. The same as when we face the egotistic monsters that arise with ridicule … The subconscious ego is dominating our thinking. Mentally throw that attitude in the garbage can.

Instead wakeup mentally and emotionally with optism and embrace Gratitude with Declarations of Truth like “I am One with All Life, Intelligence, Truth, Love, Harmony and Joy. I feel It Now.”

Appreciate ridicule

And if you are tempted to ridicule, know your purpose. Consider and Care with Compassion. And let yourself be lead by Unconditional Love, knowing that humor can help bring the hapless dreamer dragging tissue behind them through the mirage to joyful presence ….. if they agree to it!

In the hope You find Love close at hand, PortiaSLB

“Good thoughts are to be received with joy, and evil thoughts with love, so as to transmute their nature from negative to positive. No matter how much one may try to prevent those thoughts from coming back, they will continually return until they gain admission.”

Eugene Fersen, Science of Being, page 189.

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